DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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In A First, Women Security Personnel To Get Customised Protective Gear

In a first, women serving in the police and CRPF will soon don customised body armour, also known as Full Body Protectors (FBP).Till date, they had to make do with gear designed for their male counterparts.”In police the gear we often use is male dominant but now with this new gender specific gear women would be able to perform their duties with much more ease,” said senior police officer Suman Nulwa, incharge of Delhi Police training school. Most of the women officers NDTV spoke to had problems with the gear they wore while tackling law and order. “Helmet is a crucial gear. Rarely helmets fit women as they are custom made for men. It was a long standing demand,” said an IPS officer who tackled Nirbhaya protestors in Delhi. A woman CRPF officer posted in Kashmir said: “Till now we were given small size of men and had to really struggle to make it fit but now with this new gear our combativeness will go up.” The full body armour includes shoulder pads, arm guards, front and back shields, among other parts. Earlier body gear was ill-suited for female personnel and could not provide the proper protection required. “The confidence level of women who are deputed in law and order will go up. They would be able to move around with ease and thus would be able to do their duty in much better manner,” says another officer posted in Valley. The idea to provide gender specific gear was first mooted at the National Conference for Women in police, an official at the Ministry of Home Affairs said. “Subsequently, the issue was flagged in Lok Sabha while discussing the problems faced by women in Police and Armed Forces,” the official added. A committee headed by Anupam Kulshreshtha, IG Provisioning of CRPF, was set up to expedite the process. The CRPF, in close association with DIPAS (Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences) and Defence Research Organisation (DRDO), took over two years to design the customised gear. The scientists at DIPAS studied women jawans of CRPF’s Rapid Action Force before designing the body gear.The body gear was unveiled in Delhi by Director General CRPF Rajiv Rai Bhatnagar in presence of Director General Life Sciences AK Singh, Director DIPAS Bhuvnesh Kumar, and scientists of DRDO and senior officers of CRPF.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/in-a-first-women-security-personnel-to-get-customised-protective-gear/ .

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (AESAR)
AESAR ‘Uttam’ is an airborne fire control radar
for our indigenous fighter aircraft LCA ‘Tejas’. It is a
multi-mode radar which can be configured for fitment
on different airborne platforms. Shake down sorties
were completed in January, 2019 on modified executive
Jet hired. Indigenous AESA radar integration and EMI/
EMC tests on LCA ‘Tejas’ LSP2 aircraft are nearing
completion and flight evaluation is planned shortly.

Land Based Prototype (LBP) for Air Independent
Propulsion (AIP):
DRDO is involved in the development
of indigenous technologies for the development of a LBP
for AIP system for Indian submarines in collaboration
with M/s L&T, Mumbai as Lead System Integrator (LSI)
and other industry partners viz. M/s Thermax, Pune and
M/s Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
(M/s CDAC), Thiruvananthapuram. The successful
development of the LBP will ultimately lead to realization
of fuel cell based AIP for P-75 class (Scorpene) submarine,
which would result in additional underwater endurance
of the submarine at nominal power consumption level.
It aims to package the AIP plant sub-systems, reactant
tanks and waste tanks inside the simulated hull section
of the P-75 submarine. During the period (January, 2018
– March, 2019), all piping modification design/drawing
were completed and approved. Equipment mounting
and hull modification was also completed. Endurance
mode trials are expected in June, 2019.

System Definition & Engineering of DRDO AIP System
on P-75 Submarines and Development of Deliverable
LOX System:
The primary objective of the project is
to develop the optimized design of Phosphoric Acid
Fuel Cell (PAFC) system, hydrogen generators, power
conditioners, control systems, heat exchangers, DM
water system and auxiliaries of AIP system and qualify
the same for P-75 platforms. The project is progressing in
collaboration with M/s DCNS France. During the period
(January, 2018 – March, 2019), major safety reservation
data was submitted and accepted. Naval Group France
cleared all blocks and declared sufficiency to take-up
detailed design phase.

Advance Light Towed Array Sonar (ALTAS): ALTAS is an
efficient sensing system for detection, localization and
classification of submarines operating especially in the
below surface layer ocean conditions. It is useful in Anti-
Submarine Warfare (ASW) operations and is the apt
sensor for warships to locate silent submarines capable
of launching high speed torpedoes. User Evaluation
Trials of the system onboard INS Sharda has been
completed satisfactorily.

Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ‘TAPAS BH’:
TAPAS-BH, a multimission
UAV is being developed with an endurance
of 24 hours to carry out the intelligence, surveillance
and reconnaissance (ISR) roles for the three Armed
Forces. It is being designed to operate at 30,000 ft
Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) altitude and is capable
of carrying Electronic Warfare and Electro-Optic &
Synthetic Aperture Radar (EO & SAR) payloads. It can
carry a variety of other payloads weighing up to 350 kg.
The flights with High Power Engine (HPE) commenced
in February, 2018. During January, 2018 – March, 2019,
39 flight trials using airframe AF5 (with HPE) have
been completed (total 50 flight trials completed since
the maiden flight in November, 2016). Flight trials on
airframe AF6 also commenced in January, 2019 and as
on date, 9 flight trials have been conducted. Indigenous
SATNAV INS system, indigenous payloads (GPA Mk-IV,
MREO) and imported payloads (SATCOM, LREO, ELINT&
SAR) has also been tested during these trials. The
payload was able to localize radars successfully.



जय परशुराम‍।
New Member
Oct 7, 2015
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SMART is new thing never heard of it nor any navy has this kind of missile ,650KM range,the drdo developing X Band radars would be most probably used for target acquisition

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Breaking:More autonomy for OFB under planned corporatisation but job security to go

The Centre wishes to restructure the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) to perform on the lines of global giants like Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems. Amidst growing discontent among employees of the 41 ordnance factories across the country against plans by the government of India to corporatise the Kolkata-based OFB, TOI gets access to a document that outlines the plans for the future.

While this restructuring will result in greater autonomy and lesser government control for the OFB Corporation, there will be a big question mark on job security. While the government of India (GoI) will pay the salaries and other emoluments for the first five years after corporatisation, the Corporation will have to earn enough to bear these costs thereafter. Those with more than 15 years of service left won’t be entitled to pension and the government will also fund a Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for employees. “All existing employees and officers of OFB will be on deputation for five years to OFB Corporation. Salaries and perks as per existing rules with increase in DA from time to time and 7th CPC recommendations and other emoluments may be given till next five years. All employees will be given 5 years extra benefit for exercising the VRS Option. That means any employee with 15 years of service as on the date of formation of Corporation can get full pensionary benefits. VRS scheme would be funded by GOI,” the document states. So far as funds are concerned, working capital for the next five years will be provided by the department of defence production (DDP) as a one-time corpus fund.
Capital investment for ongoing and sanctioned projects will also be provided. According to the plan, the OFB at the board level will be given the status of a Maharatna Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) and will perform as a holding company with the freedom to reorganise the ordnance factories and other units under its control. This internal restructuring will be examined by a reputed external consultant. OFB will also be allowed to forge partnerships with the private sector as per the ministry of defence’s approved policy. It may also forge joint ventures (JVs) with 49% equity of the government of India. “While the OFB chairman will be given suitable representation in defence procurement and the defence procurement board, the corporation shall have the mandate to foray into allied business like Homeland Security and Space-based Warfare. All assets will be owned by OFB Corporation and it shall be free to offer its employees and board of directors an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP),” it has been stated.

OFB will continue to receive orders from the country’s security forces on a nomination basis for products it now supplies and for new ones for which it is the designated agency. For make and buy and make category products, OFB will be granted a special preference of 15% above L1 price. In case of losses, the Centre shall support OFB by way of loan for 30% of the total shortfall and by way of equity investment for balance 70% of the amount.

The government will also take care of liabilities like pension arising out of the current serving employees. The government will ensure that there is no political interference in the functioning of the OFB and will provide sovereign guarantee for raising of loans. Government orders shall also cease to be applicable to OFB unless the same is considered appropriate by OFB. “Principle of empowerment requires that OFB should be allowed to take decisions in a business-like manner and is accountable for its performance. At the same time ministry should not interfere with the functioning of OFB,” the document states.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/more-autonomy-for-ofb-under-planned-corporatisation-but-job-security-to-go/ .




New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Contrary to most of the media reports that only talked about the 'Nozzle less booster' being tested during the SFDR tests, it appears that ALL aspects of SFDR propulsion system were successfully tested that included:

- Nozzle less booster
- Solid fuel ramjet sustainer with air intakes
- Fuel controller and
- Insulation system.

This is HUGE!!!!!!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
SMART is new thing never heard of it nor any navy has this kind of missile ,650KM range,the drdo developing X Band radars would be most probably used for target acquisition
Not new. This project was approved 2+ years back....
Also it's a very old concept US used it as ASROC (with nuclear tipped torpedo)

