Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Arjun Mk1A

Senior Member
Mar 6, 2022
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180 kmph is an operational on a line right, multiple routes are operational above 140? Those above 140 are called semi high speed trains.

And they will be all over India soon before bullet train starts.
Very few lines are certified to run 160 KMPH. Most of the Indian Railways runs at the average speed of 60 Kmph hours. We have some 130 MPS tracks in some sections, but it will take a decade to upgrade entire infra.

Currently from Chennai to New Delhi

1. Rajdhani takes around 28.5 hrs with 77 Kmph as average speed.
2. Tamilnadu SF takes around 33.5 hrs with 67 kmph as average speed.

Increasing speed in India needs to be done in multiple fronts.
1. Removing non-AC rakes completely. We got some glimpse in the form of 3E which will replace all S Class.
2. Modern Signaling systems. Only TCAS in the form of Kavach is coming, hope signaling will start soon.
3. Track infra improvements like continuous welded tracks for high speed, changing alignment of tracks for higher speed. Work is going on, but it takes a decade to finish.

On the other hand both Pakistan and Bangladesh railways are piss poor with nothing to show improvement.

Pakistan railway is basically a dead weight with rampant corruption, no freight operations (moved to road).
Bangladesh relies on India and China for Cheap locomotives and coaches.


New Member
Aug 1, 2022
Yesterday, I read that Pakistan:
  • Registered a trade deficit of $79 million with Afghanistan in the past year. With Taliban run Afghanistan!
  • Saw a decline in incoming remittances for the second month in a row.
  • Decided to Imported $112 million in wheat from Russia at a much higher cost than what they are used to. As their population grows rapidly, Pakistan will need to keep importing evermore agricultural commodities. Especially in years with droughts, floods, cold weather etc.
  • Promised to pay $200 million to four Chinese power producers so that they do not shut off power supply. They still owe the Chinese suppliers a lot more.
I was thinking to myself that at least the poor Pakis got some temporary happiness from today's cricket win.

And then immediately after the game comes KABOOM!

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Pakistan - US and $450 million military aid.

Pakistanis managed to get US into its hook after 5 years of trials, when Trump stopped all military aid to Pakistan?

There were guesses like Zawahari killing but that was not the primary reason that US began to restart military aid to Pakistan. It has all to do with Ukraine war. This war was a blessing in disguise for Pakistan. They sided with the US and NATO and would supply military artillery shell to war effort in Ukraine. India faithfully obeyed all US sanctions on Russia except one. It will purchase Russian oil at much lower price. US did not like that. Although, Western Europe bought ten times more energy from Russia but it was considered a necessary evil. Hence all political energies were directed towards India and to teach it a lesson for not obeying the US dictate. It was a public display by US displeasure which Pakistan exploited.

Pakistani diplomats and their lobbyists in US were fully aware of US displeasure at India, but needed some instant satisfaction to turn the US Senate opinion around, which agreed more with Trump on Pakistan playing a dual role in Afghan War. That satisfaction was provided by providing the US the location of the Zawahari in Kabul. US instantly grabbed that information and acted upon it. The Pakis wanted something in return. US already displeased with India on Russian oil purchases, acted on the information and killed Zawahari with a missile attack, and promised immediate military aid to Pakistan. Now all resistance to providing military aid vanished in the US Senate. The US State Department and Biden immediately released the $450 million military aid and approval of $6 billion IMF and World Bank loan was granted. The US Senate approved all the aid to Pakistan, which otherwise they would not approve.

Hence Pakis came out ahead with this Russo-Ukraine war

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