Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Corvus Splendens

Senior Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Making a post in this forum after 12 years. Didn't realize I had become famous. Feeling like a celebrity today as people are quoting my posts in Indian forums, and I had no idea.

Good to see you Srinivas, Syama Ayas and a few others that I recognise. No, I didn't come with any intention, just wanted to say hello as I was googling the other forum and found this thread in the search engine.

How nice of you Corvus, keep up the good work
Don't oversell your worth too much. You chaps are nice entertainment that's all. When twitter runs a bit dry on the odd day, I pay a visit and I never leave disappointed or unamused. Good job on the new forum, keep it going, and keep printing the quality content over there. Wish you guys the best.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Even Yemenis will laugh on talks of bombing New Delhi.

Paki daalkhors are on a different 'Retardness level'.
Its an Iranian mullah, not a paki. Same bunch who lose their biggest commanders to Yahoodis and Americans and the best they do is launch a few missiles on their bases :lol:.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Okay balance is there than.

I also believe that this Mullahcracy will not last long in Iran.
It ultimately will even if all become apostate. Because the iranian state is strong enough to control its population.

But iranian population by and large is getting fed up with their own religion and giving it up it seems although I could be wrong, we saw that in the hijab related protests and recent statements that most men there have stopped going to mosques causing most of them to shut down.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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These all are Iranis?

Iranis are also turning retard day by day.
Propaganda cell of IRGC has been fairly anti India in its quest to consolidate mulladom

India is an obfuscation to drum up the Muslim brotherhood support, their primary target has always been to unnerve the Saudis and initiate a conflict in the Arab lands

And Pakistanis, being Pakistanis, just updated their new daddies to Yemenis


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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"yeAh yEaH we dOn'T cArE aBoUt iNdiA wHaTeVeR tHeY sAy, bUt InDiAnS aRe oBsEsSeD WiTh PaKiStaN pOsTiNg Ata JiBeS"

Entire nation posts "India no toilet haha" under every Indian post while neither having atta nor toilets and then are pissed why we say that :lol:.

Inbreds think that they're too important that the world is obsessed with them when the only thing they offer is nuisance and comedic relief.

Scratching each other's backs over any illogical argument they have.

This is literally what they are discussing :lol:
View attachment 233881

> I am being honest, I've rarely faced load shedding in any city I've been to unless the weather is too bad.
Our ministers aren't inbred assholes like their's are.

And lunger index remains last remaining cope of these porkis who believe anything which shows India < Pakistan even if it is hilarious. Same index claims an LDC like Nepal is far ahead of Indonesia, an upper-middle income economy with high levels of human development and claims that hunger in India is same as Afghanistan.

Meanwhile United Nations considers pakistan a global hunger hotspot, and it ranks poor in global food security index.
View attachment 233885

It doesn't take that much braincells to realise that countries with even slightly higher per capita income levels are richer than you, here India is already 2.5 times their per capita GDP numbers (at old base), which is despite them getting much higher money in form of remittances as %age of GDP, them having meagre tax collections and amongst the lowest savings rates.

Then there is garbage like this :pound:
View attachment 233884

And then they cry when you laugh on them LOL

View attachment 233883

Only in pakistan hunger and poverty is eliminated without development by singing "Hum ameer hy" 5 times a day. I still remember PDF days when pakis used to brag of their so-called wealth and prosperity of housing societies which India couldn't match...

This is what much of that shithole looks like on-ground.

Going even further

This is what is called prosperity and development by these inbreds 👆🏼

Their best districts are below India's average but sure kang upon some fictional sem2sem cocaine-line of hunger index.
One stat is all you need:

India per capita electricity consumption = 1500 kWh in 2023 and we are growing at 6-7% consumption rate. If we take out the Sulla population, then per capita consumption will be even higher, around 1800 kWh. UP is rapidly urbanizing. This figure will go to 2500 kWh in a few years: 5X Porki consumption.
Porkiland consumption = 500kwh and stagnant or even falling.

aThis shows that an average Indian has 3X better opportunities and comforts than an average Porki.
Feb 26, 2023
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These all are Iranis?

Iranis are also turning retard day by day.
Inbreeding is very prevalent even in Iran, maybe not as much as in Pakistan but still far beyond what would be tolerable. A study from 2004 showed that 38.6% of all Iranian marriages are consanguineous.

In Turkey's case, it's estimated to be 18.5%.

No state in India is this bad except for Arunachali tribes, as per the NSS 76th Round survey with 54.6%. Not a single Southern state, who are generally considered to be the ones with most prevalent traditions of inbreeding in India match those numbers with even Andhra Pradesh's being only close to 17%. Overall, less than 4.2% of India's population have parents who are related.

Take it for granted that all of India's enemies are barbarians who either fuck their sisters/daughters/mothers/aunts, etc. or eat dogs/cats/anything that breathes.

Inbreeding in India.jpg

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