DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Apr 8, 2016
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The pics when I found them had no product description but given scant little I know I believe I can make a fair guess.

The one in the top is interesting since it sports 2 wide aperture horn antennas sectoral e plane on a telescopic mast. Optics and laser rangefinder should be there , however low resolution of pic makes identification difficult.

Caution : readers discretion below

What is more interesting to me in the HPM DEW system at the top of the pic is what I think is the presence of flush radar arrays definitely AESA based ( ported from QRSAM BSR & BMFR ) on the sides on the container body and on the roof.

This means the range of this HPM DEW system is considerably more and hence target detection localisation and targeting is being done by onboard radars.

This one like the one I posted yesterday is for military both housed in MAN trailers.

There is a 2nd system at the bottom , housed inside a civilian 4x4 vehicle.

Now this system could be anything , from a receiver to a jammer etc

I have a feeling this one is a low power hpm based system built for civilian roles like protection of public buildings, airport perimeter , bases etc. Create no go zones when required.

Since this antenna is what looks like to be a Omni directional antenna and most probably UWB , therefore I think it is most probably for taking out civilian / commercial UAVs within its zone of operation.

As usual reader discretion is advised and i am not responsible for authenticity in any way.

Also let me add incase anybody is disappointed with current efforts, that drdo is working on long repetitive pulse duration HPM DEWs of gigawatt (GW) range. If successful then lots to cheer about.
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Apr 8, 2016
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Let me share a info about which you will be hearing for the first time most probably.

Everybody knows about LRTR ( long range tracking radar )

I have come to know that a new variant / version of LRTR codenamed as " LRTR-3 " has been in use since sometime.

And AFAIK this very same LRTR-3 was used in the ASAT test. It's got phenomenal range and resolution.

Later I will post more info if possible
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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China is now a global power soon they will have bases in remote location outside Indian missile range where they will deploy subs and bombers even ICBMs (like Russians did in Cuba) We need range and power to take care of this growing threat.
China is not a global power. Not a global military power and decades away from establishing military bases around world.

By the time China does so, India itself would have tested a global range ICBM for power projection and would have emerged at same status as that of China.

By the way, even then ICBM will have no use for China. China will hit India with its bases near India, not thousands of miles away.
China is India's immediate neighbor. Get this sh!t inside your head!!
You don't understand threat perception and preparedness doctrine.
You don't understand the state of perception.
For a country with robust base in rockey technology, ICBM is not the question of India's capabilities but India's posturing.

Without a strong blue water navy and giant air force, India's status will remain unchanged.
More western propaganda.
Instead of calling everything western propaganda, why don't you bring me a western source to confirm it?

Because in end, when comes to reasoning, you are brutally incompetent. You will call everything propaganda because you don't have a contradiction.
Such as......
Warships, HGVs, cruise missiles, bombers.
I am curious to know that according to you which other weapon is mightier then one that can deliver most powerful warhead in the history of humanity anywhere on planet earth?
The warhead inside the delievery system is itself more critical weapon of destruction.

Massive aircraft carriers and naval fleets with DEWs, NBC weapons, ABM systems, SAMs, OTH Radars, reconnaissance satellites, ARMs and a lot lot more.

Only a fool thinks a war can be won by firing ICBM (specially when you will get back 100s of more). The ultimate power is a result of a large number of economic and military plus points.
League of Russia??? you mean like having $1.5 trillion economy or having talent to re-paint old soviet weapons.
US and China I understand but Russia?!!!:eek1:
My bad, I thought you were intelligent enough to understand about which aspect of Russia I was talking about.

Russia has inherited lot of arms and tech from USSR and still trying to rearm itself. It's military strengths are yet close to US & China. Yes, they will decline to a second or third tier power like UK but they will, they have not yet.

A star keeps on shining for long time even after its death.
Even when Asians replace West as power centres of world, west's established robust system and experience with many booming military technologies will continue to haunt us entire century.
If it wasn't for oil exports and old USSR's defense legacy, Putin would be be begging for money from IMF just like Imran Khan
Our designated Dharmic communist Vijyes Yechuri won't like you at all.
We had that tech thousands and thousands of years ago. Our ancestors for some reasons destroyed the weapons and all capabilities to develop it. Maybe for world peace.

Very few manuscript survived which were kept in remote monastery of Himalayan states like in Nepal in Tibet and even in Antarctica (yes our ancestors had access to Antarctica). Hitler when he knew about it sent multiple teams of Nazis to recover these manuscripts which became basis of his weapons. After WW2, USA and USSR took Nazi scientists for further research in advance technologies. This is how they developed ICBMs, Nukes, Jets, Stealth, Microchips, etc. Its all our technology but of course you and likes of yours who are knee deep in western propaganda thinks that white man has some magic brain who developed everything out of thin air.
First, as an Indian I'm proud of India's historical contribution in science & technology. But that with real things like Ayurveda, maths, basic weapons and so on. Flying machines in Indian literature are same fantasy as that of magical fairy and monster tails in other cultures.

Second, why wouldn't you ask "How Indians got it out of thin air?"
All of these techs were result of philosophies and researches for century. Industrialization total revolutionized the human's control on material while crazy ideas by scientists and engineers gave ideas to new techs. Some of them became an integral part of our life, rest couldn't go beyond museums.
There is a proverb in south. When elephant walks dogs bark, nothing changes.
Why elephant needs to walk here? You said elephant has to walk to give a "message".

Funnily, that's why you quoted "World will say" part of my post.
  1. You say India should test an ICBM to challenge west.
  2. India shouldn't bothered about west.
All the bullsh!t in same like. Why India would be hostile to west when its not even bothered about.
We are a great power.
World has currently only three great powers. USA, Russia (militarily), China. India will catch up in league and replace Russia but not for a decade. India right now is an intermediate one like France & UK.

World has no superpower because the gap between capabilities of middle and great powers.
The only thing that didn't favor us until recently was our economy but that too has grown and very well going to become $5 trillion soon and reach $10 trillion mark afterwards.

What else does it take to be a true great power?
Who's denying? Things will be great at that time. Not now.
This is pure inferiority complex that has stemmed from too much western propaganda intake.
Then apprise me with your propaganda. Contradict me.
Countries you mentioned above are nothing without free tech-accesses and major economic favors from their master USA.
France is relatively much more independent and technologically advanced. Their size limits them. Germany & Japan being main losers of world war 2 had to demilitarize themselves to be subordinates of USA while, okay agree that UK's a b*tch.
We achieved whatever we have on our own. In the face of constant hostilities from world. We are not a second tier bootlickers but a self sufficient power in our own right.
How you got it doesn't matter. Where you are does. Fact is that India is incapable of defeating any of US, Russia & China in any military conflict outside its immediate sphere of dominance.
You are confusing terminal stage hypersonic to full all the way hypersonic missiles. FYI India is working on the later.
I was talking about HGVs.
I am sure you haven't heard about difficulties of mountain warfare on Himalayas from Tibetan side and our capabilities to chock malacca strait. Yeah..sure... China can invade and defeat India right.. right... :pound: Have you been reading too much on PDF lately. :pound:
I didn't say conflict will be easy for China either. Permanent deployment of large amount of PLA inventory and training troops to sustain in terrain will be needed.

It's unlike the case of US & Russia who will have come thousands of miles across to hit India where godowns of ammo will be waiting for them.
Russia and China can finish USA...:pound:
It's far far more realistic than North Korea "destroying" other countries.

Russia & China have military parity with US in most of aspects.
Do you know modern planes, subs etc. have lakhs of small components sourced from hundreds of industries both domestic and across the world.
Do you know that countries prefer homegrown supply chain for defense equipment unless its impossible to make them for required quality at home?
India makes semiconductors in labs for defense itself.
Even disruption of one source means we can't make it. In modern war any and all defense related establishments will be first ones to take hits or suffer blockages.

So no we can't make thousands of subs and planes during the war (WW2 style :hehe:) against a mighty power.
Bother to use google and see the defense budgets percentage of economy during world war. Leave alone that all, see the defense budgets during cold war.

World is just not that tensed today that it used to be.
You are the one who brought Germany into discussion. You called Germany a P5 equal.
You talked about P6. I said a P6 already exists officially.
Anyways thank you for proving my point.:cool1:
It wasn't your point. Don't steal my point, you said, "It's only & only military".
Why the smiley now?
You didn't know what was meaning of "ATM", you claimed Ukraine is a member of EU, you didn't know about most of defense systems and you continuously have been skipping large part of my posts. Because you neither have any technical knowledge.

Let me summarize:
  1. North Korea isn't a strong state. It's a damn weak proxy used by Russia & PRC. Without them, it can't move ahead an inch.
  2. ICBMs don't change your status. It takes a lot to he a great power.
  3. Current geopolitical scenario is like that India will be mostly neutral if a world war breaks out and will actually support west if pulled up in war.
Takeaways for you:
  1. Never put DPRK as benchmark for any country.
  2. Never respond to thing what you can't understand. Ask humbly.
  3. Ascertain what you believe before putting here like Ukraine episode.
  4. Don't portray the madness of "opposing" someone inside your mind.


Before we delve in the realm of hardcore science fiction of Kardashev scale, let me tell you that solar panels exist and we have many large scale solar farms operational that provide energy to millions of Indians. We are scaling up the capabilities and we will be leading solar power generating country in the world.
If running a country of 1.3 billion people with growing energy needs, on solar power is possible why do you think Kardashev scale is science fiction? :lol:

Out of 15 lakh GWh, only 1 GWh come from solar power after this growth. Indian government's targets of having 22GWh or by the time they achieve even 100 or 1,000 GWh, how much amount it will be?

Over that, do you know how much India's energy consumption will be by then?:rofl:

Solar power is just a small stopgap to save little costs. We can't run country on it even if install solar panels on your head.

That's why I wrote Kardashev scale and making a dyson sphere around sun. Now, think over if a Dyson sphere is feasible.
And where do you think plutonium comes from???? Spoiler: "It requires Uranium" :lol:
Thorium!! We got one third of world's thorium.
If you only knew how much Yellow cake is needed for 1 gram of U-235 and how much U-235 is needed for 1 gram of plutonium then you would see absurdity of your 1,000 nukes per year argument.
If you knew how a thermonuke works, you wouldn't have wrote this comment at first place.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Thorium!! We got one third of world's thorium.
Dude, you don't make Pu239 from Th232. How will you increase atomic number of Thorium from 90 to 92 & increasing atomic mass by 7 to make it into Plutonium?

You talk like a drug addict


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Apr 8, 2016
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5.........500MW on that truck.
How is it possible sirji?
First answer this
How does a palm sized tazer produce 50,000 volts ?

Most common example is step up transformer

Subject is vast and methods are many

You have to Google for the specific answer

