India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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That was one of the Hans goal : to preempt our move (if any) on GB.
Once 'this' home minister says it in parliament, (if any) is redundant. It's not a matter of 'if' anymore..... it's 'when'.
Pls also get out of the mindset of writing 'they pre-empt', 'they are in eye ball to eyeball confrontation with Indians'. The facts are and should be presented as follows:
(1) They are defending India's move on Aksai Chin in general and 219 in particular, which is part of POK, GB, Ladakh sector of India.
(2) They are not in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation. Indians are looking down on them from the heights. It's not eyeballs. We have em by their balls n squeezing.
* What both of us are saying is essentially the same thing. It's just the presentation and way of thinking that is different. Glass half full or half empty 🙏


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Aug 21, 2020
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I hope the Government knows what it is doing. All diplomatic meetings convey some message especially high level ones. I assumed that the latest meeting between the Foreign Ministers was enabled because the Chinese had made a big climbdown from previous positions. But the joint statement released says nothing about the Chinese willingness to withdraw. All we hear are bombastic statements by the Chinese Government and media saying not an inch of land will be given up which should rightfully be thrown into the dustbin.

It is simply foolish and childish to continue diplomatic meetings if the Chinese do not want to acknowledge reality. They are the ones who have to concede as they encroached first. We have responded to their aggressive actions. There is no way India will back off. They cannot exit without conceding to our demands as otherwise a real war will break out and throw up dead PLA soldiers. This is no video game played on a mobile phone.

We should realise high level diplomatic meetings also send a signal to our troops on the front line especially when there is an eyeball to eyeball confrontation with the PLA troops.They may be wondering why our Government is talking to the Chinese. There should be nil diplomatic meetings with China unless the Chinese agree to consider withdrawal from their new positions.

If diplomacy can resolve the matter, no problems. But the Chinese are two faced. They try to use time gained thru talks to further consolidate militarily.
I think these talks should continue; till now chinks are already well positioned as agressors and if we deny them these talks we will end up being called agressors.that will be udta tere pichwade me lena.

Situation is simple *Jaisa chal rha hai chlne den*

And let armed forces do their job.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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IMO Tibet liberation may come first???
Dunno how that comes first for Tibet you need to either:
(1) Enter Aksai Chin westside n then go on.
(2) Enter from our Eastside n then go on.
If (1) is to happen, Aksai Chin (part of Ladakh) is taken first. If (2) happens Upper Arunachal (part of Arunachal) is taken first. Further, if (1) then greens might act, in which case POK, GB, Aksai Chin, Tibet in that order. Tibet can really be taken first if reds just packup and leave.
* Pls do mention East Turkistan, Lower Mongolia, Manchuria etc too 😈

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Logistically it looks nightmare for us in early days (i hope this is figured out) + geographically china has slight advantage due to terrain but our battle hardened boys can demolish that advantage.
That is an oxymoronic paragraph you just wrote. Why don't u come out with what u really want to say?

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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I think the Chinese will launch an attack after mid October closer to the US elections and just before winter sets in. Their idea will be to capture territory and the timing will be such that India won’t have time to push back due to winter. As I said before , that if this happens, India needs to be ready to attack at multiple locations and capture territory and sit out the winter. If we don’t capture territory in retaliation then whatever territory the Chinese capture will be lost for good as by the time spring comes diplomacy will have defused the situation and international opinion will not be favourable to India starting a conflict in spring to recapture territory.
As soon as we let our guard down.. Chinks will attack. I think they will try their rocket artillery to inflict casualties & then they'll try unilateral ceasefire & de escalation. By that they'll also claim victory & save face.
India will re claim lost areas but after a bloody nose. That's what Chinese thinking looks like.


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Jun 23, 2019
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Guys if we form a sort of alliance with japan, australia and us, will china also form it's version of nato with porkis and russia and maybe north korea??
Porkies and Kim are already in alliance with China. The only question is Russia. Russia would much prefer staying neutral and selling arms to everyone. IMO, Russia will only ally China if America pushed Russia to the edge.
Sep 8, 2020
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As soon as we let our guard down.. Chinks will attack. I think they will try their rocket artillery to inflict casualties & then they'll try unilateral ceasefire & de escalation. By that they'll also claim victory & save face.
India will re claim lost areas but after a bloody nose. That's what Chinese thinking looks like.

If they use rocket artillery, wouldn't be that an act of war?
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