India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 31, 2020
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I found the place, and I was correct, this is not South Pangong, but Finger 4. Hence probably around the April-May timeline.

Coordinates: 33deg44min21.94sec N 78deg46min38.34sec E

We did not have hand-to-hand combat with the Chinese after Galwan.
@mokoman @Deadtrap
Amazing dude. o_O

LMAO and clowns on twitter saying its from ridge near spangur gap.

:hmm: What i dont understand is why release it now ? .

I think PLA is not handling winter as well as they thought they could.

Video was released to keep illusion of mighty hans army.
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Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Lmao they edit Hollywood fillm clip to show off to same Americans that kind of idiots these chinki are. Chinkis are all propaganda but somehow it works on simpletons in india.
It will not work if our idiot govt. knew an iota of information warfare. We are facing the same redux of what Pakistanis faced during the Kargil war.
Their govt. shut down news agencies from reporting, and we were bringing reporters to report live artillery fire on their soldier's heads. So the Pakistani public started to watch Indian news because of the lack of any information in their media. This has been related to the massive demoralization of their troops and common Pakistanis and creating feuds between the military factions.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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It will not work if our idiot govt. knew an iota of information warfare. We are facing the same redux of what Pakistanis faced during the Kargil war.
Their govt. shut down news agencies from reporting, and we were bringing reporters to report live artillery fire on their soldier's heads. So the Pakistani public started to watch Indian news because of the lack of any information in their media. This has been related to the massive demoralization of their troops and common Pakistanis and creating feuds between the military factions.
Lets see how the new DGiW thing work out. I have high hope on our new dedicated Information Warfare wing.


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Lets see how the new DGiW thing work out. I have high hope on our new dedicated Information Warfare wing.
Frankly, I will not expect anything significant. Maybe in the next 4-5 years, they will learn slowly. The problem is the babudom mentality and technology averseness culture prevalent inside the military. And we are awfully slow in realizing social media is the new news channel, and no one reads press conference.

The concept of josh/guts/bravery triumphs all is alright, but the dynamics of modern warfare has changed completely.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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Frankly, I will not expect anything significant. Maybe in the next 4-5 years, they will learn slowly. The problem is the babudom mentality and technology averseness culture prevalent inside the military. And we are awfully slow in realizing social media is the new news channel, and no one reads press conference.

The concept of josh/guts/bravery triumphs all is alright, but the dynamics of modern warfare has changed completely.
Last time we released a video they immediately leaked a pic of our soldiers wounded.

They released this new video few hours ago.

:yawn: lets hope our side leak a nice video of a few mighty hans getting thrashed.

Everyone in this forum will really enjoy it.


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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Last time we released a video they immediately leaked a pic of our soldiers wounded.

They released this new video few hours ago.

:yawn: lets hope our side leak a nice video of a few mighty hans getting thrashed.

Everyone in this forum will really enjoy it.
Actually we released a video which was of sikkim.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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even the new murican president is about to do CCP’s bidding, might as well get used to it.
Not likely. Biden is no fool. 2020 is not 2015. Same playbook can’t be used. Anti-China sentiment among the American public is at an all time high. Taking on China is the one thing that Republicans and Democrats agree about. Simply no wriggle room there.

There’s no point saying what Blinken, Sullivan and even Biden had said earlier about China. Even Modi had his share of silly overtures. Nobody will argue that Modi will do that now, why would the Americans.

The recent video of the Chinese academic talking about friends in high places has made it almost impossible that someone in the US will want to put their necks out now. Simply no longer any appetite for that. Will they negotiate with China? Sure but so are we doing, what exactly can we complain about?


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Not likely. Biden is no fool. 2020 is not 2015. Same playbook can’t be used. Anti-China sentiment among the American public is at an all time high. Taking on China is the one thing that Republicans and Democrats agree about. Simply no wriggle room there.

There’s no point saying what Blinken, Sullivan and even Biden had said earlier about China. Even Modi had his share of silly overtures. Nobody will argue that Modi will do that now, why would the Americans.

The recent video of the Chinese academic talking about friends in high places has made it almost impossible that someone in the US will want to put their necks out now. Simply no longer any appetite for that. Will they negotiate with China? Sure but so are we doing, what exactly can we complain about?
In this piece supposedly by Biden on why he chose his next defence secretary, China or Indo Pacific is not even mentioned.
Feb 16, 2009
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In this piece supposedly by Biden on why he chose his next defence secretary, China or Indo Pacific is not even mentioned.
He seems to be doing it as a token gesture for black votes rather than any security concern. Biden won
the election by playing race card and dividing country,does not know much else. Same strategy
like congress party dividing hindus and muslims.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Don't be so confident he is a fool and a demented imbecile.
He’s neither of those things even if he does show signs of age. On foreign policy, Trump was more unpredictable than Biden will ever be.

Blinken is well known to Jaishankar, they worked together a lot when Jaishankar was FS. Unlike Trump, Biden has utmost confidence in His choice of SoS and Blinken will largely be doing most of the heavy lifting. Will there be changes in style? Sure but not a whole lot different in substance though as you said, one can’t be too sure of anything. This is my best guesstimate.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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In this piece supposedly by Biden on why he chose his next defence secretary, China or Indo Pacific is not even mentioned.
I have seen that criticism but since the Defence Secretary being proposed was formerly Chief of the Central Command, the references are to where he has the most experience. No one will name China when appointing/naming cabinet picks, heck Russia wasn’t mentioned either. Disappointing that Indo Pacific wasn’t mentioned but a bit of a stretch in my opinion to say that it means lack of interest.
Feb 16, 2009
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He’s neither of those things even if he does show signs of age. On foreign policy, Trump was more unpredictable than Biden will ever be.

Blinken is well known to Jaishankar, they worked together a lot when Jaishankar was FS. Unlike Trump, Biden has utmost confidence in His choice of SoS and Blinken will largely be doing most of the heavy lifting. Will there be changes in style? Sure but not a whole lot different in substance though as you said, one can’t be too sure of anything. This is my best guesstimate.
his family is on china payroll according to media ?? don't expect much in terms of security from him.
He will continue playing race issues and try to make out like a bandit.

Questions and Answers About the Bidens and a Deal in China

Yash Patel

Regular Member
May 18, 2018
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When did we have physical combat on Kailash range heights? Which media reports? I remember GoI maintaining that there were no physical contacts between soldiers.
All soldiers taking part in the operation were armed and had permission to open fire in self-defense, exactly for this case if these earthworm-munching subhumans tried to show their monkey heritage.

This is probably some older video.
There was a News 24 report about clashes on the black top although Army denied that such clash took place!
Feb 16, 2009
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Top Chinese professor boasts of operatives in top of US ‘core inner circle’

Di added during the lecture that “for the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States.”


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Top Chinese professor boasts of operatives in top of US ‘core inner circle’

Di added during the lecture that “for the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States.”
Expect biden to push against chinese in the first few months for the media and public consumption and then loose traction to chinese as he gets going in the whitehouse. The classic US move!

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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In any geo political scene of today, you are always on your own. One need to realize that US is a war based economy ..they need wars and weapon sales to continue the kitchen burning... china won't buy but india will....this is a new cold war post USSR and it will end with breaking of china just like USSR. Most probably we will see it in our lifetime for sure.....

As for biden goes, he will be a puppet from day One. Trump is already ensuring that he left so much mess and laws that his whole term will be spend dousing the fire than sucking upto CCP & through trump tweets.. he is daily enacting a new law / rules making it more and more tough for biden to get out of spider web....

Let us not forget the public opinion with US against bat muchers too. Like of BLM & antiffa are monsters like Osama , which will come back to bite them for sure.. they know it and biden will need to tame it....ultimately biden cannot be seen as going against public chill ... it;s not that easy for biden .. also remember that republicans are in majority in senate.....
I think American civilazation( if you can call it because it is more of a proposition state now as anyone can be a true American) is in terminal decline whoever came to office,trump or biden.the only difference is that trump would have enthusiastically used the remaining strength against china more than Biden would like to.

There are weaknesses in American state that are only going to get worse and will not improve,so I don't get how it will still be an American best both china and usa will decline together with America being a cucked state with less outreach power and a more multipolar world will result.they will be a bigger version of Britain with guns rights and some more protection for free speech atleast legally.they will also have a much more burdens in other ways like having no narrative of an original people which means anyone can swamp the nation with foreigners slowly and control the foreign policy as I don't think Mexicans and south Americans have any zeal or ambition or will to project power,they just want to mooch and the us is the nearest and biggest target(same as it for all immigrants really).
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