DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Sep 24, 2016
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Ok, let’s check what US, Russia claim about their missile CEP.

US latest ATACMS/Russia Iskanda M (<500KM), pure inertial 30m; enhanced by terminal stage guidances <10m.

But these 2 are only short range missile with much slower speed, lower temperature and better external environment.

If we look at the ICBM of each countries:

Russia’s Bulava (8000km+), the CEP is 250m – 300m; US Trident II D5 (8000km – 11000km), the CEP is 90m.

So, no, India is the only one claiming single digit CEP for the missiles over 2500km.

No one says that India has no influence. I just pointed out that India’s influence doesn’t match some friends’ imagination.

For any country who wants to be a global power, the basic requirement is securing her own neighbourhood.

For USA, it is America continent;

For Russia, it is East Europe;

For China, it is west Pacific;

For India, it is India Ocean.

Unlike other places, India Ocean controls 80% world’s maritime oil trade and the central point of Asia-Europe /Asia-Africa trade routes. If a country becomes a dominant power in India ocean, she automatically becomes a dominant power of the world. It will be lot harder to challenge a local dominant power than an outsider (such as US) in India ocean. So, it is not in anyone’s interest to see an India’s Ocean.

On the other hand, no one is going to join in a war thousands miles away. So, India keeps bring up the so called “Chinese threat” in India Ocean even though the pathetic number of Chinese warships and limited times of visiting in the region. India just made it very clear that she is going nowhere before dominating her neighbourhood.
Indian Ocean is already India's ocean. Indian missile from Indian shore can hit anywhere in Indian Ocean. No island no military base is safe from these.

Without permanent secure bases no other power can rule Indian Ocean.

All surface vessel loose effectiveness without constant supplier.

Even in case of active war where enemy warships outnumber and outmatch India , india can still obliterated any base supplying enemy warships even 2000km away from Indian shore with su30mki + bramhos.

So unless anyone has evolved the art of supplying ammunition fuel and food to warships from bases 2000km away Indian Ocean will remain India's ocean .

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk


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Jul 11, 2011
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Itna hi Rudaali banne ka mann hain to US army ke saamne jaakar bano who is using this system unlike IA.

View attachment 36003
View attachment 36004
But nothing to worry. Someday our Army would rise from slumber and would directly order something like this...

View attachment 36005

with full ToT. Then few people who are more interested in their investment in share market would say......... See DODO can't even deliver something basic like this.
I have been seeing that equipment for last 30 years lying some where rusted by the corner of a big open field.
No one uses that DODO marvel even for a practice.

You keep showing some more photos. That will keep us entertained...


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Apr 8, 2016
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Is it me or this one looks different from Nirbhay ( both old and new version ) ?

This cone reminds me of a generic torpedo nose

Old Nirbhay nose cone was kind of more tapered towards the centre and the newer one is almost flat .
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Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
ICBMs are means of projecting power around the world, not backyard.
How will we project power when we can't even secure our backyard? :frusty: What if China builds a military base in Venezuela or Guinea... How do we target that without full range ICBMs?

We don't need to threaten west at least for now. China is bigger threat.
Why China is bigger threat then west?

Because China supports Pak? well west does that too.
Because we fought war against China in 62? well we were almost on verge of nuke war with west in 71.
China doesn't want India to rise. so does west.

Now tell me how China is bigger evil? :doh:

We need to be prepared for both west and China.

ICBMs are just ballistic delivery systems mated with re-entry vehicles. The weapon you can put inside them is the challenge, not increasing their range.
Its "Global Range" makes it ultimate weapon. Sure we can put Chemical or bio warhead in it but that is another discussion.

India has been trying to develop ICBMs in 70s and failed back then is a fact.
We never failed. Our politicians failed us.

We could do it in 70's and 90's and could do it even today. Its our coward politicians and delusional public still believing in Gnadhi-Nehru ideology.

We are a country who had ICBMs+MTWHs thousands of years ago when white men were living in caves. Today we are afraid of same white men. :mad2:

Against whom will you deploy it? Which country?
Total 5 are needed for deployment.

London, Washington, Moscow, Berlin, Paris

Just token deployment to tell the world that we are not joking around.

India is neither a police state with dictatorship nor it has any anti western agenda. So, India will never be the top agenda of American international newspapers unlike China.
Because they think unlike China we are weak and unable to attack their mainland. They are not afraid of us. This is why we don't get respect from west. Even NoKo has recently started getting more respect.

To be a superpower we need global range plain and simple. This is why we need A-6.

We are not without delivery systems.
We are without global range weapon.

We are even shifting to new delivery systems like hypersonic weapons.
Hypersonics will be short to medium range. Will be mostly used against ships, military installations, air defense, etc. please don't compare it with mighty global range ICBM.

US can't dare to challenge regimes militarily in countries like Russia, China & India unlike Vietnam, Venezuela, Iraq or Iran. These countries are too big and they can only watch.
Well they can't do it in Russia and China because they are invasion proof. However they can certainly do a regime change in India. I am sure somewhere in pentagon there is a plan to invade India as well. (They have all sorts of crazy plans)

The point is we need to become invasion proof and unless we can build some sort of space nuke dropping weapon system our next best hope is ICBMs.

US couldn't do anything either when China didn't have nukes & ICBM.
US tried to Nuke China back in 50s during Korean war but because of China's friend a nuke power USSR stopped US from doing it. Only after this incident China started developing Nukes and ICBMs.

We had similar incident in 70s but unlike China we didn't learn our lesson.

That's only a diplomatic approach. US hadn't attacked North Korea in around even in 60 years of it's existence when it didn't have nukes & missiles. All because of Russia & China.
Because of Russia and China's ability to destroy mainland USA. Trust me if Russia and China didn't have nuke tipped ICBMs, USA would have finished them a long time ago.

Secondly, Trump's approach is about pulling USA out of conflicts.
As if US president has any say in war. :rofl:

News flash: US foreign policy is driven by deep state not president.

how much can North Korea produce to hit?
Enough to kill from a few hundred thousand to a few million.

You should keep in mind that west highly values human life of their citizens and their expensive infrastructure. Even a threat to destroy one major city in mainland is enough to send shivers to west.

Any BM can't be turned into orbital launch vehicle, how many times I got to state? Agni-5 can't put more than 50kg in 100kms orbit.
Shaheen 3 can very well be turned into a demo SLV. Agni-5 can also be used as demo SLV but since we have full sized SLVs we don't need BM based SLV demo.

No one will turn a liquid fueled rocket into a missile. India has much bigger solid rocket motors.
You brought it up many times in our discussion. You suggested that ISRO's SLVs can be used as ICBMs.

we got everything except GINSS (Global Indian Navigation Satellite System). It will be our counterpart to GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou-2 and Galileo.
We need this system for ICBM's accuracy via mid-course correction.

This why I said A-6 program will be much more complex.

Every country who has capability and validated it can produce stuff in huge numbers in emergency.
ICBMs can be produced in large number in emergency??? :shock: :crazy:

ICBMs and Nukes are tested and deployed during peacetime. If war breaks out against a major power there won't be anything left to build. We are not living in 40's where Hitler was making thousands of subs and planes during WW2. Today's wars are much more lethal and much more swift. A few minutemens and all capabilities GONE.

We don't need to develop a global range one. 60-70% of big ICBM will be enough. Most other countries use same.
Que: Which other nuke capable country doesn't have global range delivery system?

Ans: Pakistan.

Yup we are only 2 nuclear countries without global rage ICBMs/SLBMs.

Sorry but I don't want to see my great country in this pathetic club.

While you think that ICBM is solution to every problem, Soviet economy was sabotaged by USA along with its own stupid red policies.

Just before its collapsed, Soviet was also running around world for bailout what it didn't get. Internal issues wouldn't have arose if economy would have been doing right.

Soviet was world's third largest economy and second largest military force. ICBM was just a small component of military forces.
It was CIA agent Gorbachev who destroyed USSR from within. Otherwise USA had no chance against USSR.

Pakistan can hit any point on India and nearby American military bases.
You want India to stoop at Pakistani level??? What a useless comparison.

We are a great power. We need great weapons. Case closed.

Power projection isn't about military only. Germany is leader of world's largest economic entity.
EU is a body of elected members from all European countries. There are no leaders in EU.

P5 is about influential countries, not winners WW2. Case is different that winners of World war will be left most influential.
Its all about military and it always were that why.

Don't get brainwashed by nonsense western economic prosperity propaganda. Military might is the only might. Rest is time pass.

After shifting alliances in cold war era, they kept on adding friend in alliances. Germany is a part of P5+1 and has everything of them except veto power. Indeed India is more rightful but P5+1 is a reality.
More western propaganda.

Germany is a global power!!!!! :pound: you know economically Japan is better than Germany. Heck even Singapore and S. Korea have better PC GDP compared to Germany. Its only nonsense western white man elitist propaganda to include Germany (another white country) into white man's club.

All western economies are overrated and only reason it is strong because of inflated value of their fake currency which is protected by their military might. Why do you think west wants full control of all oil producing countries? Why does west controls all sea lanes?

Oh you are so naive about western fiat currency based economies. :rofl:

Power is the ultimate factor of P5 and its base is always economy.
Mark my words: The day western military takes second seat that day western public will be begging BEEKH in Asian countries.

No, NSG deal gave India access to stuff India wanted.
Do we have a seat in NSG?
Do we have unrestricted and unquestioned access to yellow cake?

What did we got from that deal?

Bunch of international observers poking their nose into our reactors. :mad2:

Power generation is wastage?
Yes it is. In India we have enormous Solar potential. Not to mention abundance of desi coal. There is absolutely no need to use uranium for energy.

We need it for warheads and sub reactors only.

Making warheads of all fissile material and throwing it in reserves to get reduced and expire is actual wastage.
India can produce large number of nukes in conflict when needed.
Do you know how many centrifuges we have and how much time it takes to enrich from our current capacity?
No, We can't produce large number of nukes instantly.

Care to explain your "farsightedness".
Farsightedness is getting ready for future.:yo:


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Indian Ocean is already India's ocean. Indian missile from Indian shore can hit anywhere in Indian Ocean. No island no military base is safe from these.

Without permanent secure bases no other power can rule Indian Ocean.

All surface vessel loose effectiveness without constant supplier.

Even in case of active war where enemy warships outnumber and outmatch India , india can still obliterated any base supplying enemy warships even 2000km away from Indian shore with su30mki + bramhos.

So unless anyone has evolved the art of supplying ammunition fuel and food to warships from bases 2000km away Indian Ocean will remain India's ocean .

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
A ship's maximum speed without harming the engine is 50kmph, though theoretically it can go till 60kmph. In addition, Ships need 15times the length if itself to come to a halt from a speed of 30kmph. If the speed is high as in 50kmph, distance to stop will increase proportionally. A medium sized cargo ship has length of 150 metres. This means, it can't stop before 2.25km if it is at 30kmph speed and before 4km if it is at 50kmph speed.

The ships have to maneuver through many obstacles like fishing boats, islands, reefs and narrow canals like Malacca or Hormuz straits which will make it impossible to go at speeds of even 30kmph at these areas of the ocean. This means the ships have very limited ability to move from one place to another quickly.

Even at top speed of 50kmph, to cover 2000km (distance from India to Gulf region), it will take 40 hours. If we add delay from other normal obstacles like fishing boats and merchant vessels, it will be 45 hours. In addition, during war, navies will lay mines. This will make things far worse and drastically reduce speed of travelling.

There is simply no way anyone can supply from a distance of over 2000km. Even 1500km will be a stretch. If there are no logistics base within 1500km, the naval assets will just be expensive targets.
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New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I just come to know of something which kind of left me flabbergasted.

S5 design is reportedly based on Typhoon design , and reportedly construction work for facilities to support the same has already begun.

Seriously typhoon , I googled it to be sure and damn everytime it came up with this


Seriously I can't believe it.

If it's true , then most probably it will "inspired" with similar mast behind silo configuration and definitely not as humongous as the Typhoon , max half the displacement of a Typhoon.

Interestingly Rubin design bureau was involved with Arihant and typhoon is from Rubin too. AFAIK Malakit was involved with the PWR only.

Well I posted it for info and record , reader discretion is advised and I am not responsible for authenticity.

Anyways an interesting tidbit , a lady scientist was the first one to insert control rods into the Arihant PWR to get it online.

Another tidbit initial proposal was to build a plutonium powered reactor for the IN nuclear submarine but later it was changed to enriched uranium.

Also S3 S4 are 8 tubed
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Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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I just come to know of something which kind of left me flabbergasted.

S5 design is reportedly based on Typhoon design , and reportedly construction work for facilities to support the same has already begun.

Seriously typhoon , I googled it to be sure and damn everytime it came up with this

View attachment 36029

Seriously I can't believe it.

If it's true , then most probably it will "inspired" with similar mast behind silo configuration and definitely not as humongous as the Typhoon , max half the displacement of a Typhoon.

Interestingly Rubin design bureau was involved with Arihant and typhoon is from Rubin too. AFAIK Malakit was involved with the PWR only.

Well I posted it for info and record , reader discretion is advised and I am not responsible for authenticity.

Anyways an interesting tidbit , a lady scientist was the first one to insert control rods into the Arihant PWR to get it online.

Also S3 S4 are 8 tubed
Any info on helina.......
How much more tests are needed


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Dec 25, 2016
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That would be Borei class but they are also more than 14k to 17k Ton Subs , We are at this moment building something close to 8k-9k ton subs . That would be a huge leap if we are getting any sub close to 14k ton . Lets wait and see what we are able to pull out

If it's true , then most probably it will "inspired" with similar mast behind silo configuration and definitely not as humongous as the Typhoon , max half the displacement of a Typhoon.


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Apr 8, 2016
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Kalyani executed the production and integration of new generation of precision weapon systems ( NGPGM ) for IAF sometime ago . Don't know what it is .


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
New Member
Aug 15, 2016
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I just come to know of something which kind of left me flabbergasted.

S5 design is reportedly based on Typhoon design , and reportedly construction work for facilities to support the same has already begun.

Seriously typhoon , I googled it to be sure and damn everytime it came up with this

View attachment 36029

Seriously I can't believe it.

If it's true , then most probably it will "inspired" with similar mast behind silo configuration and definitely not as humongous as the Typhoon , max half the displacement of a Typhoon.

Interestingly Rubin design bureau was involved with Arihant and typhoon is from Rubin too. AFAIK Malakit was involved with the PWR only.

Well I posted it for info and record , reader discretion is advised and I am not responsible for authenticity.

Anyways an interesting tidbit , a lady scientist was the first one to insert control rods into the Arihant PWR to get it online.

Another tidbit initial proposal was to build a plutonium powered reactor for the IN nuclear submarine but later it was changed to enriched uranium.

Also S3 S4 are 8 tubed
Please post in correct thread in 'Indian nuclear submarines' under Indian Navy topic

Arihant Roy

New Member
Jan 25, 2018
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Kalyani executed the production and integration of new generation of precision weapon systems ( NGPGM ) for IAF sometime ago . Don't know what it is .
Kalyani has a JV with Rafale advanced defense systems limited.

The NGPGM you are talking about is Spice 2000. IAF had bought 266 Spice 2000 under the NGPGM program and I suppose after off the shelf supply for the initial lots, the rest were gradually assembled and then manufactured in India from raw material stage.

Arihant Roy

New Member
Jan 25, 2018
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I just come to know of something which kind of left me flabbergasted.

S5 design is reportedly based on Typhoon design , and reportedly construction work for facilities to support the same has already begun.

Seriously typhoon , I googled it to be sure and damn everytime it came up with this

View attachment 36029

Seriously I can't believe it.

If it's true , then most probably it will "inspired" with similar mast behind silo configuration and definitely not as humongous as the Typhoon , max half the displacement of a Typhoon.

Interestingly Rubin design bureau was involved with Arihant and typhoon is from Rubin too. AFAIK Malakit was involved with the PWR only.

Well I posted it for info and record , reader discretion is advised and I am not responsible for authenticity.

Anyways an interesting tidbit , a lady scientist was the first one to insert control rods into the Arihant PWR to get it online.

Another tidbit initial proposal was to build a plutonium powered reactor for the IN nuclear submarine but later it was changed to enriched uranium.

Also S3 S4 are 8 tubed
OKBM Afrikantov is involved with the PWC design. Malakit doesn't do reactors.

Malakit is the SSN and SSGN design house of Russia. Rubin focuses on SSK and SSBN.

What about the indigenous class of SSN? Has the construction of the first boat commenced?


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I just come to know of something which kind of left me flabbergasted.

S5 design is reportedly based on Typhoon design , and reportedly construction work for facilities to support the same has already begun.

Seriously typhoon , I googled it to be sure and damn everytime it came up with this

View attachment 36029

Seriously I can't believe it.

If it's true , then most probably it will "inspired" with similar mast behind silo configuration and definitely not as humongous as the Typhoon , max half the displacement of a Typhoon.

Interestingly Rubin design bureau was involved with Arihant and typhoon is from Rubin too. AFAIK Malakit was involved with the PWR only.

Well I posted it for info and record , reader discretion is advised and I am not responsible for authenticity.

Anyways an interesting tidbit , a lady scientist was the first one to insert control rods into the Arihant PWR to get it online.

Another tidbit initial proposal was to build a plutonium powered reactor for the IN nuclear submarine but later it was changed to enriched uranium.

Also S3 S4 are 8 tubed
Means double hull design. Might be or might not be Mast behind silo configuration.

