India-China Border conflict


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Apr 17, 2014
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Something is really going to happen these chinese are trying to push narrative of hindi chini bhai bhai and taiwan wants to join quad.
1962 mai da lai lama ka india mai aana bhi eek reason tha war ka aur iss bar taiwan ka quad mai aane ka rahega
Where is this bhai bhai happening ?
IMO best to reload weapons before shaking hands with the Chinese.


New Member
Jan 23, 2021
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Never trust XXX.

Can you trust the Americans? Russians? The British ? Nepalese?

You can't even trust Modi.

What you should trust is the common good,

It's bigger than the difference.
There is no common good with you all. But you Chinese are in the last. Get this in your head right. You support Pakistan, gave them weapons and nukes, denied us UN seat and NSG, support our insurgents, grab our lands. We Indians might be poor but we are not masochist. We remember our debts - US, China, Soviet Union. If we still trust you, then we don't deserve to be a powerhouse.

What makes the difference is ones strength. If we defeat you, like in 1967. You will run to Beijing with your tail between your legs. If you defeat us, then the one running is us. It has always been that way.

Don't pretend that you like us, one only needs to visit Sino Defence Forum.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2021
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Interesting pic

Fun fact :
I once visited SDF, one dude was commenting on Indian economy reading wire/scroll article and how it is going to shit. And how they made the right decision betting on the right horse - Pakistan. At that moment, I knew there was no talking with Chinese.

If you think Pakistan is better then India in any way. Then fine, we are of people in different world.
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Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Will China Invade Taiwan?

If China invades Taiwan, which they have been threatening to do so for many years and more specifically in the past 10 months, then what will be the scenario for Taiwan?

1. Will the US permit Communist China to capture Taiwan and look the other way because they have a trillion dollar trade going between them hence not jeopardize that or,

2. US risk a fight, mostly a naval fight to keep the Communist at bay.

In scenario 1, the current political dispensation in Washington is anti-Russian. They preferably would keep the US Navy out of the fight and let the Taiwanese look after themselves. If the Taiwanese lose, it is not a big loss for the US. Their overexploited trade would continue to grow with added high-tech Taiwanese additions. After that the world would never trust US for any promises.

If scenario 2 unfolds, then the US Navy in Guam, Japan, Pearl and other places will run to save the small nation from a big bully. Although Chinese have prepared well for this scenario, still their main drawback is inferior, copied and reverse engineered Naval technology, which will fall easy prey to the American superior naval warfare expertise.

Following the first few reversals, the Chinese will end the invasion and return to the mainland... The war is over.

My question for Scenario one and two is that……. Will US apply those commercials, financials and assets sanctions on China. The Democrats who control Whitehouse and Congress are... Will they agree to impose sanctions and paralyze the Chinese economy? I guess not, because American dependence on Chinese-made consumer goods will play its role. If there is a naval engagement and American servicemen body bags return to US mainland then the mood could change.

We must wait and see what happens in Taiwan and how America reacts.


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May 20, 2021
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Ab yeh kya tzutiyapa
Attempt to challenge the West's hegemony and curent World order.

Cannot rule out the possibility of Russian initiated 'peace plan' between India and China.

Some sort of 'backdoor channel talks' is certainly in progress right in the midst of this ongoing Russo-Ukranian war.


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Ab yeh kya tzutiyapa
Nothing serious, the usual "we want peace.....until we do a military build-up near your borders". Remember the saptang theory of Chanakya, Xi is the king sitting inside seven mandals with an aim to destabilize you- eyes on the prize, should be GoI's focus

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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My question might be silly but if they recognize our borders and no more skirmish then is RIC possible ???
I know they will never agree but just want to know their mindset


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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My question might be silly but if they recognize our borders and no more skirmish then is RIC possible ???
I know they will never agree but just want to know their mindset
Not possible in this decade atleast. Chinese (or most of the countries for that matter) respect only power and they see India as an obstacle to the completion of their hegemony, not as a partner. Either you become a comparable force or accept their suzerainty like Russia did- the latter is not an option for a country with billion plus people. So it'll be mostly hot and cold.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Not possible in this decade atleast. Chinese (or most of the countries for that matter) respect only power and they see India as an obstacle to the completion of their hegemony, not as a partner. Either you become a comparable force or accept their suzerainty like Russia did- the latter is not an option for a country with billion plus people. So it'll be mostly hot and cold.
I know bro it's literally impossible but I am say if if if border issues solved then will ric be a reality


New Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Will China Invade Taiwan?

If China invades Taiwan, which they have been threatening to do so for many years and more specifically in the past 10 months, then what will be the scenario for Taiwan?

1. Will the US permit Communist China to capture Taiwan and look the other way because they have a trillion dollar trade going between them hence not jeopardize that or,

2. US risk a fight, mostly a naval fight to keep the Communist at bay.

In scenario 1, the current political dispensation in Washington is anti-Russian. They preferably would keep the US Navy out of the fight and let the Taiwanese look after themselves. If the Taiwanese lose, it is not a big loss for the US. Their overexploited trade would continue to grow with added high-tech Taiwanese additions. After that the world would never trust US for any promises.

If scenario 2 unfolds, then the US Navy in Guam, Japan, Pearl and other places will run to save the small nation from a big bully. Although Chinese have prepared well for this scenario, still their main drawback is inferior, copied and reverse engineered Naval technology, which will fall easy prey to the American superior naval warfare expertise.

Following the first few reversals, the Chinese will end the invasion and return to the mainland... The war is over.

My question for Scenario one and two is that……. Will US apply those commercials, financials and assets sanctions on China. The Democrats who control Whitehouse and Congress are... Will they agree to impose sanctions and paralyze the Chinese economy? I guess not, because American dependence on Chinese-made consumer goods will play its role. If there is a naval engagement and American servicemen body bags return to US mainland then the mood could change.

We must wait and see what happens in Taiwan and how America reacts.
Just recently Modiji said now there is no other option but to become self reliant in semiconductor sector. Which means we already might have an idea about incoming invasion of Taiwan. World doesn't have too much time.


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Dec 2, 2009
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Even if the border issues are resolved and skirmishes end, CCP/PLA will not be a friendly force. For nearly 50 years prior to Galwan, though there were no skirmishes CCP has constantly worked against India including nuke arming of Pak. It will always be us against them and they are ahead at the moment.