Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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There's nothing wrong with wearing hizab & it's not a symbol of women slavery. Dindu need to stop targeting Islamist on stupid topics.
Islams preaches how to distribute women looted in fighting with enemy. It is called mal e ganimat. Mohammad auctioned jew women in banu qurayza. Keep your shit with you. Islam is an organized gang of goons who gathered to loot people under the umbrella of religion called Islam. Even today, ISIS, Boko Haram , Taliban do the same on the name of Islam.
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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2021
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So, leaders from iran, France and Germany visited russia, refused to undertake pcr test and handover their dna to russia.

Imran khan however bent over and let ruskies take his dna and with it this self respect.

But he didn't get his bheek. Not even a joint statement.
Russia even declared war while he was in the country.

But Pakis subreddit celebrates the meeting for its "optix."



Sep 7, 2015
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Pakistan finds main battle tanks and artillery guns from China faulty. Freshly procured heavy artillery gun facing multiple technical issues during firing trials.

Pakistan which has long depended on western equipment for its armed forces is facing quality and reliability issues with newly inducted Chinese equipment, with a main battle tank failing post delivery tests and a freshly procured heavy artillery gun facing multiple technical issues during firing trials.

There have also been delays in supply of field artillery guns by China's NORINCO (North Industries Corporation) and the production of main battle tanks have been temporarily halted as investigations are on to determine the reason for the faults.

In an attempt to increase its artillery firepower, the Pakistani Army received at least eight of the heavy 203 mm towed guns from NORINCO that were tested at its ranges earlier this month. Sources said that the guns faced several issues during firing trails at Sonmiani (Pakistan), which included faults in the rammer assembly and breech block.


And then there's the issue of the JF-17 Thunder blunder. More than 50% of the existing JF-17 fleet is grounded. Pakistan is not only afraid to showcase it in any of the major air shows worldwide be it in Dubai or Malaysia or Singapore, but has never taken this aircraft for any joint exercise with any of the major countries of the world!!

Apart from an under-powered cheap smoky engine which the Hans tried to copy from the Russians, the poor thrust to weight ratio has resulted in its structure being exposed to serious threats when going beyond permissible 'g' limits. According to available intel, more than 40% of the existing JF-17 are grounded because of cracks in their wing strake area!!

By the way, to add to the misery of the PAF, 60% of their F-16s too are grounded due to lack of spares!

And to top it all, a senior mentally challenged Paki General strongly maintains on every Pak TV debate that Pak should invade India for 'getting back occupied Kashmir' as Pak has the strongest and most well trained armed forces in the world!! And bro China is ready to help! Lol! WTF do these guys smoke?

Man, not only does Chinese maal suck real bad, the delusions of these Paki khakis are breathtaking in scope and intensity!!! Jeeez! The tango between Pakis and the Hans is what I call a comedy circus!! 🤡



Regular Member
Dec 3, 2021
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So, leaders from iran, France and Germany visited russia, refused to undertake pcr test and handover their dna to russia.

Imran khan however bent over and let ruskies take his dna and with it this self respect.

But he didn't get his bheek. Not even a joint statement.
Russia even declared war while he was in the country.

But Pakis subreddit celebrates the meeting for its "optix."

No flags in the background makes for great optics 🤣🤣

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