India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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Bug targets critical govt computers at cyber hub NIC, email from Bengaluru firm is suspect (Chinese origin)

These computers are believed to contain data on India's security, citizens and important govt functionaries, including the PM, NSA and home minister, among others.

>Bug targets critical govt computers.
A "bug" is un-intended working of any software system, which can be exploited by a certain malicious yellow skinned race to hackerman/eves drop/ steal data from our govt systems.
You can think of a bug as a weak wall in a fort.

These journalists need to be trained how to write articles, then again this is Mr. Coupta website.

They should be focusing on this NIC hack, but mediawalas care about the whole Chinese snoopgate instead, this NIC hack is much more severe

What stupid babuom with their L1 culture has fucked out national security .

Telecom Ministry has updated Rajya sabha that BSNL has 44 % ZTE and 9 % of huawei made made equipment in its Telecom network .

The only connection one get in LAC regions is BSNL . :frusty:

DoT has called for audit of all telecom companies and their network equipment , God knows how much is % of PLA equipment in private networks .
The whole country has L1 culture, at all levels.
for many years now Lenovo supplies computers to TN govt for it's Laptops-for-youth scheme, just because lowest bid.
I think if you do digging, you will find most Central and State Govt contracts/orders go to Chinese companies only, based on this lowest bid meme, not Indian companies, not Western companies, but chong ones.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Hello DFI...

Four months dwon the line but have we been able to discern China's intentions.

Well. intentions are a clear and unambiguous statement of courses of acation resulting in a desired end state. It can be implicit or explicit, the former being stated and letter discerned through course of events. In intelligence terms, it is discernable while establishing enemy force levels, capabilities, posturing, deployment, and actions directed towards a particular goal.

For example it must be clear that with three divisions, PLA can not Capture the entire Ladakh, It can capture only a few areas only.

Which areas? Well that depends on posturing and deployment, force levels and capabilities.

Why? Determine that by the importance and relevance of intended objectives being threatened.

In this context a Few facts :

* Maximum Indian territory in possession of China is Aksaichin. That provides more than adequate depth and security to Chinese G-219.
* The Northern boundary of Aksai Chin is along the mountain Ranges emanating from the Karakoram leading to the Kunlun Mountains... Generally in Line with Karakoram - Karatgh - Haji Langar
* The Southern boundary of Aksai Chin is generally the line of Kongka La , Gogara.
Hotsprings. - Lanka La.
* Thus the area of maximum activities - Depsang plains, Galwan, Cheng Chenmo valley ( Kongkha, Hot Spring, Gogra) are part of ares opposite Chinese held Aksaichin.

The assessed Chinese Deployment Now.

It is assessed that the Chinese have deployed one division in Depsang, Galwan, Kongkha - Cheng Chenmo valley )Gogra Hot Sring). All these would threaten Raod DSDBO.
Up to two Regiments may be on the Northern bank of Pangong Tso
Approximately nine battalions (one division could be in Moldo Sector). Moldo Sector is closely linked to the DSDBO road as also provides many other options to PLA. But it can also be considered a flank of Aksai Chin.

Approximately 350 km South of Rechin La down up to Chumur has not witnessed any major Chinese activities. Usual border guard activities noticed. The Chinese have not shown any interest in her so far.

Only Sikkim had witnessed one incident of confrontation,
PLA activities are reported to in areas opposite the boundary with Bhutan.

OK What to do?

Please Spell out the likely intentions of PLA.

No negative marking.... just have a try...
Please Spell out the likely intentions of PLA.

imo, nothing except threatening us to discourage any offensive.

all of their objectives like (as I've said before)
1. break the moral and will of India (which eventually lead to secure gb and Aksai).
2. discourage our border infra.
3. politically tarnish Modi's image.
4. show allies of US that they can't save them.
all have failed miserably. now they are trying to discourage us from launching offensive.

still now, it's proved that all of their wargames are based on, we won't retaliate and no firing will take place. as at the moment we retaliated, they didn't know what to do.
just think, haphazardly calling some fight club instructors and members, providing some martial art weapons, changing some generals, what do these mean?

I may be wrong, but it looks like, it's nothing but a try to intimidate.

they are $hit scared and praying and hoping we will not retaliate militarily.

(may be I'm missing something).


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Jul 11, 2011
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Mostly a preemptive defensive deployment to secure Akshai Chin with a twist of salami slicing without a fight....
Preempt what? You preempt an enemy or adversary action... ?? there was nothing happening from India side to preemt ??

Aksaichin is secure and fine. There was no threat to it. Secure it from what ??
Salami slicing without a fight- they have done that before hundreds of times.
That does not call for bringing in two divisions and incurring so much expenditure. That they could have done by border Regiments and our MEA would have issued a demarche. That is all.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Intresting thread on China places H-6 bombers near Ladakh ... it’s too easy to assume this move is aimed at deterring India in relation to current tensions. There are other possibilities, including

if these bombers fire ALCM’s why move them from Tibet to the border? Planes don’t work ? Missiles don’t work? Or pilots are incompetent? All of the above????


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Feb 28, 2016
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In English pls, i no understand Xue Xue Hua Piao language

nvm, googre transrate berow

Indian officials broke the news and confirmed the previous report of this newspaper that the two sides shot multiple incidents in the vicinity of Pangong Co Lake in early September, far more serious than the Chushur incident protested by the CCP.
Before the Indian troops occupied Chushur, the Chinese troops were in a superior position, but now the situation has changed. Since the positions occupied by the Indian troops are higher than those of the Chinese troops, and when the top of the mountain starts to snow, the Chinese will not be able to maintain their positions.
Left picture before the war, right picture after the war


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Jun 27, 2020
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ISIS Khorasan is ISI's new puppet, since the main Afghan Taliban group seems to be more intent on capturing power from the current Afghan govt, which is why you see Taliban interested in talks.
Haqqani is a sub group of Afgh Taliban and they are also ISI stooges.

Regardless, logistically we can't handle Afghanistan, even le Superpower had to arm twist Pakis into helping them out with their War on Terror initially.

Most people in the American defence establishment still peddle the low-cost meme of RUSSIA BAD, like it's the cold war or something, and under-sell the very real threat of Iran-Paki-China to American interests, so nothing like this will materialize irl.

By their pullout meme they are gifting Afghanistan to Pakistan and Iran and maybe China also.
there I've used Afg as a hypothesis.

ott :
imo, US shouldn't have walked out of the deal with Iran. it's a blunder.
I'm not sure if we will be able to maintain our relationship with Iran or not.

two alliances are forming. and our theory of counterweighting China with Russian friendship has failed miserably (every time).
but still we are busy with multipolar-bipolar saga. anyways...


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Oct 12, 2013
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Guys talk in hindi and not in English like if you wanna say 'China is intruding', instead say 'China ghuspaith kar raha hai' coz people discuss war strategies here and PLA may get an idea of them and they can counteract them.

So Please talk in HINDI.
:megusta::megusta: hope They don't get my secret plan to capture Lahasa


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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there I've used Afg as a hypothesis.

ott :
imo, US shouldn't have walked out of the deal with Iran. it's a blunder.
I'm not sure if we will be able to maintain our relationship with Iran or not.

two alliances are forming. and our theory of counterweighting China with Russian friendship has failed miserably (every time).
but still we are busy with multipolar-bipolar saga. anyways...
China can only be countered through our own initiative, US is unreliable because globalist control, and Russia is pretty much subservient to China now.
Americans will be forced to jump in tho if China overplay's it's hand militarily vs India, that is too big an event for the globalists to spin into their favor.
lol @ the Russians though, Chinese are a much bigger threat to their land and influence than America will ever be.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Guys talk in hindi and not in English like if you wanna say 'China is intruding', instead say 'China ghuspaith kar raha hai' coz people discuss war strategies here and PLA may get an idea of them and they can counteract them.

So Please talk in HINDI.
they know Hindi too. better if we don't speak. 😁


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Please Spell out the likely intentions of PLA.

imo, nothing except threatening us to discourage any offensive.
In order to justify that to be an intention we need to establish that that was any indication of offensive by India in terms of statement, action, deployment, new raising or some significant military activity that made china react to thwart any offensive plan. But from India's side, there was so such thing.

all of their objectives like (as I've said before)
1. break the moral and will of India (which eventually lead to secure gb and Aksai).
Well this plausible intention. If China has spread Corona virus with this intention then backing it up with a military threat is a highly probable cause. But that does not explain the choice of Ladak and areas opposite Aksai Chin to be specific. Why not Sikkim or Uttarakhand?

2. discourage our border infra.
That so far is is the most reasonable of intentions you have stated because most of the factors you can relate to DSDBO road. But justify that DSDBO road is worth this much of a threat and a risk of deterioration of relation can be taken rationally by China on that count.

3. politically tarnish Modi's image.
Nothing is required to be justified if that is taken as the intention of China.

4. show allies of US that they can't save them.
That can be shown in many other ways , much cheaper and much less riskier.


all have failed miserably. now they are trying to discourage us from launching offensive.

still now, it's proved that all of their wargames are based on, we won't retaliate and no firing will take place. as at the moment we retaliated, they didn't know what to do.
just think, haphazardly calling some fight club instructors and members, providing some martial art weapons, changing some generals, what do these mean?

I may be wrong, but it looks like, it's nothing but a try to intimidate.

they are $hit scared and praying and hoping we will not retaliate militarily.

(may be I'm missing something).

No you gave good "possible intentions" . all PLA actions such as Choice of sectors and points of Intrusions, force levels, timing, sequence of events, implicit intentions like statements of laedership and propganda by Global Times , all should fit well into achiving one goal.. then one can say that was the most probable intentions.

Say for example, thre are three divisions there - so what spectacular PLA can achieve with that? How and in what manner they employed that force... etc will lead us somewhere..

But well tried..


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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-.-- .- .----. .-.. .-.. / -. .. -... -... .. .- .-. ... / ..-. .. .-. ... - / - .- -.- . / .- .-- .- -.-- .-.-.- / .---- .-.-.- / ... .... .. . ... / .- .-- .- -.-- / ..-. .-. --- -- / . -- .--. .... .- - .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .--. ..- - - .. -. --. / .- -.-. .-. --- ... ... / .. -. -.. .. .- -. / ...- .. . .-- .--. --- .. -. - / --- ..-. / -- -.-. -- .- .... --- -. / .-.. .. -. . / -... . .. -. --. / - .... . / -... --- .-. -.. . .-. / -... -.-- / ... .- -.-- .. -. --. / - .... .- - / -... --- .-. -.. . .-. / .... .- ... / -. --- - / -... . . -. / -.. . .-.. .. -. . .- - . -.. .-.-.- / - .... .- - / .. ... / .--. .-. . -.-. .. ... . .-.. -.-- / .-- .... .- - / . ...- . .-. -.-- / ... ..- -.-. -.-. . ... ... .. ...- . / --. --- .. / .... .- ... / -.. --- -. . / .. -. -.-. .-.. ..- -.. .. -. --. / .--. .-. . ... . -. - .-.-.- / .- .-- . ... --- -- . .-.-.- / .--.-. .... . .-.. .-.. ..-. .. .-. . .-.-.-

Chineez can understand morsecode my nibber.
I say we speak in Klingon instead.

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Hello DFI...

Four months dwon the line but have we been able to discern China's intentions.

Well. intentions are a clear and unambiguous statement of courses of acation resulting in a desired end state. It can be implicit or explicit, the former being stated and letter discerned through course of events. In intelligence terms, it is discernable while establishing enemy force levels, capabilities, posturing, deployment, and actions directed towards a particular goal.

For example it must be clear that with three divisions, PLA can not Capture the entire Ladakh, It can capture only a few areas only.

Which areas? Well that depends on posturing and deployment, force levels and capabilities.

Why? Determine that by the importance and relevance of intended objectives being threatened.

In this context a Few facts :

* Maximum Indian territory in possession of China is Aksaichin. That provides more than adequate depth and security to Chinese G-219.
* The Northern boundary of Aksai Chin is along the mountain Ranges emanating from the Karakoram leading to the Kunlun Mountains... Generally in Line with Karakoram - Karatgh - Haji Langar
* The Southern boundary of Aksai Chin is generally the line of Kongka La , Gogara.
Hotsprings. - Lanka La.
* Thus the area of maximum activities - Depsang plains, Galwan, Cheng Chenmo valley ( Kongkha, Hot Spring, Gogra) are part of ares opposite Chinese held Aksaichin.

The assessed Chinese Deployment Now.

It is assessed that the Chinese have deployed one division in Depsang, Galwan, Kongkha - Cheng Chenmo valley )Gogra Hot Sring). All these would threaten Raod DSDBO.
Up to two Regiments may be on the Northern bank of Pangong Tso
Approximately nine battalions (one division could be in Moldo Sector). Moldo Sector is closely linked to the DSDBO road as also provides many other options to PLA. But it can also be considered a flank of Aksai Chin.

Approximately 350 km South of Rechin La down up to Chumur has not witnessed any major Chinese activities. Usual border guard activities noticed. The Chinese have not shown any interest in her so far.

Only Sikkim had witnessed one incident of confrontation,
PLA activities are reported to in areas opposite the boundary with Bhutan.

OK What to do?

Please Spell out the likely intentions of PLA.

No negative marking.... just have a try...
1. At Galwan.. at the confluence of Shyok and Galwan.. the PLA would cut off DSDBO road isolating subsector North to an extent.
2 . Then the division at Moldo would break out at Chushul, turn right head north towards Darbuk and dominate the Changla pass.. and stop reinforcement coming in.
3 From Tangtse they can swing towards Lukung.. while the troops on the northern bank of Pangong Tso march towards Phobrang thus capturing whole of Pangong complex and cutting off Indian positions at Gogra..
4. To cut off air connectivity to sub sector North, PLA mechanized divisions in depsang would attack DBO airstrip and occupy it. and move towards Murgo to cut off the Leh - Saser la - DBO road..
End state: Cut off and occupy whole of subsector North and also siachen down the road. Also, occupy whole of Pangong complex
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