India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Feb 23, 2019
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Not sure if this is true about the change in the priorities

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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I don't know. War is serious business. The Chinese economy has reached a plateau and may never return to double digit growth whereas India has the potential to grow even at 10% for the next decade.Do we want to risk it.

If it were Pakistan we know we can manage whatever they throw at us.
No shit war is a serious business, but what do you expect ..lay down and give our land ?
Wonder why some have so defeatist attitude , any guesses anyone ..My bet would be our education system , instead of making strong and independent humans , it is creating weak and coward people ...


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars i am seeing the talks of peace and negotiations here. The Melcchas dont understand diplomacy and will not negotiated on the equal terms to phir ka thali pe saja ke rakhe hamara watan?

Aag jala ke hum roshan kar lage Hatiyaar lo ko Jang ka matlab Ladana hai maut see bhi kya darna hai ladaite ladaite Jinna hai ladaite ladaite marna hai.
Jai Shivaji
Jai Bhavnai
Jai Malhar
Har har Mahadev
Jai Durga
Jai Kali mata

We are only left with the war cry.

Occupy as many land as could then sit and watch.


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Jun 16, 2020
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Our goals are very clear:
1. Independent Tibet
2. India's boundary till Johnson line
3. Guaranteed freedom of movement to Kailash Mansarovar without any passport/ visa

Now, if we have to achieve it- Sam, dam, danda, bhed: doesn't matter.
And wars never make a country weak. Which country became superpower without fighting wars. Germany, even though humiliated in first world war, became one of the greatest power in a few years. So, India needs to fight this war.
For dhoti shivers:
a.) How do we fight: our generals know how to fight, they know the tactics and I believe they will be itching to write history like Sam.
b.) With what we fight: we fight with all we got. Technology advantage or disadvantage is a very very small factor. What matters is the will of the nation. And will of a billion people- everyone will have to bow down to it.
Any more doubts?

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Indian occupation of strategic heights in Ladakh

There is a possibility that the Chinese were fooled or were overconfident to keep the heights on the southern shore of Pangong Lake unoccupied. With their major base at Moldo which is located the edge of the smaller Spanggur Lake and a bunch of heights and peaks overlooking the Moldo base, it is hard to believe that they would not think of defense of this base first. As a field commander you would do everything secure the base from all sides. They did not undertake that operation. Or they knew all about it yet they allowed it to be surrounded by the Indian Army. Now that this base is in a hopeless position. It has to be vacated if large scale hostilities break out. Then what is the educated analysis of this Chinese stupidly of not securing the base. My hat is off to the Indian Army for seeing this weakness and occupying all the surrounding heights leading all the way to Chusul, in one tactical move.

And so, what is the answer to this Chinese stupidity. Are they over confident of their 1962 victory that they trusted that the Indians will never stand up to them or is it pure incompetence.

Other points which come to mind is that the Chinese deliberately left the heights unattended knowing fully well that India, if push comes to shove will occupy them. That will balance their aggression and make it seem that mutual withdrawal was a trade. That bad taste in India’s mouth will be overcome with India overjoyed. The net outcome that those economic relations which is the greatest causality of this confrontation will be restored. India will feel vindicated that the Chinese have been made to run. That psychological disadvantage of 1962 War will be behind as a forgotten page of story.

Economics is what Chinese value most, even if they have to get a few lumps.


New Member
Sep 4, 2020
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Our goals are very clear:
1. Independent Tibet
2. India's boundary till Johnson line
3. Guaranteed freedom of movement to Kailash Mansarovar without any passport/ visa

Now, if we have to achieve it- Sam, dam, danda, bhed: doesn't matter.
And wars never make a country weak. Which country became superpower without fighting wars. Germany, even though humiliated in first world war, became one of the greatest power in a few years. So, India needs to fight this war.
For dhoti shivers:
a.) How do we fight: our generals know how to fight, they know the tactics and I believe they will be itching to write history like Sam.
b.) With what we fight: we fight with all we got. Technology advantage or disadvantage is a very very small factor. What matters is the will of the nation. And will of a billion people- everyone will have to bow down to it.
Any more doubts?
You summed it short and well. People who fear to lose the war will lose war, land and everything.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Indian occupation of strategic heights in Ladakh

There is a possibility that the Chinese were fooled or were overconfident to keep the heights on the southern shore of Pangong Lake unoccupied. With their major base at Moldo which is located the edge of the smaller Spanggur Lake and a bunch of heights and peaks overlooking the Moldo base, it is hard to believe that they would not think of defense of this base first. As a field commander you would do everything secure the base from all sides. They did not undertake that operation. Or they knew all about it yet they allowed it to be surrounded by the Indian Army. Now that this base is in a hopeless position. It has to be vacated if large scale hostilities break out. Then what is the educated analysis of this Chinese stupidly of not securing the base. My hat is off to the Indian Army for seeing this weakness and occupying all the surrounding heights leading all the way to Chusul, in one tactical move.

And so, what is the answer to this Chinese stupidity. Are they over confident of their 1962 victory that they trusted that the Indians will never stand up to them or is it pure incompetence.

Other points which come to mind is that the Chinese deliberately left the heights unattended knowing fully well that India, if push comes to shove will occupy them. That will balance their aggression and make it seem that mutual withdrawal was a trade. That bad taste in India’s mouth will be overcome with India overjoyed. The net outcome that those economic relations which is the greatest causality of this confrontation will be restored. India will feel vindicated that the Chinese have been made to run. That psychological disadvantage of 1962 War will be behind as a forgotten page of story.

Economics is what Chinese value most, even if they have to get a few lumps.
You started right. Chinese were fooled. But rest of your analysis cannot be true even in wildest imagination.


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Our goals are very clear:
1. Independent Tibet
2. India's boundary till Johnson line
3. Guaranteed freedom of movement to Kailash Mansarovar without any passport/ visa

Now, if we have to achieve it- Sam, dam, danda, bhed: doesn't matter.
And wars never make a country weak. Which country became superpower without fighting wars. Germany, even though humiliated in first world war, became one of the greatest power in a few years. So, India needs to fight this war.
For dhoti shivers:
a.) How do we fight: our generals know how to fight, they know the tactics and I believe they will be itching to write history like Sam.
b.) With what we fight: we fight with all we got. Technology advantage or disadvantage is a very very small factor. What matters is the will of the nation. And will of a billion people- everyone will have to bow down to it.
Any more doubts?
So our debt to gdp ratio will be around .91 right now because of low taxation and so many people on govt support ( MNERGA and all). So to fight a war with a bigger nation we will be required to take much more loan. Which will again increase debt to gdp ratio. From what I know from economics that once debt to gdp ratio becomes more than 1.5 , it is very difficult for a nation to emerge out of it.
So unless we have a plan in which can fight a war and yet keep our debt to gdp low - somehow increase gdp multifold ; or pay off debt by selling something we acquire as a bounty of this war. I don't know how this war will help us to achieve our superpower ambition.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
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So our debt to gdp ratio will be around .91 right now because of low taxation and so many people on govt support ( MNERGA and all). So to fight a war with a bigger nation we will be required to take much more loan. Which will again increase debt to gdp ratio. From what I know from economics that once debt to gdp ratio becomes more than 1.5 , it is very difficult for a nation to emerge out of it.
So unless we have a plan in which can fight a war and yet keep our debt to gdp low - somehow increase gdp multifold ; or pay off debt by selling something we acquire as a bounty of this war. I don't know how this war will help us to achieve our superpower ambition.
Remember great depression; still in a decade, Germans were the best.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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I would request military professionals to join the discussion on whether we should insist on all out war. Since they are the ones who will fight their opinion is important.
Nobody is insisting on all out war on our side, as you can see with the actions of EAM Jaishankar and RM Kadi Ninda, all efforts are being made to pacify the dragon.

But it will be foolish to think that they will not escalate.
My post was meant to break the illusion that the Hans are some mighty race of vardan-powered asurs that only some Vishnuavtar can defeat.
They have their flaws, they are not all powerful as their many wumao shills everywhere may portray.
And any "war" they push will have limited objectives, they push too far( like trying to capture arunachal sikkim or the deluded paki fantasy of a Chinese flag in Delhi ) and that will force Uncle Sam to get involved

The Government of India does not share your view.
Why the hell will our Foreign Minister agree to meet the Chinese Foreign Minister if the Chinese did not agree to pull back.
This time the initiative for peace was taken by the Chinese side. It is reported that the Chinese Defence Minister went to the hotel where our Defence Minister Rajnath Singh was staying and met him
. Probably they have been thoroughly outwitted by the Indian Army and are desperate for a face saving solution.
They are supposed to show that we, India are the calm, sensible and diplomatic country in this, with hope of acquiring foreign support in the unfortunate outbreak of a war or "skirmish" as they will call it.
They are not banking on the aggressive wolf warrior diplomacy that the 2nd largest 15 trillion dollar economy, largest consumer market, etc etc does.
Because of them having the arrogance of the aforementioned factors, the Chinese do not bother with conventional diplomacy and prefer aggressive behavior that we see now.
They see themselves as rivaling the US, and therefore don't find the need to engage with a "lesser country" like us.
They will not pull back, only push forward, and in their arrogance expect us to kow-tow to their demands.

Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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A very good article on 22SF/ SG or the SFF

Flying Dagger

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Sep 26, 2019
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No shit war is a serious business, but what do you expect ..lay down and give our land ?
Wonder why some have so defeatist attitude , any guesses anyone ..My bet would be our education system , instead of making strong and independent humans , it is creating weak and coward people ...
True , His fear isn't unwarranted but without a win over either pakistan or china we will never be able to come out of this defeatist mentality.

My priority was to prepare for pakistan and literally molest the shit out of them in next 10 years.

But China is always a major threat against which we never planned out until Doklam , currently I don't mind if we have an active border with China let them bleed for the boundary they want we have been fighting this war since independence and can certainly stretch it.

In the meanwhile we need to prepare big time put the war machinery on fast forward mode and churn out weapons of destruction. If we don't do something in nxt 5 years China will rollover us.

Regarding Current situation

1. No compromise or rollover of the ban and changing economic policy against China.

2. We may have to give something back for them to return .. that's true.

We will not spill chinki blood if they return back.

Well if they are ready to go back let them go back with the promise that there border will remain peaceful else we are ready to spill some blood.

If they return back taking the promise then good we can further advance and grab more land, let's start Salaami slicing not too big but Important position which we can maintain during a war and are advantageous.

If they refused to go back then we have to raise the cost for them.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
But China is always a major threat against which we never planned out until Doklam , currently I don't mind if we have an active border with China let them bleed for the boundary they want we have been fighting this war since independence and can certainly stretch it.
This is exactly what GOI decided, let the frontiers men spirit be regained by the population....apparently we do have too much time to druggify the peeps, so active border is no more harm compared to meek peace to let the orgies and debauchery in full swing.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
So our debt to gdp ratio will be around .91 right now because of low taxation and so many people on govt support ( MNERGA and all). So to fight a war with a bigger nation we will be required to take much more loan. Which will again increase debt to gdp ratio. From what I know from economics that once debt to gdp ratio becomes more than 1.5 , it is very difficult for a nation to emerge out of it.
So unless we have a plan in which can fight a war and yet keep our debt to gdp low - somehow increase gdp multifold ; or pay off debt by selling something we acquire as a bounty of this war. I don't know how this war will help us to achieve our superpower ambition.
Again unnecessary shivering. We don't have any global superpower ambitions. our motto is " Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam " All this low GDP et all are temporary in nature. the moment vaccine is out in market, we will be back full steam. Already govt is doing everything to put business on fast steam. With chinese getting banned from india & other Major economies looking beyond china , this will also help in creating jobs within ... dont expect results in a day...rome was built over centuries.

Atleast world know that india keeping its dharmic values at core will not bully the world like chinese are doing today.
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