India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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I am seeing a lot of talks regarding the DF 41, as China has claimed it can sink US super carriers with it.

Are these ICBM's that much maneuverable?? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


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Jun 2, 2015
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A great article about this new deployment.

US has finally woken up to the Chinese threat this deployment is a part of strategic unpredictability by the US airforce.

Instead of deploying bombers in pre-planned and pre-decided areas like they used to before the us is now deploying bombers and other fighters all around the globe.

The most recent example should be the recent deployment of b-2 bombers to Iceland and before that the wake island.

They are deploying them in low supply far out regions to improve readiness and reaction time.

Also Diego Garcia is a perfect spot for the deployment of such high profile bombers.

These bombers can respond to threats both in the ME and Pacific from here.

Whereas if they are deployed in the US base in UAE which is much closer to ME these bombers can't respond to threats in the Pacific and will fall under the range of Iran's ballistic missile.
The B-2 can perform a stealth conventional strike function as well as it's traditional nuclear delivery function. In the context of the India China stand-off, a conventional strike role would be to strike PLAAF and PLA radars, communication nodes and other command and control areas with weapons such as the JASSM-ER, a stealthy long range cruise missile with a range of more than 900 km.

This deployment is to send a message to China. I don't think Pakistan enters into the equation here. The Gernails in Pindi have got the message and self preservation will ensure that they will not go against the US and KSA to get in the middle of a India-China conflict.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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And on top of that we had Just about regained Kashmir after fighting for more than a year.
However we still needed a much bigger army than we had in those time. Even Half a million active Army would've done the job. Tibet Insurgency could've been supported.. There is a report that CIA wanted India's help on that. We did zilch.
However without 1962 there'd be no 1965 as well.
Yes . Chinese infrastructure support in Tibet was tenuous at best..


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Jun 2, 2015
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Smacks of very innate and old Indian desire of outsourcing National Security..
Actually Nehru's non alignment policy over the decades and the present Strategic Autonomy policy (two sides of the same coin) are the Indian desire to NOT outsource national security. Unfortunately "in-sourcing" has been a relative disaster so maybe for a change a decision has been made to outsource.


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Jun 2, 2015
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The Russian were ready to give us TU-160 but Indian started shivering...
Not the TU-160. The Russians themselves only have about 6 of these in operation. Probably the TU-22. But to maintain a small number of Russian aircraft is a big headache as the IAF discovered trying to maintain the Trisonics Mig-25s and they were retired.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Consider that in WW2 the Indian Army at the peak had deployed 2.5 million men all over the world to support the Allied war effort. The Indian Army was the 3rd largest force after the US and British in the landings in Anzio, Italy, the 2nd largest force against Rommel's Afrika Corp in North Africa. That less than 10 years later such a battle hardened war machine could not have gone in and occupied Tibet by 1950 beggars belief. As soon as Mao's communists took over and formed the PRC in 1949, Nehru should have seen that as a warning and sent in the Indian Army. But the man and his defence minister were busy dismantling the Indian Army and he had romantic notions about China's place in the world. He was a total disaster for India.
Nehru and Congress leadership and Civil bureaucracy - ICS and Police officials, and the Communist gang supporting them - none had any army experiences or exposure to security and strategic affairs as The English never allowed any Indian come close to those subjects. The highest rank to which any Indian rose when the British left was Brigadier.

The British left a large Army behind which the Civilian Component of Independent India was very apprehensive of/ so much so that Coup became their main theme to suppress, downsize and downgrade Defense Forces. Reducing the Pay of Indian Army and reducing the status of Army was one of the few first step of Independent India. It started then and has never stopped till now.

!962 is a glowing and typical example how a second world War battle-hardened Army that saved Kashmir and librated Goa and Hydrabad was reduced to rags and run away army by the Civilian leadership of Independent India, Nehru was not alone to blame but all higher civilian leadership on politics and bureaucracy reverted back to their age-old Indian cultural apathy and hatred towards warriors ... all civilian bureaucratic leadership like Dir IB, FS and DS or HS all started playing great Chanakyas and Generals themselves.. They thought themselves to be new Slims of independent India.. till the Chinese showed them their real worth...

It is my humble opinion that higher Indian leadership and elites is still down with syndromes of Indian culture and ethos of hating and being afraid of the warrior classes. something similar to Bollywood portraying a "Thakur"... and politician and bureaucrats being heroes fighting the "Thakur"....:pound:
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Jul 11, 2011
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Actually Nehru's non alignment policy over the decades and the present Strategic Autonomy policy (two sides of the same coin) are the Indian desire to NOT outsource national security. Unfortunately "in-sourcing" has been a relative disaster so maybe for a change a decision has been made to outsource.
Pardon me ... then you do not understand what was NAM movement...
It was an attempt not to align with any one of the two thereby not providing any side a reason to act militarily against them.. they tried seeking collective security by being nonaligned. But NAM went to shred when the attack came from a source from somewhere else - China. And no NAM member even condemned China.

But that is not the complete story. It is Nehrus assistance to CIA in Tibet by which India has placed itself at the disposal of USA but not overtly like Pakistan.. Nehru thought he will fool the world but it was not to be so..

After that outsourcing became a norm..
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Jul 11, 2011
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Not the TU-160. The Russians themselves only have about 6 of these in operation. Probably the TU-22. But to maintain a small number of Russian aircraft is a big headache as the IAF discovered trying to maintain the Trisonics Mig-25s and they were retired.
Whichever is the earlier version of Tupolov strategic bomber...


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Jun 2, 2015
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Where will the money to maintain a 2.5 million army come from ?

Nehru didn't "give away" anything.

How exactly are we going to cross the Himalayas and fight them in Lhasa ? .

If the Chinese can fight the US to a stalemate in North Korea so much so that the US general wanted to nuke China , what choice did we have ?

Best we could do is to support a resistance against Chinese occupation.
It is all about first mover advantage. In 1949 China did not have an organized army, it was Mao's forces. India on the other hand had millions of combat hardened troops at the end of WW2.

The real problem was Nehru's infatuation with Communism. It began in 1927 during his first trip to the USSR. So when China's communists took power under Mao, Nehru believed that since he was friendly to the USSR communists that he could champion the cause of the "junior" communists under Mao. That is why it was Hindi-Chini bhai bhai and supporting China for the P-5. It was also why he never sent Indian troops into Tibet right in 1949 itself inspite of the several and severe warnings given to him by Sardar Patel and inspite of the Indian Army IMO having the capability to do as at least as of the end of WW2. Had the Indian Army occupied Tibet in 1949, Mao's forces would have found it as difficult to dislodge the IA as the US found in Korea. The offensive/defensive ratios of 3:1 or greater would have been in India's favor as the force defending Tibet.


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May 18, 2009
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These things can drop 40 tons of bombs on a single run. If there is a conflict and the us gets involved, they can bomb the entire wester theater of the ccp into oblivion.
Sounds very relaxing for my ears.
But why will US do that when we have no defence treaty signed with US, nor we are part of NATO.
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May 31, 2020
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US may sanction Germany over Nord Stream ( Natural gas pipeline from Russia To Germany)

Germany's foreign minister has expressed his dismay to his US counterpart over Washington's threat of sanctions on a small German port where the final sections of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline are being constructed.

Lol US is on a sanctions spree , and still nothing works. Iran siding with China , Russia with Germany.

US is fading as a superpower.

:hmm: Merkel is grand daughter of Hitler



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Aug 12, 2019
Unsure if this has been posted already.. but until there's war boys and girls.. there's this-

This is not your bloody area!

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Cant trust this report.. but it is as per the scenario laid out by some members here.. where Saudis/Americans convince Pakistan to stay out of a Indo China war..
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