India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Aug 27, 2018
While we have been discussing the possible scenarios do we still have a answers as to why China has decided to become aggressive along the LAC? What are the possible objectives what do they hope to achieve, what is it that they want so badly that they are willing to risk a potentially huge market.Have these objectives been met? Correct me if I am wrong, isn't this the longest and biggest stand off after 2000?
Because China considers its power differential with India to be at maximum right now. Its all a game of perception of power. China/India economy ratio is the largest its ever been and probably the largest it'll ever be, with their economy to slow down from now on. China wants to capitalize on this situation and present a fait accompli.


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Jul 22, 2020
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Because China considers its power differential with India to be at maximum right now. Its all a game of perception of power. China/India economy ratio is the largest its ever been and probably the largest it'll ever be, with their economy to slow down from now on. China wants to capitalize on this situation and present a fait accompli.
That still doesn't answer the question as to what their objectives are, in the long run isn't this a very short sighted move?


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May 28, 2016
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Whats wrong with the mig 29k that are already there? They aren't too old
Good question, I would simply say, that I would pick a tried and tested airframe, and with recent upgrade to B3 standard, its a good contender.

However what interest me the most are:
1. Its immediate switching role from A2G and G2A with a click of a button.
2. With its improved radar (not newer) and its capability of being one of the best electronic warfare platform.
3. Its being a turn rate fighter, and that too at very low speeds could be beneficial at Himalayan heights. (I am not sure if the airframe is capable to reach those angels or not).

Hunting J20s and jamming there radar equipment's is the best path towards air penetration tactics. This capability is one being the primary role of even 6th gen jet.

Example, Dessert Strom campaign.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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That still doesn't answer the question as to what their objectives are, in the long run isn't this a very short sighted move?
it's a short sighted move indeed.

now why this move...
firstly, now China is under immense pressure. so they need a diversion.
secondly, it was meant to try to break moral and will of India. and a try to stop infra building, if possible.
thirdly, to show allies of US, see US can't save you.

but now they are $hit scared. so they are trying to show agreession to hide that fear. please note, they believe in deception theory.

it was completely bogus move.

P.S. : China missed a golden opportunity to win over world by helping during Wuhan virus crisis. but they were unable to as it was their bio weapon (be it zoonotic, lab nurtured or lab made).
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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Gen Ata Hasnain talks clearly about what India is lacking in its approach take GB seriously worth reading


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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So what makes you think India can afford 100s of F16s/18 ?? Do you think American Jets are coming this or next year?? If we go ahead with MRCA it would take 4-5 years or more to get the first Jet. given the waste of years and price escalation and the rest its god damn worth in pouring money into Rafale than going ahead with MRCA ( A loser's contract)
The only chance of getting planes quickly would be with the Americans, that’s a given. As of now, the only loser’s contract would be us opting for more Rafales. We haven’t even got what we ordered for in 2015, we would be incredibly daft to order more of what we don’t have delivered. Yeah, we have far better chances of getting it in numbers from the Americans than we will with the French

And ofcourse Jets cost money.. what's important your national Security or Money ?? if costs are way to high then increase the number of Rafale with whatever budget available and fill in other sqds like MKIs or LCA. at least raise it to 72+ which would give jitters to our adversaries.
I wish I or anyone else had a binary choice like that and could just grab some money and get the jets. The reason we don’t have any expenditure on such purchases is because we lack the money and more importantly, we need to get the most for what we spend. The Rafales would be a nightmare on that score.

We have already starved the navy and after this clash/incident with the Chinese , we will seriously have to concentrate on artillery and other purchases for the army. I’m afraid that more numbers of expensive jets will simply not get priority. We have a lot of catching up to do and the only way we are going to get more jets in the next few years will be if we get lucky and get a deal from the Americans.

First of all.. no there'll be no Financing, Second Sorry no one will buy a Jet to make it up for Trade surplus.
There may not be financing, it’s certainly not a given and would depend on many factors but without them, we don’t really have a chance of buying any significant number of anything. You may consider trade surplus as not important but in the real world, we will have to buy more from the Americans. If not this, then something else.

As for Trade Surplus, there are plenty who will buy to make up for it. It’s coming from our money one way or the other, best to make it for something useful.

come on Bro... We can integrate other weapons into Rafale just like how IAF does with existing Jets, and the same can be done by the french in terms of delivering Missiles and other equipment.. Didn't we get the Rafale ahead of schedule
We only have Israeli options, we won’t get anything of significance from the Americans. The French had to go running to the Americans for bombs because they ran out of their own in Libya. Tells you something and btw, they have the most ridiculously priced stuff which is why even the airforce which behaves like we have all the money when they selected Rafales thought that those were too expensive. Imagine that. In the end we bought it as emergency purchases, after all , tax payers are the ones getting shafted.

We didn’t really get any Rafales ahead of schedule. A couple of months and 5 aircraft are not my idea of ahead of schedule for a contract signed in 2015.
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