India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Aug 29, 2020
India has been avoiding and has (annoyingly) done every effort not to brand China as an enemy. OTOH, these bat eaters have been doing every apparent misadventure including protecting terrorists at UNO to attack us. They have now spent all their neighborly goodwill currency. Decoupling is in progress.

Their low life netizens use to make cartoon where Porkis and Chinese balloons surrounding an Indian balloon pushing and pinpricking with a smirk on their face. I used think only a low life coward would enjoy ganging up with likewise thug to bully a pperson.

Last year we shoved 370 feet long bamboo into Pakistani a$$. The piercing was so sharp that their lasagna PM cried inconsolably like a b1tch at the UN assembly. Now it's the turn of paper dragon China. The crying we read every day of Global Times only confirms the abrasions we are inflicting on them.
Yes we need to become a fighting nation under one general and leave a millenia of impotency behind us. World is metamorphing socially, economically and militarily and any alliances need to be tactical and advantageous to us. This is an opportunity to take advantage of those scenarios and exploit others unfortune for once in our recent history.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Ya'll Nibbiars Bring some TOS from Russian and armenian storage and arsenal and see.

On a lighter note.

Apparently Chongs have signed a treaty that basically needs the signatories to ban Incendiary and other chemical spray type weapons, because human right violashun etc
Interesting that they are openly boasting about deploying such weapons.

India has been avoiding and has (annoyingly) done every effort not to brand China as an enemy. OTOH, these bat eaters have been doing every apparent misadventure including protecting terrorists at UNO to attack us. They have now spent all their neighborly goodwill currency. Decoupling is in progress.

Their low life netizens use to make cartoon where Porkis and Chinese balloons surrounding an Indian balloon pushing and pinpricking with a smirk on their face. I used think only a low life coward would enjoy ganging up with likewise thug to bully a pperson.

Last year we shoved 370 feet long bamboo into Pakistani a$$. The piercing was so sharp that their lasagna PM cried inconsolably like a b1tch at the UN assembly. Now it's the turn of paper dragon China. The crying we read every day of Global Times only confirms the abrasions we are inflicting on them.

Is this the one? it is called "Polandball" there are comics like these for every country.
Originally it was about Poland, so polandball.
This seems like it's made more by a frustrated Indian tbh.
Porks seem to have an image of themselves as invincible Ghazis, Chineez are a rare of drones who are only patriotic when CCP tells them to, creativity normally isn't something they do unless paid to/forced to.


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Dec 25, 2016
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A good discussion where two former Indian ambassador to china are saying by moving such large amounts of troops to LAC china has now completely nullified all the CBM agreements signed in 1993,1996,2005,2012 & 2013 .

They are also clarifying the 5 point statement from moscow and clearly saying it doesn't mean anywhere de-escalation until status quo ante is restored,And china no where in those statements talked about restoring status quo ante .

Also as per both of them possibility of skirmishes are very high now

They are also clarifying that its not going to business as usual as chinese claim in India-china relations going forward .

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New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Yeh jakar @Bhumihar ki Eva Zheng se kehna. Bhabhi Har samay sirf Melcchas ki propaganda karte rahte hai.
"Eva Zheng" is most likely an ISPR paki employee.
As you can see with GT, chenez can only do the most crude and un-subtle propaganda, so it is most likely that they outsource this to the momeens who are pro at winning Jung -e- Twitter, Jung -e- phoren lefty University, any jung but the one for Kashmir


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Jul 22, 2020
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"Eva Zheng" is most likely an ISPR paki employee.
As you can see with GT, chenez can only do the most crude and un-subtle propaganda, so it is most likely that they outsource this to the momeens who are pro at winning Jung -e- Twitter, Jung -e- phoren lefty University, any jung but the one for Kashmir
Somebody doxxed and exposed him her as expected it was some Pakistani man


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Then why is it that the very first thing you post is an old video extensively used as propaganda, on top of that the video has already been posted here and has been done to death already.
I always find the quality of these ISPR shills, Congress/AAP IT Cell, Chinese AI powered bot network etc lacking.
We should make our very own shtposting army, do a much better job than ISPR or whatever, and also give unemployed lukkhas good employment.
I mean it is satisfactory, just sit behind a screen and roast paks and chinks all day.
very ez


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
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"Eva Zheng" is most likely an ISPR paki employee.
As you can see with GT, chenez can only do the most crude and un-subtle propaganda, so it is most likely that they outsource this to the momeens who are pro at winning Jung -e- Twitter, Jung -e- phoren lefty University, any jung but the one for Kashmir
She is Usman from Faisalabad

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Light heavy medium are just categories made for import of diff platforms.

If we had Rafale in 300+ number do you think we would have gone for Sukhoi now ?

There high goes off.

If we had Gripen / Tejas mk2 like fighter jet in 500-600 number with Sukhoi 30 do you think we would have gone for Rafale ?

There you go.

Its all abt having platforms that can take care of what enemy throws at us and provide us absolute superiority.

Yes we do need fifth gen fighter jet but the cost and dependence on other will be too high. We have a fructifying aerospace program at work. Tejas then mk2 possibly Tedbf/ORCA and 35-40 onwards AMCA.

Rafale more or less takes care of Chinese J 20 etc while Sukhoi upgrade will provide us ample edge.

Rest Tejas with AESA radar can take care of patrolling and interception against Porks.
Are you saying L M H don't have difference in capabilities? n it's a tag just for imports!!!

It's the capabilities of the mix that would govern the force's strategies and tactics. I have been basing my assessment on IAF continuing with LMH mix.

Absolutely agree with you on Indigenous, Rafale Vs J20 n Tejas Vs Porks.

I also believe that Medium to Heavy is a natural progression even when we are making our own. We should have a 'limited' number of heavy 5th gen fighters (even if imported) at all times so that broad strategies and tactics for the mix are in place when we make our own or a situation arises which calls for heavies.


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May 18, 2009
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In case F-35 is offered at a future date.. what is the deployment plan.. like S-400s will not be deployed in sectors where F-35s are deployed ? Or USAF personnel on airbase to ensure Ruskies dont get hold of some classified details? Like can we have F-35s only deployed against China, and S-400 defend cities , as well as against Pakistan?
Sure there must be some ways to deploy both s400 and f35..
If india and us can figure that out it will be burnol moment for both our neighbours.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
There is news flash on NDTV that the Chinese are laying cables for communications.

I must mention that PLA forward posts always use cabled communication to connect with CP and beyond. This was revealed by CCP plant named ~Xinhua at WAB to brigadier Ray 10 to 12 years ago.

I have no doubt that from day one they have their cabled communication in place.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Sure there must be some ways to deploy both s400 and f35..
If india and us can figure that out it will be burnol moment for both our neighbours.
Nahi hoga, if we buy american offensive platforms all of GoI's future will be spooked by babus peddling over exaggerated threats of american sanctions and uncle sam being mad.
They have utter bs conditions like their offensive platforms can be used with American permissions only, F-35 has to be maintained only at authorized centers( like it's some consumer electronic item lmao ), software of F-35 is not shared with buyers and the source code is only with Americans, and any upgrades, modifications also have to be done by Americans only.
Buy American, Be dhoti shiverer all your term.

btw dhoti shivering only applies to our ahimsavadi country, porks are free to abuse their F-16s, same like the Turkis do, but babus will make it seem that uncle sam will smite us if we use American items without american permission


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Sep 13, 2020
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After such a long and educative video, it seems you have not fully understood it.

The Northern bank is equally important as the Chinese can develop operations towards Lukung and Tangtse along the fingers. The difference is that it might not be a large scale mechanized operation but only an infantry operation.

Once in Lukung, you can develop operations towards;
* Gogra - Hot Spring...
* Shyok - Galwan
* Towards Leh
* Go the southern bank and come down to Chusul ...
* Threaten / capture Nubra valley axix...

Only rocks on Finger three are required to be blasted to connect the road. Northern bank and fingers are equally important.. There is no use defending Chusul if Northen bank is gone.. and Chinese reach Lunkung..

Now, who will tell that to ITBP..??
Thanks for that... maybe I wasn't clear.. I wasn't advocating giving up the fingers. Was trying to pass on the importance of Chushul.

Any loss is a setback and will lead to degradation of capabilities. IMO you can lose a finger and get it back after some fight. Lot more harder to do that if Chushul goes.

Anyway I do get the point you are making.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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There is news flash on NDTV that the Chinese are laying cables for communications.

I must mention that PLA forward posts always use cabled communication to connect with CP and beyond. This was revealed by CCP plant named ~Xinhua at WAB to brigadier Ray 10 to 12 years ago.

I have no doubt that from day one they have their cabled communication in place.
This is like very old news, i remember reading this back in May
This is also part of standard chinez strategy of
Surprise (is)land grab -> Build permanent structures and infrastructure to boost "claim" -> Hold position militarily and delay/stall diplomatically till your victim accepts -> rinse and repeat next year.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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AIM 120D ? Which aircraft u want to fit it with ... And that too with in 2/3 yrs ... Dnt say su30mki . Integration of missile is a complecated business . Air frame coding etc require .. do u know why meteor cld nt be integrated with tejasmk1a ? Search it on google..

By the way we have been hearing abt derby ER for su30mki for a year . Cnt say if its done
As per statements in Dec 2019, the integration of the missile is to be completed by 2022. Integration is planned for MKI, M2K, Tejas. Don't have further info.
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