DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News

Satish Sharma

Senior Member
Dec 3, 2023
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yeah and seeing indian equipment overdoing israeli equipment with 3000ft and 3-4 hr more endurance is really good too
All thise drone systems shared data is from simulations in very very ideal conditions. Which comes no where close to real condition. And in climate conditions were india operate performance degrade even more..
Drishti 10 wale use to say it has 36 hrs but Israel get 30hrs endurance and in reality it is half of it 15hrs... Tapas with 350kg payload will have way more and better endurance than drishti 10 aka hermes 900 with its 300kg payload will have...
Also tapas will be getting a engine upgrade of 220hp as of now it has 100hp engines... It will surpass 30k feet altitude..

It wont be surprising if archer/rustom 1 surpasses hermes 450 too in terms of endurance they publish goody goody thing on brochure of 17 hrs endurance.
Whereas archer seems to have realistic 12-13 hrs endurance. With 2 atgms..

Hope we induct Tapas but I I'm doubt full regarding this as tapas is made by hal
What will adani do with its facility ?
Hope we see Tapas , archer , NG in armed forces all together

Even pakis inducted there shahpir drone of archer class 16k feet with just 7hrs endu. & now inducting block 2 of this drone.
here we are waiting for what ?


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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All thise drone systems shared data is from simulations in very very ideal conditions. Which comes no where close to real condition. And in climate conditions were india operate performance degrade even more..
Drishti 10 wale use to say it has 36 hrs but Israel get 30hrs endurance and in reality it is half of it 15hrs... Tapas with 350kg payload will have way more and better endurance than drishti 10 aka hermes 900 with its 300kg payload will have...
Also tapas will be getting a engine upgrade of 220hp as of now it has 100hp engines... It will surpass 30k feet altitude..

It wont be surprising if archer/rustom 1 surpasses hermes 450 too in terms of endurance they publish goody goody thing on brochure of 17 hrs endurance.
Whereas archer seems to have realistic 12-13 hrs endurance. With 2 atgms..

Hope we induct Tapas but I I'm doubt full regarding this as tapas is made by hal
What will adani do with its facility ?
Hope we see Tapas , archer , NG in armed forces all together

Even pakis inducted there shahpir drone of archer class 16k feet with just 7hrs endu. & now inducting block 2 of this drone.
here we are waiting for what ?
Adani got export orders and alot of ammo and vishrod orders he isn't worried about this it's us who should be worried and get this inducted when even Hermes failed and lobby is already working hard to prove Archer ng is Heron mk2 lol they have been debunked already but tapas is the need of the hours get the new engine ready and fly it


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2023
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And then their is us 18hrs? Naa need to be 24 hrs while I import the drones who will do 15hrs
Forget 24 hrs, even if was 23.5 hrs thn also they would have rejected it. anguished hearing about rejecting Tapas with 18 hrs endurance.

Good design from porkis. not sure actually is paki. There is some seriously wrong with ADE and other Indian companies. Look at Iran, Turkey, even pakis! A country which build aircraft carrier, nuclear submarine, fast breeder reactor, chandrayaan lander.... why it is so so difficult for us to develop an essential weapon like UAV! There is tech capabilities but not used wisely.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Satish Sharma

Senior Member
Dec 3, 2023
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Wasn't the point brother point was when our adversaries can induct 16k feet and the "better" Israeli ones failed to even surpass the Tapas their is something seriously wrong with our procurement system.
Dude why are u crying so much they have not I ducted it in mass. They're requirements are alot more than what they inducted.. to evaluate this drone was a main reason behind inducting them in short numbers. Now army will set it's requirement accordingly which will be possible. Anyways archer NG will takeoff soon..
Another thing is we don't know how much endurance tapas will give with its payload neither we know was 15.5 hrs endurance number of hermes 900 was with paylaod or not..
Not talking about altitude as tapas will get 2x220hp engines replacing current 2x100hp ones.. altitude is not going to be an issue I guess...

Does any one where were Hermes deployed ? On which base..


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Dude why are u crying so much they have not I ducted it in mass. They're requirements are alot more than what they inducted.. to evaluate this drone was a main reason behind inducting them in short numbers. Now army will set it's requirement accordingly which will be possible. Anyways archer NG will takeoff soon..
Another thing is we don't know how much endurance tapas will give with its payload neither we know was 15.5 hrs endurance number of hermes 900 was with paylaod or not..
Not talking about altitude as tapas will get 2x220hp engines replacing current 2x100hp ones.. altitude is not going to be an issue I guess...

Does any one where were Hermes deployed ? On which base..
I am crying cause it wasn't inducted and didn't even went into user Trials anyway we will see what happens with Archer NG


Regular Member
Mar 7, 2024
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What's up with CATS program since it's a JV with newspaper will it still need CCS sanction?
It's the most important program to come into fruition in this decade.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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What's up with CATS program since it's a JV with newspaper will it still need CCS sanction?
It's the most important program to come into fruition in this decade.
It won't(as far as I know) as it's HAL and Newspaces personal program they will complete it with their own funds as for status

1- cats infinity (smaller one is flying bigger one in fabrication)

2. CATS warrior TD is in works they modified an aircraft earlier for TD and flew it

3.hunter was supposed to go into prototype by end of this year and is going through some tests in few months

4.alfas s trials by end of this year or start of next

5.omca I have no clue maybe it's already flying

6. RUAV was only announced like last month

7. Abhimanyu video was released last year announcing it no update on it from then.

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