India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Was there an actual scope for escalation in Balakot? if yes how do you think the scenario would have panned out ?
Oh ho ho this was discussed in this forum a lot like a lot lot.

While everyone was happy we took action a lot of people did feel we should have done more.

As for your question.

India had played it's cards very well.

The whole nation was in a state of mourning this was one of the deadliest attacks our army has faced news channels and newspapers were debating every single day on what action we are going to take.

No one dared to talk about peace and de-escalation.

Modi already had strengthened his reputation as a strongman who won't tolerate such shit after uri strikes the international community couldn't say much at all even china was quiet all the time.

Then the Strikes happened at the start GOI played it's cards very well strikes happened whole nation went into celebration mode but at the same time the whole nation expected an counterattack.

The international community while shocked was unable to do much thanks to MEA and GOI's careful wording terror camps nothing else

Our attack was an attack of self defense against terrorists not against pakistan.

And then India got the biggest opportunity after so many years pakistan had tried to counterattack they had tried to hit our military installations which was a declaration of war they had attacked our jets.

You see the difference here our response was totally contained to terrorist's while they had attacked our military.

India should have then and their said look these guys have now escalated we have been provoked and we don't care about your opinions anymore.

We should have nailed pakistan then and there but instead we all know what happened and the PR disaster that followed.

India could claim a victory to its public but in strategic terms it was a lost opportunity pakistan was at its worst at that point no one supported them even china was hesitant they had no justification whatsoever but we let it go.

It was like a chess game everything was perfect until that one blunder.

While the strikes were a great step and a remarkable show of force by us In the end very little changed on the ground infact they even planned similar attacks the past month.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Nepal is not a monolith it consists of Mongolians , Bahun (Brahman) , Xettri (Rajput) , Madheshi , Pahadi , Himali , janjati, Tharu, Khambuwan Limbuwan and Many other ethnicities
Let's settle our own fringe elements before doing anything with Nepalis.


cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Where did you get this ? None important except China has objected Art. 370 removal, almost all the major powers have said it's India's internal matter. That's almost equal to legalizing India's rights over PoK and Gosthana as well.
Lol it was our constitutional matter so it is well within our rights to change the status. Art 370 has nothing to do with PoK that's like a political line tbh. It has no doubt strengthened our control on J&K.
PoK & GB & Aksai Chin/hind was always in our maps & a disputed territory so claim was always there & legally it was always ours according to instrument of accession so that was never in question in first place.
When did any major power came forward to say India has full right to take control of PoK? The answer is big fat no.
The fact is GOI hasn't even raised the matter in International forums about GB & PoK. At the moment it is a lollypop given to gullible public & keep domestic audience happy typical desi mindset.
PoK & GB is still a pipe dream in reality. Why are those parliament seats kept empty? Why don't they import separatist from GB & give them MP status. Why don't they raise the issue of PoK like Pakistan does on Kashmir in international forums? The reality is for everyone to see.

I am not saying GOI has not done any good.. I am saying they've their limitations & don't expect much. Only a hotheaded aggressive Govt. Can deliver these promises.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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India is preparing for long haul....
Is India in believe that China will leave those points
Again by doing so....we are giving more time to will be difficult for us ,they are building new helipad s ,new sam site , artillery sites ........

Seen posts that China has geographical disadvantages their aircraft s can't take off with full load ....
They have twice number of aircraft s than us ....they have long range sams... which we don't have ......

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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With China sitting at Laddhak now GB is now next to impossible
The golden opportunity was last year but we wasted it for unknown reasons...

Chanakya 002

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Aug 11, 2019
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We have USAF B-2 bombers ready to wipe out yellow Chinese scum at Diego Garcia.

IAF/IA/IN at full mobilisation. War is inevitable.

What we need to do is to prepare and for that we need time.

OFB corporatisation is the first step. These haramis were selling guns to Naxals and terrorist scum.

When you look at AK Antony's tenure as DM, it looks like pure sabotage.
Really? May be it is for India too as a warning, not to go for POK🤔


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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India is preparing for long haul....
Is India in believe that China will leave those points
Again by doing so....we are giving more time to will be difficult for us ,they are building new helipad s ,new sam site , artillery sites ........

Seen posts that China has geographical disadvantages their aircraft s can't take off with full load ....
They have twice number of aircraft s than us ....they have long range sams... which we don't have ......
CCP is not prepping for this episode, they are preparing for something they think that is about to happen beyond 2020.

If effect as always, they are ahead in their preparations. In other words they are not reacting, these are proactive measures to defend Highway G219, just in case.


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Dec 26, 2016
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I always wonder and I would like you to answer sirji that how do people come out with such timelines.

It always surprises me when people come out with such timelines like I can never under how can you predict the future.

You say 2026 for an offensive war but how do you say this because India will coomplete some of its major acquisitions through this timeline?

But then I must ask you wouldn't china and pakistan also be upgrading their armed forces wouldn't china also be developing counter weapons and strategies wouldn't they both also be acquiring weapons to improve their offensive and defensive capabilities.

In such a case one can never truly predict what will happen a few years from now.

Thats why I have always said that India must try to be as ready as possible for any opportunity because their is no perfect time.

This forum is a prime example people here used to say war is not good idea when our economy was growing at a good rate the argument was that a war wil be harmful for growth rate.

Now when the growth rate has reduced they complain that we can't fight a war at such a time we must wait when our economy is in the clear.

No country in this world was blessed with a perfect time neither germany nor france nor US no country all these countries made the best of what they could.

The sooner we understand this the better.
There is no perfect time for war but there certainly is an imperfect time - when you are unprepared and facing a strong prepared enemy.
1962 and summer 1971 were very far from ideal times for us to fight.
In 1962, Chachajaan sent us into battle nevertheless with one hand tied behind our back, In 1971 we waited several months to get ready.
Which model do you think makes more sense for us?

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Lol it was our constitutional matter so it is well within our rights to change the status. Art 370 has nothing to do with PoK that's like a political line tbh. It has no doubt strengthened our control on J&K.
PoK & GB & Aksai Chin/hind was always in our maps & a disputed territory so claim was always there & legally it was always ours according to instrument of accession so that was never in question in first place.
Lol ! We are for the first time in the history of India after 1947 so sure about PoK, that's only because of removal Art370. Iske pehle Kashmir par humko poochhta kaun tha ? That's a damn major achievement.

When did any major power came forward to say India has full right to take control of PoK? The answer is big fat no.
It's our problem, not someone else's.

The fact is GOI hasn't even raised the matter in International forums about GB & PoK. At the moment it is a lollypop given to gullible public & keep domestic audience happy typical desi mindset.
Come out of Nehru-mentality please. No one has helped and no one will help us.

PoK & GB is still a pipe dream in reality. Why are those parliament seats kept empty? Why don't they import separatist from GB & give them MP status. Why don't they raise the issue of PoK like Pakistan does on Kashmir in international forums? The reality is for everyone to see.

I am not saying GOI has not done any good.. I am saying they've their limitations & don't expect much. Only a hotheaded aggressive Govt. Can deliver these promises.
There isn't a single such govt in this world, every govt acts after proper planning and preparation but there is an exception Pakistan which did Kargil just for getting its soldiers killed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
He will strike but at the time of his choosing. Letting India build up on its western front will be suicidal. He kicks India in its jaws, Modi lose credibility and we are back in our cave for long time to kick our wounds.
Then he moves his attention to the Eastern front.

But it is paramount for him to bring India down it nullifies yanks plan of counterweight to China in Asia. Moreover, any QUAD plans gets terminated.

What remains to be seen can he trample India easily. That I don't know but he will strike India.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Lol ! We are for the first time in the history of India after 1947 so sure about PoK, that's only because of removal Art370. Iske pehle Kashmir par humko poochhta kaun tha ? That's a damn major achievement.

It's our problem, not someone else's.

Come out of Nehru-mentality please. No one has helped and no one will help us.


There isn't a single such govt in this world, every govt acts after proper planning and preparation but there is an exception Pakistan which did Kargil just for getting its soldiers killed.
Man as you yourself said that we got support from removal of Art 370 so according to this you have now written that support is worthless. You are contradicting yourself here.
This isn't about Nehru mentality.. Does pakistan works on Nehru mentality when it raises Kashmir issue in UN? International support is vital for a country like India.. Otherwise what is MEA & FM is there for? Modi should stop visiting foreign countries then. This is such a lame excuse.
The problem is definitely ours & we should deal with it better rather than showing temperatures lol.

Agree with the last part. Planning is essential to do that & I am in favour of that as I said Groundwork toh prepare karo.. Phokat bhaashan dete ho.. so far anything noteworthy hasn't been done to take back PoK & yes we've been poor at that since 73 years. Maybe we don't want to add more Muslims in J&K... That maybe only logical explanation for our inaction all these years.

Chanakya 002

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Aug 11, 2019
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If China is that powerful then why are we expecting IA to attack Chinese forces for some points in Pangong Tso ?

Reality is China is still not that great a power that it will interfere in a war between 2 nuclear powers. China will fight with us for LAC or Gosthana because it's China's personal war. But if they jump in for PoK they won't be able to restrict it to PoK itself, then it will be an invitation for WWIII.

The PoK should be our priority in any case because it is easier than Gosthana.
Remember, if at any time India fight war with China Pakistan will come with Terrorists backed by their army. But if we choose to fight first with Pakistan China will hardly come in between.may be they can help Pakistan by arms by will directly have any stance.


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May 31, 2020
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Satellite images have revealed that Kailash Mansarovar – a Hindu pilgrimage site – now looks like a war zone with heavy artillery and military presence.

If there is a conflict and it ends in a stalemate or a loss for China,these asshole will probably carve the Chinese flag on to side of mountain ,

Like the one republic of north cyprus did to annoy the Greeks.

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