India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 8, 2019
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MEA Babus fired another diplomatic missile, China will stop all its mischief now 🤣
Indian MEA & other departments have 100+ years of transcripts of plans/communications/memo's with Tibetians & then Chinese on perceptions/incursions/back stabbings/deceptions/failed chances etc.

In-spite of all these if this is really what the MEA thinks, then it needs to hire new people.


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May 31, 2020
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Rather than taking up all contentious border-related issues all at once, India has decided to take them step by step, resolving one issue at a time, with China before bilateral normalcy is restored between the two Indo-Pacific powers.

Next on the table are resolving stand-off at Hot Springs near Kongka La, Demchok and restoration of patrolling rights in the Depsang Bulge.

It is understood that India has identified 18 friction points on the LAC that needs to be resolved between the two armies before peace and tranquillity is restored along the undemarcated border. “We intend to take up each friction point one by one so that both sides are clear about the arguments in support of their posture,”

:lehappy: looks like tea-biscuit sessions will continue until we get what we want or all the chinese die of diabetes.

good news that we havent given up on any thing . either PLA leave or this stand off will continue forever.
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New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Rather than taking up all contentious border-related issues all at once, India has decided to take them step by step, resolving one issue at a time, with China before bilateral normalcy is restored between the two Indo-Pacific powers.

Next on the table are resolving stand-off at Hot Springs near Kongka La, Demchok and restoration of patrolling rights in the Depsang Bulge.

It is understood that India has identified 18 friction points on the LAC that needs to be resolved between the two armies before peace and tranquillity is restored along the undemarcated border. “We intend to take up each friction point one by one so that both sides are clear about the arguments in support of their posture,”

:lehappy: looks like tea-biscuit sessions will continue until we get what we want or all the chinese die of diabetes.

good news that we havent given up on any thing . either PLA leave or this will continue forever.
I guess their plan to bore the fuck out of China so much that they will leave themselves. Our babus are using the UPSC syllabus to chart out the meeting agenda.

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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Did not see this posted earlier, worth reading in full.

General Naravane says by and by all friction points will get resolved, differences can be resolved through dialogue, and he is hopeful of achieving results. However, this may be wishful thinking and depends on how much we are prepared to cede with China holding all aces at the bargaining table.

Disengagement along the north bank of Pangong Lake has created a 10-km no-patrol zone in our territory. At Gogra, a similar 5-km no-patrol zone is affected on our side of the LAC. China is yet to respond to our invitation for the next round of Corps Commander-level talks but should it happen we may cede another 5-km no-patrol zone in our territory in the Hot Springs area.

In Depsang, PLA made a 20-km deep intrusion at Y-Junction in 2013, which it vacated three weeks later only after India dismantled its structures and surveillance equipment from Chumar, some 400 km south of the intrusion area. This time the PLA has installed surveillance structures at the Y-Junction and is not permitting our patrols to approach Patrol Points 10, 11, 11A, 12 and 13 that were established ‘short’ of the LAC years back on recommendations of the China Study Group.

So far China has rebuffed any talks on Depsang and Demchok. Whether the message calling them ‘legacy issues’ in our media indicates preparing grounds for their surrender only time will show.

Not blaming China for the aggression in May-June 2020 was a major mistake on our part. Describing intrusions as “friction points” would be interpreted as cowardice by China. To top this, the line that “we too keep going across” emboldened China more. Even to-date we are officially blaming China only for the Galwan clash. Vacating the Kailash Range in our own territory was further proof of our pusillanimity – what was the reason; threat conveyed by Chinese foreign minister to his Indian counterpart?
The PLA has used talks over past several months to consolidate its new positions, deploy advanced weapon systems and drones, long-range artillery, air defence systems, and constructed new heliports, airfield and logistics bases.

According to a veteran Divisional Commander of Ladakh, “If this continues then the PLA can even outflank and roll our entire defensive position from Chumar to Demchok to Loma. In addition they can attack DBO along with the airstrip and pose a threat to Siachen.”
Our policy makers need to understand three things:

  • Ducking behind the logic that China does not want war is irrelevant; China doesn’t want all out war but that does not prevent it from making dent(s) across the Himalayas.
  • China understands our military capabilities but it is the political will that it would like to test, besides denting our economy, because Beijing views India as a rival and hindrance to a China-centric Asia.
  • Massing of troops and weapon systems on the border is not enough. For deterrence to be effective, it has to be selectively demonstrated, which we have failed to do till now. The Galwan clash was an automatic response by our troops on ground. If our hierarchy had the gall, we should have captured the Galwan heights by next morning. That would have demonstrated political will.
Finally, despite our national focus on upcoming state elections, we must recognise the dark clouds over Ladakh; don’t ignore them as environmental vagaries.

-The author is a veteran of the Indian Army. Views expressed are personal.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Chinese are not going to stop excursions, not with the current response we are giving. What are we saying? It is normal, we also make excursions --what nonsense. If Chinese are assured that you won't kill them, why wouldn't they take territory up to Delhi. It is a pity they are encroaching only border areas.

Willingness to fight-- seems we have lost it somewhere. Next time, you kill those 200 Chinese. And then we will see what happens.
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