IAF MiG-21 shoots down Pakistani F-16

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Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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8. It would be satisfying to us
Our philosophy is too deep. We don't care about Pakistani propaganda this is the official stand of indian government. IAF did one press conference claimed the things okay tata. Most respected institution of india is armed forces because they are tried and tested.

Pakistani civilians are brain dead with very few educated among them rest are madrsachap and inbreds. ISPR and all is brainwashing them from the day they are born. If we want to run propaganda we should tell them that you are fake civilization not Afghanistani Arabi or turkey. You are just cowards. We should tell them the truth.

We don't care about Pakistani propaganda let's come out of this fuss and focus on destroying Pakistan in new ways.


Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
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Our philosophy is too deep. We don't care about Pakistani propaganda this is the official stand of indian government. IAF did one press conference claimed the things okay tata. Most respected institution of india is armed forces because they are tried and tested.

Pakistani civilians are brain dead with very few educated among them rest are madrsachap and inbreds. ISPR and all is brainwashing them from the day they are born.

We don't care about Pakistani propaganda let's come out of this fuss and focus on destroying Pakistan in new ways.
Most respected institution who refused to take questions from Journalists or provide truth to it's nation and then Lied to Indians that they shot down an F-16 via hilarious MS paint diagrams ?

While the ISPR is releasing videos of Missile attacks, while Respected Infallible instituitions are taking Indians on a fantasy ride of Balakot attacks were successful and Hur dur we shot down F-16. While Americans are confirming not a single F-16 was shot down. Whose brain dead now ? The people who believe that XYZ happened based on the WORDS of the INSTITUTION who SHOT its own HELICOPTER because they can't keep their wits about in the intense battlefield. AN institution whose pilots are impulsive and disobey orders not to cross the border yet the disobedience is awarded with medals. And then the Indians harps about 2nd pilot, WC Shahbaz haider is made out to be the second pilot while he is alive and kicking. In the same vain when people counter their propoganda with GC Luthra just to make them taste their own medicine of useless propogana

the Indian Eyewitnesses account of 1 Indian aircraft went across LOC and came back burning and crashed in India near Rajouri which is consistent of ISPR claim One indian aircraft went across Indian Kashmir and crashed there. What Indians has to show ? Just the MS Paint drawings ?

"Indian Su-30MKI Fighter Jet destroyed by PAF (Crash Location Indian Town Makri) *Indian Eyewitness" (title of Indian eyewitnesses account on Youtube which can be searched easily)
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Regular Member
May 30, 2017
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Most respected institution who refused to take questions from Journalists or provide truth to it's nation and then Lied to Indians that they shot down an F-16 via hilarious MS paint diagrams ?

While the ISPR is releasing videos of Missile attacks, while Respected Infallible instituitions are taking Indians on a fantasy ride of Balakot attacks were successful and Hur dur we shot down F-16. While Americans are confirming not a single F-16 was shot down. Whose brain dead now ? The people who believe that XYZ happened based on the WORDS of the INSTITUTION who SHOT its own HELICOPTER because they can't keep their wits about in the intense battlefield. AN institution whose pilots are impulsive and disobey orders not to cross the border yet the disobedience is awarded with medals. And then the Indians harps about 2nd pilot, WC Shahbaz haider is made out to be the second pilot while he is alive and kicking. In the same vain when people counter their propoganda with GC Luthra just to make them taste their own medicine of useless propogana

Here is the Indian Eyewitnesses account of one of the Indian aircraft went across LOC and came back burning and crashed in India near Rajouri which is consistent of ISPR claim One indian aircraft went across Indian Kashmir and crashed there. What Indians has to show ? Just the MS Paint drawings ?

So the paki propogandu pig has returned!!! Spewing His pakiness here on this forum


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Not interested in what you have written. Have reported your post for embedding a video from Youtube, which has got a thumbnail disrespecting Indian National Flag.


Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
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So the paki propogandu pig has returned!!! Spewing His pakiness here on this forum
Don't froth mate, you don't want to be a causality of friendly fire like MI-17 . Mods can ban you for foul language.


Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
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Not interested in what you have written. Have reported your post for embedding a video from Youtube, which has got a thumbnail disrespecting Indian National Flag.
So no comment on Indian eye witnesses account of 1 burning aircraft crashing inside Indian Kashmir ? Interesting


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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So no comment on Indian eye witnesses account of 1 burning aircraft crashing inside Indian Kashmir ? Interesting
Haven't read what you have written. So asking me would be akin to barking up the wrong tree. I made a courtesy post to inform you the reason why I reported your post.

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Most respected institution who refused to take questions from Journalists or provide truth to it's nation and then Lied to Indians that they shot down an F-16 via hilarious MS paint diagrams ?

While the ISPR is releasing videos of Missile attacks, while Respected Infallible instituitions are taking Indians on a fantasy ride of Balakot attacks were successful and Hur dur we shot down F-16. While Americans are confirming not a single F-16 was shot down. Whose brain dead now ? The people who believe that XYZ happened based on the WORDS of the INSTITUTION who SHOT its own HELICOPTER because they can't keep their wits about in the intense battlefield. AN institution whose pilots are impulsive and disobey orders not to cross the border yet the disobedience is awarded with medals. And then the Indians harps about 2nd pilot, WC Shahbaz haider is made out to be the second pilot while he is alive and kicking. In the same vain when people counter their propoganda with GC Luthra just to make them taste their own medicine of useless propogana

Here is the Indian Eyewitnesses account of one of the Indian aircraft went across LOC and came back burning and crashed in India near Rajouri which is consistent of ISPR claim One indian aircraft went across Indian Kashmir and crashed there. What Indians has to show ? Just the MS Paint drawings ?

Oh really.
No worries the same institution made Pakistani army do this.
Enough to troll?



Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Most respected institution who refused to take questions from Journalists or provide truth to it's nation and then Lied to Indians that they shot down an F-16 via hilarious MS paint diagrams ?

While the ISPR is releasing videos of Missile attacks, while Respected Infallible instituitions are taking Indians on a fantasy ride of Balakot attacks were successful and Hur dur we shot down F-16. While Americans are confirming not a single F-16 was shot down. Whose brain dead now ? The people who believe that XYZ happened based on the WORDS of the INSTITUTION who SHOT its own HELICOPTER because they can't keep their wits about in the intense battlefield. AN institution whose pilots are impulsive and disobey orders not to cross the border yet the disobedience is awarded with medals. And then the Indians harps about 2nd pilot, WC Shahbaz haider is made out to be the second pilot while he is alive and kicking. In the same vain when people counter their propoganda with GC Luthra just to make them taste their own medicine of useless propogana

Here is the Indian Eyewitnesses account of one of the Indian aircraft went across LOC and came back burning and crashed in India near Rajouri which is consistent of ISPR claim One indian aircraft went across Indian Kashmir and crashed there. What Indians has to show ? Just the MS Paint drawings ?

Don’t be stupid. Some random civilians claims they seen an aircraft burning and then it crashed in India? Yep that solves it, Pakistan really shot down an SU-30, case closed. :lol:

It’s been almost been almost 8 months where is this SU-30 wreckage? Such a large aircraft does not just disappear and if the Mi-17 wreckage tells us anything it’s that it’s impossible to hid such an event and India never cared to censored or hid the MI-17 wreckage. Moreover no one recorded the aircraft while it was shot down—rare nowadays. No one recorded the explosion and smoke, no one recorded the pilots, no one recorded the wreckage.

So where is this SU-30? The burden is on Pakistan which has provided zero evidence. Why has no other country or institutions located the crash site with satellites either? Pakistanis are pathological liars.


Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
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That was no indian eyewitness...it was a paki suar still staying in azad Kashmir....
A perfect example of brain dead person refusing to accept what his own Indians are saying about a burning jet crashing near Rajouri


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Don’t be stupid. Some random civilians claims they seen an aircraft burning and then it crashed in India? Yep that solves it, Pakistan really shot down an SU-30, case closed. :lol:

It’s been almost been almost 8 months where is this SU-30 wreckage? Such a large aircraft does not just disappear and if the Mi-17 wreckage tells us anything it’s that it’s impossible to hid such an event and India never cared to censored or hid the MI-17 wreckage. Moreover no one recorded the aircraft while it was shot down—rare nowadays. No one recorded the explosion and smoke, no one recorded the pilots, no one recorded the wreckage.

So where is this SU-30? The burden is on Pakistan which has provided zero evidence. Why has no other country or institutions located the crash site with satellites either? Pakistanis are pathological liars.
Especially when paki and gora OSINT chaps are hyperactive when it comes to India defaming issues...


Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
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Don’t be stupid. Some random civilians claims they seen an aircraft burning and then it crashed in India? Yep that solves it, Pakistan really shot down an SU-30, case closed. :lol:

It’s been almost been almost 8 months where is this SU-30 wreckage? Such a large aircraft does not just disappear and if the Mi-17 wreckage tells us anything it’s that it’s impossible to hid such an event and India never cared to censored or hid the MI-17 wreckage. Moreover no one recorded the aircraft while it was shot down—rare nowadays. No one recorded the explosion and smoke, no one recorded the pilots, no one recorded the wreckage.

So where is this SU-30? The burden is on Pakistan which has provided zero evidence. Why has no other country or institutions located the crash site with satellites either? Pakistanis are pathological liars.

I love it when everyone gives example of Mi-17. But forgets that Nobody in Indian Airbases KNEW MI-17 was airborne at that TIME. SO WHEN they SHOT down MI-17 they thought that they shot down the ENEMY ASSET hence no need to cover it up as soon as possible... ONLY IF THEY KNEW that they have brought down one of their own, THEY WOULD HAVE COVERED IT ASAP like the 2nd JET which crashed near RAJOURI. But IAF was able to hide the blackbox of Mi-17 ! WHich as per official accounts is still missing LOL


So coming back to onus of proof is on Pakistan. Where is F-16 Proof kill proof ? Those horrible MS paint jobs arent construed as proofs. SO bring about the F-16 kill proof, SU-30 proof will be provided as well. In the meanwhile, Eye witnesses account lend credence to the fact one Burning Jet came back in india and crashed somewhere near Rajouri !


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Let me remind @Sayaaf of how unprofessional and retarded the Pakistani military is. Look at all the claims they made, No F-16 used, JF-17 shot down Mig-21, then F-16 shot down Mig-21, then they pain kill mark of SU-30 on JF-17 then they pain kill marks of Mig-21 on JF-17 then their pilots fight amongst themselves about who got fake kill.

Pakistanis painting kill mark on everything :lol:



But then this happens:


Pakistanis are such pathological liars they discredit themselves. Clearly the those pictures demonstrate, without a shadow of a doubt, how desperate Pakistanis are and they have no morals or standards. India should paint a kill mark of Mohammad :lol:
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Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
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Our game has been moved forward.
Article 370A removed gaffora is only bitching on Twitter.
Why Pakistani civilians give one roti from there plate to incompetent ******s?
Yeah sure mate, 370 A article removal as if you have conquered Indian Kashmir. Why you afraid of kashmiris? that you still keeping them under lockdown ? If you are brave and a real democracy, then lift the curfew and ask the kashmiris what they want right? That's what Largest democracy of World should do right ?


Tihar Jail
Mar 29, 2019
Country flag
Let me remind @Sayaaf of how unprofessional and retarded the Pakistani military is. Look at all the claims they made, No F-16 used, JF-17 shot down Mig-21, then F-16 shot down Mig-21, then they pain kill mark of SU-30 on JF-17 then they pain kill marks of Mig-21 on JF-17 then their pilots fight amongst themselves about who got fake kill.

Pakistanis painting kill mark on everything :lol:

View attachment 39416

View attachment 39415

But then this happens:

View attachment 39417

Pakistanis are such pathological liars they discredit themselves. Clearly the those pictures demonstrate, without a shadow of a doubt, how desperate Pakistanis are and they have no morals or standards. India should pain a kill mark of Mohammad :lol:

Mate never go full retard, Those Pakistanis Have made fool out of you for real this time. Instead of calling other names, you could have known easily that first two pictures are Photoshop. I pity you sometime, that in your hubris, you make a fool out of yourself nearly every-time.

You are classical example of who tried to spit on to moon but it fell on his own mouth.
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