Idiotic Musings From Firangistan


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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watch "American bubble" and more

and a classic commie propaganda video, in this case CCP.
they won't say to the other party "these are my merits and i am going to impress solely with my merits", they say "these are your deficiencies, we are not so bad either".

American spiel is "We are offering the american dream, it comes at a cost, take it or leave it", but they keep nagging you to take it using demand supply differential.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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The success of Indian Americans in USA proves that USA isn't institutionally racist at least not to the level that Blacks say it is.

It's a harsh reminder to Blacks that their community's lack of success isn't due to racism but due to their own lack of abilities.

It's easy to hate on the successful community i.e Indian Americans than accept your own shortcomings.
mate racism is very much institutionalized and overt. thing is we identify colonialism, racism and bigotry via past practices. But today they are still be being practiced by the same countries albeit with slightly changed strategy of how they apply ever successful - divide and rule. Be it "Bangalored" "7/11 slurpee" "red dot busting' "caste discrimination" "press freedom" " human rights" "discriminatory visa policy" "evil hindutva" "LGTBTQ activism" are all props to keep your nation occupied with one headache or other - while US elites strengthen their position.
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Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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mate racism is very much institutionalized and overt. thing is we identify colonialism, racism and bigotry via past practices. But today they are still be being practiced by the same countries albeit with slightly changed strategy of how they apply ever successful - divide and rule. Be it "Bangalored" "7/11 slurpee" "red dot busting' "caste discrimination" "press freedom" " human rights"discriminatory visa policy" "evil hindutva" "LGTBTQ activism" are all props to keep your nation occupied with one headache or other - while US elites strengthen their position.
If racism was so institutionalised, non-whites won't succeed. I'm not denying the existence of racism in America but things aren't as bad as Blacks say it is.

Indians, Chinese, Other Asians etc succeed while Blacks have been eternal failures in America.

Why is that? Surely institutional racism can't exist just for blacks?

Look at the state of Black families. It's a miracle if a black kid reaches 18 years old with 2 stable parents at home. It's the Black culture which is the predominant reason for lack of success in Black community.

Lack of family values, eternal victim mindset, lack of academic interest etc


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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mate racism is very much institutionalized and overt. thing is we identify colonialism, racism and bigotry via past practices. But today they are still be being practiced by the same countries albeit with slightly changed strategy of how they apply ever successful - divide and rule. Be it "Bangalored" "7/11 slurpee" "red dot busting' "caste discrimination" "press freedom" " human rights"discriminatory visa policy" "evil hindutva" "LGTBTQ activism" are all props to keep your nation occupied with one headache or other - while US elites strengthen their position.
I was once in this right wing christian group on faceberg, it was goras mostly.
One guy there came up with the theory that this modern shitlib dystopia is because CIA spooks decided that "identity politics" was the best way to defeat class concioussness and hence Communism.

And so they promoted feminism( man vs woman ), LGBTQWERTY( sexual deviants vs normal ), immigration & diversity( black vs white vs spic vs indian vs chink ).

Finally, they shipped all industrial worker jobs to authoritarian one party states, further eliminating worker uprisings.

There is also what you have described, press freedom, human rights etc effected upon rival countries to keep them busy.

Both domestically and internationally they have everyone distracted with made up bullshit


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I was once in this right wing christian group on faceberg, it was goras mostly.
One guy there came up with the theory that this modern shitlib dystopia is because CIA spooks decided that "identity politics" was the best way to defeat class concioussness and hence Communism.

And so they promoted feminism( man vs woman ), LGBTQWERTY( sexual deviants vs normal ), immigration & diversity( black vs white vs spic vs indian vs chink ).

Finally, they shipped all industrial worker jobs to authoritarian one party states, further eliminating worker uprisings.

There is also what you have described, press freedom, human rights etc effected upon rival countries to keep them busy.

Both domestically and internationally they have everyone distracted with made up bullshit
exactly! You are right on every point - except CIA is a tool. Its the deep state who is all behind this jhol.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Adhere to US policies diligently. Thats why you shall have Kamala and not Vivek ever in power.
That just shows that USA is going down the wrong path.

Haven't heard a single thing that came out of Vivek's mouth that I disagree with. Ultra impressive guy.

Blacks are merely pressed at the guy because he said some harsh truths about them.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Every group which gives importance to academics and family.
I'll tell you an anecdote about the "setup" in colonial East Africa
Administration was Indian
Merchant class was Chinese or Indian
Labourers to work on railways etc were Indian usually, sometimes black.

Ofc whitey was the overboss in Administration, that's a given.

point here is the nogs are good for nothing except being tools for wh*tey and jewish shitlibs.
Earlier they were good for hard agricultural labour when such exports were all the rage for greedy whiteys.

Trial By Fire

Regular Member
Jul 16, 2022
I was once in this right wing christian group on faceberg, it was goras mostly.
One guy there came up with the theory that this modern shitlib dystopia is because CIA spooks decided that "identity politics" was the best way to defeat class concioussness and hence Communism.

And so they promoted feminism( man vs woman ), LGBTQWERTY( sexual deviants vs normal ), immigration & diversity( black vs white vs spic vs indian vs chink ).

Finally, they shipped all industrial worker jobs to authoritarian one party states, further eliminating worker uprisings.

There is also what you have described, press freedom, human rights etc effected upon rival countries to keep them busy.

Both domestically and internationally they have everyone distracted with made up bullshit







Trial By Fire

Regular Member
Jul 16, 2022

Scary stuff. Such a meteoric rise.
The last time Americans had the right idea in mind was during the Occupy Wall Street movement. Unfortunately, it didn't work out well.



Glowies and bankster-financed crazies infiltrated Occupy to destroy it from the inside, because the 99% vs 1% dichotomy introduced into the social consciousness scared the fuck out of the ruling class. Tea Party and Occupy were in talks to cooperate on populist common goals, and that REALLY freaked the ruling class out.

The strategy to infiltrate and control the Tea Party was different than the one deployed on Occupy, btw, executed by the Koch Bros and their control evaporated after a few years.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Agree but that doesn't mean he is wrong about US.

US is overloaded with consumerism which is 70% of its GDP and people buy things that they dont need, Big pharma is evil. US Media is yet accept global south.
sure, no disagreement.

my limited argument on this is..

if we transpose our argument of "useful idiots" in our society on to murican society, and they way we abhor arguments of useful idiots on our matters. argument can be made same logic can be applied to muricans as well, in the sense that it's upto the muricans to wake up and smell the coffee on their internal affairs, otherwise they will be back to where they started i.e colonisation, these days colonisation comes in more shapes and forms than it did 250 years ago.

useful idiots everywhere have the same objective, to create doubts/interference with in the society on behalf of some other nation.

from my perspective, that video is a data point on who is doing what type of propaganda where. and are there any lessons for us.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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The last time Americans had the right idea in mind was during the Occupy Wall Street movement. Unfortunately, it didn't work out well.

View attachment 203844

View attachment 203845

Glowies and bankster-financed crazies infiltrated Occupy to destroy it from the inside, because the 99% vs 1% dichotomy introduced into the social consciousness scared the fuck out of the ruling class. Tea Party and Occupy were in talks to cooperate on populist common goals, and that REALLY freaked the ruling class out.

The strategy to infiltrate and control the Tea Party was different than the one deployed on Occupy, btw, executed by the Koch Bros and their control evaporated after a few years.
They have also subverted Coomie ideologues and offshoot groups like Antifas to focus on ebul whitey fascissts and trumpers instead of the classic evil capitalists and big business.

OWS itself was to probably bring certain non-compliant banksters, capitalists etc to heel, once that purpose was served they switched back to IdPol.

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