India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Jul 11, 2011
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I think they are going for some sort of networked warfare? India beware of the implications.
In an integrated land air battles where war is fought networked. how can OFC provide access to air assets? In mobile warfare or even in static battles there are moile elements that can not be networked on landlines.

OFC provides capacities, bandwidth, and security otherwise it is a landline that is only capable of networking HQs and static / semi-mobile elements. Tanks, vehicles, guns, and soldiers can not rely on OFC.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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In an integrated land air battles where war is fought networked. how can OFC provide access to air assets? In mobile warfare or even in static battles there are moile elements that can not be networked on landlines.

OFC provides capacities, bandwidth, and security otherwise it is a landline that is only capable of networking HQs and static / semi-mobile elements. Tanks, vehicles, guns, and soldiers can not rely on OFC.
Looks like the chinesw are signaling that they wont be moving back..

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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What’s happening on Pakistan Afghanistan border I hear Afghanistan is moving tanks and Attack Helicopters on borders

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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So often in this thread one hears that if the IA somehow goes into Tibet, how will India support the logistics. I admit, there are no easy answers. But I have linked below a Youtube video which is a documentary on how the United States Air Force in WW2 operated a massive airlift campaign out of Assam into Kunming China to support the war effort of Chiang Kai-shek against the Imperial Japanese armed forces that had invaded China.


The US had thousands of surplus C-47s at war's end. India could very easily have got a few hundred of those if ever serious thought was given in 1949 to occupy Tibet and to logistically support the Indian Army there.

Moral of the story: Where there is a will, there is a way.
Wrong example.
Firstly, this airlift was taking off from India, through north Cambodia, ended up in YUNNAN not tibet;
Secondly, in 1962, there was no road network existing in tibet to support massive distribution;
Thirdly, from 1942 to 1945, 2100 planes participated, over 600 planes lost, nearly 3000 crews dead.
Finally and most importantly, the IAF was never trained and prepared to carry out any massive military action in North mountain area at the time.


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Mar 2, 2019
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Many times have i wondered.. the ones in the BJP who worry the most about Hindu demographic decline, and higher muslim fertility rates, are the ones like Modi, Bhagwat or Sakshi Maharaj who have neither had a good s*x life, thus procreating by fathering atleast 2 children, to sustain Hindu populace.. and neither have they taken the trouble of raising mischevious kids.. But, they talk a lot about s*x and kids, without doing their bit..
I always say to my Hindu friends.. If you cant produce 2 kids, stop worrying about muslims overwhelming Hindu populace, in India in the future.. since you dont have much of a future anyway..and nature abhors a vaccum. Its either people of a different religion or culture who will take our place.. failing which, it will be another specie of animals who will occupy Indian land...

Mods: please move my rant elsewhere.:facepalm:
this is a good point and in keeping with dharma. kings and rulers who were childless weren't allowed to rule because they didn't have any skin in the game to ensure they left a good future for their progeny. a few people have commented on celibacy but the association that they made with brahmacharya is spurious. Withholding semen doesn't lead to any kind of spiritual transcendence as such, all our priests and maharishis marry/ied unlike in christianity/buddhism monastic orders.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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If we had pro India governments in Iran and Afghanistan we could have handled the two front war exceptionally well with growing military industrial complex of our own we will be able to support a pro India Afghan army with Arms and ammunition in next 10 years that’s why I say a military industrial complex like US Russia or even China is crucial for our security and economic Growth otherwise we will remain a poor country with few rich people or a middle income country at best


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Forum members here be like noooo wait there is a grand strategy by MOD just wait and see we are planning something. MOD is planning something big.

Meanwhile MOD be like this doklam khatam tension khatam jo hoga so hoga kya hi farak padta hai.
No, we're expecting China to have a grand strategy which it will try to execute in August/September/Winter, to which we expect the Indian reaction to be part-competent and mostly-lucky, so we get to lulz at China's expense.

We got our first taste that China will fuck up after the Galwan skirmish, PLA fatalities outnumbering Indian, and Modi's rousing speech in Ladakh.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
No, we're expecting China to have a grand strategy which it will try to execute in August/September/Winter, to which we expect the Indian reaction to be part-competent and mostly-lucky, so we get to lulz at China's expense.
Agree to this.

At this point our best bet is that china decides to mess with us again hopefully govt will be forces to take action.


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Feb 16, 2020
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The "grand strategy" (part of it, entire grand strategy can't be executed in one go) could be executed in September (and certainly not by India).
This part of "grand strategy" execution may NOT at all happen on the border.
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Jul 11, 2011
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Prof. Arnold Toynbee. an Enlishman, philosopher and a historian wrote in 1915

— " British statesmanship in the nineteenth century regarded India as a 'Sleeping Beauty,' whom Britain had a prescriptive right to woo when she awoke; so it hedged with thorns the garden where she lay, to safeguard her from marauders prowling in the desert without Now the princess is awake, and is claiming the right to dispose of her own hand, while the marauders have transformed themselves into respectable gentlemen diligently occupied in turning the desert into a garden too, but grievously impeded by the British thorn-hedge. When they politely request us to remove it, we shall do well to consent, for they will not make the demand till they feel themselves strong enough to enforce it, and in the tussle that will follow if we refuse, the sympathies of the Indian princess will not be on our side. now that she is awake, she wishes to walk abroad among her neighbours; she feels herself capable of rebuffing without our countenance any blandishments or threats they may offer her, and she is becoming as weary as they of the thorn-hedge that confines her to her garden. "If we treat her with tact, India will never wish to secede from the spiritual brotherhood of the British Empire, but it is inevitable that she should lead a more and more independent life of her own, and follow the example of Anglo-Saxon Commowealths by establishing direct relations with her neighbours........"

Thus after independence or during the course of it, The English Gandhi and Nehru created an unwarranted suiter of the "Sleeping Beauty" in Pakistan who immediately revealed its intention of capturing it by age-old tactics of forceful occupation in 1948.

Nehru another fool removed the thorn hedge in North and invited a suiter of the sleeping beauty in China who followed Pakistani lead and forcefully occupied another part of the sleeping Beauty"...

Now awake for the last 74 years the MEA and MoD have gradually pruned and cut the Northern thorny hedge of the garden and China has been allowed liberty to indulge in many rounds of claiming to the suiter of the "Woken Beauty"....

Those who can not protect the woken beauty called India but are instead indulging in brokering to sell her have no right to be sitting in North Block and South Block. Instead of strengthening the thorn hedge, they are weakening it by pruning, not providing enough water, and manure for the hedge to be stronger.
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