Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

skunk works

Senior Member
Jul 25, 2022
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Damn NYT is mad at its pet.
Despite the Anti Iran sentiment in the US right now, NYT wrote this headline Making paxstan look like a loser.
This is interesting because one would think attacking Iran would make the deep state happy and paxtan would be rewarded.
More like 'paxtan defiant after Iran attack' instead of 'they Are too poor to defend themselves.'


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Damn NYT is mad at its pet.
Despite the Anti Iran sentiment in the US right now, NYT wrote this headline Making paxstan look like a loser.
This is interesting because one would think attacking Iran would make the deep state happy and paxtan would be rewarded.
More like 'paxtan defiant after Iran attack' instead of 'they Are too poor to defend themselves.'
It's like Paxtan was ordered to escalate even further and Pakiz said NOPE.
So now Uncle Sam is humiliating them.


New Member
Aug 1, 2022
I watched the Pak v NZ T20 4th game yesterday due to boredom, and boy was I entertained. Dropped super easy catches, overweight fielders letting balls drop in between or misfielding, a "high performance specialist" Pakistani team employee named Arafat with idiot level IQ being interviewed by NZ commenters, and more. 4th straight loss after test whitewash against Australia earlier.

Per Cricinfo, Pakistan have lost 17 straight tests that they have played in Australia since the start of 1999. It is the longest losing streak for a team in any one country, with Bangladesh's 13 at home between 2001 and 2004 the next longest.

Now lets hope they also lose via dropped catches in the final 5th T20 in New Zealand.



Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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By that logic, Iranians are legends. Taking on Israel, US, UK, Arabs, sanctions, internal terrorist attacks etc....yet still finding courage to bomb three countries in one week!

So Iranians have a higher pride level than both Pakistanis and Indians.

But is it smart?

Their sudden switch from West to East reminds me of Hitler switching from West to East (Russia).
It rather reminds of Europe pre 1914, but now on a global scale - with multiple entangled countries, overlapping and conflicting interests, weird alliances (look at pre 1914 history to understand how baffling it was to have France and England same side), each country with multiple potential borders and conflict zones.

It will be fun. Not for us, for future generations to read about later in history books.


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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They have enough imported stock from Sooth Assia, Arab countries and Turkey, don't worry about Euros.
I mean on the cannon fodder side they are covered, from the airforce or navy side tho... :bplease:
"enough imported stock from Sooth Assia, Arab countries and Turkey, don't worry about Euros."
With respect, not to insult you or anything, but you couldn't be more unbelievably wrong.
Maybe in 1-2 generations, if they did a far better job of integration.
Right now, that "cannon fodder" I'd more likely to go to fight for ISIS than their sucker "home" countries.

Ultimately, immigrants don't fight for your country, women don't fight for your country, rich kids don't fight either.

It's the toxic masculinity crowd that does it. And thanks for feminist and woke, they aren't going to turn up.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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"enough imported stock from Sooth Assia, Arab countries and Turkey, don't worry about Euros."
With respect, not to insult you or anything, but you couldn't be more unbelievably wrong.
Maybe in 1-2 generations, if they did a far better job of integration.
Right now, that "cannon fodder" I'd more likely to go to fight for ISIS than their sucker "home" countries.

Ultimately, immigrants don't fight for your country, women don't fight for your country, rich kids don't fight either.

It's the toxic masculinity crowd that does it. And thanks for feminist and woke, they aren't going to turn up.
You know (((who))) ISIS benefited the most right?
Spics, Nignogs and all types of green religionists are unbelievably dumb and can be convinced to do even dumber shit.
And these guys are the toxic masculinity crowd, just not the kind that is good for their respective countries.

They will not fight """""for""""" "their" countries, but they will fight against the kuffar or random enemy just because $$$

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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so u r expecting more from them??? they hv saudi arabia, USA nd israel to fight. which r bigger problem for them. they cant waste their limited military resources on pakistan.
their attack on pakistan itself is surprising. coz they r busy in other fronts. opening one more front is very risky.
If Iran again strikes Pakistan, especially if it targets Pak Military.. then, it would mean only one thing.. :playball:

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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This failed state of Pakistan is about to be rewarded with military and economic aid. Pakistanis have opened up a front with Iran, which America badly needed to save Israel. Now Iran-Pakistan war will escalate. That will keep Iran busy at home. Also if the Houthis are blasted out from their bases in Yemen then Israel’s job is simplified.

Personally I would like to see Muslim effort in Gaza completely defeated. For this finding Sinwar and hostages is very important. Unless that the victory is harder. It will happen sooner than later.

Defeat Muslim effort in Gaza and you have victory over the Islamic influences in Europe, Asia and Americas.

Let us hope that Israel succeeds.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2023
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so u r expecting more from them??? they hv saudi arabia, USA nd israel to fight. which r bigger problem for them. they cant waste their limited military resources on pakistan.
their attack on pakistan itself is surprising. coz they r busy in other fronts. opening one more front is very risky.
These Iranian mullas are lot bigger idiots than I thought. They are spread so thin playing the leader of the Ummah role across all Jihadi hotspots in the world, they can't guard their own borders.

While Pakis don't have money and resources, they do have a superior air power compared to the joke called Iranian Air Force. However, Iranians have some quality missiles and drones. Besides the US has started bankrolling the Paki establishment again.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2023
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Damn NYT is mad at its pet.
Despite the Anti Iran sentiment in the US right now, NYT wrote this headline Making paxstan look like a loser.
This is interesting because one would think attacking Iran would make the deep state happy and paxtan would be rewarded.
More like 'paxtan defiant after Iran attack' instead of 'they Are too poor to defend themselves.'
Pretty soon NYT is going to get a call from the State Department lecturing the reporters on how important Pakis are to the American cause.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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These Iranian mullas are lot bigger idiots than I thought. They are spread so thin playing the leader of the Ummah role across all Jihadi hotspots in the world, they can't guard their own borders.

While Pakis don't have money and resources, they do have a superior air power compared to the joke called Iranian Air Force. However, Iranians have some quality missiles and drones. Besides the US has started bankrolling the Paki establishment again.
They've given up on having a conventionally strong military because of the sanctions.
World wide jihad is their replacement.

Saddam had a decent military but Uncle Sam swept it away, but uncle sam couldn't fully conquer Eye-Rack, same principle.

Anyone including Pakeez invading Iran will cause a rally around the flag effect and not regime change like whatever ganja-enjoyer from the CIA likely believes.

Syama Ayas

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Oct 4, 2015
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Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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If Iran again strikes Pakistan, especially if it targets Pak Military.. then, it would mean only one thing.. :playball:
A thought experiment..
What if Iran wants to become a "declared" nuclear power by using Pakistan as a nuclear armed bogey.. ?
With Iran proxy Hamas being hammered in Gaza.. and Houthis taking a beating.. what better way than to attack Pakistan, escalate it to a level where Pakistan threatens a nuclear Strike, and use that as an excuse to conduct its own nuclear weapons tests (probably of Russian design).. Striking Israel, is as good as striking America, and can lead to massive retaliation threatening regime stability..
Iran is the only non nuclear power in the Russia- China - North Korea - Iran axis.. and Nuclear weapons do provide regime stability.. and can give a fillip to Iran's axis of resistance..


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2015
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Something for you folks to think about. Lets reverse the roles.

Lets say Myanmar conducts an airstrike/drone strike on one of the 100+ hill tribe militant camp in Manipur/Mizoram. What do you think our response will be ?

Yep, we will be like - "Who tf cares about some random hill tribe militant" while pouring another round of whiskey. At max, MEA will communicate to Myanmar like - "please don't do that again".

Most of you will say that, yeah thats correct who cares. We don't have to show macho, whatever. Point is, no country should have the right to violate our boundaries and attack us. If you don't reinforce this iron rule stringently, your enemies will slowing eat away at you, test your patience and threshold of reaction.

Does that seems familiar with what is happening in Indo-China border ? How China is nibbling on our boundaries knowing full well we are too passive & peace-suckers to react ?

Or does that seems familiar to how Pakistani proxies are killing & mutiliating our soldiers but keeping the intensity & threshold low so that we don't react ?
No our response would be for them to ask first explain their action and then ask for a categorical apology. And they will do that because we have leverages on them. Besides we already do cross-border operations and surgical strikes there. So if push comes to shove we will fuck them up.

You forget India can be pretty interventionist. We blockaded Nepal for much less. We helped overturn governments in Sri Lanka (not to mention created an insurgency and then helped put it down there). Hasina is in power partly thanks to our support. We have done kinetic operations in Pakistan and continue to do so. Bhutan has Indian troops under IMTRAT. Maldives is currently begging to get Indian troops off its Island. And we are building a military base in Mauritius. So I don't know what we need to reinforce? And on whom?

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