India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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First those tourists & now Yak diplomacy.

So our side is presenting a picture of normalcy.
In a humane gesture Indian Army handed over 13 yaks & 4 calves, that strayed across the LAC on 31 August 2020 in Arunachal Pradesh's East Kameng, to China on 7 Sept 2020. Chinese officials present thanked Indian Army for the compassionate gesture: Eastern Command, Indian Army


New Member
May 30, 2009
Not sure if this is true about the change in the priorities
This is how India beats China. Chinese putting 10,000 troops at Depsang, 10,000 troops at Pangong Tso, etc. is great for posturing and trying to intimidate the enemy, but it's not how wars are won. If instead of concentrating on just the borders, India blows up the roads, bridges and other infrastructure deep within Tibet/Aksai Chin, it will cut off the Chinese supply lines. The locals in Tibet and Xinjiang can also eventually be supplied with weapons and explosives for a revolution. Use assymetrical warfare, so that Chinese soldiers are afraid to go outside their heated bunkers. Keep the pot boiling over years, and it's death by a thousand cuts. Meanwhile you also attack the Chinese government diplomatically over its abuses against Tibetans and Uyghurs, recognizing an independent Tibet and an independent Xinjiang; and attack China economically by banning all products made by Chinese companies.


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Jul 11, 2011
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I would request military professionals to join the discussion on whether we should insist on all out war. Since they are the ones who will fight their opinion is important.
There is no scope of all-out war at this weird time of history and between two large countries like India and China.

India and China both are emerging economy and a challenge to the established world order dominated by USA and the West, These two countries going at the throat of each other will be a big blow to half the humanity.

However, China does not seem to be burdened with such considerations. Since their clear aim is to be the sole superpower of Asia, which is the axis of the earth and center of world resources, they can not afford to get destroyed in following that gaol by resorting to an all-out War.

That however does not mean there will be no war. The war will be limited, short, intense, swift and localized aimed at breaking the will of the enemy not to go any further and submit to the domination of China.

What has been clearly indicated so far by the events is that this conflict will be many front wars. The shot has been fired by Ram Madhav attending the funeral of the martyred Tibetan soldier, PLA abducting some ALP boys, Chinese amassing forces on the Bhutan Border and South of Pengang Tso, extra companies of SSB going to the Nepal border. This is going to be a multi-pronged attack on India. Indian capacities and resolve is going to be under severe pressures but if India is able to get through it, which seems sure, that is going to be an end of Chinese Asian hegemony and the rise of China as a world power having ramifications for the world order.

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

New Member
Sep 2, 2019
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Not sure if this is true about the change in the priorities
True. But its a long process in collaboration with US.


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Apr 6, 2019
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First those tourists & now Yak diplomacy.

So our side is presenting a picture of normalcy.
In a humane gesture Indian Army handed over 13 yaks & 4 calves, that strayed across the LAC on 31 August 2020 in Arunachal Pradesh's East Kameng, to China on 7 Sept 2020. Chinese officials present thanked Indian Army for the compassionate gesture: Eastern Command, Indian Army
Next yeti Mila toh de dena chene ko Xi keliye special dinner Bana denege PLA


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May 31, 2020
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Why the date in top left is 2016 ?
Its old images from 2015 . Cant see much changes to current in google earth i think.

:lehappy: amazing to live in a time when we can see these images freely.

Images are old but , higher res
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New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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There is no scope of all-out war at this weird time of history and between two large countries like India and China.

India and China both are emerging economy and a challenge to the established world order dominated by USA and the West, These two countries going at the throat of each other will be a big blow to half the humanity.

However, China does not seem to be burdened with such considerations. Since their clear aim is to be the sole superpower of Asia, which is the axis of the earth and center of world resources, they can not afford to get destroyed in following that gaol by resorting to an all-out War.

That however does not mean there will be no war. The war will be limited, short, intense, swift and localized aimed at breaking the will of the enemy not to go any further and submit to the domination of China.

What has been clearly indicated so far by the events is that this conflict will be many front wars. The shot has been fired by Ram Madhav attending the funeral of the martyred Tibetan soldier, PLA abducting some ALP boys, Chinese amassing forces on the Bhutan Border and South of Pengang Tso, extra companies of SSB going to the Nepal border. This is going to be a multi-pronged attack on India. Indian capacities and resolve is going to be under severe pressures but if India is able to get through it, which seems sure, that is going to be an end of Chinese Asian hegemony and the rise of China as a world power having ramifications for the world order.
Ram Madhav also had a tweet regarding this, it is now deleted.

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

New Member
Sep 2, 2019
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This is how India beats China. Chinese putting 10,000 troops at Depsang, 10,000 troops at Pangong Tso, etc. is great for posturing and trying to intimidate the enemy, but it's not how wars are won. If instead of concentrating on just the borders, India blows up the roads, bridges and other infrastructure deep within Tibet/Aksai Chin, it will cut off the Chinese supply lines. The locals in Tibet and Xinjiang can also eventually be supplied with weapons and explosives for a revolution. Use assymetrical warfare, so that Chinese soldiers are afraid to go outside their heated bunkers. Keep the pot boiling over years, and it's death by a thousand cuts. Meanwhile you also attack the Chinese government diplomatically over its abuses against Tibetans and Uyghurs, recognizing an independent Tibet and an independent Xinjiang; and attack China economically by banning all products made by Chinese companies.
You are underestimating enemy.


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Jul 11, 2011
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This is the game changer, Indian road Manali - Sarchu. Senkun La , Padum, Yulchung, Khalsi. Leh, Nimmu. Will reamin open for ten month and with efforts twelve months, From Padum a road already goes to Kargil. In future Padum can also be linked to Kishwar and Udhampur.

Zanskar Valley Road.jpg


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Jul 29, 2018
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No shit war is a serious business, but what do you expect ..lay down and give our land ?
Wonder why some have so defeatist attitude , any guesses anyone ..My bet would be our education system , instead of making strong and independent humans , it is creating weak and coward people ...
Man, did you go through the previous posts and understand in what context the remarks were made.
The question is - will a return to April 2020 positions by both sides be an acceptable solution.
There are people saying that it is not acceptable and we should invade Chinese controlled Tibet and move our borders forward. In other words start a full scale war with Beijing.
Without reading previous posts there is no need to spew out nonsense about the Indian education system and cowards. Has your family or you personally made sacrifices for the country. Before judging others first prove that you are eligible to judge.


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Mar 5, 2017
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Again unnecessary shivering. We don't have any global superpower ambitions. our motto is " Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam " All this low GDP et all are temporary in nature. the moment vaccine is out in market, we will be back full steam. Already govt is doing everything to put business on fast steam. With chinese getting banned from india & other Major economies looking beyond china , this will also help in creating jobs within ... dont expect results in a day...rome was built over centuries.

Atleast world know that india keeping its dharmic values at core will not bully the world like chinese are doing today.
I differ with this hogwash of vasudev kutumbumkam and vishwa guru slogans as they sounds good as a slogan but makes no sense in geopolitics. Dharmic values can only be projected once we are in position of power.

Recovering economy and recovering the expenses of the war are two different objectives as our economy is not built as a war economy. We are fighting with imported goods instead internally mass produced goods.


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Apr 13, 2013
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FAU-G, The Replacement of PUBG Will Launch in October With Galwan Valley Backdrop



New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Again unnecessary shivering. We don't have any global superpower ambitions. our motto is " Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam " All this low GDP et all are temporary in nature. the moment vaccine is out in market, we will be back full steam. Already govt is doing everything to put business on fast steam. With chinese getting banned from india & other Major economies looking beyond china , this will also help in creating jobs within ... dont expect results in a day...rome was built over centuries.

Atleast world know that india keeping its dharmic values at core will not bully the world like chinese are doing today.
Its Indian way of saying " India's peaceful rise with Inclusive development.
its also mandatory to reassure global community take them into confidence by communicating our global ambitions by aligning it with our actions..unlike china who does just the reverse of what they say about "peaceful rise". Meaning, its important to communicate our global ambitions with a broader picture aligning it with our roots.

Our actions in International community has always in "inclusive". If we look at how India has performed in African nations, we know we have taken them with us in development unline china who loots the African nations. It is the same with all the Asian nations who has aligned with India..

Inclusive Development is the New Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
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