India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Aug 10, 2020
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First kick out useless chaps filled in MOD then u will see steep increase in cpaex.
Ya'll Nibbiars we need a annual budget of 100 Billion US dollars then we will be able to spend 30 percent on the capital Procumenta that is 30 billion dollars in distribution it will triple the capital expenditures to all the services for eg if the IAF is spending 4 Billion US dollars currently it will spend 12 billion US dollars with triple the budget that means it can afford the three times the numbers of aircraft currently being procured annually and when compared to the Tejas we can order three times the numbers of aircrafts that are under procument.
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New Member
Aug 29, 2020
yes IFVs do have rear view mirrors along with mirrors to see other positions around the vehicle.
no sensor can replace mirrors, at least for now.
May be they are armored but it looks too flimsy like on a passenger bus, a random bullet will do its job in real scenario....


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Feb 28, 2016
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Isn't that attributable to exchange rate magic as both those other countries have local MIC....we still have smaller budget as we are smaller in size compared to them but I think part of it is attributable to not having MIC
Having MIC is a function of govt will, if Govt wills it, they will make a budget, and put foot to arse to make sure they get that money's worth.

During Soviet times, most of their govt resources and paisa were into making military gear for parity with the West.

With our beloved bat-munching neighbors, they have focused into building a defense industry on par with Ruskies/Americans/Euros by sam dham dandh bedh, by pouring sums of money into defense R&D, stealing technology, reverse engineering, licensing, whatever it takes to get the job done.

If Govt is made up of politicians who are scared about opposition crying if they increase budget to 2.4% of GDP from 2.3% of GDP, and has a nexus of corrupt babus, brass, politicians stymieing domestic production in favor of imports, our pitiful MIC is what you get.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Ya'll Nibbiars that the Suprise its the total Capital Expenditure budget for the Four services. So an increase of 9,000 Crores compared to the previous years Nibba. The Out of our 70 Billion US Dollars budget we spend only 18 percent on the Capital procument's ofcourse that excludes the infractures capital cost but our annual spending is much less compared to the Russia Japan with a similar budget. Even the Melcchas spend 25 of their budget on the Capital procument's.
Ayy mate most of the budget goes to Salaries, Pensions and Maintenance.
Regardless I think we can do much better in small amount of budget given we rely heavily upon Indigenous Industry. We can justify large expenditure in procurement if we buy our own and pay our own.

Things Like
BPJ, Vest
Guns, Sidearms
Knee cap, elbow cap
Gloves, Googles
Optics and NVG.

all of these are basic requirement of soldier and arent rocket science to make just implementation and execution needs to be right.
If say we spend 20 billion in procuring local maall than all of the money will end up back in the economy. Basically its like investing in you own family members businesses.

fighter jets, tanks and ships take time and planning but small things that a foot soldier needs should be sorted out immediately.

Why would they go for sig 716 on such volumes when an ak plant is being set up under license? I think IA has too many different types of small arms issued to various types of forces.
I was just tying to give a figure it can be any gun that fits our bill.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ayy mate most of the budget goes to Salaries, Pensions and Maintenance.
Regardless I think we can do much better in small amount of budget given we rely heavily upon Indigenous Industry. We can justify large expenditure in procurement if we buy our own and pay our own.

Things Like
BPJ, Vest
Guns, Sidearms
Knee cap, elbow cap
Gloves, Googles
Optics and NVG.

all of these are basic requirement of soldier and arent rocket science to make just implementation and execution needs to be right.
If say we spend 20 billion in procuring local maall than all of the money will end up back in the economy. Basically its like investing in you own family members businesses.

fighter jets, tanks and ships take time and planning but small things that a foot soldier needs should be sorted out immediately.

I was just tying to give a figure it can be any gun that fits our bill.
Arre Nibba For that 20 US billion dollars we need and annual budget of 80 US billion dollars. Even if you reduce the corruption at most you can save what 2 to 3 % in saving that means 2.5 US billion dollars more. So on a current budget 15 Billion US dollars for the Capital procument. A large percentage of the allocated budget for the Capital procument is not utilized and goes to the other departments budget that happens due to the Delays.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
If Govt is made up of politicians who are scared about opposition crying if they increase budget to 2.4% of GDP from 2.3% of GDP, and has a nexus of corrupt babus, brass, politicians stymieing domestic production in favor of imports, our pitiful MIC is what you get.
This some babus, politicians, military officers, journalist and Foreign interests.
Put a foot down their arse and kick start the MIC. once the MIC is up and running It would become more profitable than imports.
TBH I solely blame BJP for this, they tried their luck with Babus for 5 years and they are still bootlicking them.
There is nothing to fear in the babus whats the worse they can do? I dont know whats to fear here just start kicking them out, does the constitution bar the government form kicking out babus?


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Mar 24, 2019
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Normal firebombing killed much more people and destroyed much more than fat man and little boy.
That is true but in that case a nuclear state attacked a non nuclear state . Here we r two nuclear state . It wont stop untill both countries exhust their numbers . Though china has more numbers in this regard . If india also has 130/150 nuclear assets . This much enough to end human civilization with a nuclear winter forget abt china's response . Fat boy and little boy stands no where today what india can deliver .. we also have hydrogen bomb. So yeah .. nucleear weapon is not overestimated .


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
That is true but in that case a nuclear state attacked a non nuclear state . Here we r two nuclear state . It wont stop untill both countries exhust their numbers . Though china has more numbers in this regard . If india also has 130/150 nuclear assets . This much enough to end human civilization with a nuclear winter forget abt china's response . So yeah .. nucleear weapon is not overestimated .
Modern world is too sensitive and with global supply chains, it is not expected to survive easily any level of major nuclear incidents and covid proved both at individual and system level. There should be some serious planning to address these extreme "comfort" oriented mindset and just in time production and supermarket oriented lifestyle....with nuclear even food is inedible


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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That is true but in that case a nuclear state attacked a non nuclear state . Here we r two nuclear state . It wont stop untill both countries exhust their numbers . Though china has more numbers in this regard . If india also has 130/150 nuclear assets . This much enough to end human civilization with a nuclear winter forget abt china's response . Fat boy and little boy stands no where today what india can deliver .. we also have hydrogen bomb. So yeah .. nucleear weapon is not overestimated .
India needs 1500-2000 nuclear warheads to have a reasonable chance against China.
Other easier cheaper option is to ally with America. It is a flawed alliance but may work.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Ayy mate most of the budget goes to Salaries, Pensions and Maintenance.
There is a dire need to push the pension age from current 15 years to 25 years...One need to look for ways to reduce this pension / main .

This is slowly becoming a scam IMO. A guy gets enrolled at 20... spends his time training and studying.. completes 15 years to get pension at age of 35 and than gets enrolled as teacher in govt school or in a bank.. because there is a ex serviceman quota,...perfect.. he will draw pension for almost 30 years by doing a service of just 15 years and will earn a handsome salary as govt employee as well...bonanza is double pension at the actual retirement age of 57 .. what else one need in life..CSD / Health everything is bonus...!!!!!!!!!!!!

and here in private sector, one slogs whole life and still gets ZERO in the name of pension unless enrolled in NPS or some shitty scheme where returns are negative...
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New Member
Jun 2, 2015
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But if one is to go way back in time chinese still never seemed to have a very proper military combat record.

Chinese were taunted as a asian giant and regional power before the sino Japanese war.

Most Western countries were confident that china would crush japan yet we all know what happened the qing dynasty met its end.

Japan went ahead to defeat even russia in the Russo Japanese war.

Maybe this still holds true today they might be a regional power as long as they can maintain the illusion of them being strong.

The second the fight and lose we might witness something similar again.
The memory of their defeat at the hands of the Japanese during the 2nd Sino Japanese war which lasted from 1937 to 1945 still rankles in the minds of the Chinese. IMO it is of an order of magnitude greater than the impact on the Indian psyche as a result of 1962. At the height of their conquest Japanese forces had occupied Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing forcing the Chinese Government to re-locate deep into the Chinese interior. About 20-25 million civilians and 3 million Chinese troops died in this war. It was strong support from the US (via the air bridge from Assam to Chendu) and the US entering the war in the Pacific as a result of Pearl Harbor which finally turned the tide of war. But the war did not end until Japan's surrender in 1945. As I said, the average Chinese has very bad memories of this war and their defeat at the hands of the Japanese.
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