DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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As for Indians who are foolish enough to believe that porkies reverse engineered harpoon and tomahawk , I have got news .

First porkies don't have the technological competence to reverse engineer a 80 cc motor engine forget a missile and it's systems / components.

Second all sensitive components of American missile systems are purposely hard coded against reverse engineering and contain anti tamper measures . Reverse engineering is hard enough , going through anti reverse engineering and anti tamper counter measures is harder still. Both of them together is near impossible. Hence why so called reverse engineered products are always suboptimal to the original product from which an attempt was made to be copied.

Eg can one reverse engineer the production technologies associated with the manufacturing of the product , by simply getting hand on the product.

The porkies send the tomahawk missile to china , who gleaned whatever tech they could extract from it and in return they gave the porkies access to one of their cruise missile prototypes based on a Soviet era cruise missile illegally sourced from Ukraine along with the licence production rights.

As for nirbhay, failures are part of any weapon development , point is to persist with it until it is successful.

DRDO has successfully tested multiple missiles within a month , calling it useless after a single test failure is something only a foolish person would do.

Its best a missile fails now and data is generated which allows one to improve it rather than it succeeds now and comes short of expectations during deployment.

Google and see for yourself how many missile systems failed during operational deployment , because some issues didn't not manifest during testing. As a result designers had to go back to the drawing boards and iron them out all over again.

I am not making an excuse for DRDO , understand that for any first weapon system of its class , possibility of test failures is high. This is DRDO first attempt at a cruse missile of this class so such problems are to be expected.
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fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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As for Indians who are foolish enough to believe that porkies reverse engineered harpoon and tomahawk , I have got news .

First porkies don't have the technological competence to reverse engineer a 80 cc motor engine forget a missile and it's systems / components.

Second all sensitive components of American missile systems are purposely hard coded against reverse engineering and contain anti tamper measures . Reverse engineering is hard enough , going through anti reverse engineering and anti tamper counter measures is harder still. Both of them together is near impossible. Hence why so called reverse engineered products are always suboptimal to the original product from which an attempt was made to be copied.

The porkies send the tomahawk missile to china , who gleaned whatever tech they could extract from it and in return they gave the porkies access to one of their cruise missile prototypes based on a Soviet era cruise missile illegally sourced from Ukraine along with the licence production rights.

As for nirbhay failures are part of any weapon development , point is to persist with it until it is successful.

DRDO has successfully tested multiple missiles within a month , calling it useless after a single test failure is something only a foolish person would do.

Its best a missile fails now and data is generated which allows one to improve it rather than it succeeds now and comes short of expectations during deployment.
I understand but the sub sonic technology exists since last century. And it's really frustrating to hear this since last 10 yrs.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I understand but the sub sonic technology exists since last century. And it's really frustrating to hear this since last 10 yrs.
Did it exist with DRDO ?

And what exactly do you mean by sub sonic technology

A weapon system is a system of systems . A single system doesn't define a weapon system . It is the culmination of multiple technologies both inside the missile and outside the missile ( manufacturing / testing etc ).

Any weapon system being developed which is first of its class will have a long lead time and more failures during tests simply because of the lack of experience regarding the same.

Do you realise how many test failures US and Soviets suffered during their first development of long range cruise missiles.
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Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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As for Indians who are foolish enough to believe that porkies reverse engineered harpoon and tomahawk , I have got news .

First porkies don't have the technological competence to reverse engineer a 80 cc motor engine forget a missile and it's systems / components.

Second all sensitive components of American missile systems are purposely hard coded against reverse engineering and contain anti tamper measures . Reverse engineering is hard enough , going through anti reverse engineering and anti tamper counter measures is harder still. Both of them together is near impossible. Hence why so called reverse engineered products are always suboptimal to the original product from which an attempt was made to be copied.

The porkies send the tomahawk missile to china , who gleaned whatever tech they could extract from it and in return they gave the porkies access to one of their cruise missile prototypes based on a Soviet era cruise missile illegally sourced from Ukraine along with the licence production rights.

As for nirbhay failures are part of any weapon development , point is to persist with it until it is successful.

DRDO has successfully tested multiple missiles within a month , calling it useless after a single test failure is something only a foolish person would do.

Its best a missile fails now and data is generated which allows one to improve it rather than it succeeds now and comes short of expectations during deployment.
As for Indians who are foolish enough to believe that porkies reverse engineered harpoon and tomahawk , I have got news .

First porkies don't have the technological competence to reverse engineer a 80 cc motor engine forget a missile and it's systems / components.
This makes sense, in fact, expected that China may help them. Pakistani also sold its nuclear technology to NKorea in exchange for ballistic missile technology from them.

But at the end of the day, both of our adversaries have a lot of cheap standoff-cruise missiles. (our BrahMos is not cheap).
What matters is us getting our hands on CM technology, by hook or crook. The only requirement is that we should be able to manufacture them in-house with indigenous materials during war-time.

As for nirbhay failures are part of any weapon development , point is to persist with it until it is successful.

DRDO has successfully tested multiple missiles within a month , calling it useless after a single test failure is something only a foolish person would do.
Reasonable. Our Tejas & Astra program is also going for a long time, however, it is completely understandable that technology as critical as a modern 4th gen jet and BVR AAM are complex, and needs time maturing. Also, supersonic fluid dynamics is something that requires advanced test facilities.

But not Nirbhay. There might as well be external agents that are trying to sabotage this project from inside.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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This makes sense, in fact, expected that China may help them. Pakistani also sold its nuclear technology to NKorea in exchange for ballistic missile technology from them.

But at the end of the day, both of our adversaries have a lot of cheap standoff-cruise missiles. (our BrahMos is not cheap).
What matters is us getting our hands on CM technology, by hook or crook. The only requirement is that we should be able to manufacture them in-house with indigenous materials during war-time.

Reasonable. Our Tejas & Astra program is also going for a long time, however, it is completely understandable that technology as critical as a modern 4th gen jet and BVR AAM are complex, and needs time maturing. Also, supersonic fluid dynamics is something that requires advanced test facilities.

But not Nirbhay. There might as well be external agents that are trying to sabotage this project from inside.
There is requirement of thousands of such missiles and Russia is continuously pitching their klub missile. so it could be possibility of sabotage.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2018
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drdo which has develop far more sophisticated technologies cannot even develop such simple technology since 10 yrs.

Subsonic Turbo fan engine itself is very difficult to develop . Terrain Hugging , Range , loitering capabilities etc are also difficult and the stringent quality requirements because we know it will face the world's toughest climate conditions in Himalayas . failure is good so they will study and examine more about the tech at the end we will get a quality product .

This time it may be Engine

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