DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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There are two groups JAI (Japan, America, India) and RIC (Russia, India, China).

India has cordial as well as tensed instances of relations with both blocks.

No, India is not in either side.

On one hand, India wants to take a free ride with only mouth work: I will be your best chance against China but I will stay behind you.

On the other hand, neither US, nor China can afford the price of keeping India as an ally: India Ocean.

Accuracy of missile is determined by superior navigation, miniaturized computer systems to actuate movements of warheads and seekers.

There are hundreds of factors affecting the accuracy, such as: missile body assembling deviation, atmosphere, weather, launch site measurement, engine thrust control, targeting parameters calculation, etc. The list goes on and on. Navigation system and on-board computers are only two of them.

In the early stage of missiles development, better navigation system/computer will improve the accuracy significantly. But there is the limit on the speed of these technologies advance. Later, the scientists start to focus on other factors which can only be studied by flight test. That was why other countries all went through a period of massive and intensive missile tests: American (1960s-1970s), Russian (1970s-1980s) and Chinese (1990s-Now).

India's Agni-3 is world's most accurate IRBM.

This is just a laughable claim put on by India media, as well as their claim about Agni-5’s accuracy: when they were given a super accuracy of one test, they quickly equal this result to the CEP of the missile.

No, India is third after US & Russia. Russia is an alternative and US controls ME.

India is de facto sole regional power of Indian Ocean Region almost unchallenged from South Indian Ocean, Oceania, Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Eastern African bank, gulf and middle east.

Almost because US Navy is only one we can't deter.

Ever heard of P5+1?

Even UK is a vassal state of USA.

When the Iran nuclear deal was signed, India was not included in the signatories list. This tells you how influential India is in ME.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
This is just a laughable claim put on by India media, as well as their claim about Agni-5’s accuracy: when they were given a super accuracy of one test, they quickly equal this result to the CEP of the missile.
Nowadays, the missile accuracy has improved significantly. So it is not laughable that accuracy of Indian missiles like Agni-5 or Agni-3 are in single digit CEP. It is just that other missile of US, China, Russia also have similar CEP

When the Iran nuclear deal was signed, India was not included in the signatories list. This tells you how influential India is in ME.
India is not NSG or NPT member. Moreover, Indian influence is rising post 2014. So, can't simply state that India has no influence.

On the other hand, neither US, nor China can afford the price of keeping India as an ally: India Ocean.
Care to explain?


New Member
Jun 28, 2017
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India will never be an ally to chinese or USA. It is not worth the trouble. China is simply too weak in Indian ocean and USN is too big to really need India's help


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Wind tunnel model of a #DRDO unidentified missile with lattice fins. Lattice fins r generally used where high AoA and high maneuverability is required. It is air launched , but whether A2Aor A2G is unknown , could be A2G. Not sure enough
nice find. seems like Air to ground or new anti ship missiles , and design seems supersonic ,

Hopefully it goes well beyond 150 km , and carry's around 200 kg of Medicine


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Wind tunnel model of a #DRDO unidentified missile with lattice fins. Lattice fins r generally used where high AoA and high maneuverability is required. It is air launched , but whether A2Aor A2G is unknown , could be A2G. Not sure enough
Its not a missile, but our very own bunker buster.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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No, India is not in either side.
India is engaged with both without picking either of sides.
It's neutral without getting isolated.
On one hand, India wants to take a free ride with only mouth work: I will be your best chance against China but I will stay behind you.
It had been China's legacy during WW2 with allied powers and even after WW2, having American assistance against USSR.

Any sensible leader will try to take advantage of opportunity.
On the other hand, neither US, nor China can afford the price of keeping India as an ally: India Ocean.
What's the meaning?
There are hundreds of factors affecting the accuracy, such as: missile body assembling deviation, atmosphere, weather, launch site measurement, engine thrust control, targeting parameters calculation, etc. The list goes on and on. Navigation system and on-board computers are only two of them.
But all of them play role in India's existing LRBM's as well. Atmosphere can be mapped and anticipated and thrusters may have to work a bit a longer.

None of those hundreds or thousands of factor have any what India hasn't experienced.
In the early stage of missiles development, better navigation system/computer will improve the accuracy significantly. But there is the limit on the speed of these technologies advance. Later, the scientists start to focus on other factors which can only be studied by flight test. That was why other countries all went through a period of massive and intensive missile tests: American (1960s-1970s), Russian (1970s-1980s) and Chinese (1990s-Now).
First, technology is much more advanced today than it used to be. From BM's to interceptor.

The development of "new technology" isn't needed in this context. Besides long range navigation, everything is just optimized and scaled version of previous ICBM.
This is just a laughable claim put on by India media, as well as their claim about Agni-5’s accuracy: when they were given a super accuracy of one test, they quickly equal this result to the CEP of the missile.
Get the average CEP, it still says excellent.
When the Iran nuclear deal was signed, India was not included in the signatories
Iranian nuclear deal has nothing to do with India's influence India not being a part of P5+1.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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No... The name is etched in side.


Charge Line Mine Clearing equipment. Indian version of M58.

Theoretically and practically not a successful system. Baba Adma ke Jamane ka kabad hai.

It can only create a 'Teda Meda" lane inside a mine field and there is no guarantee that the lane would be absolutely mine free.

If even after CLMC, manual prodding is required there is no use. I suppose one requires minimum five - six CLMCs for a battalion attack on a canal.

You launch CLMC from attacking side of minefield towards the defences. The alignment of the lane becomes so clear that one LMG to cover it would defeat the whole purpose. No one will be able to use the safe lane.

A tank assaulting will create better safe lanes. Though in deserts, that is also not guaranteed.

See the picture. The damn thing is being towed by a tank. One does not need a "Research Organisation" to assemble such a third class jugad.

If a tank is available why can not tank lead the assault. Lanes will be created by tank tracks ..:daru:
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Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
Wind tunnel model of a #DRDO unidentified missile with lattice fins. Lattice fins r generally used where high AoA and high maneuverability is required. It is air launched , but whether A2Aor A2G is unknown , could be A2G. Not sure enough
ISRO is also experimenting with grid fins. Maybe they will use grid fins on Gaganyaan module.


New Member
May 6, 2013
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I could see your confusion.

Every lab designs a couple of prototype, but could they sell those?

Even TATA SED and Bharat Forge developed prototypes of ATAGS. But are those for sale?

As for Spike heading which you provided, you might have heard of Akash. It is a system developed by DRDO, but manufactured by BDL. Same is the case with MPATGM. VEM tech and BDL would take care of manufacturing part. DRDO would only develop the tech and prototype.
I agree it is a little circumspect but my premise is DRDO sales and income is through and parcel of the “prototypes” and “productionalisaiton” that they do. Usually from scratch and till full testing and more before handing it over to BDL and VM etc etc etc types. DRDO budget allocations ought to be on research development and nation building.

The spike heading makes it show its different and prototype is been developed jointly with VM (would like that to be elaborated more). But still the laboratories and manufacturing centres of DRDO must be having lot of sales and incomes on developing (hard ware) prototypes and productionalisaiton models and processes to even tooling and factory mounds and more. These centres can be absorbed into defense conglomerates (my premise is with psu listed on stock exchange - 90% goi and 10% float with larger envelope of selection and removal of management and more done meritocratically) It’s not single protypes and single items for above but in good numbers. He budget of DRDO for same.

My premise is DRDO ought to focus on pure research and high level management and development of our defense industry with defense large conglomerates beneath them doing the protype testing and more.

I was reading in soviet Russia (socialist model) there was mig, Sukhoi, toplov

They also had a DRDO type setup.

We have HAL.

DRDO ought to have more firepower to expand its development of prototypes and productionalisaiton and it’s not in House. DRDO needs to have the cream minds developing industry and technical know how and seeing development and “mudita” from such growth in Bharat industry and more.

DRDO sales and budget justification is in development of prototypes and productionalisaiton of such - see news item of Spike. How much DRDO given for such a task and time lines (note time is money) and more. It’s economically “sales” and income.

I wait the day when DRDO say “we will replace Spike and have ear marked three-four defense conglomerates that will provide protypes and confirmed productionalisaiton. Our role will be to set the standard (high) and with technical knowledge much beyond anyone can imagine. Time line has been issued and we will choose the best if not get the best. Doesn’t always have to be only one we want industry and technicality to grow and spread. ”

Note: this is already happening (without much noise) but why be shy do and think large. ** not for spike but other thing(s). It’s admirable but too loose and perhaps needs a more larger envelope and announcement of 8 defense psus.

Thereafter industry will also come to DRDO to validate and approve new technology and technologies and do much more and that’s where DRDO will shine - multi use and multi faceted use of such.

I noted language of someone in parliament today pointing out how mtnl and others are not being run well. Take the low hanging fruit and agree go for reform and upgrading the selecting and removal of management of such firms. Even Large companies change ceos and management often and they have a process for removal and adding - Cyrus Misty to Steve Jobs to Nissan’s and etc etc etc. larger energies have and setup and even consolidate large psu listed in and on the stock exchange and focused on defense (at least 8). It’s time of hour. Made in India. We are at the cusp.

private players are welcome but they must figure below the defense psu. I would say something akin to what isro is thinking for PSLV.

There was supposed to be a woman bank. It’s amazing to see number of psu banks. Seems finance ministry and area more important to defense ?

Excuse the language.
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Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
India has all of them. Showcases them when needed only. India is more focused on its backyard right now. And India is not most formidable force in Indian Ocean itself. Till now, it was only US. Once, China has base in Djibouti, we'll have to face them too.
We can manager our backyard better if we have ICBMs and MT nukes. No power on earth will ever mess with a country with this deadly combo.

How funny that you believe that ICBM is weapon of ultimate power. Funnier you believe that I suggested "not to develop it". Funniest you believe India hasn't and isn't developing same.
First, Yes, ICBM is the weapon of ultimate power until we discover some space based continent destroying weapon.

Second, India isn't actively developing an ICBM this is a fact. BTW development is only a first stage we need to "Test" it and actively "deploy" it for world to take us seriously.

No, China did it with nukes, UNSC seat and large armed forces. Fact is that them as ROC played a significant role in WW2.

ICBM was just a feather in cap.
Nukes without delivery system is useless pile of radioactive junk. ICBM is the reason USA couldn't do a regime change in China and they were forced to do business with Chinese which made China prosper.

It didn't. NoKo wasn't and won't ever be a great power. It's still a weak country being played as proxy of China.

The one who belives NoKo has some leverage on geopolitics is the like of Kim Jong Un.
Right now Trump is hanging out with Kim Jong like his buddy. This the power of ICBM. Even the mighty will shake in their boots.

Because of No Dong, NoKo is now 2nd country in Asia that can destroy USA mainland or anywhere for that matter. This is pure raw power.

Well, AFA I remember, it was you who was equating ballistic missile systems to SLVs and strongly advocating for Pakistan's chances.
I'm saying what I said then again. Difference between ICBM anf SLV besides trajectory is number of stages and erection time.
SSLV is enough is demonstrate what is difficult for India.
SUPARCO's situation is different. They need small SLV for basic sat launch capabilities that can be easily achieved by turning BM into solid fueled SLV, given that they have figured orbital calculations.

In our case turning more complex liquid fueled GSLV into global range solid fueled ICBM is more difficult. Biggest issue we will have with ICBM is navigation problem. Without it we won't have accuracy that is expected in modern BM. Sure we can make a 60's BM based on pure calculations but in modern time a GPS like desi global system maybe required.

We delievered Agni-5 in 3 years. Agni-6 will take even shorter development span.
Let me explain you basic rocket science.

With increase range complexity of mission (be it SLV or BM) increases many folds. Chances of errors are also high.
From IRBM to ICBM many new technologies will be required and much more testing will need to be done. We can't say because A-5 was developed in this much time so A-6 will be ready in...... Its childish.

Or better say you didn't know what's the range of SLBMs India has.
Range of operational missile is 750 km unless you believe that K4 is ready.

Also you should know that sea based BMs are much harder to master compared to their land based counterparts. Calculations that are needed to fire BM from sub is much more different and also BM has to be compact to fit in tight space of a sub, meaning powerful but efficient motor.

Developing global range SLBMs will be much harder for us compared to ICBMs.

They will test Agni-6 when needed only. If it's not tested in an environment of hostility with west but just power projection, they will issue a responsible statement for same. Because they are mindful unlike you.

They won't ever name islands London or Washington before bombing them.
First we need A-6 now. We are already on verge of becoming a global power so we need power projection tool today.

BTW Washington and London are name of missions not Islands. However naming islands after cities and bombing them is also not a bad idea.:cool1: All it takes is guts.

We make far bigger difference to Yanks than NoKo ever will.
No. NoKo can destroy entire Yankee town (NYC) in one shot. We can't.

Soviets don't agree with you. Even Pakistanis keep getting sovereignty raped regularly even after having nukes.
Soviet fell because of internal issues. Their ICBMs did a good job keeping them toe to toe against a superpower.

Pakistan doesn't have ICBMs nor MT nukes so your point is moot.

Germany is strongest economy of Europe and dictates its financial shift. It's second to US interms of influence.
Germany is economic superpower of Europe while France is militarily.
Germany has nothing for power projection. it will take decades upon decades for them to build a war ready military and a massive industrial base. Such country can't be P6.

Let me educate you about P5 countries.

These countries are those who "won" in WW2 using their military might. Because of their massive military power they were literally unchallenged in post WW2 world. They developed blocs and started influencing other countries. USA and USSR benefited the most in this arrangement.

Economy was never a factor for P5 countries. Sure a big economy can help getting a big military but its not always the case.

NSG was supposed to help India getting uninterrupted supply of nuclear material and spares.
No. NSG deal was to keep Indian nuclear ambition in check. Plain and simple.

There is no need to waste precious uranium for power generation purpose in our country. We can have that with solar, wind, hydro, etc.

Our uranium reserves should only be used for one thing.:devil: Everything else is a waste and display of short shortsightedness by our gov.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
A gslv is a global ICBM . It's just not operationalized with mated warhead.

All it needs is Agni V carbon composite shield for reentry and it can deliver warhead anywhere on this small planet. That is why western nation don't doubt India ICBM capabilities.

Btw Agni 6 is already in development as has been stated by DRDO before.

Also k4 has 3500km range and k5 will be 6000km + that can put target on us cities while being far away from usa shore.

Anyway I strongly suspect that our current money is going to operational Agni V as fast as possible so that Chinese problem is solved .

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
A-6 test and its operational deployment will send a message to the world that India's voice matters.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Nowadays, the missile accuracy has improved significantly. So it is not laughable that accuracy of Indian missiles like Agni-5 or Agni-3 are in single digit CEP. It is just that other missile of US, China, Russia also have similar CEP

Ok, let’s check what US, Russia claim about their missile CEP.

US latest ATACMS/Russia Iskanda M (<500KM), pure inertial 30m; enhanced by terminal stage guidances <10m.

But these 2 are only short range missile with much slower speed, lower temperature and better external environment.

If we look at the ICBM of each countries:

Russia’s Bulava (8000km+), the CEP is 250m – 300m; US Trident II D5 (8000km – 11000km), the CEP is 90m.

So, no, India is the only one claiming single digit CEP for the missiles over 2500km.

India is not NSG or NPT member. Moreover, Indian influence is rising post 2014. So, can't simply state that India has no influence.

No one says that India has no influence. I just pointed out that India’s influence doesn’t match some friends’ imagination.

Care to explain?

For any country who wants to be a global power, the basic requirement is securing her own neighbourhood.

For USA, it is America continent;

For Russia, it is East Europe;

For China, it is west Pacific;

For India, it is India Ocean.

Unlike other places, India Ocean controls 80% world’s maritime oil trade and the central point of Asia-Europe /Asia-Africa trade routes. If a country becomes a dominant power in India ocean, she automatically becomes a dominant power of the world. It will be lot harder to challenge a local dominant power than an outsider (such as US) in India ocean. So, it is not in anyone’s interest to see an India’s Ocean.

On the other hand, no one is going to join in a war thousands miles away. So, India keeps bring up the so called “Chinese threat” in India Ocean even though the pathetic number of Chinese warships and limited times of visiting in the region. India just made it very clear that she is going nowhere before dominating her neighbourhood.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
In our case turning more complex liquid fueled GSLV into global range solid fueled ICBM is more difficult. Biggest issue we will have with ICBM is navigation problem. Without it we won't have accuracy that is expected in modern BM. Sure we can make a 60's BM based on pure calculations but in modern time a GPS like desi global system maybe required.
We don't want our ICBM to go at GEO orbit and them come back. Even PSLV or our SSLV is more than enough. In fact, we only need suborbital flight to be able to reach far off places. We can't use GPS in ballistic missile as GPS is for ground vehicles, not foe something flying 1000+km above land.

We can make our Agni-5 itself into ICBM as it has sufficient length and weight to match those of Minuteman.

If I am right, Agni-5 itself is capable of 10000km flight and its range is understated. But it lacks validation as testing over long distance can have other factors like spiralling of error or changing aerodynamics as the fuel content decrease as shift centre of gravity and many other aspects. So, we just need a validation trial to test if our Technology will stay consistent when flying far off ranges.

unless you believe that K4 is ready.

Also you should know that sea based BMs are much harder to master compared to their land based counterparts. Calculations that are needed to fire BM from sub is much more different and also BM has to be compact to fit in tight space of a sub, meaning powerful but efficient motor.

Developing global range SLBMs will be much harder for us compared to ICBM
No, SLBM is just water launched ICBM. Even ICBM is launched by moving truck. So, instead of truck, fitting on a submarine is not very hard or different in Technology. The submarine doesn't fire ICBM from under water but surfaces before firing. So, it is no different from a truck firing Agni-5.

The only problem is of validation and confirmation of Technology

No. NoKo can destroy entire Yankee town (NYC) in one shot. We can't.
No, nukes can't destroy entire cities in one shot. It simply can increase the cost of war. Countries go to war when they think they can get the objectives fulfilled without taking any loss to their own infrastructure. But ICBM and nukes change that status. Nevertheless, it is not to be exaggerated as city busters.

There is no need to waste precious uranium for power generation purpose in our country. We can have that with solar, wind, hydro, etc.

Our uranium reserves should only be used for one thing.:devil: Everything else is a waste and display of short shortsightedness by our gov.
All our Uranium mined indigenously goes to Nuclear weapons only. There are 2 types of nuclear weapons-
  1. Bombs
  2. Defence platforms like nuclear submarine
Enriched Uranium bombs are inefficient and hence plutonium bomb is the best way to get efficient Nuclear bombs. Moreover, for having 2 stage thermonuclear bomb, it is mandatory that first stage is of plutonium. Hence the indigenous uranium has to first go through PHWR reactors to get Plutonium. As long as all indigenous Uranium is used in PHWR reactors only, is not a wastage of Uranium for power generation but a method for plutonium generation where power is just a by-product

Recently, after the SSBN and SSN project, we divert some indigenous Uranium for enrichment to be used in PWR reactors in these platforms. .
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New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Russia’s Bulava (8000km+), the CEP is 250m – 300m; US Trident II D5 (8000km – 11000km), the CEP is 90m.

So, no, India is the only one claiming single digit CEP for the missiles over 2500km
Though they may not claim that, there are videos on YouTube about US testing its ICBM on Vandenberg Island. It shows how closely the missile falls on the targeted zone with very limited error. Si, practical error of USA minuteman is quite low and in single digits.

Unlike other places, India Ocean controls 80% world’s maritime oil trade and the central point of Asia-Europe /Asia-Africa trade routes. If a country becomes a dominant power in India ocean, she automatically becomes a dominant power of the world. It will be lot harder to challenge a local dominant power than an outsider (such as US) in India ocean. So, it is not in anyone’s interest to see an India’s Ocean.

On the other hand, no one is going to join in a war thousands miles away. So, India keeps bring up the so called “Chinese threat” in India Ocean even though the pathetic number of Chinese warships and limited times of visiting in the region. India just made it very clear that she is going nowhere before dominating her neighbourhood
I agree that none wants to see India dominant in Indian ocean but how will allying with India change that? Regardless of whether USA or China allies with India, India will be dominant in IOR.

Yes, India uses the cover of chinese threat which is actually non existent. It is simply an excuse and nothing else to dominate IOR. India also appears to have already dominated significant region of IOR. Though, I consider it as cheap tactics to use the cover of Chinese threat instead of simply shutting up and doing what is needed.
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New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Country flag
I agree it is a little circumspect but my premise is DRDO sales and income is through and parcel of the “prototypes” and “productionalisaiton” that they do. Usually from scratch and till full testing and more before handing it over to BDL and VM etc etc etc types. DRDO budget allocations ought to be on research development and nation building.

The spike heading makes it show its different and prototype is been developed jointly with VM (would like that to be elaborated more). But still the laboratories and manufacturing centres of DRDO must be having lot of sales and incomes on developing (hard ware) prototypes and productionalisaiton models and processes to even tooling and factory mounds and more. These centres can be absorbed into defense conglomerates (my premise is with psu listed on stock exchange - 90% goi and 10% float with larger envelope of selection and removal of management and more done meritocratically) It’s not single protypes and single items for above but in good numbers. He budget of DRDO for same.

My premise is DRDO ought to focus on pure research and high level management and development of our defense industry with defense large conglomerates beneath them doing the protype testing and more.

I was reading in soviet Russia (socialist model) there was mig, Sukhoi, toplov

They also had a DRDO type setup.

We have HAL.

DRDO ought to have more firepower to expand its development of prototypes and productionalisaiton and it’s not in House. DRDO needs to have the cream minds developing industry and technical know how and seeing development and “mudita” from such growth in Bharat industry and more.

DRDO sales and budget justification is in development of prototypes and productionalisaiton of such - see news item of Spike. How much DRDO given for such a task and time lines (note time is money) and more. It’s economically “sales” and income.

I wait the day when DRDO say “we will replace Spike and have ear marked three-four defense conglomerates that will provide protypes and confirmed productionalisaiton. Our role will be to set the standard (high) and with technical knowledge much beyond anyone can imagine. Time line has been issued and we will choose the best if not get the best. Doesn’t always have to be only one we want industry and technicality to grow and spread. ”

Note: this is already happening (without much noise) but why be shy do and think large. ** not for spike but other thing(s). It’s admirable but too loose and perhaps needs a more larger envelope and announcement of 8 defense psus.

Thereafter industry will also come to DRDO to validate and approve new technology and technologies and do much more and that’s where DRDO will shine - multi use and multi faceted use of such.

I noted language of someone in parliament today pointing out how mtnl and others are not being run well. Take the low hanging fruit and agree go for reform and upgrading the selecting and removal of management of such firms. Even Large companies change ceos and management often and they have a process for removal and adding - Cyrus Misty to Steve Jobs to Nissan’s and etc etc etc. larger energies have and setup and even consolidate large psu listed in and on the stock exchange and focused on defense (at least 8). It’s time of hour. Made in India. We are at the cusp.

private players are welcome but they must figure below the defense psu. I would say something akin to what isro is thinking for PSLV.

There was supposed to be a woman bank. It’s amazing to see number of psu banks. Seems finance ministry and area more important to defense ?

Excuse the language.
DRDO is already doing what you have mentioned. Now making a Lab fall under PSU has its own side effect. Moreover a organization like DRDO which is a culmination of many labs would go into a spin if any such idea is implemented.

Lets suppose that DRDO gets declared as PSU and registered in SE. Now on what basis you would be purchasing its share?

Neither DRDO enters in any MOU nor it releases any finished product in market. So what would you invest in?

Lets take ISRO. It has its own commercial wing which looks into the contracts and all. But even then its not listed in SE. Leave alone ISRO, even NASA is not there. Spacex being a private party is listed there, but it is more into commercial launch then research.

HAL could offcourse be enlisted along with OFB. They do release end product in market unlike DRDO.

As far as financing is concerned, yes that's an issue in India. IMO the most logical way is to cut it from GDP and make it available directly. Market based financing is too volatile for research lab to function.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Country flag

Theoretically and practically not a successful system. Baba Adma ke Jamane ka kabad hai.

It can only create a 'Teda Meda" lane inside a mine field and there is no guarantee that the lane would be absolutely mine free.

If even after CLMC, manual prodding is required there is no use. I suppose one requires minimum five - six CLMCs for a battalion attack on a canal.

You launch CLMC from attacking side of minefield towards the defences. The alignment of the lane becomes so clear that one LMG to cover it would defeat the whole purpose. No one will be able to use the safe lane.

A tank assaulting will create better safe lanes. Though in deserts, that is also not guaranteed.

See the picture. The damn thing is being towed by a tank. One does not need a "Research Organisation" to assemble such a third class jugad.

If a tank is available why can not tank lead the assault. Lanes will be created by tank tracks ..:daru:
Itna hi Rudaali banne ka mann hain to US army ke saamne jaakar bano who is using this system unlike IA.



But nothing to worry. Someday our Army would rise from slumber and would directly order something like this...


with full ToT. Then few people who are more interested in their investment in share market would say......... See DODO can't even deliver something basic like this.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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We can manager our backyard better if we have ICBMs and MT nukes. No power on earth will ever mess with a country with this deadly combo.
ICBMs are means of projecting power around the world, not backyard.

We don't need to threaten west at least for now. China is bigger threat.
First, Yes, ICBM is the weapon of ultimate power until we discover some space based continent destroying weapon.
ICBMs are just ballistic delivery systems mated with re-entry vehicles. The weapon you can put inside them is the challenge, not increasing their range.

We got already one upto the range we need ATM.
Second, India isn't actively developing an ICBM this is a fact.
India has been trying to develop ICBMs in 70s and failed back then is a fact. India again had a project to develop a 12,000-15,000 kms in 90s but later shelved due to geopolitical pressure is a fact.

India developed one with 5,500-8,000 kms range successfully after IGMDP in 2013 is also fact. India had designed a 10,000-12,000 kms range one upto 2017 and not willing test it for geopolitical reasons is also a fact.
BTW development is only a first stage we need to "Test" it and
We are far ahead, ahead by miles while producing 90+ out of 94 defined missile technologies. So, "development" part left is negligent. Doubling or tripling the range of missile isn't a challenge. Most of time will be consumed in testing and validation.

India's choice having a global range ICBM is only & only attributed to its choice of global posturing.
actively "deploy" it for world to take us seriously.
Against whom will you deploy it? Which country?
Take us "seriously" for what? We are much more relevant in diplomatic arena and we have never threatened to nuke anyone till date (except Pakistan recently). Who needs to take us "seriously" or what is the "serious problem" which will get solved by having ICBM?

Let me put to clear, you're "mentally sick".

You have an inferiority complex believing "WEST IS AHEAD" and here you have personally started to hate them & just want to "BEAT" them somehow. When you see western channels bashing China and North Korea, you get goosebumps. You start to believe that they are "POWERFUL" and you wish India to be "LIKE THEM".

Basically, you are asking for their "APPROVAL".

The similar instinct I have observed in Bangladeshi posters after watching Pakistanis badmouthing doing so.

Let me tell you something. I don't have any remedy for your syndrome. But you'll never get what you want. India will not be observed as aggressive or hostile. At best, few of such articles from mostly British and a couple of American tabloids will write bullshits like this:
that will give momentary joy to teens like you and foreign ministries of US & Canada will express some concern. But all will forget and move within few days.

India is neither a police state with dictatorship nor it has any anti western agenda. So, India will never be the top agenda of American international newspapers unlike China. No matter what it does.
And I'm not desperate and depressed to "beg for attention". Agni-5 covered both Europe and China. But EU itself ruled out observation of any hostility in official statement and said it "understands" for what this missile was.
Nukes without delivery system is useless pile of radioactive junk.
We are not without delivery systems. We are talking of the places we have to deliver it. We are even shifting to new delivery systems like hypersonic weapons.
ICBM is the reason USA couldn't do a regime change in China and
US can't dare to challenge regimes militarily in countries like Russia, China & India unlike Vietnam, Venezuela, Iraq or Iran. These countries are too big and they can only watch.

US couldn't do anything either when China didn't have nukes & ICBM.
they were forced to do business with Chinese which made China prosper.
Nobody forced US to trade with PRC.

After Sino Soviet split, US tried to help China as a balance to neutralize USSR. Relations with US further improved when Deng Xiaoping assumed power. To a great extent where US forwarded not only trade favors to China but willingly leaked technologies.

Heck, US helped China even in nuclear missiles.
February 15, 1996. A Chinese Long March 3B carrying a $200 million Loral satellite explodes 22 seconds after lilftoff.

March 14, 1996. President Clinton shifts control over regulating the export of communications satellites from the State Dept. which was primarily concerned with national security aspects of such exports, to the Commerce Dept., which is concerned with the economic benefits.

May 10, 1996. The Loral-led review commission investigating the February rocket explosion completes and passes on to Chinese officials its report, which according to the April 13, 1998 New York Times, discusses “sensitive aspects of the rocket’s guidance and control systems, which is an area of weakness in China’s missile programs.” The New York Times says that a Pentagon report concludes that, as a result of this technology transfer, “United States national security has been harmed”.

May 23, 1996. President Clinton calls for renewal of MFN for China, saying that renewal would not be “a referendum on all China’s policies,” but “a vote for America’s interests.”

June 8, 1996. China conducts an underground nuclear test.

July 21, 1996. Johnny Chung, according to the New York Times, brings Liu Chao-ying to two DNC fundraisers, including a $25,000 per couple dinner.Liu Chao-ying is a Lieutenant Colonel in the People’s Liberation Army and an executive at China Aerospace, which owns the Great Wall Industry Corp. that makes Long March rockets. Her father is the top commander of Chinese military forces. The New York Times says that Chung has told the Justice Dept. that Liu gave him the better part of $100,000 he contributed to the DNC in the latter part of 1996, and that the source of the money was the PLA.

July 29, 1996. China declares a moratorium on nuclear testing after conducting another nuclear test.

August 8, 1996. According to AP, Clinton meets again with Long Beach officials to advocate turning over the naval base to COSCO.

September 24, 1996. At the UN, President Clinton joins with the foreign ministers of China, France, Russia and Great Britain in signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty forbidding all testing of nuclear weapons.

November 5, 1996. President Clinton wins reelection. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the single largest Democratic donor during the election cycle was Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz, who gave $632,000 in ‘soft money’ to the Democratic Party between 1995 and 1996. The State Dept. issues regulations shifting responsibility for satellite launching licenses to the Commerce Dept.

January 1997. The Panamanian government awards the contract to operate the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the Panama Canal to a Hong Kong company, Hutchison Whampoa. China takes control of Hong Kong six months later. The United States, which is set to relinquish control of the canal next year, does not protest.

March 25, 1997. While in Beijing for a meeting with Premier Li Peng and President Jiang Zemin, Vice President Gore attends signing ceremonies for Boeing’s $685 million sale of five jetliners to China’s state-owned Civil Aviation Administration as well as a $1.3 billion joint venture between General Motors and China’s state-owned Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.

May 1997. According to the April 13, 1998 New York Times, a classified Pentagon report reveals that Hughes and Loral scientists “had turned over expertise that significantly improved the reliability of China’s nuclear missiles” following the February 1996 rocket explosion. Hughes and Loral deny the New York Times report when it is published in 1998.

May 19, 1997. President Clinton announces that he will authorize MFN renewal for China.

October 1997. Chinese President Jiang Zemin makes a state visit to the United States. During the trip, he stops at a Hughes site to discuss satellites.

January 15, 1998. After China promises that it will no longer aid Iran’s nuclear program, President Clinton certifies that China is a reliable partner for nuclear technology exchange.

February 19, 1998. Despite opposition from the Justice Dept, President Clinton signs a waiver approving the launch of a Loral satellite from a Chinese rocket and reportedly authorizing the transfer of the same type of technology that the Pentagon said had “harmed” US security and that the Justice Dept. was investigation Loral and Hughes for their illegally transferring in 1996.
Right now Trump is hanging out with Kim Jong like his buddy. This the power of ICBM. Even the mighty will shake in their boots.
That's only a diplomatic approach. US hadn't attacked North Korea in around even in 60 years of it's existence when it didn't have nukes & missiles. All because of Russia & China.
Secondly, Trump's approach is about pulling USA out of conflicts. A symbolic action has little change in USA's long term economic policies.
Because of No Dong, NoKo is now 2nd country in Asia that can destroy USA mainland or anywhere for that matter. This is pure raw power.
Mera ghanta!!
"Destroy mainland"
Let's not account American anti ballistic capabilities, how much can North Korea produce to hit? Size of just one tactical nuke battalion of USA will bigger than entire North Korean nuclear stockpile.

Imagine if a single bomb hits American cities, Russia & China won't meddle in NoKo's favour while US will hit North Korea till its population comes down to zero. And they can do it in minutes & seconds.

This doctrine is same as that of pakis. YOU WILL BREAK YOUR LEG IF YOU TRY TO KILL US. And threaten world by posturing themselves as suicidal countries. But when conflict is at doors, they get back in their flavor.
SUPARCO's situation is different. They need small SLV for basic sat launch capabilities that can be easily achieved by turning BM into solid fueled SLV, given that they have figured orbital calculations.
Any BM can't be turned into orbital launch vehicle, how many times I got to state? Agni-5 can't put more than 50kg in 100kms orbit.

Addition of upper stages and stronger propulsion systems are needed. The stuff Pakistani uses are imported propulsion systems and stages based on foreign platforms. They haven't actually "worked" on it and can't do it because their technology is sourced from foreign countries.
In our case turning more complex liquid fueled GSLV into global range solid fueled ICBM is more difficult.
No one will turn a liquid fueled rocket into a missile. India has much bigger solid rocket motors.
Biggest issue we will have with ICBM is navigation problem. Without it we won't have accuracy that is expected in modern BM.
How do you define a "modern BM"? From spin stabilized boosters to miniaturized warhead computers, we got everything except GINSS (Global Indian Navigation Satellite System). It will be our counterpart to GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou-2 and Galileo.

The project is under study yet.
Sure we can make a 60's BM based on pure calculations but in modern time a GPS like desi global system maybe required.
We have much more systems to make missiles more systems to be well ahead of USSR & USA of 60s in this context. North Korea would be more like this but they are being provided with everything from Russia.
Let me explain you basic rocket science.
The above reddened quote has told me already about your knowledge of rocket science.
You have earlier insulted yourself much more here.
With increase range complexity of mission (be it SLV or BM) increases many folds. Chances of errors are also high.
From IRBM to ICBM many new technologies will be required and much more testing will need to be done. We can't say because A-5 was developed in this much time so A-6 will be ready in...... Its childish.
Care to explain your statement. "Which new technologies?"

The calculated trajectory of missile which comes from general forumla of projectile motion is accurate in centimeters. So, doubling or tripling of range doesn't add even 1% of CEP of missile.

The problem goes with environment whose situation has to be assessed as per ranges and stages must get boost accordingly. As the environment is highly dynamic, assessment is made just before launch.

Now case is different every new missile incorporates some new technologies what previous hadn't.
Range of operational missile is 750 km unless you believe that K4 is ready.
We are talking capabilities here. Otherwise rule out North Korea first off the discussion where even "operational strength" of ICBM will be smaller in numbers against number of test units in other countries.

Every country who has capability and validated it can produce stuff in huge numbers in emergency.

Again, if operationalization is concerned, Agni-6 has zero use. How many numbers will have to be produced when there are little chances of using it for many decades?
Also you should know that sea based BMs are much harder to master compared to their land based counterparts. Calculations that are needed to fire BM from sub is much more different and also BM has to be compact to fit in tight space of a sub, meaning powerful but efficient motor.
I know it very well. And that's why I'm so convinced about Indian ICBM capabilities.

It's you who is enlengthening post by irrelevant points.
Developing global range SLBMs will be much harder for us compared to ICBMs.
We don't need to develop a global range one. 60-70% of big ICBM will be enough. Most other countries use same.
First we need A-6 now. We are already on verge of becoming a global power so we need power projection tool today.
A-6 will come when needed only.
BTW Washington and London are name of missions not Islands. However naming islands after cities and bombing them is also not a bad idea.:cool1: All it takes is guts.
Not guts, all it takes to be your brain located in @$$.:facepalm:
No. NoKo can destroy entire Yankee town (NYC) in one shot. We can't.
Soviet fell because of internal issues.
While you think that ICBM is solution to every problem, Soviet economy was sabotaged by USA along with its own stupid red policies.

Just before its collapsed, Soviet was also running around world for bailout what it didn't get. Internal issues wouldn't have arose if economy would have been doing right.
Their ICBMs did a good job keeping them toe to toe against a superpower.
Soviet was world's third largest economy and second largest military force. ICBM was just a small component of military forces.
Pakistan doesn't have ICBMs nor MT nukes so your point is moot.
Means you have trained your mind not to pick the context so stupidly. Pakistan can hit any point on India and nearby American military bases.
Germany has nothing for power projection. it will take decades upon decades for them to build a war ready military and a massive industrial base. Such country can't be P6.
Power projection isn't about military only. Germany is leader of world's largest economic entity.
Let me educate you about P5 countries.

These countries are those who "won" in WW2 using their military might.
P5 is about influential countries, not winners WW2. Case is different that winners of World war will be left most influential.

After shifting alliances in cold war era, they kept on adding friend in alliances. Germany is a part of P5+1 and has everything of them except veto power. Indeed India is more rightful but P5+1 is a reality.

Another reality is you didn't know about it.
Because of their massive military power they were literally unchallenged in post WW2 world.
No, it was only about winning side. China was sick back then.
Economy was never a factor for P5 countries.
Power is the ultimate factor of P5 and its base is always economy.
Eventually if P5 doesn't change, UNSC will lose its relevance in world.
Sure a big economy can help getting a big military but its not always the case.
It is always the case otherwise country collapses eventually.
No. NSG deal was to keep Indian nuclear ambition in check. Plain and simple.
No, NSG deal gave India access to stuff India wanted. No matter what you shout because you don't know anything about.

You made Ukraine a member of EU and West an ATM of India.:lol:
There is no need to waste precious uranium for power generation purpose in our country.
Power generation is wastage?
We can have that with solar, wind, hydro, etc.
No, they can't fulfill our needs. They are always smaller sectors and can only compensate.
Nuclear fuel is the ultimate replacement of fossil fuels.
Our uranium reserves should only be used for one thing.:devil:
You are a serious victim of radiation right in your fragile brain.
Everything else is a waste and display of short shortsightedness by our gov.
Making warheads of all fissile material and throwing it in reserves to get reduced and expire is actual wastage.
India can produce large number of nukes in conflict when needed.
display of short shortsightedness by our gov.
Care to explain your "farsightedness".

Leave alone that all, just tell whether you even have a sight.
You are Indian version of this moron.
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Sep 24, 2016
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Bramhos air launched version showing pin point accuracy. Bloody fantastic for 500km range supersonic missile. With su30mki it can hit 2000km away from Indian shoreline. (1500km su30 flying and then standoff missile launch).

That is why I say no aircraft carriers or big destroyers are effective against India they can't come anywhere near Indian coast and people think I'm being arrogant. Lol.

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