India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Jul 11, 2011
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All that you talk about does not need 5G.. Let Huawei continue with their participation in 4G and other connectivity schemes. Also, in the current economic climate, no service provider is gung ho about rolling out 5G full scale..
For a country of the size of India and all basic schemes being based on mobile technologies and the internet, such massive expansion, bandwidth and capacities can only come from 5G.

It is not possible to run more than a lakh school in Delhi alone taking their class at so many homes on the internet with 2G or 3G Spectrum and technologies..

Ay future requirement of data for Indian population would need very lage capacities and technological enhancements...

It is not that in the absence of Chinese companies those are not possible. I am just pointing out at the cost. After all it is our money..

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Also, most APS do not have an answer to APFSDS rounds; although Israel claims to be able to partially degrade a APFSDS sabot..
Russia claims Afghanit can stop APFSDS rounds. But, this claim needs to be taken with a pinch on salt..
How about anti APS warfare..? Any ideas ?
Like one could fire a shrapnel shell, to destroy the sensors and radar on the tank, followed by a APFSDS round.. or fire 2 APFSDS rounds on the same section of the tank, near simultaneously..

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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For a country of the size of India and all basic schemes being based on mobile technologies and the internet, such massive expansion, bandwidth and capacities can only come from 5G.

It is not possible to run more than a lakh school in Delhi alone taking their class at so many homes on the internet with 2G or 3G Spectrum and technologies..

Ay future requirement of data for Indian population would need very lage capacities and technological enhancements...

It is not that in the absence of Chinese companies those are not possible. I am just pointing out at the cost. After all it is our money..
True.. but if there is a war against China.. then, China will have to be kept out of 5G...


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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If the King adopts brahmacharya, who becomes King after him?
Many times have i wondered.. the ones in the BJP who worry the most about Hindu demographic decline, and higher muslim fertility rates, are the ones like Modi, Bhagwat or Sakshi Maharaj who have neither had a good s*x life, thus procreating by fathering atleast 2 children, to sustain Hindu populace.. and neither have they taken the trouble of raising mischevious kids.. But, they talk a lot about s*x and kids, without doing their bit..
I always say to my Hindu friends.. If you cant produce 2 kids, stop worrying about muslims overwhelming Hindu populace, in India in the future.. since you dont have much of a future anyway..and nature abhors a vaccum. Its either people of a different religion or culture who will take our place.. failing which, it will be another specie of animals who will occupy Indian land...

Mods: please move my rant elsewhere.:facepalm:


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Ya Nigga, Diego Garcia is the Capital of BIOT what are you talking about ?
@Blue Water Navy objected to it being called British Indian Ocean Territory and said it shouldn't be called territory. I asked him whether he was objecting to it because it's Indian Ocean so having a British territory in it sounds like colonial times.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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@Blue Water Navy objected to it being called British Indian Ocean Territory and said it shouldn't be called territory. I asked him whether he was objecting to it because it's Indian Ocean so having a British territory in it sounds like colonial times.
Simply cut it to BIOT or to Chagos Islands.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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@Bhadra you are aging right. :yo:

I will make a critical analysis which I will get a large backslash.

CATEGORY 1 people who think our Forces ar not capable of comforting the Chineses and we cant wins conventional war against them.

CATEGORY 2 people who think we cant win alone against china and should outsource our National Defence to the them.

CATEGORY 3 people who think our GoI is incapable of going against the chineses aggression and are not doing enough.

Category 4 People who think our China is Invicinble and we cant and should not think of war against china. Spreading false Propaganda of the Chinese Military Mighteness on the DFI.

Category 5 People who think we are capable and should give a befitting reply to the Chineses Aggressions, at all costs.

Now I am waiting for a huge Blackslash against my posts. :truestory:
Now I am waiting for a huge Blackslash against my posts.

Yours 9 lives are finished cat man.



New Member
May 31, 2020
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For a country of the size of India and all basic schemes being based on mobile technologies and the internet, such massive expansion, bandwidth and capacities can only come from 5G.

It is not possible to run more than a lakh school in Delhi alone taking their class at so many homes on the internet with 2G or 3G Spectrum and technologies..

Ay future requirement of data for Indian population would need very lage capacities and technological enhancements...

It is not that in the absence of Chinese companies those are not possible. I am just pointing out at the cost. After all it is our money..
Do you need 5G for that ?

Do we have 4g or even 3g everywhere ? especially in rural areas.

There was plans to roll out new all india wired fiber backbone . Let that come first then worry about 5g.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Many times have i wondered.. the ones in the BJP who worry the most about Hindu demographic decline, and higher muslim fertility rates, are the ones like Modi, Bhagwat or Sakshi Maharaj who have neither had a good s*x life, thus procreating by fathering atleast 2 children, to sustain Hindu populace.. and neither have they taken the trouble of raising mischevious kids.. But, they talk a lot about s*x and kids, without doing their bit..
I always say to my Hindu friends.. If you cant produce 2 kids, stop worrying about muslims overwhelming Hindu populace, in India in the future.. since you dont have much of a future anyway..and nature abhors a vaccum. Its either people of a different religion or culture who will take our place.. failing which, it will be another specie of animals who will occupy Indian land...

Mods: please move my rant elsewhere.:facepalm:
Modi & Bhagwat are responsible for cleansing of at least a thousand terrorists by their acts and thousands more in the future. The point is if you can't beget kids, you can always be the cause of death of several terrorists by legal ways.


New Member
Jun 14, 2019
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Your own... Ghanta... like always//// XXXXX men dam nahin... Ek dhang ka mobile nahin ban sakata,, OFC to banata nahin Chale 6G banane... Tell me who makes switches and how much ofc India imports.. ??

You can only Make BSNL...
Sterlite and RPG are few big names in manufacturing OFC in India. Joint boxes and other accessories are also made in india. We are also laying large no of cables in India all by ourself. Intent of GOI is needed.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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Research and innovation is discouraged in our country systematically from the primary level that’s why we don’t see innovation in our country our education system is focused on creating clerks and slaves to work in factories we need to reform it drastically Mr Modi is trying to change the education policy the strict divide between arts maths and science has been removed


New Member
May 30, 2009
The reason for Huawei to be banned is because of serious security compromise issues. This is literally coming down from the NSA to intelligence agencies in India who warn of the Possible issue. Huawei is by no means the only source of option. Other than Samsung, some Japanese companies, western ones, there are quite a few options on the table.
Huawei should by no means be allowed to participate. In fact, I would go a step farther and suggest banning all Chinese telecom phones in the country for the foreseeable future,
It would be suicidal to let the Chinese have access to Indian data. All Chinese telecom and phone companies install snooping hardware and/or software with backdoor. Even Chinese smart TVs and other smart devices like microwaves have them, and it's little bits of data that can add up to a massive intelligence leak, such as in banking. That is why I don't get why this govt. has not yet banned all Chinese devices and companies, especially in a time of war when Chinese intelligence gathering could make a big difference. If the govt. still has not learned the lesson after Chinese takeover of additional hundreds of sq km in Ladakh along with killing Indian soldiers, then God help India.


New Member
Feb 16, 2020
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It seems that the general does NOT have much idea on 2G/ 3G/ 4G/ 5G and Brahmacharya. Sadhu sabdhan!


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Thanks @Bhadra for pointing out that I have seen that for last few days.

Too much shivering is happening here china is this china is that bla bla bla. I just want to ask if china is so mighty, should we just abandoned our land and do a slavery live the goraes forced us to ?

We need to learn that china is just a mirage of Mightness, smash it and you get a china that is afraid. I we gone mad china will cease to exist even if we perish in that case. Common Nibbers get some courage Forces are well prepared. We should not have a ounce of doubt on it. We lose the battle When we think we cant win. War has not started and we are talking like we cant take them off. I am not blaming anyone but should only blame chineses and not vice versa.
I raised few questions on this shivering but the guy got so pissed off that i got pulled up into a private chat with hon mods... LOL
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