Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2023
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Not just they consider Arabian book theirs but they themselves considers as Arabs. Meanwhile Arabs must be lmao.🤣🤣🤣
Some on social media even claim themselves as Turks 🤣🤣🤣a average turk is much more racists towards Pakistani..
generations of inbreeding after their great great grand mom got raped in some loot raid by a muslim barbarian or kept in harem .. this is a long shot if they consider themselves as some arab or turk 🤣🤣🤣..
Most of the stock generational inbred now… these fcks r just infestation on ancient Indian lands cant wait the day when India will finally launch a pre emptive strike to wipe these subhumans completely


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Uncle Sam's backing + no loss of dhandho because they have none.......
A bit too harsh. Paxtan retaliates like a dog.....
Yes, they never lost their "pride", just lost around 27,000 soldiers and civilians (this is their claim afte.....
Do you guys have a fetish or something? ....
Something for you folks to think about. Lets reverse the roles.

Lets say Myanmar conducts an airstrike/drone strike on one of the 100+ hill tribe militant camp in Manipur/Mizoram. What do you think our response will be ?

Yep, we will be like - "Who tf cares about some random hill tribe militant" while pouring another round of whiskey. At max, MEA will communicate to Myanmar like - "please don't do that again".

Most of you will say that, yeah thats correct who cares. We don't have to show macho, whatever. Point is, no country should have the right to violate our boundaries and attack us. If you don't reinforce this iron rule stringently, your enemies will slowing eat away at you, test your patience and threshold of reaction.

Does that seems familiar with what is happening in Indo-China border ? How China is nibbling on our boundaries knowing full well we are too passive & peace-suckers to react ?

Or does that seems familiar to how Pakistani proxies are killing & mutiliating our soldiers but keeping the intensity & threshold low so that we don't react ?


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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@mist_consecutive How does Pakistanis move their forces from one place to another in such a crisis period 🤔. There rail network is shit and there helicopter fleet is puny and not at all capable.
This was an airstrike probably didn’t require any redeployment.
What we know as of now, Paxtan used MRLS + Drones. You don't need much mobility for that. Its not like they are going to war.

Syama Ayas

Regular Member
Oct 4, 2015
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Iranians have their hands full already, and Iranian specialization lies elsewhere.
It makes no sense for Iranians to let this go easily, it only means they've accepted that Paxtan can house Iran's terrorists with impunity. Everyone knows Pakis are American prostitutes.

May be it's wise for them to play the long game for now.

Anyway, it's good for us Paxtan is now surrounded by 3 super antagonist states who will be ready to take their pound of flesh at an opportune time.

While hostility b/w neighbours is nothing new, however with Pak and it's 3 neighbours, it's no ordinary hostility that you can solve diplomatically.
After recent Iran-supported Israel-Hamas hostility and recent Houthi attacks; Saudi, Israelis, and Americans have been itching to respond in kind to Iran through unconventional means. I thought the Taliban was the obvious choice here.

Now with the latest escalation, it seems like Pakistanis volunteered for the opportunity by hosting/supporting anti-Iranian elements on its soil. While Pakistan's pious devotion to aid Israelis is amusing, this can easily south with Iranian support to TTP/Baloch separatists, etc.


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Yes, they never lost their "pride", just lost around 27,000 soldiers and civilians (this is their claim after massively undercounting armed forces casualties) in the last few years . They get shredded daily by balochis, hit with impunity in frontier provinces, shelled and shot by Afghanis, and blown to bits by TTP , but never lost their "pride". They have no economy, have no jobs, no food, no medicines, no prospects of recovering from the neverending cycle of begging and borrowing, but hey! they never lost their "pride".

And despite 76 yrs of relentless attacks on India, including four lost wars, losing one half of their country, and their failure to take Kashmir, they never lost their "pride". Indian Armed forced should wear "bangles", because a brave internet warrior will wage war through posts to protect our H&D , our borders which miraculously has remained intact despite wars, terrorism and infiltration for 7+ decades thanks to the sacrifices of our "bangle wearing" soldiers should be exchanged for some "pride" like Pakis, maybe we too can eat grass while claiming to be a "nuclear superpower!".
See, I don't want to defend Paxtan or demean the sacrifices of our soldiers.

But, since 1971 war (also 1981 Op Meghdoot, but that was a small skirmish), our only credit has been defending from attacks. A country inferior to us in every sense, keeps us on toes even now that we are 4 Trillion $ economy.

If we are not aggresive, if we don't hit back & show our fangs when required (like the Pakistan did), our enemies will take (and are taking) us as a pushover.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Something for you folks to think about. Lets reverse the roles.

Lets say Myanmar conducts an airstrike/drone strike on one of the 100+ hill tribe militant camp in Manipur/Mizoram. What do you think our response will be ?

Yep, we will be like - "Who tf cares about some random hill tribe militant" while pouring another round of whiskey. At max, MEA will communicate to Myanmar like - "please don't do that again".

Most of you will say that, yeah thats correct who cares. We don't have to show macho, whatever. Point is, no country should have the right to violate our boundaries and attack us. If you don't reinforce this iron rule stringently, your enemies will slowing eat away at you, test your patience and threshold of reaction.

Does that seems familiar with what is happening in Indo-China border ? How China is nibbling on our boundaries knowing full well we are too passive & peace-suckers to react ?

Or does that seems familiar to how Pakistani proxies are killing & mutiliating our soldiers but keeping the intensity & threshold low so that we don't react ?
Paxtan and India are polar opposites if you think carefully.

On one hand, we're slow to react or don't care at all if the threshold isn't breached. But if we get triggered, the enemy will be crushed (like an elephant does).

Now, paxtan will always react quickly, fall into a trap and in a few days surrender 1 lakh soldiers after getting routed.

I do agree that we need to be a bit more assertive (especially with China).


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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I'm of the impression Iran sent across a warning to Paxtan in the form of those attacks with drones & BMs not to do the US's bidding of needling Iran & if it does there'd be severe consequences , knowing there'd be retaliation in equal measure by Paxtan to this act.

Whether this brinkmanship pays off , time will tell . I wonder whether Fauji Foundation has it in them to up the ante by dragging Paxtan into a limited war with Iran to boost its credentials in Washington such that the latter commences turning on the taps pouring foreign aid into Paxtan & into the coffers of Fauji Foundation apart from resuming exports of arms like in the past especially during the Afghan wars 1&2.

Somebody out here suggested the Taliban could be entrusted with this job but beyond hit & run tactics on the border , the Taliban aren't capable of much in Iran for they lack a receptive host population .

Besides the Jundallah & Jaish al Adl operate mostly in the Seistan Baluchistan province whereas the Taliban don't have any base of support there .

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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Obsessed pakis :rofl:
Itna pyaar.. hai hai..
Pakistan strategy of "Full Spectrum Deterrence " via its Strategic and tactical nukes is in tatters..
Nukes only provide Deterrence from the enemy hitting strategic targets.. It does not provide Deterrence w.r.t lower priority targets.. Nuclear umbrella cannot protect Jihadi Gan*dus


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Something for you folks to think about. Lets reverse the roles.

Lets say Myanmar conducts an airstrike/drone strike on one of the 100+ hill tribe militant camp in Manipur/Mizoram. What do you think our response will be ?

Yep, we will be like - "Who tf cares about some random hill tribe militant" while pouring another round of whiskey. At max, MEA will communicate to Myanmar like - "please don't do that again".

Most of you will say that, yeah thats correct who cares. We don't have to show macho, whatever. Point is, no country should have the right to violate our boundaries and attack us. If you don't reinforce this iron rule stringently, your enemies will slowing eat away at you, test your patience and threshold of reaction.

Does that seems familiar with what is happening in Indo-China border ? How China is nibbling on our boundaries knowing full well we are too passive & peace-suckers to react ?

Or does that seems familiar to how Pakistani proxies are killing & mutiliating our soldiers but keeping the intensity & threshold low so that we don't react ?
We are not passive. We don’t want our economy derailed. You will see a very different India when our GDP crosses $6-7 trillion threshold.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Iran will not escalate. Iran in many ways is just a more advanced and suave version of Pakistan, it is a theocracy with a large armed forces to protect its rulers and not the nation. Its current existence is based on religion and it spends energy keeping its restless population at bay either through force or on hopes of "world dominance", while its billionaire rulers enjoy the fruits of others. After the assassination of IRGC general and the bomb blast at Solemani's tomb, they had to do something to show to their masses, which they did. Similarly Paki generals with a bruised H&D had to do something, so they fired rockets not at Iranian armed forces, but at a rag-tag balochi group in the middle of a desert and called it a day.

Neither party gains anything by escalating. Pakistan has no money and lives on Chinese largesse to escalate, and Iran is already stretched thin supporting terror organizations in Syria, Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen to open another front.
Except that large portions of the Iranian population if not a majority are suitable to build a modernist society on. They have a sense of social planning and a will to advance materially unlike the Paki populace. You can take the Iranian out of contemporary Iran and have good chance that he will assimilate to any modern tech driven countries economy given the country has standards for assimilation and is not woke.

Do you however think a Pakistani can lose his pakistani-ness or pakistaniyat which is nothing more than attempts to be the purest follower of Islam if you remove him out of Pakistan. It is not the army or the government of Pakistan that is making a paki a paki, it is ingrained in them and under current circumstances; the ingrained meme of Islam in the common paki that has deeply captured a majority 90-95 percent of the population that is causing it. The chance of a paki turning out like Hussain who criticises political islam(the biggest and most important portion) and pakistan,who is is assimilation-capable is very low, the high probability is for them to be like almost fully formed jihadis who are jihadi adjacent.

I mean for God sakes, no true Islamic nation worth its salt would tolerate sub replacement level birth rate for decades. It is almost a full red flag of an Islamic nation losing its Islamic-ness, whether slowly or swiftly.the trend is always towards less influence of true Islam in their memes and daily lives.
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Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Except that large portions of the Iranian population if not a majority are suitable to build a modernist society on. They have a sense of social planning and a will to advance materially unlike the Paki populace. You can take the Iranian out of contemporary Iran and have good chance that he will assimilate to any modern tech driven countries economy given the country has standards for assimilation and is not woke.

Do you however think a Pakistani can lose his pakistani-ness or pakistaniyat which is nothing more than attempts to be the purest follower of Islam if you remove him out of Pakistan. It is not the army or the government of Pakistan that is making a paki a paki, it is ingrained in them and under current circumstances; the ingrained meme of Islam in the common paki that has deeply captured a majority 90-95 percent of the population that is causing it. The chance of a paki turning out like Hussain who criticises political islam(the biggest and most important portion) and pakistan,who is is assimilation-capable is very low, the high probability is for them to be like almost fully formed jihadis who are jihadi adjacent.

I mean for God sakes, no true Islamic nation worth its salt would tolerate sub replacement level birth rate for decades. It is almost a full red flag of an Islamic nation losing its Islamic-ness, whether slowly or swiftly.the trend is always towards less influence of true Islam in their memes and daily lives.
There is a reason why true islamists harp on about birth rates, it is 1 in only 2 ways they can even dream of conquering other groups in this modern world. The fact that the Iranian regime is kind of cool with less than 2.0 tfr(I know their efforts to increase tfr- but they are not carrying it out with force and utter seriousness like a true Islamist would do), means that the current political entity and the people see themselves like an extension of a civilization,with civilizational aspirations of power and wealth,with a layer of Islamic thought covering it.

Pakistan on the other hand have already played their hand and have gone all in on the hand of Islam route where their COMMON POPULATION and secondarily their gov and institutions act to further the meme of Islam, or atleast have to be seen as doing so.

Think of Pakistan options, they have many burned many bridges which are unlikely to bult back up that atmre usually taken by normal countries including us in their path of development and vision for the future.

They have missed the materistic wealth train many normal countries like south korea ,india,china,etc are taking because they f-Ed their development institutions and human resources, can't be their own civilizational extension as they would be larping as fake version of true civilizations near them.

So all that is left is the true Islamic nation path which as time goes on they will have to double down as the other paths will become increasingly unfeasible in their circumstances and their available resources of all kinds.

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