India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Lets see how the new DGiW thing work out. I have high hope on our new dedicated Information Warfare wing.
Regular Indians know how to conduct info warfare if they were given a chance and some responsibility,they would outperform the chinese and Pakis and they will not be cringy like them with many errors but till now the indian babu ,boomer type Lutyens narrative does not know anything about info warfare ,is for some reason opposed to it on a moral basis that is more imposed from outside or outright hated it as it might lead to them being ousted from the seat of opinion makers and thought leaders as they will not be welcome.

I hope it gets better with the new post of info warfare in military,it can only get better.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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I think American civilazation( if you can call it because it is more of a proposition state now as anyone can be a true American) is in terminal decline whoever came to office,trump or biden.the only difference is that trump would have enthusiastically used the remaining strength against china more than Biden would like to.

There are weaknesses in American state that are only going to get worse and will not improve,so I don't get how it will still be an American best both china and usa will decline together with America being a cucked state with less outreach power and a more multipolar world will result.they will be a bigger version of Britain with guns rights and some more protection for free speech atleast legally.they will also have a much more burdens in other ways like having no narrative of an original people which means anyone can swamp the nation with foreigners slowly and control the foreign policy as I don't think Mexicans and south Americans have any zeal or ambition or will to project power,they just want to mooch and the us is the nearest and biggest target(same as it for all immigrants really).
Also remember that usa is also the incubator and ground zero for all the woke nonsense that is exported to other nations and before they export it they impose it on themselves and cause immense deep damage to their nations strength which results in future problems that their children will have to deal with.none of these are getting resolved even if trump gets elected such as their education system giving leavway to Mickey mouse courses,visible racial minority appeasement,etc.these issues won't be resolved and this diversity will not be so vibrant and will hold back usa irrespective of china or who usa elects.basically a lot stuff goes in the usa that can be summarised by saying that they are in war with reality and so they will eventually get their due when the system collapses in a slow motion way as reality always wins in the will come in the form of usa not able to hold onto and meet obligations and will follow a path irrespective of who gets elected(as inertia is too high now- unless many miracles happen)
.the collapse won't be dramatic and infact it take the form of dysfunction in the running of the country and the pursuit of its objectives abroad.maybe some elected officials will slow down the collapse,that is all.
The collapse will come in the form of deterioration in public services as debt piles,can't hold onto foreign bases which were once taken for granted,can't afford large armies which was once taken for granted,can't affect other countries that was once taken for granted.the main thing that stops the normal pleb American from realising this except for the observant ones is the fact that is still a developed country and it is easy to ignore Roman decline as it is easy to get lost in the everyday circus and bread of Rome unless you really are a future oriented person and also care about usa for some ethnic,religious,cultural reason.the immigrants will only care about the doles and jobs it provides and that is not true love.they don't like usa,for them it can be replaced by any developed country.

This is why I don't see the us - india partnership as an ideal partnership but a cynical one.the fact is india has the potential and is probably going to be the one using usa rather than some narratives are saying otherwise.which is why I approve of it.

I am one of those rare raw/cia like minded persons who is most likely a nationalist sociopath and can figure out these things at a young age.i was like this from my genes itself and I did not get influenced or learn it from objective is to infect my memes into wider indian society and convert all of India into cynical cold blooded nationalists like me replacing the other templates and molds the liberandoos and other enemies of bharat have made for us.

You might not know it but dfi is my first success story.

This is some metal gear shit:rofl:


Regular Member
Aug 2, 2020
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From your Al Jazeera link:

"Under the law, Morrison won’t be able to scrap deals between state governments and commercial companies or state-owned enterprises.
That means the lease of a strategic port in Darwin, used by the U.S. military, to a Chinese company by the Northern Territory government in 2015 could not be overturned.

Isn't that a bit of a loophole in the law , given that most of the bigger Chinese enterprises are essentially fronts for the Chinese government and military?

edit: and , yes, as was mentioned by knowitall the Australians signed up to the RCEP ,last month.
How much substance is there to any of this?
While its a flaw but also a necessary one. Because it will lead to major insecurities for its own allies as well. Specially when the Chinese can mobilise ngos for swaying public opinion like the one which happened in japan couple of years ago and prevented expansion of us navy base which might jeopardize operational necessities.

It has to be understood that countries joined RCEP cos they have their own trade interests in mind. They are not like " we want to be chinki concubines". Countries like Japan and NZ have joined it as well. Simply cos it will lead to higher exports of high tech equipment which has so long been undercut by Chinese ones.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Tuff days for India and mea did right by not submitting to America.

1. No decoupling with China but being tuff? (Lol)

2. Tuff on india but important partner? (if Chinese aren't a threat then why they will need India)

3. Pro Muslim/psuedo liberal lobbies already meeting blinken and he has issued an statement rasing the concern about human rights in India. (meanwhile pro Indian lobbies doesn't seem to work on kashmiri pandit & China issue)

4. New director doesn't even know about Asia Pacific region (diversity at highest positions, lol)



Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Also remember that usa is also the incubator and ground zero for all the woke nonsense that is exported to

I am one of those rare raw/cia like minded persons who is most likely a nationalist sociopath and can figure out these things at a young age
This is some metal gear shit:rofl:
Most people on this forum are, brother.
I feel very sad that we aren't getting to be the vultures that feast on the fat carcass of 'Murica.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
I found the place, and I was correct, this is not South Pangong, but Finger 4. Hence probably around the April-May timeline.

Coordinates: 33deg44min21.94sec N 78deg46min38.34sec E

We did not have hand-to-hand combat with the Chinese after Galwan.
@mokoman @Deadtrap
these camps in the top picture are chinese right??

Also those soldiers retreating are ours I assume since we didn't have riot shields back then.

Did we do any counterattack for this?

Is this how they captured f4?


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2020
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these camps in the top picture are chinese right??

Also those soldiers retreating are ours I assume since we didn't have riot shields back then.

Did we do any counterattack for this?

Is this how they captured f4?
I guess yes, this is how they captured the F4 ridgelines in may first week....I doubt we launched a counterattack since we wanted to resolve the matter diplomatically back then
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