India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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lots of people are dreaming about western jets rather then realizing the groud reality. indigenous Tejas is more valuable then western maal. Tejas has set the platform in our country for next gen fighters.

we should follow the model of France. they abandoned the development of 5th gen fighter all-together and now they are going straight for 6th gen fighter.

we should do the same, lca tejas mk2 is fine and needed to fill in numbers. but abandoned mwf, tedbf, orca etc and go straight for 6th gen fighters. we should start investing on it today.

get real noobs :hehe:
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: wow .. smart girl...


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
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lots of people are dreaming about western jets rather then realizing the groud reality. indigenous Tejas is more valuable then western maal. Tejas has set the platform in our country for next gen fighters.

we should follow the model of France. they abandoned the development of 5th gen fighter all-together and now they are going straight for 6th gen fighter.

we should do the same, lca tejas mk2 is fine and needed to fill in numbers. but abandoned mwf, tedbf, orca etc and go straight for 6th gen fighters. we should start investing on it today.

get real noobs :hehe:
Dont compare French aviation with HAL. Zameen asmaan ka fark hai.

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
I don't understand If China puts 100's of its jets in Pakistan How are they supposed to defend eastern & Southern China? No offence I agree that we gotta be aggressive but you are going overboard. We created a freakin independent country outta nowhere in 71 when entire west was against us. Yes things have been bad but trust me we've seen worse. Pakistan was better than us in 65 but still we managed to repel them. India of today is no joke. Nukes are primary for Pakistan's existence today, no wonder they keep saying we will bomb India if we are attacked. Ever see China threatening any other country with Nukes? That's difference between a failed state & a budding superpower. Those 10 years of Khangress rule has slowed us down for sure but we will get there just need to keep our head straight.
China has more than 400 su 30/ it's copies. They have 350+j10 . I am not counting there mig21 copies and bombers aircrafts. We have 262+ su30mki , 65+ mig29upg, mirage 2000 48/9. So in total we have close to 380 aircraft . Now Pakistan have 50+ f16and 110+ jf17. Total more than 160 jets. Now coming to your questions about how can Chinese put 100s of aircraft in Pakistan - well there is nothing stopping them from doing it. You think USA is going to attack China .? They have 2 aircraft carriers and 1 carrier nearby, but they aren't going to attack them. You attack somebody when you can take control of there territory, which USA just can't do . They can easily spare 400 aircraft for India


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
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China has more than 400 su 30/ it's copies. They have 350+j10 . I am not counting there mig21 copies and bombers aircrafts. We have 262+ su30mki , 65+ mig29upg, mirage 2000 48/9. So in total we have close to 380 aircraft . Now Pakistan have 50+ f16and 110+ jf17. Total more than 160 jets. Now coming to your questions about how can Chinese put 100s of aircraft in Pakistan - well there is nothing stopping them from doing it. You think USA is going to attack China .? They have 2 aircraft carriers and 1 carrier nearby, but they aren't going to attack them. You attack somebody when you can take control of there territory, which USA just can't do . They can easily spare 400 aircraft for India
6 day war and the use of Sam's are some of the things you can read.

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
lots of people are dreaming about western jets rather then realizing the groud reality. indigenous Tejas is more valuable then western maal. Tejas has set the platform in our country for next gen fighters.

we should follow the model of France. they abandoned the development of 5th gen fighter all-together and now they are going straight for 6th gen fighter.

we should do the same, lca tejas mk2 is fine and needed to fill in numbers. but abandoned mwf, tedbf, orca etc and go straight for 6th gen fighters. we should start investing on it today.

get real noobs :hehe:
Tejas is not fine. Only with FOC version it got bvr missiles that too only 50km range ones less than mica. Mirage 2000 still outclass current Tejas in everything. That aircraft was put into service in 1984. Tejas mk1a will be nice aircraft which will arrive in 2023. Rafale is in another level. If you think Tejas mk2/MWF will match Rafale then you are mistaken . Statements like that will only make you noob not us.


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
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haan bikul farak hai ji..
lekin Tejas aapna maal hai, uske sath hum kuch bhi karsakte hai

the smartness lies in trying to thin out those so called "farak". or else INDIA will end up buying fighters for its eternity,

My next post actually support your point of view wrt tejas I agree mass produce karo. After all it's a decent jet not some anninsas junk

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
6 day war and the use of Sam's are some of the things you can read.
Sir ji don't underestimate them. There some of Sukhoi copies have aesa radars and many j10 got aesa radar. There new missile got dual pulse motor which we don't have. There aircrafts are as good as us if not better. And you think Chinese don't have Sam , our Sam are ancient. Akash , spyder are modern but there number is small. Mrsam has already arrived but it's number is even smaller .


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Oct 4, 2016
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People talking about not buying foreign fighters and focusing on Tejas. Well Tejas Mk1A only comes in 2023, if the incompetent HAL does everything right.

Till then how do we fight a two front war?

What do our pilots fly?

Chidiya Ud, Tota Ud, Maina Ud?

Indigenisation is all good, but not at the cost of war making capacity.

Sweety Patel

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Jul 8, 2020
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Tejas is not fine. Only with FOC version it got bvr missiles that too only 50km range ones less than mica. Mirage 2000 still outclass current Tejas in everything. That aircraft was put into service in 1984. Tejas mk1a will be nice aircraft which will arrive in 2023. Rafale is in another level. If you think Tejas mk2/MWF will match Rafale then you are mistaken . Statements like that will only make you noob not us.
sir ji, you are the real noob here.. jumping to conclusions like sarangpur apes. you think i do not know the history of Tejas.. :laugh:

if you could please refer to my post, i never compared apple and oranges. you jumped to conclusions and assumptions. i never compared tejas or rafale or mwf etc

i simply said, we need to start investing in 6th generation planes right away... or else by the time we are done with mwf or tedbf etc, the world will be flying 6th planes like BAE's tempest along with its AI loaded loyal wingmen.



New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I do agree that we should go for mass production of tejas. Good or bad we can always alter the aircraft.
Chinese numbers don’t mean much when all can be easily blown out of the sky 10000 dollar missile for 10 million Plane These are all claimed to be third generation and that is debateable. Or even using cheaper MANPADS.

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
sir ji, you are the real noob here.. jumping to conclusions like sarangpur apes. you think i do not know the history of Tejas.. :laugh:

if you could please refer to my post, i never compared apple and oranges. you jumped to conclusions and assumptions. i never compared tejas or rafale or mwf etc

i simply said, we need to start investing in 6th generation planes right away... or else by the time we are done with mwf or tedbf etc, the world will be flying 6th planes like BAE's tempest along with its AI loaded loyal wingmen.

My point of comparing aircraft was to make you understand Tejas is nowhere near other 4.5+ jet aircrafts and many things are imported .
Perhaps you should understand we can't skip 5th generation aircraft like French/Uk because we don't have mature defence industry . We are already working on AMCA since a long time. Yet we don't have radars,we don't have semi conductor fabrication lab , we don't have engines. Then how we will build 6th generation aircraft. These things need to be imported even the heart of the aircraft which is engine itself. Wishful thinking from your part. Nothing more nothing less.

Sweety Patel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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Perhaps you should understand we can't skip 5th generation aircraft like French/Uk because we don't have mature defence industry . We are already working on AMCA since a long time. Yet we don't have radars,we don't have semi conductor fabrication lab , we don't have engines. Then how we will build 6th generation aircraft. These things need to be imported even the heart of the aircraft which is engine itself. Wishful thinking from your part. Nothing more nothing less.
very well said, wishful thinking it is indeed..

you tell me, how can we catch up to the 6th gen fighter standards? if we don't start investing on them today?

we have built radars, missile, engines etc but they needs to be more matured, i agree.


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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We are already working on AMCA since a long time. Yet we don't have radars,we don't have semi conductor fabrication lab , we don't have engines.
I know who closed indian semi conductor industries, I know who didn't funded R&D on aviation engines
But now we have the man and material to do it then why not explore it on that field too
Yes we are third rank in purchasing party capacity but still we have long road to go

Sweety Patel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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I know who closed indian semi conductor industries, I know who didn't funded R&D on aviation engines
But now we have the man and material to do it then why not explore it on that field too
Yes we are third rank in purchasing party capacity but still we have long road to go
Please do reveal the name of that person.

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
very well said, wishful thinking it is indeed..

you tell me, how can we catch up to the 6th gen fighter standards? if we don't start investing on them today?

we have built radars, missile, engines etc but they needs to be more matured, i agree.
Sarcasm..? We can't skip the basics. We Indians are naive , you are claiming to start making investment in 6th generation aircraft but that investment will be huge . For example to make world class fabrication lab we need 20+ billion dollars and then we need to do R&D , which would be the basis of all military equipment which have electronics in it. Then we need to invest more than 20 billion dollars to make a engine for 6th generation aircrafts. To this day even Russian hasn't achieved that. In radars , missile we will catchup to the world in next decade if adequate funding is provided which is not gonna happen judging from our history. We are still 1/2 decades behind in terms of technology from France. 3 decades from USA and 1 decades from China but unlike these countries we don't have money. Our politicians don't win election from this , they win election from freebies to people. In other words we would need more than 100 billion dollars investment to make a capable 6 generation aircraft completely indigenous. Now you tell me can this happen in reality , definition not in the next 4/5 decades. But we can definitely built amca with foreign engine , and avionics. I mean we can't even built ejection seat for Tejas . I like your opinion of- either go big or go home but it requires money lots of money💰

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
I know who closed indian semi conductor industries, I know who didn't funded R&D on aviation engines
But now we have the man and material to do it then why not explore it on that field too
Yes we are third rank in purchasing party capacity but still we have long road to go
You are rights lots of things are happening but it will take at least a decade to mature , + few years to build it.
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