Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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They are fighting because they still have war supplies from the west and Ukraine is too big to be captured anyway.
Ukraine armed forces had decent Size and quality even before the war began.
Taiwan does not have such luxury.

China is betting on US cucking out which is Most likely the case.
First step of this is getting them stuck in a quagmire war on Sand-Nijjers, Iran is a very good candidate, Houthias are simply Eye-Rack or AF-ganistan tier, not big enough to tie down a superpower.

To further keep them bz, 11 can instruct his vassal Putin to attack those Baltic states, that will checkm8 the rest into responding to Article 5 or not


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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It could also be this is a baniya mindset, not phase, where we permanently dhoti-shiver over muh investors, muh dhandha and the neigbhoring fakir-but-well-armed gunda threathens us unless we pay "jaziya", backed by the star-spangled ruling politician of the area.
It's to a certain extent a baniya mindset. Recall that before world war 2, US was an isolationist. It very actively and vocally refrained from European wars, or wars anywhere for that matter.
This strategy did not serve them well ultimately. Behind every global bully, there was an isolationist soft power once.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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You think taiwon will keep fighting once Their military is steamrolled?
You think China has a low tfr. Look at all other east Asian countries that usa is trying to array against the Chinese. South Korea has a tfr of less than 1, i think it is .80.

Even Taiwan has been in below replacement territory for quite some time and they are I think at 1.0. This is with a base population of 23 million at most. They are shrinking very rapidly as a population. China can wait for some time and cultivate some stooges within Taiwan and then strike. Its not like western demographics will improve in that time too. They are likely to get worse and their cultural problems will get to a head.

Also even though China also has below replacement rate birth rates, the quality of their environment and the deliberate cultural choices of the ccp government will help in retaining a population that is atleast sane compared to the defacto woke idiots in the west that are useless for maintaining or fighting for an empire. The GAE - globalist American empire ironically destroys and depromotes the kind of citizen that would prop up their regime. I don't think any of the migrants or illegal immigrants would want to fight for America. They come there for jobs at best and at worst to scrounge for free goods on the dole.

I am sure the Chinese government will have a better quality of people in terms of suitability to prop up empires just by not following and even opposing the weakening effects of wokeism and mass migration.Also Chinese people still have a country to fight for. I don't think the majority recruits who are white and who are relied upon by the elites of the GAE to serve them would fight enthusiastically ever again or even join after their country has been explicitly been tailor made for non whites.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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You think China has a low tfr. Look at all other east Asian countries that usa is trying to array against the Chinese. South Korea has a tfr of less than 1, i think it is .80.

Even Taiwan has been in below replacement territory for quite some time and they are I think at 1.0. This is with a base population of 23 million at most. They are shrinking very rapidly as a population. China can wait for some time and cultivate some stooges within Taiwan and then strike. Its not like western demographics will improve in that time too. They are likely to get worse and their cultural problems will get to a head.

Also even though China also has below replacement rate birth rates, the quality of their environment and the deliberate cultural choices of the ccp government will help in retaining a population that is atleast sane compared to the defacto woke idiots in the west that are useless for maintaining or fighting for an empire. The GAE - globalist American empire ironically destroys and depromotes the kind of citizen that would prop up their regime. I don't think any of the migrants or illegal immigrants would want to fight for America. They come there for jobs at best and at worst to scrounge for free goods on the dole.

I am sure the Chinese government will have a better quality of people in terms of suitability to prop up empires just by not following and even opposing the weakening effects of wokeism and mass migration.Also Chinese people still have a country to fight for. I don't think the majority recruits who are white and who are relied upon by the elites of the GAE to serve them would fight enthusiastically ever again or even join after their country has been explicitly been tailor made for non whites.
They will fight for cash and loot.
Still others will fight for Islam.

And there happens to be this one country with 1.4 billion people who hate the dogmunchers for the border antics and would be willing to be the next Ukraine if they had a more freer, liberal and secular govt that works for the "liberal world order" instead of narrow, bigoted, immoral national interest

The type of person that makes up the (((american elite))) can easily switch sides to China btw
China becoming Numba Wan won't magically mean it will be good for the Chinese race.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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You think China has a low tfr. Look at all other east Asian countries that usa is trying to array against the Chinese. South Korea has a tfr of less than 1, i think it is .80.

Even Taiwan has been in below replacement territory for quite some time and they are I think at 1.0. This is with a base population of 23 million at most. They are shrinking very rapidly as a population. China can wait for some time and cultivate some stooges within Taiwan and then strike. Its not like western demographics will improve in that time too. They are likely to get worse and their cultural problems will get to a head.

Also even though China also has below replacement rate birth rates, the quality of their environment and the deliberate cultural choices of the ccp government will help in retaining a population that is atleast sane compared to the defacto woke idiots in the west that are useless for maintaining or fighting for an empire. The GAE - globalist American empire ironically destroys and depromotes the kind of citizen that would prop up their regime. I don't think any of the migrants or illegal immigrants would want to fight for America. They come there for jobs at best and at worst to scrounge for free goods on the dole.

I am sure the Chinese government will have a better quality of people in terms of suitability to prop up empires just by not following and even opposing the weakening effects of wokeism and mass migration.Also Chinese people still have a country to fight for. I don't think the majority recruits who are white and who are relied upon by the elites of the GAE to serve them would fight enthusiastically ever again or even join after their country has been explicitly been tailor made for non whites.
Just for reference, the UK, one of side kick of the US is struggling to man their army of just 65000 to 70000. They are decommissioning ships because they can't man them as recruitment for the navy is also struggling.

The US is also in the same boat and they are not in a critical condition like the UK because they are much larger and have a decent to large budget compared to the UK.

Even if a lot of Chinese men are not fit for combat for various reasons, they will still have 10s of millions of men in reserve and a large army when even 500,000 men is a big or impossible ask for the only based enough nation in europe(ukraine) to produce for their state survival.

That along with the crazy woke secular religion and its policies and its various denominations in the antinatalist, environmentalist,etc movements will destroy any recruitment potential of the types of me they need.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Just for reference, the UK, one of side kick of the US is struggling to man their army of just 65000 to 70000. They are decommissioning ships because they can't man them as recruitment for the navy is also struggling.

The US is also in the same boat and they are not in a critical condition like the UK because they are much larger and have a decent to large budget compared to the UK.

Even if a lot of Chinese men are not fit for combat for various reasons, they will still have 10s of millions of men in reserve and a large army when even 500,000 men is a big or impossible ask for the only based enough nation in europe(ukraine) to produce for their state survival.

That along with the crazy woke secular religion and its policies and its various denominations in the antinatalist, environmentalist,etc movements will destroy any recruitment potential of the types of me they need.
They have enough imported stock from Sooth Assia, Arab countries and Turkey, don't worry about Euros.
I mean on the cannon fodder side they are covered, from the airforce or navy side tho... :bplease:

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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They have enough imported stock from Sooth Assia, Arab countries and Turkey, don't worry about Euros.
I mean on the cannon fodder side they are covered, from the airforce or navy side tho... :bplease:
You don't know it, there are hardly any non whites joining the military for myriad reason. It is even worse in the UK where Muslims have one of the worst recruitment stats.

Also joining the military for cash and fighting effectively are 2 different things. These guys will be as good or even worse than forcefully conscripted reluctant recruits. This is even if the government gets enough resources and power to forcefully recruit the required amount of men.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
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What airdefence doing moment for these poliojeets. A paki never will ask how in the hell iranian missiles flew and hit them the only thing they care about is their theatrcal hit back. Monkeys were cursing pak army last week now doing ooga booga over them.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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What airdefence doing moment for these poliojeets. A paki never will ask how in the hell iranian missiles flew and hit them the only thing they care about is their theatrcal hit back. Monkeys were cursing pak army last week now doing ooga booga over them.
They never questioned how an :troll: "accidental" :troll: launch of brahmos hit their territory

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