India-China 2020 Border conflict

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New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Why the hell is everyone having doubts with our occupation of Black Top and Helmet top ?

Many credible handled have already confirmed that we hold these two features . They are Shiv Aroor, Amrita Nayak Dutta and Snehesh Alex Philip of Print, Abhishek Bhalla , Brig Bajwa, and then Lt Gen Panag . Then there are some other news articles which mentions that locals are carrying water and other supplies to our boys on Black Top .

Brig Bajwa is very credible. I remember him posting that Col Jamwal had plannedand coordinated this entire readjustment/ reverse salami slicing operation. This was even before the article on Col came out in Hindustan Times. There was a minor furore and the good Brig was forced to delete the tweet . Then after the article was published he again tweeted this .

The thing is Chinese PLA and their state sponsered media wouldn't be crying out loud if we had been staying on our own side of LAC. We have occupied multiple other features of strategic significance and which we haven't yet revealed . You see, we want to be seen as the good boy who doesn't cross over and does everything according to the agreements . Maybe after some years we will truely know what we have really occupied and captured . Just like our quid pro quo action in Chumar in response to Depsang incursion in 2013 was revealed only last year .
Definition of propaganda means exactly that, they will spout in offense and defence but common to both is they blame the opponent. I hope we have them, unless there is video reason to speculate on this endlessly especially based on TRP channels. Now if DD says it then it may be more credible but DD does not play those games.

Cartel Boss

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Mar 16, 2020
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China is threatening India with winter. China does not realize that India has been holding on to Siachen which is father of all winters since 1987. The Rajiv Peak in Siachen is named after 2nd Lt Rajiv Pandey who led the first reconnaissance mission which also laid the rope for the next mission. The consequent mission which resulted in Pakistanese eviction from Siachen was called Operation Rajiv in the honor of Lt Rajiv Pandey as he died during the mission from Pakistanese machine gun fire. China is mistaken if it thinks winter will change anything as far as the standoff is concerned.


Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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I don't understand why all of a sudden China vs USA war scenario is on the hype? Social media is flooded since the last 48-72 hours.

The thing is USA doesn't need to win a direct armed conflict with China. If USA cuts all its ties with China. The major US allies will do the same which will eventually break the Chinese bubble to burst within a couple of years.

Suppapawwar my as*:hehe:



New Member
Aug 29, 2020
I don't understand why all of a sudden China vs USA war scenario is on the hype? Social media is flooded since the last 48-72 hours.

The thing is USA doesn't need to win a direct armed conflict with China. If USA cuts all its ties with China. The major US allies will do the same which will eventually break the Chinese bubble to burst within a couple of years.

Suppapawwar my as*:hehe:
Military is real, economics is well economics mostly BS if not backed by muscle. North Korea has been surviving for decades....due to military. US needs to weaken china in both ways to prevent USSR 2.0....china threat to US is exponential on time


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Eh, IF (and it's a big one), IF India's positions are according to Nitin well then...Indian establishment, including Army, has f*cked up big time.

Missed out on Chinese moves in March-April. And now, like mentioned, on the backfoot for what? Capturing heights within one's own LAC? WTF?

It doesn't match up with reports of swiftly climbing heights to prevent Chinese. Stories of trashing Chinese monitoring equipment was on Indian LAC?

Makes no sense whatsoever, I still think that they're purposely denying it. But IF it is true then what a colossal f*ck up.
It will not make any sense to you since you have chosen to be nonsensical.
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