DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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This is the official range of minuteman 3 ICBM. (13000km+) and its unofficial range is even higher.
India has strong deterrence unofficially. Sooner you digest it, better for you.
Again incoherent statement. Please go read about megaton warheads. US, Russia, China all have deployed megaton warheads along with usual KT MIRVs.
Just look at best what tonnage they go and how much fallout they have. MT range over that will be mostly dropped by bombers.

100-500kT order nuclear weapons are most efficient ones for destruction.
But Indian gov already did. :bounce: Do you know code name of India's first thermo nuke? Google it.:biggrin2:
They never did. They tested nukes when India needed them. They aren't obsessed with west or better say they don't e have an inferiority complex like you that all your actions are defined by what west does.

India is a power of its own kind, different from east and west blocs.
So as per your stupid logic we should just surrender to Chinese because they are equal or stronger.
Nobody asked to surrender. Nor India ever will. India is resilient, resistant and capable.
It doesn't mean it will start acting @$$holes pakis and nokos.
Those 40 ICBMs will destroy all urban areas.
No, they can't.
If they want to completely wipe India from map then you do realize that they will have SLBMs and guided nukes to rain from sky.
SLBMs is something we possess too.
Again your logic; Indian nuclear subs will abandon India in wartime and go all the way and that too undetected into pacific
We don't even need to cross Southeast Asia.
India will be obliterated and USA won't face any damage beside military causalities because we don't have any weapon to reach US mainland. This is the reason behind Agni-6 argument.
Just because officially don't keep it, doesn't mean reaching US mainland is any challenge for us.
US & Russia have BTW large stockpiles and can win against any country by large margin.
They attack & destroy smaller countries however, they avoid engaging strong & big countries militarily because they will get unacceptable and irreparable damages.

Officially having Agni-6 won't make any difference in status quo.
Its called national defense. We prepare for all possible/impossible war scenarios.
It's not called national defense but suicide. Hostility is to be shown when there are tensions.
You can't just go to other Presidents and say them f you especially when they can "f" you big time.
Yet you are giving arguments against Indian ICBMs from western perspective.
I'm far away from western perspective by miles. It's you who doesn't have any perspective but just got your already fragile brain hit by gamma rays of some nuclear or radiographic accident.

Western perspective sees India as a potential ally because it being a "like minded" country while a potential enemy at same time it being an eastern country.

We corporated with them on great projects but we also outrightly rejected all their proposals of making us their permanent partner or ally.
They don't know what our mindset will be in future. Whether we'll join first world like Japan or an anti western nation like Russia/China or will emerge as an independent global power with its own block. So, they keep their policies cautious with us.
We take advantage to draw max. trade benefits, a global range ICBM will make them tilt towards wrong message.
West isn't irritated but rather afraid of NoKo after their recent ICBM and thermo nuke tests.
That's why I called you stupid.
West can't even in their dream imagine to attack NoKo, now that they can inflict great damage to US civilians.
West wipe can wipe out NoKo before a wink. They can destroy or intercept all their missiles. They can before it's launched.
Over that, they can bomb NoKo with 100 times more nukes. In fact, they don't even need nukes to finish NoKo coz got no other weapon valuable to fight.
NoKo is now invasion proof.
LOL, even Japan can finish NoKo one on one with minimal damage incurred while NoKo cant do any $h!t.
This is why trump has started to praise Kim Jong. Also pentagon's warmongering towards NoKo has suddenly stopped. This is the power of ICBM.
Trump and West aren't fighting NoKo but Russia & China. NoKo is a proxy of China just like Pakistan. Nevertheless, both of them are toothless states and can't even speak without holding balls of their masters.
Moreover, US is facing pressures from all the sides, fighting final battle to save its dominance in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Middle East. They can no longer play it rough and remain lenient.
You are even suggesting to not to test nukes further because of west.
Economic sanctions or sabotages what they are doing to China are the things we most certainly don't want right now.

We are at a stage of making an eco system of localized civil-military industry along with exports. US itself imports half of our total defense exports.
We have already risen.
No we haven't enough.
Our GDP in PPP which is the most accurate measure of calculating a nation's wealth is $11.4 trillion. In dollar exchange rate its $3 trillion. We have a massive industrial capability and a huge population.
Those are no longer attributes of a great power. We are more of a second tier power like France, UK, Germany and Japan with some leverage on them because of our size.
Real 3 great powers are US, Russia & China and we'll have to outmatch them in many aspects while matching in others before calling ourselves a great power.

At least 40 subs (15 nuclear), 50+ DDGs+FFGs, 2000 combat jets, 4 lakh tonnes naval displacement, 3 CBGs, active HLV with 100+ operational satellite fleet, $10 billions military exports, operational ICBM (Agni-5 isn't yet), $6-7 trillions nominal GDP, $1.5-2 trillions annual budget, $100 billions+ military budget, own data cloud and lot lot other things.
We don't need 30 years we can have everything we need today.
I didn't say we need 30 years more for an ICBM. Within next 10 years, we'll be in cited as a contemporary great power and can we can test the system like UK citing "adding capability" or great power status while no one will panic.

Right now, things aren't rosy. Agni-6 project was sent in cold bag around 2016-17 after relations with US started to improve. Tensions have risen again in past 2 years. If tensions rise to military level, we'll do it then. Otherwise we should wait.
Given that only if some people's mindset change.
Those are the people with same mindset which brought India ahead from a failed 4th world country facing diplomatic & military hostilities to this status. They didn't do things crazily but used brains.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
The same reason Russia tested 50MT nuke and USA tested 15MT nuke.

what.....??????? Are you joking mate???

This is what a 14kt bomb can do to a city

And here we are talking in hundreds of KTs and even MTs. You are suggesting it will need 200 nukes only for Delhi? Show me numbers to back up this absurd claim.
The nuke acts as a spherical source of energy. So, each direction (X, Y, Z) gets cube root of the energy. So, a 10MT bomb will cause 10 times more destruction in area than 10kT bomb. That is why people use warheads between 100-500kT.

Now, the 15kT Hiroshima bomb didn't destroy kilometres of area in one go. It just collapsed the wooden houses. But today, most of the urban houses are brick ones which can't be simply collapsed by nukes unless it is very close to the blast. Most of the RCC houses will remain standing. So,the damgage done by same Hiroshima bomb in today's time will be far less. No, if we get 1MT bomb, it will be about 64times more powerful than Hiroshima and hence cause cuberoot (64) = 4 times more damage in area. And considering that RCC houses take much less damage, the damage will be less than of Hiroshima for 1MT bomb. I have given analogy of cylcone for this reason. But you don't understand

Those 40 ICBMs will destroy all urban areas.

If they want to completely wipe India from map then you do realize that they will have SLBMs and guided nukes to rain from sky.
Again, from where did you get the information? Check the video of nukes on youtube. I have posted this several times on this forum itself a few years back. You can even check them.

NoKo is a proxy of China just like Pakistan.
Pakistan is the proxy of USA & KSA, not China. China & Russia is only trying to wean away all pro USA countries to destroy USA.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Pakistan is the proxy of USA & KSA, not China. China & Russia is only trying to wean away all pro USA countries to destroy USA.
Liked for above part only. Pakistan has been very much used by multiple countries including PRC to contain India as well.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Liked for above part only. Pakistan has been very much used by multiple countries including PRC to contain India as well.
No, it is contain middle east and USA. China giving statement like it is not a threat to India etc are an indication. India, during congress had antagonised china at the behest of CIA. So China was pissed at India for being a CIA agent trying to harm China. But with BJP, Chinese relationship has always been cordial as BJP sees China as non-Abrahamic friendly country

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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India, during congress had antagonised china at the behest of CIA.
India always had mild hostility with PRC that even was all started by them.
But with BJP, Chinese relationship has always been cordial as BJP sees China as non-Abrahamic friendly country
I find it more like normal actually. China isn't only India's favourite shop to buy items, it will become favourite destination for exports in its post industrial era. A natural partner basically.


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May 16, 2011
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No, it is contain middle east and USA. China giving statement like it is not a threat to India etc are an indication. India, during congress had antagonised china at the behest of CIA. So China was pissed at India for being a CIA agent trying to harm China. But with BJP, Chinese relationship has always been cordial as BJP sees China as non-Abrahamic friendly country
BJP so cordial that indeed during Dokhlam, they rushed over a Brigade of troops to show friendliness.

Chinkis and Pukis will never be friendly to India, to believe we will have some grand alliance with the Chinkis is stupidity to say the least. The Chinks are die hard commies and allowing them a foot into India is akin to having that foot stuck up your ass.

Chinks have for decades been supporting militants in the north east, maoists, unwashed abduls, heck they even gave Pukis the nukes.

So let's chill and get those commies out of India.

IAF, IA, IN aren't preparing for a two front war for masturbatory pleasure. China is actually the main front. It is also main reason why IN, IAF & IA are increasingly looking to the US and don't mind important purchases. They are lesser of the two evils.

Russian will get frozen balls when push comes to shove.


New Member
May 6, 2013
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DRDO is more comparable with DARPA in USA. Lockheed and boing are more like HAL and NAL and can ofcourse be listed.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
Don't want drag and extend this too much. Appreciate your reply.

DRDO functions go far above and beyond DARPA. The GOI ought to make it clear and known that DRDO is only like DARPA.

DRDO is a mixture of DARPA, Boeing, Lockheed, NASA, MIT, even extends into food, agriculture, and other areas.

DRDO (if not at least its economic arm) is actually an excellent entity to list on the stock exchange.

I would make it a national mission to list at least 10% of each major defense establishment (PSU) on the stock exchange. This would include the OFBs and Dockyards and more.

I would envelop this exercise with a more larger exercise of having in place a system of selecting on a meritious basis the senior management of each such "Defense Maharatna". Importantly this ought to include not only selection but review (periodic) and removal provisions.

Everyone knows and reads about the salary package of the State bank of India CEO and Senior Management. Again the Ministers talks about MTNL and its "performanc" not really sure he is knowing and having a larger foresight. Also MTNL, ONGC, Coal India are important strategic companies ... like our Defense Sector but they are listed. We can add State Bank of India to this mix also.

In a way, a PSU belongs to the people it ought to be transparent and clear and clean. On the stock exchange, it would only add value. Performance and meritoriously being done like I said with a larger envelope.

Some will say DRDO can actually have two - three listed companies*. with a DARPA type holding company behind it.
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Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Don't want drag and extend this too much. Appreciate your reply.

DRDO functions go far above and beyond DARPA. The GOI ought to make it clear and known that DRDO is only like DARPA.

DRDO is a mixture of DARPA, Boeing, Lockheed, NASA, MIT, even extends into food, agriculture, and other areas.

DRDO (if not at least its economic arm) is actually an excellent entity to list on the stock exchange.

I would make it a national mission to list at least 10% of each major defense establishment (PSU) on the stock exchange. This would include the OFBs and Dockyards and more.

I would envelop this exercise with a more larger exercise of having in place a system of selecting on a meritious basis the senior management of each such "Defense Maharatna". Importantly this ought to include not only selection but review (periodic) and removal provisions.

Everyone knows and reads about the salary package of the State bank of India CEO and Senior Management. Again the Ministers talks about MTNL and its "performanc" not really sure he is knowing and having a larger foresight. Also MTNL, ONGC, Coal India are important strategic companies ... like our Defense Sector but they are listed. We can add State Bank of India to this mix also.

In a way, a PSU belongs to the people it ought to be transparent and clear and clean. On the stock exchange, it would only add value. Performance and meritoriously being done like I said with a larger envelope.

Some will say DRDO can actually have two - three listed companies*. with a DARPA type holding company behind it.
DRDO is a research organisation, by design it has more input cost and less focused on profits. All the input cost does not necessarily translate to products all the time.

Are you thinking of companies like BDL which is the manufacturing arm of specialised defence equipment?


New Member
May 6, 2013
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DRDO is a research organisation, by design it has more input cost and less focused on profits. All the input cost does not necessarily translate to products all the time.

Are you thinking of companies like BDL which is the manufacturing arm of specialised defence equipment?
How much element and dimension is actual manufacturing and sales on the following for DRDO. Why not create BDL type units (even sector specific companies) for the same:

Major Products/Technologies
Akash Missile System
Air-Borne Telemetry Receiving System
All Electric Type Weapon Control System for ICV
Antenna Systems
Biomedical Devices for Internal Use (Implants)
Biomedical Devices for External Use
Briefcase SATCOM Terminal
Code Programme
Diagnostic Products for Infection Imaging
EOCM-Class Laser System
Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA)
FSAPDS, Ammunition
Indigenous X-Ray Industrial Tomography System
Integrated Weapon System Simulation
Kaveri Engine
Laser Warning Sensors
Light Combat Aircraft
Manipulator Arm
MBT Arjun
Missiles (Agni, Prithvi, Nag, Trishul, Akash)
Model-Based Data Fusion
Naval Weapon Systems
Palmtop Green Microchip Laser Module
Pan/Tilt Platform for Vision Systems
Radiation Protection Products
Rajendra Radar
Rapid Quantification & Detection Techniques for Pesticides In Fruits & Vegetables
Recovery Parachute System
Special Materials
Technology for Dengue Control
Technology for Titanium Sponge Production

DRDO can be specific and work like a DRAPA. However, it seems there is a lot of scopes for DRDO to have entities like BDL and more. Also with a larger envelope of moving into licensing and intellectual property control of the technology and using advanced entities to manufacture and market and use economics and more to be efficent and effective which is not the role of DRDO. Again mention ONGC, Coal Inida, MTNL and State Bank of India , along with BDL
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New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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How much element and dimension is actual manufacturing and sales on the following for DRDO. Why not create BDL type units (even sector specific companies) for the same:

Major Products/Technologies
Akash Missile System
Air-Borne Telemetry Receiving System
All Electric Type Weapon Control System for ICV
Antenna Systems
Biomedical Devices for Internal Use (Implants)
Biomedical Devices for External Use
Briefcase SATCOM Terminal
Code Programme
Diagnostic Products for Infection Imaging
EOCM-Class Laser System
Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA)
FSAPDS, Ammunition
Indigenous X-Ray Industrial Tomography System
Integrated Weapon System Simulation
Kaveri Engine
Laser Warning Sensors
Light Combat Aircraft
Manipulator Arm
MBT Arjun
Missiles (Agni, Prithvi, Nag, Trishul, Akash)
Model-Based Data Fusion
Naval Weapon Systems
Palmtop Green Microchip Laser Module
Pan/Tilt Platform for Vision Systems
Radiation Protection Products
Rajendra Radar
Rapid Quantification & Detection Techniques for Pesticides In Fruits & Vegetables
Recovery Parachute System
Special Materials
Technology for Dengue Control
Technology for Titanium Sponge Production
Neither DRDO manufactures, nor it sell. Its as simple as that.


New Member
May 6, 2013
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Neither DRDO manufactures, nor it sell. Its as simple as that.
DRDO developed products/systems, like radars, electronic warfare systems, AEW&C systems, bridging systems, missiles, torpedoes, decoy and fire control systems, among others are manufactured and sold.

Why not they be sold and manufactured by certain "Defense Maharatna(s)" listed on the Stock Exchange.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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DRDO developed products/systems, like radars, electronic warfare systems, AEW&C systems, bridging systems, missiles, torpedoes, decoy and fire control systems, among others are manufactured and sold.

Why not they be sold and manufactured by certain "Defense Maharatna(s)" listed on the Stock Exchange.
They ARE being sold by other companies, like OFB, bdl, L&T, BEML, Godrej etc etc...


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
India always had mild hostility with PRC that even was all started by them.
Actually, India started by intervening in Tibet. China and Tibet share porous boundary and hence forma single geographical entity. It is impossible for China to separate itself from Tibet as the boundaries if 2 thousand km can't be managed and cause undue migration and problems. Chinese had no choice but to formally acquire Tibet and complete their geographical boundary.

But USA didn't want China to get stronger and wanted to use Tibet as a ground for infiltration and espionage. Hence USA instigated Nehru (who was a stooge if UK) and made India intervene in Tibet by providing base for Tibet insurgency. India not just hosted Dalai Lama but also Tibetan government in exile. This irked China.

Till 1959, Chinese relationship with India was decent. But India intervening in Tibet on behalf of USA irked China and made the relationship sour.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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DRDO developed products/systems, like radars, electronic warfare systems, AEW&C systems, bridging systems, missiles, torpedoes, decoy and fire control systems, among others are manufactured and sold.

Why not they be sold and manufactured by certain "Defense Maharatna(s)" listed on the Stock Exchange.
As @ezsasa already said, DRDO develops tech and then give it under ToT to PSU or private entities. Then they are turned into products and sold in market.
Example JVPC. It was a joint venture of DRDO and OFB. DRDO developed it and manufacturing and marketing part was taken over by OFB.


New Member
May 6, 2013
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As @ezsasa already said, DRDO develops tech and then give it under ToT to PSU or private entities. Then they are turned into products and sold in market.
Example JVPC. It was a joint venture of DRDO and OFB. DRDO developed it and manufacturing and marketing part was taken over by OFB.

They ARE being sold by other companies, like OFB, bdl, L&T, BEML, Godrej etc etc...
Really appreciate replies and also please excuse me if I have got anything wrong. I would agree with with you are saying but with a small asterix.

*My submission is that DRDO is moving more into productionisation and away from development.

Productionisation must involve development of prototypes. DRDO is doing too much productionsiation and "sales of such". DRDO (i might be wrong) is not doing development enough and too many prototypes and productionisations when it ought to be done by the selected manufacturer (who would improve and benefit).

Ultimately DRDO is not guiding the Defense Sector - it ought to be playing the father figure. Hence my other submission of listing out its entities (its prototype developers and productionisation clusters into manufacturers)

DRDO has to be having its hands and branches inside these Defense Maharatnas. It has to be clear and no question of having independent models and "chinese walls"

DRDO has to be (like a holding entity) on top of a group of large defense maharatnas listed on the stock exchange. I would label these like those already like HAL, OFBs (BDL model types). The private players can be used (off-set - contracted by these) but they must be in support of these large listed Defense Maharatnas.

One might ask how to define these Defense Maharatnas - look at the 50+ laboratories of DRDO and they can be fit into clusters.

How to staff and develop these large Defense Maharatnas - Made in India - the answer is obvious of the large and growing educated and technical and specialists. Brain drain ? Brain gain ?

Even having a listed company for exports of DRDO developed products/systems, like radars, electronic warfare systems, AEW&C systems, bridging systems, missiles, torpedoes, decoy and fire control systems (again off-set and contracted by these).

DRDO has to have specialized role - i might be wrong but its moving more towards manufacturing and productionisation and not development. Research and Development is specialized and highly technical and advanced the cream of the cream. Developing prototypes and doing the whole setup of productionisation must not be the role of DRDO. The goal of having indigenisation has to see us growing and thinking beyond DRDO but having large Defense Maharatnas.

Developing a prototype without any synergy with the manufacturer.

Private players are trying to eat the pie too much but they are not looking at indigenisation that DRDO and such Defense Maharatanas can do.

These Defense Maharatanas also ought to be two of each (to infuse competition).

Each state has a PSB !!

Announcing at least 7 (14 - two of each) Defense Maharatanas - consolidated from DRDO laboratories, OFBs, HALs, etc, etc these will boost economic activity and jobs and more. What would these Defense Maharatanas be:

Aviation Corporation
Electronics Technology Enterprise
Regional A Defense Industry Corporation (Specialised to West)
Regional B Defense Industry Corporation (Specialised to East)
Regional C Defense Industry Corporation (Specialised to North)
Shipbuilding Corporation
Aerospace Science Technology Corporation.

Perhaps add one more (make it 8 - 16)
Export Defense Corporation

A Defense Mahratanas must have large budgets and be listed on the stock exchange with a larger envelope. National security at the forefront of confidentiality and intellectual property safeguards.

Boeing and Lockheed have a DARPA.

ABC and XYZ do they have a DRDO? Does DRDO set and develop equipment with industry with foresight (excuse this question its for practical reasons only).

I dont want to say this because it is actually doing really well - our strategic missile programme is managed by DRDO from development to manufacturing. Perhaps it would be better if such a programme is delinked from DRDO. DRDO needs to be specialized at research and development only with the gurus and cream of the cream (not a few of them but many) with national interests in mind guiding the whole defence industry apparatus underneath it. I would label these Gurus in DRDO to be the extreme of intellectual and intuition of defense and research and nation building.

With DRDO on TOP like father but no productionisation from prototypes to final manufacturing at all. DRDO looking at research and development of defense.

One must not have a problem of people making money in defense. I feel the domestic defense industry many people make a lot of money including in PSU. Everyone ought to make money but not at the cost of national development. Having a good strategic structure in place would be useful.


India scraps Israel anti-tank missile deal after DRDO says it will deliver

Excuse my message it might be wrong - my submission also might have come by happenstance.

Always lovely to have and get constructive response from everyone here much appreciated and obliged.

Jai Hind
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Actually, India started by intervening in Tibet.
I can say same about China.
It was China who had upper hand militarily and became hostile for its claim. It's no different to India in other fronts from NSG to Azhar. It's not different to any country either.
China and Tibet share porous boundary and hence forma single geographical entity. It is impossible for China to separate itself from Tibet as the boundaries if 2 thousand km can't be managed and cause undue migration and problems
Same happens in India & Nepal. Tibet has huge reserves of lithium, silver and copper. China "had no choice" is an apologetic argument without any sense. China is still after many territories and SCS for a reason.

Compromising its own interests for others is the last thing India should do. Tibet episode was unacceptable simply. India even left UNSC seat for PRC and got continual betrayals in response is enough.
Rigidity shown in Doklam row was what needs to be maintained.
But India intervening in Tibet on behalf of USA
Is another conspiracy theory.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Same happens in India & Nepal. Tibet has huge reserves of lithium, silver and copper. China "had no choice" is an apologetic argument without any sense. China is still after many territories and SCS for a reason.

Compromising its own interests for others is the last thing India should do. Tibet episode was unacceptable simply. India even left UNSC seat for PRC and got continual betrayals in response is enough.
Rigidity shown in Doklam row was what needs to be maintained.
It was only reasonable that India and Nepal merged. It was not Chinese fault but Nehru who didn't allow that.

Tibet has no Resources and eats the Resources of China by getting doles and aids to keep it safe.

India didn't give PRC the seat. Till 1970 it was Taiwan which had the seat as USA and west considered Taiwan to be real China. So, when did India give seat to China?

can say same about China.
It was China who had upper hand militarily and became hostile for its claim. It's no different to India in other fronts from NSG to Azhar. It's not different to any country either
NSG and Azhar are tokenism and serves very little practical utility. India got NSG waiver already. India got Hafiz Saeed blacklisted by UNO and he is still roaming with bodyguards and attending even government functions. So, what is the use of blacklisting Azhar? Don't talk of absurd things which have no utility.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
It was only reasonable that India and Nepal merged. It was not Chinese fault but Nehru who didn't allow that.
China was initially against integration of Sikkim. There is no reason to believe China wouldn't have intervened in Nepal. China wanted more & more territory, didn't have any goodwill.
Everything wrong in China-India relations is China's fault, its aggressive nature and no one else.
Tibet has no Resources and eats the Resources of China by getting doles and aids to keep it safe.
Factually incorrect.
India didn't give PRC the seat. Till 1970 it was Taiwan which had the seat as USA and west considered Taiwan to be real China. So, when did India give seat to China?
India was one of first countries to recognize PRC and forwarded its will to leave offered seat for China (whatever was recognized). There can be no bigger favour.
China stabbed in back by military operation.
NSG and Azhar are tokenism and serves very little practical utility. India got NSG waiver already. India got Hafiz Saeed blacklisted by UNO and he is still roaming with bodyguards and attending even government functions. So, what is the use of blacklisting Azhar? Don't talk of absurd things which have no utility.
They are very much of symbolic achievements and matter very much. China by putting roadblocks against does nothing but keeps reminding India of its belligerence.

Only a naive person will believe anything rosy. China sees India as a potential threat in future and wants to decimate it only. Anyone defending China here is a purposely dishonest person.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Actually, India started by intervening in Tibet. China and Tibet share porous boundary and hence forma single geographical entity. It is impossible for China to separate itself from Tibet as the boundaries if 2 thousand km can't be managed and cause undue migration and problems. Chinese had no choice but to formally acquire Tibet and complete their geographical boundary.

But USA didn't want China to get stronger and wanted to use Tibet as a ground for infiltration and espionage. Hence USA instigated Nehru (who was a stooge if UK) and made India intervene in Tibet by providing base for Tibet insurgency. India not just hosted Dalai Lama but also Tibetan government in exile. This irked China.

Till 1959, Chinese relationship with India was decent. But India intervening in Tibet on behalf of USA irked China and made the relationship sour.
India was/is the successor of British Indian empire and such had every right to intervene in Tibet. Tibet was independent for a long time and was treated as buffer between China and British India.

After independence Chinese saw naivety of Nehru on Kashmir and Tibet and saw the weekend Indian army under Nehru's Pacifist policy and took advantage of the situation to capture Tibet.

We screwed up . We should also have moved force and protect Tibet from being Chinese occupation. We lost our interest in Tibet , Tibet lost its independence and now there is no buffer between India and China.

It was not Chinese right to capture Tibet anymore than it's our right to capture berma.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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It was only reasonable that India and Nepal merged. It was not Chinese fault but Nehru who didn't allow that.

Tibet has no Resources and eats the Resources of China by getting doles and aids to keep it safe.

India didn't give PRC the seat. Till 1970 it was Taiwan which had the seat as USA and west considered Taiwan to be real China. So, when did India give seat to China?

NSG and Azhar are tokenism and serves very little practical utility. India got NSG waiver already. India got Hafiz Saeed blacklisted by UNO and he is still roaming with bodyguards and attending even government functions. So, what is the use of blacklisting Azhar? Don't talk of absurd things which have no utility.
Tibet controls water flow across Asia. Indus , bramhputra , Mekong all originate from Tibet.

Mao had eyes on entire north East . He said tibet is the palm but laddakh , Sikkim , Arunachal etc are the fingers and china needs them all.

Frankly Chinese claim on Arunachal are bogus and have no historical basis.

China has been a greedy land grabber and manufactures dispute to have advantage in negotiations. South China sea is latest example of Chinese policy.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk

