DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Wonderful bro. Could you elaborate how much range this could give to desi bramhos type missile.

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I think it is just replica of Russian engine. So, unlikely that range will change.

I believe It will give India the ability to make its own Brahmos missile fully indigenised with Indian technology. India has already indigenised the seekers and guidance. So, engine was the only component left. This may also be first step in making Brahmos-NG which will be fully indigenous


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I think it is just replica of Russian engine. So, unlikely that range will change.

I believe It will give India the ability to make its own Brahmos missile fully indigenised with Indian technology. India has already indigenised the seekers and guidance. So, engine was the only component left. This may also be first step in making Brahmos-NG which will be fully indigenous
Seriously ?

Have you seen brahmos ramjet engine ?

Here it is , any similarity between the 2 ?


All agreements with Russia will become null and void if we reverse engineer their engine , do you understand the greater implications ?

LFRJ engine is 350mm and uses variable nozzel system with fuel flow control and has multiple (2) airframe integrated air intakes , so is it still similar to brahmos engine ?

Your choice
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Old DRDO presentation talks of 600km in ground to ground version @ 3.2 mach

There is a air to surface version also. It will be indian analogue of French of ASMP-A.
Asmp A weights just 860kg for 500km range.
So this new missile based on this engine will be much lighter than bramhos Ng?
So it is separate from bramhos Ng .

Bramhos Ng is 1500 kg.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Seriously ?

Have you seen brahmos ramjet engine ?

Here it is , any similarity between the 2 ?

View attachment 36731

All agreements with Russia will become null and void if we reverse engineer their engine , do you understand the greater implications ?

LFRJ engine is 35mm and uses variable nozzel system with fuel flow control and has multiple airframe integrated air intakes , so is it still similar to brahmos engine ?

Your choice
Thanks foe the Brahmos engine image. By the way, do you know What is the diameter of Brahmos engine?

These two appear significantly different. India will have to design a new missile for this new LFRJ to be used. Is there any other supersonic missile being developed?


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Thanks foe the Brahmos engine image. By the way, do you know What is the diameter of Brahmos engine?

These two appear significantly different. India will have to design a new missile for this new LFRJ to be used. Is there any other supersonic missile being developed?
That's what I gather. We are probably creating an even lighter missile than bramhos Ng.

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Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Thanks foe the Brahmos engine image. By the way, do you know What is the diameter of Brahmos engine?

These two appear significantly different. India will have to design a new missile for this new LFRJ to be used. Is there any other supersonic missile being developed?

Don't know brahmos engine diameter , search for info on 3D55 engine you might get it.

Other supersonic missiles I know of

1.DSCM dual speed cruise missile

2.MLPGM carrier missile

(The name Missile Launched PGM (mlpgm) is given because multiple nos of it can be fitted inside a mother ballistic missile as payload and be released over general target area, then the multiple mlpgms will independently seek, acquire, and home on the targets.)


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Asmp A weights just 860kg for 500km range.
So this new missile based on this engine will be much lighter than bramhos Ng?
So it is separate from bramhos Ng .

Bramhos Ng is 1500 kg.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
ASMP is low range missile. It has range from 80-300 km. Brahmos has minimum 300km at low flight profile. ASMP is air launched which also removes its requirement for booster, thus reducing some weight. ASMP is also slower with speed at 2+ Mach most of the time and reaches 3Mach in dive mode only.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016

Plamja-M, the Russian design bureau pecialising in ramjet powerplants, has been closed. A small portion of its staff now works in the engine department of the Science and Production Association Machine-Building (NPO Mashinostroyeniya), completing work on the 3D-55 powerplant of the Russian/Indian PJ-10 BrahMos anti-ship missile.

The closure of the bureau means that Russia no longer has an organisation able to develop liquid-fuelled ramjets. Powerplants of this type are used in three well-known Russian missiles - the 3M-80 Zubr/Moskit (SS-N-22 ?Sunburn?), Kh-31 (AS-17 ?Krypton?) and 3M-55 Onyx (export name Yakhont) and its BrahMos derivative.

The ramjets for the 3M-80 and Kh-31 were developed by the Krasnaya Zvezda Machine-Building Design Bureau headed by Mikhail M. Bondaruk, who had earlier been responsible for the 3Ts4 ramjet of the Krug (SA-4 ?Ganef?) surface-to-air missile. This bureau later became part of the Soyuz Engineering Design Bureau at Turaevo.

Work on the 3D-80 supersonic ramjet for the 3M-80 started in 1973, and despite difficulties was basically complete by 1978. Later the improved 3D-81, 3D-82 and 3D-83 variants were developed. The 3D-81 introduced combustion stabilisation, while the 3D-83 had a two-position nozzle. Work on the 360 mm diameter ?52? ramjet for the Kh-31 started in 1976. This powerplant was followed by the optimised ?52M? design.

In 1978, what was then the Plamja Design Bureau was set up in Moscow as part of the Scientific Research Institute of Thermal Processes (Keldysh Research Centre). Tasked with developing new supersonic ramjets, it was headed by Igor B. Levanov, and took over from Soyuz all the engineers from the former Mikhail M. Bondaruk design bureau.

To meet a requirement from NPO Mashinostroyeniya, Plamja developed and tested a 780 mm diameter experimental supersonic ramjet able to operate at speeds of up to Mach 4. This was intended to power the 3M-25 Meteorit (AS-19/SS-N-24), but the final variant of this cruise missile used a turbo-jet engine.

The next project was the development of a 640 mm diameter supersonic ramjet for the NPO Mashinostroyeniye 3M-55 antiship missile. Work on this 3D-55 powerplant started in 1983, and by 1987 the motor was being tested in missile bodies.

The 3D-55 is the first Russian ramjet to have a fully-regulated (moving) nozzle. During the missile?s flight it can be throttled back to minimal thrust, then commanded to resume normal operation.

In 1991 the Plamja design bureau became the independent enterprise Plamja Science and Production Association (NPVO "Plamja"), then in 1995 it was renamed the Plamja-M Joint-Stock Company (ZAO "Plamja-M").

In recent years, Russia has had no requirements for new designs of ramjet, and Plamja-M found itself in business difficulties. Late in 2003, director Igor B. Levanov died. Faced with a government that seemed indifferent to the organisation?s problems, Plamja-M was forced to close during 2004. Manufacture of the 3D-55 is being handled by the Strela Production Association at Orenburg.


@porky_kicker thanks for the engine Model number. The engine is apparently 640mm in diameter. .

By the way, it suites the size of Brahmos-NG. Brahmos-NG is a fully Indigenous missile. The confidence with which claims have been made by DRDO & Brahmos company about Brahmos NG being ready by 2024 makes it likely that the basic Technology needed like engine, guidance and seeker is ready and only integration is left to be done.

So, this 350mm diameter engine is most likely Brahmos NG itself


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Plamja-M, the Russian design bureau pecialising in ramjet powerplants, has been closed. A small portion of its staff now works in the engine department of the Science and Production Association Machine-Building (NPO Mashinostroyeniya), completing work on the 3D-55 powerplant of the Russian/Indian PJ-10 BrahMos anti-ship missile.

The closure of the bureau means that Russia no longer has an organisation able to develop liquid-fuelled ramjets. Powerplants of this type are used in three well-known Russian missiles - the 3M-80 Zubr/Moskit (SS-N-22 ?Sunburn?), Kh-31 (AS-17 ?Krypton?) and 3M-55 Onyx (export name Yakhont) and its BrahMos derivative.

The ramjets for the 3M-80 and Kh-31 were developed by the Krasnaya Zvezda Machine-Building Design Bureau headed by Mikhail M. Bondaruk, who had earlier been responsible for the 3Ts4 ramjet of the Krug (SA-4 ?Ganef?) surface-to-air missile. This bureau later became part of the Soyuz Engineering Design Bureau at Turaevo.

Work on the 3D-80 supersonic ramjet for the 3M-80 started in 1973, and despite difficulties was basically complete by 1978. Later the improved 3D-81, 3D-82 and 3D-83 variants were developed. The 3D-81 introduced combustion stabilisation, while the 3D-83 had a two-position nozzle. Work on the 360 mm diameter ?52? ramjet for the Kh-31 started in 1976. This powerplant was followed by the optimised ?52M? design.

In 1978, what was then the Plamja Design Bureau was set up in Moscow as part of the Scientific Research Institute of Thermal Processes (Keldysh Research Centre). Tasked with developing new supersonic ramjets, it was headed by Igor B. Levanov, and took over from Soyuz all the engineers from the former Mikhail M. Bondaruk design bureau.

To meet a requirement from NPO Mashinostroyeniya, Plamja developed and tested a 780 mm diameter experimental supersonic ramjet able to operate at speeds of up to Mach 4. This was intended to power the 3M-25 Meteorit (AS-19/SS-N-24), but the final variant of this cruise missile used a turbo-jet engine.

The next project was the development of a 640 mm diameter supersonic ramjet for the NPO Mashinostroyeniye 3M-55 antiship missile. Work on this 3D-55 powerplant started in 1983, and by 1987 the motor was being tested in missile bodies.

The 3D-55 is the first Russian ramjet to have a fully-regulated (moving) nozzle. During the missile?s flight it can be throttled back to minimal thrust, then commanded to resume normal operation.

In 1991 the Plamja design bureau became the independent enterprise Plamja Science and Production Association (NPVO "Plamja"), then in 1995 it was renamed the Plamja-M Joint-Stock Company (ZAO "Plamja-M").

In recent years, Russia has had no requirements for new designs of ramjet, and Plamja-M found itself in business difficulties. Late in 2003, director Igor B. Levanov died. Faced with a government that seemed indifferent to the organisation?s problems, Plamja-M was forced to close during 2004. Manufacture of the 3D-55 is being handled by the Strela Production Association at Orenburg.


@porky_kicker thanks for the engine Model number. The engine is apparently 640mm in diameter. .

By the way, it suites the size of Brahmos-NG. Brahmos-NG is a fully Indigenous missile. The confidence with which claims have been made by DRDO & Brahmos company about Brahmos NG being ready by 2024 makes it likely that the basic Technology needed like engine, guidance and seeker is ready and only integration is left to be done.

So, this 350mm diameter engine is most likely Brahmos NG itself

Brahmos missile and it's derivative brahmos NG has axial air intake which is tailored for 3D55 and it's modified version for brahmos NG.

LFRJ engine uses lateral air intakes and more than one intakes are present.
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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I will let you guys solve this mystery

View attachment 36443

First version of Astra mk1 with long cord wings

View attachment 36442

This one also has long chord wings but repositioned. Rear wings also repositioned

(In the pic only the nose cone is missing)

There is some similarities and there is some dissimilarities between the 2 airframes

But if one compares the two, are they the same missiles ?

If yes then case closed, if no then

Is it a air to air missile ?
Is it a air to ground missile ?
Is it a ground to air missile ?

I will let you guys be the judge the jury and the executioner.
Now can you reveal/confirm the identity of this rocket/missile?
Is it MRPKS?


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I don't have any idea on what it is , that is why I asked you guys

What's MRPKS ?
Medium Range Precision Kill System.

Army realized that BM-21s, Pinakas and even artillery have a big issue in the mountains - ridge clearing!!
Artillery units had to be stationed in relatively large flat areas, so optimal angle will also get optimal range.

So, they put out a requirement for VERTICALLY LAUNCHED rockets, that will tilt in the required direction after lifting itself to a required height (much like Brahmos). The requirement was also for the rocket to have IR terminal homing. Required range is about 25kms!!

The pic you posted fits ALL of the required features.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Medium Range Precision Kill System.

Army realized that BM-21s, Pinakas and even artillery have a big issue in the mountains - ridge clearing!!
Artillery units had to be stationed in relatively large flat areas, so optimal angle will also get optimal range.

So, they put out a requirement for VERTICALLY LAUNCHED rockets, that will tilt in the required direction after lifting itself to a required height (much like Brahmos). The requirement was also for the rocket to have IR terminal homing. Required range is about 25kms!!

The pic you posted fits ALL of the required features.
Well let's see ............................


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Well let's see ............................
Another key feature would be that a cassette of 24 such rockets would be mounted on small 4x4 trucks...that can easily traverse some circuitous mountainous dirt roads that larger trucks cannot traverse.....
No TEL required...rocket cassettes can be mounted on cheap trucks
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Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Brahmos missile and it's derivative brahmos NG has axial air intake which is tailored for 3D55 and it's modified version for brahmos NG.

LFRJ engine uses lateral air intakes and more than one intakes are present.
Then is Russia making Brahmos-NG engine too?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Totally doubt that.
Development model of a purported supersonic radar-homing AAM would be pointy and not flat (as seen in the pic).
Do read the description of MRPKS in document attached earlier....the rocket/missile description fits it to a tee.
Aditya precision tech is a company which makes pumps and fittings. So if they have build this one, it means it is a outsourced project. So obviously they would only make the body and not the RADOME of the missile.

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