India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Jul 11, 2011
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Trust me I am closer to the bureaucracy than 99.9% of members over here. And I mean it. With the level of complexities in our society, its the bureaucracy which keeps the country running. If you had a minimal idea of the plethora of problems plaguing our society and administration you would not be saying this. Bureaucracy is not the cause of corruption. Unethical, spineless people are. Every strata of the administration suffers from it, whether its political, bureaucracy or the armed forces. Enough cases are out in the public domain to see. Blaming solely the bureaucracy for problems is naive and uncalled for
Put every blame on them, don't blame yourself or our forefathers for electing such amazing people. Despite being a democratic nation blindly following the socialist ideology. I know(2 personally) multiple officials who got killed because they opposed the goons aka MPs and MLAs. So what do you except, to put their life for you? So please stop demeaning them. Agar netaji ka commission katega to obviously katne wala to legal hi.

before blaming others we need to look at our own decisions. just look at Maharastra or Bihar, sates which are hot now, u won't see many leaders with good characters, why? So please don't do a white-black separation.
Sorry for being off-topic. But thread tends to bash people simply because they were gov servents.

u want to know how fucked up politicians are just look at CM and opposition leaders in states. Again sorry for being off-topic
Bureacrcy and politicians are two sides of the same coin. Politicians do not extract money themselves. Bureaucracy does it for them and keep their cut. If bureaucracy refuses no one can force them but the undeserving desire to have Mercedes and have a four-room flat, buy a Medical degree for 50 Lakhs for his undeserving son or daughter is irresistible even for a Babu...

Babudom has destroyed our country completely... the money they extort never goes into creative economic activities... black money has to go into black activities or every IPS and IAS would have been industrialist in the country..


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Feb 26, 2019
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Put every blame on them, don't blame yourself or our forefathers for electing such amazing people. Despite being a democratic nation blindly following the socialist ideology. I know(2 personally) multiple officials who got killed because they opposed the goons aka MPs and MLAs. So what do you except, to put their life for you? So please stop demeaning them. Agar netaji ka commission katega to obviously katne wala to legal hi.

before blaming others we need to look at our own decisions. just look at Maharastra or Bihar, sates which are hot now, u won't see many leaders with good characters, why? So please don't do a white-black separation.
Sorry for being off-topic. But thread tends to bash people simply because they were gov servents.

u want to know how fucked up politicians are just look at CM and opposition leaders in states. Again sorry for being off-topic
Yes, they are.... Every decision is implemented through themselves only. Please check any GHOTALA and its modus-operandi, you will find that either they are involved directly, or they have paved the way. Have you ever visited an SDM office as a lay-man? Please do so and you will find the real face of our bureaucracy. Let me quote an example, In 90s, our government has decided a cut in our bureaucracy by 30 percent. After 10 years, a proposal was sent to cabinet for sanction of new posts, perhaps for JS and above ranks. The proposal was turned down due to financial implications. After 6 months or so, a fresh proposal was sent and it was accepted. What was the reason? They had dropped proposal of filling of all the vacant posts upto under secretary level (30 percent was already reduced), now the budget was available and proposal was accepted.


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Jan 28, 2018
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I guess Indian plan now is to frustrate and humiliate china and chinese army till year end. More the time they spend in Ladakh, more the face and confidence they loose internationally. Bhai gati sanp chuchunder keri.


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Feb 19, 2019
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bois I think Indian Military should also follow the practice... water and food/medicines even spare ammo can be dropped at higher reaches from drones...
If we are already not doing it we should do it... no point making fun of this... this is really useful...
Yeah enjoy licking the food off the ground splattered across the mountain sides. It was tossed out pretty high. Clearly propaganda. showed a few packs of food being shoved into the drones which somehow multiples enough to feed hundreds. I bet my ass that the food they were actually eating was shipped by trucks.


New Member
Feb 26, 2019
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Trust me I am closer to the bureaucracy than 99.9% of members over here. And I mean it. With the level of complexities in our society, its the bureaucracy which keeps the country running. If you had a minimal idea of the plethora of problems plaguing our society and administration you would not be saying this. Bureaucracy is not the cause of corruption. Unethical, spineless people are. Every strata of the administration suffers from it, whether its political, bureaucracy or the armed forces. Enough cases are out in the public domain to see. Blaming solely the bureaucracy for problems is naive and uncalled for
OK. I think you are well aware that every zone in UP has an ADG now. An ADG has a staff of 50 personnel-almost that of a Police Station. Why ADG is needed? DGP, DG housing, DG Homeguard and so on...Why? let me know. please. I can put 100 examples where bureaucrats have got their cadre restructured solely for their benefits only.
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