India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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May 30, 2020
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All the people here who are harping about US support and how helpful they are.

Just one question for you guys.

Let's say US finally manages to put a leash on china and put them down.

Who do you think will they come for next?
If they don't put leash on China.. China will definitely put a leash on India.. Don't keep any doubt about that


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Jul 6, 2020
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That is because while the current administration has been very supportive of India in this China border situation; in fact they have been the only global power to unequivocally come out in support of India, what the EAM will be wary about is continuing support from the US should Biden win in November. India has to get assurances that there is bi-partisan support in the US establishment that the current posture of backing India will continue irrespective of which party is in power in the US.

The problem though is that for the US such un-questioning bi-partisan support is only extended to treaty partners precisely because the US is treaty bound to support them and so that support is never questioned by either political party. Therefore it is a chicken and egg situation. If India wants to count on un-questioned US backing with both parties it has to go in for some kind of treaty or quasi treaty situation with the US. That is why the EAM was wrong in making such a categorical statement at this stage. He should have just said, "India will make those kinds of decisions based on our strategic interests." And leave it at that for now.

I am not great fan of Trump but we must appreciate his driving vigor when it comes to building relationship with India. I read somewhere that he is the only president who went ahead against the wishes of his bureaucrats/advisors to give consent for selling high tech weapon systems to India & still willing to play key role including make in India especially in defence. Pragmatically speaking inclination towards US won't harm india if we keep our house in order & don't create too much dependency on them.
Yes there will not be perfect alignment in our relationship ideologically as we both country operate in different format.

But the current we should keep sharp eye on China & it's sphere of influence.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
No one, because India didn't claim a 9-ling-ling line in IOR. We have a golden opportunity to score a military victory against China by simply forcing them to restore the May 2020 status quo, and if it costs some formation sailing with the USN fleet, so be it.

Unless China escalates elsewhere and opens new fronts, right now the India-China clusterfuck is as follows:
  • If India can force China to restore the May 2020 status quo, India wins and China loses
  • If China can get India to accept the new ground reality, China wins, India loses
Either outcome is equally easy for the side that desires it.
Yea by the same logic japan didn't claim anything when US decided to fuck with their economy while I won't claim it was all their fault the played their major role.

They have killed our scientist's actively fund pakistan and put pressure on our government often influencing our decisions like preventing the satellite launches.

They will never let us grow they won't do the same mistake again.


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Apr 4, 2019
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Multipolar world is a fantasy. It'll always be a bi-polar world, nowithstanding who the poles are.

There will be one side. And there will be another. There will be smaller fishes trying to one up their enemy small fish by teaming up, ergo, eventual coalescing into two sides.

There is a possibility of not being involved. Nothing is going to happen if Tonga, or Tuvalu, or Vanuatu doesn't pick a side. But that's not being a pole. That's being inconsequential. The consequential ones will always be pulled into one side out of two. If you're not in a bi-polar order, you're inconsequential.

India is surrounded by allied enemies. Having a fantasy of being one's own pole is just distilled ludicrity. America will come for us? Fine. When we have absorbed as much as we can like China did out of their western alliance, we too can be our own pole like China is now.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Multipolar world is a fantasy. It'll always be a bi-polar world, nowithstanding who the poles are.

There will be one side. And there will be another. There will be smaller fishes trying to one up their enemy small fish by teaming up, ergo, eventual coalescing into two sides.

There is a possibility of not being involved. Nothing is going to happen if Tonga, or Tuvalu, or Vanuatu doesn't pick a side. But that's not being a pole. That's being inconsequential. The consequential ones will always be pulled into one side out of two. If you're not in a bi-polar order, you're inconsequential.

India is surrounded by allied enemies. Having a fantasy of being one's own pole is just distilled ludicrity. America will come for us? Fine. When we have absorbed as much as we can like China did out of their western alliance, we too can be our own pole like China is now.
Cannot disagree to this you are right in your analysis.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Multipolar world is a fantasy. It'll always be a bi-polar world, nowithstanding who the poles are.

There will be one side. And there will be another. There will be smaller fishes trying to one up their enemy small fish by teaming up, ergo, eventual coalescing into two sides.

There is a possibility of not being involved. Nothing is going to happen if Tonga, or Tuvalu, or Vanuatu doesn't pick a side. But that's not being a pole. That's being inconsequential. The consequential ones will always be pulled into one side out of two. If you're not in a bi-polar order, you're inconsequential.

India is surrounded by allied enemies. Having a fantasy of being one's own pole is just distilled ludicrity. America will come for us? Fine. When we have absorbed as much as we can like China did out of their western alliance, we too can be our own pole like China is now.
Agree when America comes for us we will be ready as we may have learned from the mistakes of USSR Japs & you know China. China's plan was also going smoothly but Xi Pinjin has rushed so much that now everything seems to be going haywire for CCP.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Oh, wait, we need spares and ammo from Russia. ;)
but we should have avoided this kind of statements (my personal opinion).
It's nothing new he have stated this thing tons of time.
Check this out 53:00

He knows the long term policies that's why he is making these statements.
This is not out of fear of Russia and others.


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Feb 16, 2009
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not exactly, we ordered migs 2 weeks ago while the rafales were ordered 2.5/3 years go..

not a fair comparison sirji
france gave from their owm reserves for their air force.(59) Migs used have to be refurbished and 21 new coming from russia somewhere in future along with sukhois.
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New Member
Jan 17, 2019
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No one, because India didn't claim a 9-ling-ling line in IOR. We have a golden opportunity to score a military victory against China by simply forcing them to restore the May 2020 status quo, and if it costs some formation sailing with the USN fleet, so be it.

Unless China escalates elsewhere and opens new fronts, right now the India-China clusterfuck is as follows:
  • If India can force China to restore the May 2020 status quo, India wins and China loses
  • If China can get India to accept the new ground reality, China wins, India loses
Either outcome is equally easy for the side that desires it.
Important point.

I understand the suspicion towards US, and I'm not saying they won't try to extract their own benefits from India in the future/ensure it doesn't threaten their interests - but India has never had a problem being a peaceful and productive member of the International Community.

It mostly plays by rules, honors its agreements, and doesn't harass or arm twist other countries, espc. small and vulnerable ones. It's not visibly running around thumbing a nose at everyone in pursuit of a clearly hegemonistic and supremacist goal either.

These things matter. And international consensus will not be even remotely as easy to drum up against India - the way it was against China due to all of their past behaviors + Coronavirus.
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