India-China Border conflict


New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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China is going to attack Taiwan and they want India to hold back till they complete the occupation.

See, Russian military is considered a rather battle-hardened military. It's not doing too hot in Ukraine, at least in the news.

The Chinese don't want a loss of face and will not risk escalation with India because they know that a victory will be pyrrhic and perhaps temporary.
They'll also lose business, will have their economy set back a few years and probably not be able to match US Navy in the pacific, thus postponing the plan to invade Taiwan.

Mark my words, they're going to hit Taiwan first.
It's the most sensible move for them right now if they're to expand.

If the invasion of Taiwan turns out to be a resounding success, we're next in line.
Vice versa won't be true.
Invading Taiwan after capturing Ladakh or Tawang is NOT happening because you'll have raging Indians on the border vying for Chinese blood for at least the next decade and they won't be able to move significant number of troops to the East.


Tihar Jail
Oct 6, 2020
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Nothing serious, the usual "we want peace.....until we do a military build-up near your borders". Remember the saptang theory of Chanakya, Xi is the king sitting inside seven mandals with an aim to destabilize you- eyes on the prize, should be GoI's focus
Yup and sell free weapons to porkistani terrorists


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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I know bro it's literally impossible but I am say if if if border issues solved then will ric be a reality
Border issue is the outcome of that reality that Chinese want India to accept it's hegemony and become it's lieutenant in Asia, and not the other way round. Since that won't happen, border issue will keep coming up, and hence no RIC


Tihar Jail
Oct 6, 2020
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Even if the border issues are resolved and skirmishes end, CCP/PLA will not be a friendly force. For nearly 50 years prior to Galwan, though there were no skirmishes CCP has constantly worked against India including nuke arming of Pak. It will always be us against them and they are ahead at the moment.
And the map policy of 5 finger and a hand which include CCP occupation of North East and Bhutan.Only a regime change in china can bring change with India as CCP are nothing but folks who follows German Nazi commie ideology eg wang huning the Nazi apologist and current master mind behind xi jinping
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New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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My question might be silly but if they recognize our borders and no more skirmish then is RIC possible ???
I know they will never agree but just want to know their mindset
RIC has no relevance if it’s against the Americans and Europeans. Just look at our exports and figure out for yourself. Economic suicide.


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Sep 4, 2019
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Konkurs ATGM squads at upper Sikkim
Wtf accuracy?
Those are some nice hits. Haven't seen too many videos where someone is hitting man sized targets with ATGMs consistently at quite a respectable range.

Also love the mounted ATGMs on jeeps.
Would probably be better to mount ATGMs on flatbeds though.
Just me nitpicking, don't mind it.

Also, ADGPI, if you're reading this, please... Please get a better video editor (like me) who adds good music and doesn't rip off Pirates of the Carribbean.

I swear, I charge less than the fine ladies at GB Road.
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Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Wtf accuracy?
Those are some nice hits. Haven't seen too many videos where someone is hitting man sized targets with ATGMs consistently at quite a respectable range.

Also love the mounted ATGMs on jeeps.
Would probably be better to mount ATGMs on flatbeds though.
Just me nitpicking, don't mind it.

Also, ADGPI, if you're reading this, please... Please get a better video editor (like me) who adds good music and doesn't rip off Pirates of the Carribbean.

I swear, I charge less than the fine ladies at GB Road.
And we only have komkurs


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Wtf accuracy?
Those are some nice hits.

Also, ADGPI, if you're reading this, please... Please get a better video editor (like me) who adds good music and doesn't rip off Pirates of the Carribbean.

I swear, I charge less than the fine ladies at GB Road.
@Waanar how about you create some videos, post them and twitter ? Tag Indian Army handles, post it on youtube. You can even earn passive income from youtube if Army does not hire you.

For example, see this video


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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And we only have komkurs
We have a rather rich arsenal of ATGMs.

Able to defeat 800+ mm RHA (includes any tank in the world)
  • Spike
  • Konkurs
  • Kornet
Able to defeat 500+ mm RHA
  • Milan 2T
  • Carl-Gustav
Not to mention we have them in ridiculously huge numbers plus we can locally produce them (except Spike).

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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We have a rather rich arsenal of ATGMs.

Able to defeat 800+ mm RHA (includes any tank in the world)
  • Spike
  • Konkurs
  • Kornet
Able to defeat 500+ mm RHA
  • Milan 2T
  • Carl-Gustav
Not to mention we have them in ridiculously huge numbers plus we can locally produce them (except Spike).
That means carl gutsache can defeat any paki tank , isn't it.


New Member
Mar 1, 2022
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There's a very high probability that Chinkis and Porkis will try to do some misadventure this summer. Reasons being:
1. China is going to "elect" its next Presitator and its VERY IMPORTANT for Xi to get elected in this election otherwise he will not be able to become "Ruler for Lifetime" like his idol Mao.
2. There is a lot of political turbulance going on in Paxtan, similar to the ones we have seen in the past which always resulted in military coup.
3. The Porks will try to keep us busy in the Northwestern front while the Chinkis will try to do some misadventure near Arunachal Pradesh or Bhutan. the reason being their military cant fight in the winters.
4. They will try to use it for capturing the power and justifying why their leadership is important.
5. Paxtani economy is at its all time low and their people have no hopes left from Imrand. Paxtan will now openly become what it actually is - A military dictatorship. They are now openly calling out USA and are now completely siding with China. They will do anything to get some pennies from their Chinese masters.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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There's a very high probability that Chinkis and Porkis will try to do some misadventure this summer. Reasons being:
1. China is going to "elect" its next Presitator and its VERY IMPORTANT for Xi to get elected in this election otherwise he will not be able to become "Ruler for Lifetime" like his idol Mao.
2. There is a lot of political turbulance going on in Paxtan, similar to the ones we have seen in the past which always resulted in military coup.
3. The Porks will try to keep us busy in the Northwestern front while the Chinkis will try to do some misadventure near Arunachal Pradesh or Bhutan. the reason being their military cant fight in the winters.
4. They will try to use it for capturing the power and justifying why their leadership is important.
5. Paxtani economy is at its all time low and their people have no hopes left from Imrand. Paxtan will now openly become what it actually is - A military dictatorship. They are now openly calling out USA and are now completely siding with China. They will do anything to get some pennies from their Chinese masters.
Even I am thinking the same
We are before Taiwan
They also have a good advantage over us hamari lane wali hai
Many will now say pessimistic and just shit posting but this is what I see


New Member
Mar 1, 2022
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Even I am thinking the same
We are before Taiwan
They also have a good advantage over us hamari lane wali hai
Many will now say pessimistic and just shit posting but this is what I see
- They know India will never declare a war even if we have to face and repel these misadventures on both of our fronts. Galwan is a living example of it.
- Similar to 1967, it will become a local level conflict and never lead to a full scale war. It will also not bring any massive international outrage (again what we have already seen during Galwan). If they win, they will portray it as a massive victory. if they lose it will be termed as a tiny conflict and they will hide their casualities as usual. It will also help Xi in tightening his grip over PLA. He will portray India as an aggressor and ignite nationalistic feelings in his people who have very sour opinions about him after whatever happend to them during the Covid and lockdowns.
- But they do not have the same advantage with Taiwan where they have to launch a fullblown offensive, because salami slicing will not work with an island and they can launch an offensive only after a very long blockade of Taiwan. It will also bring them massive international outrage and China does not wants to do anything of that sort at this point of time.
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India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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- They know India will never declare a war even if we have to face and repel these misadventures on both of our fronts. Galwan is a living example of it.
- Similar to 1967, it will become a local level conflict and never lead to a full scale war. It will also not bring any massive international outrage (again what we have already seen during Galwan). If they win, they will portray it as a massive victory. if they lose it will be termed as a tiny conflict and they will hide their casualities as usual. It will also help Xi in tightening his grip over PLA. He will portray India as an aggressor and ignite nationalistic feelings in his people who have very sour opinions about him after whatever happend to them during the Covid and lockdowns.
- But they do not have the same advantage with Taiwan where they have to launch a fullblown offensive, because salami slicing will not work with an island and they can launch an offensive only after a very long blockade of Taiwan. It will also bring them massive international outrage and China does not wants to do anything of that sort at this point of time.
Seriously bro, we don't have capability to fight in two fronts
It's the worst nightmare of Indian armed forces 😑
Our loses will be huge and very difficult to sustain due to our population as this problem is not faced by autocratic regimes like pak and China Anyway just hoping for this situation to never arise


New Member
Mar 1, 2022
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Seriously bro, we don't have capability to fight in two fronts
I dont agree. We have been preparing for a fullblown two front war for a long time and China will not dare to launch a fullscale invasion. It will be some micro aggression and posturing by Paxtan on the Western front and 1967 like conflict on the Northeastern front. We can handle that situation and even come out victorious. The chances of our victory is high because:-
1. Paxtan cant afford to launch a Galwan/Kargil like offensive at this point of time(and not even in distant future). The most they will be able to do is some artillery shelling, mortars, etc. CEASEFIRE VIOLATIONS and sending J!hdpigs. just like what they used to do before 2016-17.
2. China cant fight in the Ladakh because currently we are at the advantageous positions and they have already tried this during Galwan and failed miserably.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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I dont agree. We have been preparing for a fullblown two front war for a long time and China will not dare to launch a fullscale invasion. It will be some micro aggression and posturing by Paxtan on the Western front and 1967 like conflict on the Northeastern front. We can handle that situation and even come out victorious. The chances of our victory is high because:-
1. Paxtan cant afford to launch a Galwan/Kargil like offensive at this point of time(and not even in distant future). The most they will be able to do is some artillery shelling, mortars, etc.
2. China cant fight in the Ladakh because currently we are at the advantageous positions and they have already tried this during Galwan and failed miserably.
I hope so
But our preparation doesn't seem like that we lack equipments in very large number if we see two fronts
Our air force at it's weakest state army very less modernized like bpj helmets(mostly 1971) few sigs mostly insas artillery will be stressed a lot on two fronts and less nos of 155
Let's see how can we overcome where we lag tactically