Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2020
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You don't really need to go to that extent at all. Pakis can cry like bitter bitches and masquerade as victims of atrocities in British India (despite there being overwhelming evidence to suggest the exact opposite) but the truth as to why the idea of Pakistan appealed to many was because the Muslim League, unlike other mainstream parties of the time like INC or Communist Party, did not emphasize the need of land reforms in the slightest and instead were supportive of feudalism. Even before the colonial era, during the rule of the Mughal Empire and Delhi Sultanate, they only converted to Islam so that they can avoid having to pay Jaziya tax. Their practice of inbreeding also exists so that they can keep the property and family riches within the family.

The point I'm getting at is the people that constitute what is today Pakistan are all rats whose loyalty can be bought with little effort if you have the money. All we need to do is conquer the whole country and deprive them or make it very hard for them to have access to even the most basic resources unless they pledge allegiance to India. The criteria to prove allegiance can be very vague but the easiest way would be to revert back. That would be a more practical and economical way as opposed to slaughtering them, in my opinion.
Although I agree with your points, but I think you are little too optimistic to think they will revert to their original religion and give up their medieval ways of cousin fucking. They have gone so far in other direction we are better off without them. I know Pakistan will fall on it's own weight. I mean look at their rising population. We should occupy and surround them and starve them to death. These scum will bring even bigger problems to Hinduism if they revert. There may be few thousands who can revert back to Hinduism and live like Human beings. But the rest with the culture of cousin marriage, honor killings, beastiality, pedophilia, their violent nature will be a nightmare to deal with.

The best way is to occupy PoK and other territories of importance and cut off sea access. This way they can be choked slowly to death. These people are not like Germans who you can denazify. Islam is far more potent than Nazism. It pits man against man and man against woman. It's a death cult which cannot be easily removed.

The Juggernaut

Senior Member
Feb 24, 2018
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Pakis and Kanglus are going crazy on cricket pages, they actually believe Indian bowlers are given some special microchipped ball
Pagalpan ka aalam hai, yaha har koi pagal hai. They are frustrated that they are not getting any chance to troll us and thier team are repeatedly getting thrashed.

skunk works

Senior Member
Jul 25, 2022
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Shia-Sunni.. dozen Firkas of PDFiles.
stripping each other over the Blasphemy Case.
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Ahle Hadees.....oldfags will remember that term. Jalees Ansari, Tunda, Crush India Force etc were products of this movement. So many bomb blasts all over India.
Is this movement powerful in Pakistan? No wonder it's a violent shithole.
Feb 26, 2023
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Although I agree with your points, but I think you are little too optimistic to think they will revert to their original religion and give up their medieval ways of cousin fucking. They have gone so far in other direction we are better off without them. I know Pakistan will fall on it's own weight. I mean look at their rising population. We should occupy and surround them and starve them to death. These scum will bring even bigger problems to Hinduism if they revert. There may be few thousands who can revert back to Hinduism and live like Human beings. But the rest with the culture of cousin marriage, honor killings, beastiality, pedophilia, their violent nature will be a nightmare to deal with.

The best way is to occupy PoK and other territories of importance and cut off sea access. This way they can be choked slowly to death. These people are not like Germans who you can denazify. Islam is far more potent than Nazism. It pits man against man and man against woman. It's a death cult which cannot be easily removed.
The Soviet activities in Central Asia and China with Turkestan prove otherwise. I'm not saying that you can weed them out purely in a non-violent way (after all, Gulags existed and re-education camps do exist in Xinjiang) but you can certainly achieve it without going full scorched-earth policy. Not just that, you will also end up killing millions of Hindus in Pakistan as a collateral damage if we were to do as you suggest.
Seriously, even the Marathas tried it against the Nawabate of Bengal and all they managed to achieve was create a serious divide between the Bengalis and the Marathas which pushed them closer to the British (it's a different point altogether that the British betrayed them later). Several influential Hindu zamindars who were open to the idea of switching loyalty towards the Marathas from the Nawab became staunch opposers of Marathas because of the indiscriminate slaughter of the victims of their raids.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Abey chutiye kanglu, we ain't a stupid inbred like you are to have trust on anyone belonging to your desert cult. India has been giving aid and supporting palestinian cause since the start, even today the Modi government supports the palestinian cause ONLY because of diplomatic reasons.
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We DON'T have to sympathise with mlechhas who've only shown middle finger to us over our issues, especially Kashmir. India was literally the only non-Arab country against the creation of Israel under UN mandate as we were ruled by colonised marxist mental slaves as our PM. We were the first non-Arab country to recognise Palestine as a nation.

We have been sending shit tonnes of aid to them. We sent them aid every time Israel bombed the fuck out of them or when covid struck them, or humanitarian aid in general.

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And in return we get this...
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Why do you sullahs pretend to be innocent anyway? Your arab cult promotes genocidal xenophobia against non-muslims, idol worshippers and polytheists something which sullahs proudly brag about everyday.

We NO LONGER believe in Hindu-Muslim brotherhood which was fed to us for decades. Every sullah dreams for the eradication of kuffr from this world, and then cries of pisslamophobia when is treated the same way.

The reason we have NO sympathies with palestinians or sullahs in general is because they, like any other inbred are an extremist bunch of people. Its not that we don't know why hamas and other momins are after Israel. Its not for "Palestinian cause" else they would've wholeheartedly given shelter to palestinian refugees which no islamic nation did. Instead they are more interested in eradication of israel because they are JEWS which as per their own green comic book are "worst of creatures", and hence need to be culled. Same happened in India, especially Kashmir.

Porkistan barks about kashmir every single day yet doesn't accommodate even a single muslim kashmiri but funds islamic terrorists to kill Hindus, as we are idol worshipper polytheist kuffars who need to be eradicated as per shitlam. Every subcon sullah dreams of "Ghazwat-ul Hind" and hence have indulged in numerous riots, terrorist attacks and invasions against us.

We don't have an iota of sympathy for your filthy qaum, since your religion itself is genocidal. Thats why its only your ummatis who do terror attacks, knife attacks, mass rapes, genocides in the name of allah, not people from other religions.

Jaa ke khana serve kar airhostess, teri baato se sirf tu khush hota hai :lol:.
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Check out this thread :lol:
Pisslam worshippers can't tolerate other cultures in their shitlamic shitholes but want people of other faith to be respectful towards their terroristic cult and degenerate culture. Can't tolerate temples, churches and gurudwaras getting built in their own shithole but want mosques to be allowed to get built everywhere in others' lands, not allowing which will get you called "islamophobic fascist".

Islam promotes hatred for non-muslims and doesn't believe in unity in diversity. Sullahs have no moral upper-ground to preach humanity, secularism or even tolerance to us or others, let alone support other genocidal cult nations like palestine. That's above your pay grade.

If this isn't allowed in Arabia then Islam shouldn't be allowed in Kerala either.
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Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Check out this thread :lol:
Pisslam worshippers can't tolerate other cultures in their shitlamic shitholes but want people of other faith to be respectful towards their terroristic cult and degenerate culture. Can't tolerate temples, churches and gurudwaras getting built in their own shithole but want mosques to be allowed to get built everywhere in others' lands, not allowing which will get you called "islamophobic fascist".

Islam promotes hatred for non-muslims and doesn't believe in unity in diversity. Sullahs have no moral upper-ground to preach humanity, secularism or even tolerance to us or others, let alone support other genocidal cult nations like palestine. That's above your pay grade.

What is ours is ours, what is yours is up for debate now, but will be our's in future.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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What is ours is ours, what is yours is up for debate now, but will be our's in future.
If you oppose us, our genocidal cult, you're an islamophobe sanghi. We will not speak a word on centuries of islamic terrorism perpetrated upon hindus but will call you a an islamophobe sanghi if you Hindus treat us the same way as we've been treating Hindus, including our own ancestors who once were Hindus but were forced to convert to arab cult by shitlamic invaders.

We will kill jews as said by our quran but will call you zionist fascists for bombing the hell out of us. We will promote anti-semitic literature and genocidal rants but will call you zionist fanatics for calling us radical islamists and terrorists (which we are).

We considers sikhs to be filthy pagan infidels, we will destroy all gurudwaras in our side of punjab, kill all sikhs and leave the rest and extort jizya from them. We killed all their Gurus whom they worship. But if Sikhs completely wipe out muslims from east Punjab during partition and humiliate them everyday, they are darukhor sardar.

We will kill all christians from our countries as they are non-muslim kafirs, we will expunge them from middle-east, afghanistan, pakistan, and kill them wherever possible in India but if christians under the flag of NATO bomb us back to stone age, you are evangelist nazi islamophobes.

We don't tolerate you, but you should tolerate us.

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