India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 31, 2020
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As per Nitin Gokhale only armour will move out of South Pangong tso.. Indian infantry will stay ..
According to this article.

As 3rd phase , we will withdraw from 13 heights south of Pangong Tso . i guess this includes rezang la , renchin la , positions overlooking moldo base.

:yawn: gawd knows what happens after that . Maybe everything will go back to normal , maybe Xii Jinping himself will come and occupy those heights , he will open a 3 story building and sell huawie phones out of bottom floor.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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According to this article.

As 3rd phase , we will withdraw from 13 heights south of Pangong Tso . i guess this includes rezang la , renchin la , positions overlooking moldo base.

:yawn: gawd knows what happens after that . Maybe everything will go back to normal , maybe Xii Jinping himself will come and occupy those heights , he will open a 3 story building and sell huawie phones out of bottom floor.
We are jumping needlessly, this is just a proposal from our side, China said nothing about agreeing to it :yawn:


New Member
May 30, 2009
It may also be that the Chinese are planning to go back/underground anyways because they are having trouble dealing with the altitude and winter, and they are trying to get concessions from the Indian side by getting them to retreat further back beyond F4 and other peaks. I don't see why India should retreat further back at all since everything up to F8 belongs on the Indian side of the LAC and is illegally occupied by PLA. Instead India should turn its current positions into permanent bases and build roads, tunnels and infrastructure right up to these points, because the PLA will return after Biden becomes the President. Biden is owned by the CCP.

I posted this earlier in US election thread, but I am reposting it here as it is relevent to India's security:

The way the electoral college works in the Presidential election is that whomever gets the majority in each state gets all the electoral votes. This means that the winner in a handful of swing states (in which the vote results are usually very close to 50:50) decides the presidential election. It also means that in order to help a candidate cheat, all you have to do is to add a relatively small number of fake ballots in favor of your candidate only in these swing states. You can do this if you have people's registration information (addresses, birth date, etc.). We know that China successfully hacked people's voter registration information in the US. Plus the PLA internet army keeps an extensive database of information about Americans, including names, addresses and other personal information. So it becomes possible for China to help a candidate cheat in the Presidential election through mail-in voting of fake ballots (which would appear to be real ballots due to Chinese hacking, stealing registration and ballot information, and interference through the mail). Also, in order to make the Presidential election results look legitimate, China would only change the Presidential election results through its fake ballots in these swing states, while keeping the remaining candidates' average results 50/50 on its fake ballots. I believe this is what has happened in a few swing states like Pennsylvania and Georgia, hence the massive numbers of late mail-in ballots arriving in these states, mostly for Biden.

As I posted earlier, China has leverage over Biden, as was discussed here, with evidence collected by Christopher Balding and his intelligence associate:

#91 How the Chinese Government Targeted Hunter Biden | Christopher Balding

China systematically targeted Hunter Biden with business deals involving the Chinese state, intelligence, and even China's military, the People's Liberation Army. This is not the Hunter Biden laptop story from the NY Post! This is from a report based on publicly available documents that media have refused to cover. How much did Joe Biden know about Hunter Biden's China deals? Economist and China expert Christopher Balding joins us on China Unscripted to discuss the report and its possible effects on US China relations and the US election 2020. Read the report for yourself!

And there is also evidence that China interfered in the South Korean election, as discussed here:

#92 Did China Interfere in South Korean Election? | Grant Newsham

Was there voter fraud or election fraud in the South Korean election? And did China and Huawei play a role? It may sound hard to believe, but there is growing evidence that the April 2020 election was rigged. And President Moon Jae In is silencing critics. It turns out election news isn't all about the US election 2020 and Trump vs Joe Biden. Joining us today is Grant Newsham. Newsham is a retired U.S. Marine Colonel. He’s now a Research Fellow at the Center for Security Policy

Read Grant Newsham’s Report: Fraud in South Korea’s April 2020 Election: It Probably Happened and is a Big Deal for the United States

These are both unbiased, apolitical, independent investigations.

I believe the Chinese government's Covid-19 biological attack, leverage over certain politicians in democracies, infiltration of democratic countries through financial links, interference in elections in US (helped by Covid-19 crisis), South Korea and elsewhere, and the military actions in Ladakh, Nepal, Bhutan and potentially other areas (designed to humilitate the governments in these countries); all these things are linked as part of Chinese government's grand plan to dominate the world financially (with their currency ultimately becoming the reserve currency). Parts of this plan were already disclosed in an interview with exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui back in 2018:

🔴 Exiled Chinese Billionaire's Accusations of China (w/ Guo Wengui & Kyle Bass) | RV Classics

Kyle Bass sits down with infamous Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, also known as known as “Miles Kwok,” to hear a series of shocking accusations and predictions revolving around the Chinese government. Kwok provides his perception of the backstory behind several recent high-profile news items, and touches on the Chinese government’s management of the economy. He also unfurls an alarming forecast about Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma. Filmed on October 5, 2018 at an undisclosed location.

In India also, I expect election interference by China to remove Modi and BJP and replace them with Chinese government's puppets. In fact I believe parts of the objectives behind the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ladakh invasion (and Galwan massacre, since the order came from the Chinese Communist party leadership) are to help replace the current government with Chinese puppets, who in turn would help China dominate India financially and eventually otherwise (the five finger strategic takeover of Ladakh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Arunachal). Chinese are doing similiar land grabs in Nepal and Bhutan. I believe the reason for Nepali government to raise the border issue with India now is because of Chinese blackmail pressure on the Nepali government (by PLA threatening and taking over Nepali land as well as blackmailing Nepali leadership with dirt). China is trying similar pressure tactics with Bhutan. I wouldn't be surprised if China also had leverage over certain key people in India.

Chinese strategy has already succeeded in making a Chinese puppet the US President through Covid-19, economic infiltration, socio-political upheaval (rioting), economic downturn due to Covid-19 and election interference (made possible by mail-in voting as a result of Covid-19, Chinese hacking, Chinese political/financial infiltration, etc.).

I pray that China does not succeed in doing the same to India and its neighbors.


New Member
May 30, 2020
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It may also be that the Chinese are planning to go back/underground anyways because they are having trouble dealing with the altitude and winter, and they are trying to get concessions from the Indian side by getting them to retreat further back beyond F4 and other peaks. I don't see why India should retreat further back at all since everything up to F8 belongs on the Indian side of the LAC and is illegally occupied by PLA. Instead India should turn its current positions into permanent bases and build roads, tunnels and infrastructure right up to these points, because the PLA will return after Biden becomes the President. Biden is owned by the CCP.

I posted this earlier in US election thread, but I am reposting it here as it is relevent to India's security:
Stop dis non sense ffs:crazy:..Nor Trump is Russian puppet and not Biden is Chinese:rofl:calm ur tities down


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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I think we have lost a golden opportunity to push our claims on aksai hind.
Again the defensive mindset of babus to just finish this particular clash and disengage and move on without
making chinks pay ! Any super power worth its salt would have seized this opportunity to push home the advantage and make them vacate depsang, and launch an assault into aksai hind. We have no right to keep calling chinks a paper dragon when we ourselves behave like paper tigers (not IA, the babus) and do not think out of the box.


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Jun 20, 2020
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CCP’s 5th Plenary endorses Xi’s 2035 Plan
There is speculation that given his(Xitler) deep interests in genetics he may succeed in retaining his present appearance and clone himself as the successor before departing from this planet.
😳 Was that a joke?
CCP’s objectives for the 14th Five Year Plan and Xi’s China Dream through to 2035 include: modernization based on innovation-driven strategy; build modern industrial system and upgrade economic structure; nurture a strong domestic market; comprehensive reform for high-level socialist market economy; advance rural vitalization; coordinated regional development and new type urbanization; promote cultural soft power; accelerate green and low-carbon development; high-level opening-up for win-win cooperation; improve standard of living and address ageing population; strengthen national security capabilities increasing capacity to deal with traditional and non-traditional security challenges; long-term prosperity and stability of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and promote reunification of Chinese mainland and Taiwan plus cross-strait development.
We need to work on creating similar blueprints too, in terms of long term planning irrespective of the party at the centre. Gives a vision for others to follow.
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