DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Tihar Jail
Sep 13, 2020
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Sure and end up in the same mess with regards to ToT plaguing T90 , Su30 etc

And importantly loose independence and the ability to scale up when required .

Sovereignty of technology is paramount to winning wars . Why do think India has to think twice inorder to repell territorial aggression ?

Because 60-70% of our military equipments are foreign and dependent on foreign supply chain . Our stocks of war time wastage reserves for spares etc for the foreign weapons are very low and will always be low and a hanging noose around our neck during times of need .

Why do you think foreign countries like Russia exert so much influence in our deliberations ( behind the public glare ) ?

Because they got our military by their necks

Behind all the bonhomie of friendship the harsh reality is we are being milked dry and nothing but a monkey dancing to their tune.

Why do you think the urgency behind testing all the weapons post Chinese aggression ?

What was the role of Russians post Chinese aggression ?

What did our dunderhead military realise finally with respect to their existing capabilities to put china at risk conventionally and hence the urgency ?

Today I will tell you the reality incase nobody realised it till now , we do not have the parity , even 50% in terms of conventional weapon systems which can engage Chinese beyond 100 km forget 300, 600 km in large numbers in order to win a war convincingly . Conventional warfare in modern times has to done at both tactical and strategic levels concurrently. One cannot control outcome at tactical level without the ability to control outcome at strategic level and vice versa . Even if we win at tactical levels , defeat at strategic levels negates any victory at tactical levels.

Our conventional capability at strategic level is next to zero ( literally )

And which country will help us to fill this void ?

And ToT is nothing but a scam. Nobody in their right mind let's go of their golden goose. Russia is not to be blamed , they are simply doing business , India or rather short sighted Indians are to be blamed.
My point is to keep using russian engine until we mange to develop our own. There is a myth that Indian military don't want to induct domestic product. If you provide quality stuff with indigenous content & no screwiri , than indian military will induct the product. They have in past , they will in future. here we have gonchus who claim sky and don't deliver anything. Just look at ROI issued by indian army for APFSDS for T 72 T 90 with DOP of between 600-800mm. i assure you, not a single one of this multi billionaire corporate jokers will come even close to delivering such capability on there own ( they will try to pass foreign product as there own for sure though. )
so why cry if military do not want to induct the product , since they can go directly to supplier and buy in bulk and save cost.

Dessert Storm

New Member
Sep 8, 2020
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New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Point is nobody can understand completely the shenanigans associated with Indian defence industry both government and private because too many factors involved . Basically it is a clusterfuck . Last 70 years governments in power practically destroyed and neglected it . Only this government has made a honest attempt to bring sanity in to our defence sector. But thing is inefficiency and bungling of last 70 years cannot be undone in few years. It will take decades to become effective.


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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One query there were reports that we deployed few nirbhay missiles in ladakh region, what about them? Are they using Russian engine? Someone stated here that DRDO makes around 10 or more prototypes so how hard will it be for them to look into the issues and solve it? Considering they have already recovered the missile and looking into the data collected during the test.


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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India needs a flying testbed to test its engines thoroughly , but nobody seems to be interested in it . Buying one or atleast leasing one is necessary for developing engines.

Penny wise pound foolish .
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New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Today’s Nirbhay cruise missile test was with the @DRDO_India/GTRE small turbofan engine (STFE) replacing the UEC/NPO 36MT turbofan that powered all previous tests. The missile has been recovered. Analysis underway on engine and guidance system performance.

If they are having trouble with the Manik engine, they can still use the Russian engine for now to churn out more missiles. The Nirbhay's previous test (with the Russian engine) was a success. An air-launched Nirbhay missile with 1000 km range would be very useful for destroying targets deeper in Chinese territory. Meanwhile they can simultaneously keep working on the Manik engine to sort its problems out.
Wrong information .
The baseline nirbhay missile is already deployed and it uses Russian turbojet engine and range is less than 1000 km while in the latest test Indian turbofan engine was used , turbofan engines are much more efficient which increases it's range to 1500 km , it is almost a new missile .


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Failures will be a part of any technological venture. It is important that we learn the lessons and emerge stronger. Also it would be a good idea to have two entities engaged in developing any new product. In Russia the Mig design centre and the Sukhoi design centre compete against each other. Healthy competition always brings better results. Similarly in the US Lockheed Martin and Boeing compete against each other for developing and supplying fighter planes to the US military.

It would be good if we had two different teams trying to develop a reliable small turbofan engine. Each team might differ from each other in approaching the problem. In India most of the time we have only one organisation trying to develop new or difficult technologies. The element of competition is lacking. Competition fosters creativity.

I hope the next test firing of the Nirbhay happens within months instead of years. Why is it so difficult to conduct multiple test firings of the Nirbhay in one year. Does failure analysis need years to conclude. It should be easier to arrange test firings of a cruise missile at short intervals than arrange the same for a large, long range ICBM. Funds and manpower should not be a problem. Take corrective measures to address any shortcomings in the system and do repeated tests till we succeed. The public need not be informed of failures everytime.


New Member
May 28, 2011
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India needs a flying testbed to test its engines thoroughly , but nobody seems to be interested in it . Buying one or atleast leasing one is necessary for developing engines.

Penny wise pound foolish .
We sent Kaveri to Russia for tests on IL-76.

But yes we need something similar for Manik too.

