India-China 2020 Border conflict

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New Member
Aug 29, 2020
The only reason the USSR really gets a pass in modern day society is due to how demonised the Nazis are and how little is said of the Soviet atrocities, hence the Soviets beating Nazis = best guys in the world.

In functional terms, there was very little difference between Nazis and Soviets, except the former being more autistic in relation to race issues, even the Soviets engaged in ethnic cleansing via deportations and killings.
I think you are being too harsh.....soviets have contributed a lot to the world apart from winning WW2. No major country escapes the history where they have not committed crimes especially muslims and west by brutal campaigns, forced conversions and west by colonialism and extinction of natives and animals alike. India and very few other civilizations fare better in that respect.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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I think you are being too harsh.....soviets have contributed a lot to the world apart from winning WW2. No major country escapes the history where they have not committed crimes especially muslims and west by brutal campaigns, forced conversions and west by colonialism and extinction of natives and animals alike. India and very few other civilizations fare better in that respect.
That's because he or she seems like a CCP minion who is pushing CCP's soft push propaganda.

I mean, who talks about Taiwan?! And their claims... Everybody knows Taiwan won't go to war with India even if they come to power in near (or long) future.

Chinese people and ages of humiliation is just BS. I know many people who just doesn't care and only want to focus on development. 'Ages of humiliation' it's just a thing in mainland China and all CCP affected areas.

Atleast, Citizens (of both countries) won't have to fear a war just for mere boundaries even if Tibet is controlled by PRC.


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May 30, 2009
The Chinese flood the Indian Northeast and other states every year by releasing water from dams in Tibet. So Chinese dams are fair game.


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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I never thought @tarunraju is such visionary purush. 😯
look what he quoted exactly 11 years ago in another thread.


With the limited success we had with Chandrayaan-I, I think it's way to early to plan a mission to Mars. If anything, it scores points over say China or ESA. Rather those ~500 cr Rupees could be spent on expanding our logistics in the north-east, or even spend on a Mil-SAT programme that will help our cause better.



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Jun 2, 2015
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People get too carried away with the Communism thing, there were a lot of such foolish people in the West during the days of the Soviet Union, who thought in ideological rather than tribal terms, hence these sorts of people who supported the Soviet Union out of some affinity to Communism were in fact just supporting a sort of Russian supremacism.

The same applies to things like Taiwan and democracy, it's good to have good relations with them but in the end it has to be remembered that they are Chinese nationalists with numerous claims on other nations' territories, India included.
People seem to have forgotten history. Upto the very end, just a year or two before their overthrow by the Communists, the Kuomintang Party of China as late as 1947 had a confrontation with Nehru over the status of Tibet. So India should not live under the illusion that the Nationalists will be any different than the CCP on the issue of Tibet. Having said that, it does not mean that India should not collaborate with Taiwan today to confront China. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend:

The watershed moment in Nehru’s relationship with China came shortly before Indian independence. At the Asian Relations Conference held in Delhi in March-April 1947, a forum through which Nehru wanted to demonstrate the advent of the postcolonial world, the differences between India and China on the status of Tibet became apparent. The issue came to the fore when the organizing committee decided to invite Tibet as an independent country. China launched a strong protest with the interim Indian government. It was only after Nehru, through KPS Menon, assured the Chinese side that the conference would deal primarily with cultural and economic matters and that the issue of Tibet’s status would not be raised that Chiang Kai-shek agreed to send a delegation.

Nehru’s assurances were questioned, however, when the Chinese delegation found a map of Asia depicting Tibet as a separate country and the Tibetan flag displayed at the Conference. The Chinese delegation not only threatened to withdraw, but also refused to let India become the permanent host for future pan-Asian conferences.
These disputes and public bickering were a blow to Nehru’s attempt to make India-China solidarity a reality on the world stage.


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
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Not really, international relations are based on strategic considerations rather than the form of government that country has. This talk of "democracy" is most American propaganda, they claim to love democracy but had no problem with siding with the genocidal military dictatorship of Pakistan for most of its indepentn history for example.

My point is that there is no real point in investing your hopes in something breaking out between PRC and ROC, and the ROC are not really our friends either as they claim our territories as their own as well despite being a "democracy"
Is it in India's interest to see PRC & ROC fight? I would say yes, not just cause it degrades both but it also gives India a easier way to have a free tibet, break Pak, get POK etc etc

But you seem to be pushing the opposite POV and discouraging engaging with ROC. Pls clarify.


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Jun 27, 2020
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bla bla usual bullshit I stopped reading it after he blamed India for starting conflict.
three main points to note :
1. it's a failure of Chinese strategy to India as
2. now India and US have become one entity.
3. need a reset of China's India strategy.

this misadventure was done under direct supervision of Eleven Ping Pong. doesn't it mean a direct critisism to Eleven's strategy? or probably they are looking for a scapegoat to purge and save face.

I'm not getting it completely.


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Jul 11, 2011
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New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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My point is that there is no real point in investing your hopes in something breaking out between PRC and ROC, and the ROC are not really our friends either as they claim our territories as their own as well despite being a "democracy"
if we will make any deal with ROC and recognise them, then definitely one of the prerequisites will be ROC will drop their claim on our land.
then what?


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Sep 13, 2020
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Most of this is required for our Oil and other import needs
Don't think so, not at this level... It is used mainly to deal with exchange fluctuations, like if Rs depreciate, RBI will sell this to stabilise it.
Now RBI is upset with the opposite as Rs Appreciates, RBI is converting Rs to US$ and that is sitting in US bonds..
If Rs appreciates, then india's import bill falls and export revenues falls as well, so they cancel each other mostly.

we were at 440Billion just over a year ago.. Why are we parking extra 100B in US Bonds/treasury notes?

Flying Dagger

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Sep 26, 2019
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Not really, international relations are based on strategic considerations rather than the form of government that country has. This talk of "democracy" is most American propaganda, they claim to love democracy but had no problem with siding with the genocidal military dictatorship of Pakistan for most of its indepentn history for example.

My point is that there is no real point in investing your hopes in something breaking out between PRC and ROC, and the ROC are not really our friends either as they claim our territories as their own as well despite being a "democracy"
Are you on Drugs ?

They claim it to show other Chinese living under CCP rule that they are the real gov.

In reality Taiwan is trying to separate itself as a diff nation infact now in their passport they have started using Taiwan ( while ROC is written very small to differentiate themselves )

Right now our concern is CCP no one know what future holds so better stop your propaganda.

@mods please take care of these propagandist accounts.


New Member
May 30, 2009
I think Chinese are afraid of India and Taiwan becoming allies. It would be interesting if India and Taiwan could make agreements to accept Indian Aksai Chin, Indian Arunachal Pradesh, all other Indian territory occupied by China as Indian, a free Tibet, a free Xinjiang, etc., with India recognizing Taiwan as a quid pro quo. And the US and other countries could join them in these agreements. After all, it was Mao who said Tibet is the palm and Ladakh, Arunachal, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim are the 5 fingers. Taiwan could also recognize Chinese occupied areas of Bhutan as Bhutanese territory.


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Sep 8, 2019
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Officials say the focus now is on constructing the strategic 13.5-km-long Shinku La tunnel, the shortest, safer and the third alternative corridor for the armed forces for forward areas of Union Territory of Ladakh.

Experts told IANS the 9.2 km-long horseshoe-shaped single-tube, two-lane tunnel — the world's longest motorable tunnel at over 3,000 metre above the sea level — is a key step in the Defence Ministry's attempt to make the 475-km Manali-Keylong-Leh highway, used mainly by the armed forces to reach forward areas in Ladakh bordering China and Pakistan, motorable round-the-year.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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I think Chinese are afraid of India and Taiwan becoming allies. It would be interesting if India and Taiwan could make agreements to accept Indian Aksai Chin, Indian Arunachal Pradesh, all other Indian territory occupied by China as Indian, a free Tibet, a free Xinjiang, etc., with India recognizing Taiwan as a quid pro quo. And the US and other countries could join them in these agreements. After all, it was Mao who said Tibet is the palm and Ladakh, Arunachal, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim are the 5 fingers. Taiwan could also recognize Chinese occupied areas of Bhutan as Bhutanese territory.
PM Modi didn't thanked Taiwanese Pres after she wished him Birthday. So it looks clear that India won't recognize Taiwan in near future.
So there goes allies. At least we can increase our trade with them. Taiwanese are damn good in chip manufacturing. I think we should encourage trade & GOI should push that we somehow get their tech in chip manufacturing area.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
the concerns about Taiwan are ridiculous,

They are not in a position to do anything bad to us,
in future as well they won't be in a position.

On the contrary, they are an excellent counter to China...
If we co-operate well, India & Taiwan can screw China.

Flying Dagger

New Member
Sep 26, 2019
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PM Modi didn't thanked Taiwanese Pres after she wished him Birthday. So it looks clear that India won't recognize Taiwan in near future.
So there goes allies. At least we can increase our trade with them. Taiwanese are damn good in chip manufacturing. I think we should encourage trade & GOI should push that we somehow get their tech in chip manufacturing area.
That's MEA babus kartoot. We can deal with China anyway just need some economic and military restructuring. Use of Taiwan is for economic and tech upgrade of Indian manufacturing we can aid them with weapon supply later if our OFBs Improve themselves.
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