India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Apr 6, 2019
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I guess this move is to gain more upper hand in IOC. There were reports of Andaman Islands converted into container Terminal for merchants ships and if this canal is constructed and controlled by India along with Indian Navy base are upgraded in Andaman we can gain a lot as all merchant ships move under the nose of Indian navy and Singapore/Malaysia is bypassed by ships. This canal project either we take it up now or china will do it later. This will happen for sure


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Jan 31, 2019
OT but important

What is the current strength of bjp in rajya sabha and by when can we expect a majority there.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Indian govt has doubled the budget for developing infra along border areas in recent times due to which Indian side can very effectively respond to the adversary now. We will not let the unilateral change of status quo happen. China says one thing, does another. It was PLA which opened fire on 30th Aug, not us: Rajnath Singh

Frontal Assault.
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Feb 28, 2016
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Poor Kadi Ninda Singh will now be needled by chorgress on kOi NaHi GhUsSA, since i think his speech is over and they can question him now.
Till actual bullets start flying they will taunt about koi nahi ghussa on repeat, then switch tracks to "modi is warmonger", "modi has failed poor of India" etc etc etc


New Member
May 30, 2009
Nice try but India is not building something that has not been done before with Tejas or anything else and we have not done anything original in over atleast 700 years. If result is the only thing that matters and it does in a war then this pace is unacceptable, so many technology transfers, partnerships and so on and still we do not have a competetive product in any defence related area from small arms to ammunition to tanks to aircrafts that stands on features vs cost even for our own consumption forget about exports. Even take software, we called ourself IT superpower but there is not a single world class product out in the market from India. Its all useless tedious back office work or services....You can sugarcoat it all you want and it is certainly not lack of talent.....this is utter selfishness from ones own parents to all the way to PM. One has to take pride and work hard to get results.....

With congress era of decades the energy after independence was not channeled properly but with Modi I think we are seeing somethings like actually deploying our own things into combat and let them shine or sink so we can address short comings.

Apologies for OT, this will be my last reply on this topic. It started with Hawk AJT and ended up here.
That's just western propaganda, saying India has not innovated in the last 700 years, and often repeated by India's enemies to put it down. The west rewrote India's history to make it seem that India has not innovated, and people educated in the western system eat it up. The fact is that any one of these design teams from F-35 to B-2 bomber is filled with Indian engineers and software experts. In fact the B-2 bomber's stealth features were designed by an Indian. Most of the software and hardware that you are using to write these posts was created by Indians.
So the problem is systematic, and not due to a lack of hard-working Indians, no matter what the foreign agents say.
The best engineers and scientists will go wherever they can make a good living for their families. If you want the best talent, you have to invest the money to pay them well as well as on research and development resources.
No country is going to hand out their state of the art intellectual property no matter what you pay. You have to develop a military industrial complex that supports innovation, there are no shortcuts to this. The US has invested trillions of dollars to get where it's today. India's enemies are threatened by its weapons research and development, so now their agents have started targeting DRDO, HAL, etc. The fact is that Indian agencies have succeeded in developing many weapons such as Tejas, Astra, Akash, Agni series missiles, satellites, radars, missile defence, India's nuclear arsenal, nuclear submarines, etc on a very tight budget. And India's enemies are threatened by this, so their new ploy is to attack government agencies like DRDO and HAL. But it will not work, and India will succeed in developing a military industrial complex in collaboration with its private industry.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars using loud speakers to haress was just a part of the tactic employed by the melcchas remember in 1962 war the Melcchas were vicious who contributed to many war crime that are as follows:

Ditto 1 : The Melcchas were knew to cut fingers and hands to collect precious items made of silver gold etc, hand watches.

Ditto 2 : The Melcchas were one to take wallets winter Clothing from martyred.

Ditto 3 : Stealing cattle and harassing any local they got was a standard tactic of the melcchas.

Ditto 4 : Harasshing the PoW and sub standard treatments against them by the Melcchas is a well knew to everyone.

Ditto 5 : Putting a little amount of chunna in the food to harres the PoW was also the tactic employed by the Melcchas just for fun.

Ditto 6 : Not giving proper clothing and stealing the winter Clothing from them was a another crime made by the Melcchas.

Ditto 7: Some Melcchas had done defamation of the Martyred by cutting their limbs this was a horror tactics employed by them. There were many cases were this kind of barbaric acts were seen.

Ditto 8 : The Melcchas playing the punjabi song was just a one part of its they were knewn to play anti india propaganda on the loud speakers and also inuslting and hurt speeches was another part of the degraded Melcchas propaganda.
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