DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2018
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Experimental setup for studying diving motion of the ballast tank.jpg

Experimental setup for studying diving motion of the ballast tank

Schematic showing diving motion of the ballast tank.jpg

Schematic showing diving motion of the ballast tank
Diving motions of the ballast tank at different times..jpg

Diving motions of the ballast tank at different times. left experimental right Numerical

First experimental demonstration of cloaking at 8.5 GHz.jpg

First experimental demonstration of cloaking at 8.5 GHz( Meta materials )

Metamaterial based absorbers for terahertz frequency region.jpg

Metamaterial based absorbers for terahertz frequency region

Architecture of ON-BOARD ELECTRONICS SUB-SYSTEM for an Advanced Light Towed Array Sonar.jpg

Architecture of onboard electronics of Advanced Light Towed Array Sonar

Ka band resonant cap IMPATT oscillator.jpg

Ka band resonant cap IMPATT oscillator

Nacelle and Engine Schematic od saras MK1.jpg

Nacelle and Engine Schematic od Saras MK1


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Today’s Nirbhay cruise missile test was with the @DRDO_India/GTRE small turbofan engine (STFE) replacing the UEC/NPO 36MT turbofan that powered all previous tests. The missile has been recovered. Analysis underway on engine and guidance system performance.

Today’s Nirbhay cruise missile test was with the @DRDO_India/GTRE small turbofan engine (STFE) replacing the UEC/NPO 36MT turbofan that powered all previous tests. The missile has been recovered. Analysis underway on engine and guidance system performance.

is this different then manik engine?


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Today’s Nirbhay cruise missile test was with the @DRDO_India/GTRE small turbofan engine (STFE) replacing the UEC/NPO 36MT turbofan that powered all previous tests. The missile has been recovered. Analysis underway on engine and guidance system performance.

is this different then manik engine?
Manik is STFE.


Tihar Jail
Sep 13, 2020
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Many of them are porky handles masquerading as Indians as usual in addition to the congis leftists mullahs etc.

Sometimes I feel that nirbhay program is being sabotaged deliberately. IB and RAW need to scrutinize the people involved in the nirbhay program.
Should have gone with russian engine licencing.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Should have gone with russian engine licencing.
Sure and end up in the same mess with regards to ToT plaguing T90 , Su30 etc

And importantly loose independence and the ability to scale up when required .

Sovereignty of technology is paramount to winning wars . Why do think India has to think twice inorder to repell territorial aggression ?

Because 60-70% of our military equipments are foreign and dependent on foreign supply chain . Our stocks of war time wastage reserves for spares etc for the foreign weapons are very low and will always be low and a hanging noose around our neck during times of need .

Why do you think foreign countries like Russia exert so much influence in our deliberations ( behind the public glare ) ?

Because they got our military by their necks

Behind all the bonhomie of friendship the harsh reality is we are being milked dry and nothing but a monkey dancing to their tune.

Why do you think the urgency behind testing all the weapons post Chinese aggression ?

What was the role of Russians post Chinese aggression ?

What did our dunderhead military realise finally with respect to their existing capabilities to put china at risk conventionally and hence the urgency ?

Today I will tell you the reality incase nobody realised it till now , we do not have the parity , even 50% in terms of conventional weapon systems which can engage Chinese beyond 100 km forget 300, 600 km in large numbers in order to win a war convincingly . Conventional warfare in modern times has to done at both tactical and strategic levels concurrently. One cannot control outcome at tactical level without the ability to control outcome at strategic level and vice versa . Even if we win at tactical levels , defeat at strategic levels negates any victory at tactical levels.

Our conventional capability at strategic level is next to zero ( literally )

And which country will help us to fill this void ?

And ToT is nothing but a scam. Nobody in their right mind let's go of their golden goose. Russia is not to be blamed , they are simply doing business , India or rather short sighted Indians are to be blamed.
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Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I Said Long Time Ago unless Private Firms Will Not Enter Strategic defense Partnership With GOI . India Will Never become Serious geopolitical power
US Decided It in WW2
There is another aspect to it which we don't see

Many so called private companies like Tata are doing nothing but screwgiri at best. Their efforts at R&D and own IPR is nothing to speak about more or less, when it comes to core technologies. And whatever they have is thanks to DRDO.

Only exception is L&T , Kalyani , Astra microwave , data patterns , Ananth technologies , vem etc to a certain extent , saving grace is they own IPR in atleast some of the system's.

Remember the case where Pvt companies especially Tata raised a hue and cry when mod gave the land based EW system contract to DPSUs ?

Irony is afaik Tata was fielding South African EW systems with local tweaks.

Anyways I do agree that government must engage private companies and importantly give them contracts in large numbers , so that it becomes profitable for the private companies to invest money in own r&d and IPR. No company will invest money in developing products if no orders are guaranteed. Best to follow South Korean and Japanese model of weapon development where the private developers of weapon are guaranteed a order if it meets our requirements rather than the stupid and self defeating L1 model.
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Defense lover
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Why people are so upset ......
No clarity what was gone wrong...I asked many they said ..might not engine e fault..

Again the missile recovered....the. We can see another test with some modifications......
Bad things happen... didn't you remember in first hsdtv trial the proven missile was unable to get the height to activate hsdtv.....
Things happen.....

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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This was a step up from all previous tests as it had an indigenous engine.. (is there an official confirmation yet ?) .. The fact that indian STFE functioned for 7 odd minutes is a good thing.
Few generic questions here:

Does every small turbofan engine in missiles like tomahawk undergo static testing for a certain number of hours before being cleared for integration with the missile ?
How many hours can each engine run or is usually rated to run ?


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Off topic

Go through this thread , everyone if possible

And then realise how casteism was literally created and turned into a monster by Christian missionaries

If you guys remember I always mentioned that it is quite a irony that the word caste is derived from the Portuguese word casta. How come a so called indian social phenomenon is derived from a foreign word .

Whatever social divisions we had was due to economic divide and everyone including Brahmans , khsatriyas , Sudras etc were victim to it same as around the world with social discrimination like serfs and aristocrats . But ironically in order to target Hinduism , Indian social divisions due to economic divide was given the color of religious sanctioned discrimination. And many Indians amplified it for their own selfish interests. If india had not been under slavery of the Islamists and Christians we would never have such problems , because economic conditions would have been better and as a result social cohesion and integration would have been better.

@mods don't move it , otherwise it gets lost in useless posts in other threads.


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Many so called private companies like Tata are doing nothing but screwgiri at best. Their efforts at R&D and own IPR is nothing to speak about more or less, when it comes to core technologies. And whatever they have is thanks to DRDO.
They Are Not doing it because they are not compelled by GOI for doing So.GOI Maintained Monopoly of Govt chumps in strategic defense contracts
If GOI Let them Green Signal Let them Build Parallel System To counter DRDO
Well DRDO Will have to Shut It Shop in 5 years

Let Out the Tender To develop cruise missile engine
And Let there Be open Contender ship With DRDO

The Winner Will get All Govt funding

You Will See DRDO Fate Will be Similar To Air india in Next few years

Private Firms Can offer Best indian & Foreign Minds To R&D Which DRDO not capable off


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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They Are Not doing it because they are not compelled by GOI for doing So.GOI Maintained Monopoly of Govt chumps in strategic defense contracts
If GOI Let them Green Signal Let them Build Parallel System To counter DRDO
Well DRDO Will have to Shut It Shop in 5 years

Let Out the Tender To develop cruise missile engine
And Let there Be open Contender ship With DRDO

The Winner Will get All Govt funding

You Will See DRDO Fate Will be Similar To Air india in Next few years

Private Firms Can offer Best indian & Foreign Minds To R&D Which DRDO not capable off
DRDO is a R&D organization and no private company can come close to it in terms of R&D even in the next 100 years . That's the harsh reality.

Indian private companies are mostly related to production / manufacturing because they don't find it profitable to engage in large scale R&D due to the large costs and long gestation time period.

Look around the world and see the top defence companies with own large scale R&D . Boeing , LM , Mitsubishi , Hanwha , Sukhoi , Mig , BAE , Leonardo , GM etc are top notch in R&D now because they invested in the same since last 50 years or so . Only then they are in a position to churn out competitive products with own IPR. They have pedigree .

And now tell me how many Indian private companies have that pedigree ?
Making claims is one thing and having the capability to convert the claim into reality is another ball game. Tell me how indian companies figure among top 100 companies in the world for core R&D capabilities ?.

If any private company had the capability to develop cruise missile engine with own IPR don't you think they would have intimated the same to DRDO who would have been more than happy to involve them or given them the task to develop the same .

No need to make even the operational version of the cruise missile engine , one can even demonstrate their capabilities by developing a scaled down lab prototype which basically will cost nothing .
Has any company done so ?
Why not ?
Because technological pedigree is not available.

Only since last few years some Indian companies have invested in own R&D, it will take sometime before it starts giving meaningful results. If Indian private companies start working on R&D in their respective sectors seriously , only after 5-10 years expect them to come up with competitive products with own IPR and that too is not guaranteed.

Also I support indian private companies more than anybody else , but point is I am aware of their advantages as well as their shortcomings. As I said before government must give orders to private companies so that they make profits and as a result they will themselves invest in own R&D over a period of time as they gain experience.
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Senior Member
May 28, 2011
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After the initial launch with a solid-propellant booster to gain speed and altitude, the missile’s engine failed to attain the requisite power after deploying its smallish wings and tail fins in the second-stage

@Dessert Storm @fire starter @Vishalreddy3 @Haldilal @ArgonPrime

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