DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Feb 17, 2019
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I never claimed it to be an OP system, unlike your pathetic ilk of Arjunk fanboys. I just said it's less crappy than your favorite waifu, which is a fact.

Not for long, though.
Besides, even the Arjun MkIs do not come with a CITS, so there is that.
Anyway, these are just plug-and-play systems that can be retrofitted into any design with enough room, it's not something that makes or breaks a tank, unlike the glaring deficiencies in Arjun's basic design itself, which renders it completely unfit for combat. I will come to those shortly.

So effing what?? Even the Abrams up until the SEPV2 and most of the Leopard 2 models do not come with an APU installed (although the provision is left), so does it make those tanks overall inferior to Arjun??

Of course, they don't. Why would they?? They weren't made keeping Indian climate conditions in mind after all.

You know which other tank didn't come with an AC unit?? - Abrams. But the Americans didn't need to develop a contraption like those Peltier suits for their crew members, operating in the middle east and Afghanistan. Heck, the Syrians are using their T-90s with no trouble at all either.

So, ergo, either you're making a mountain out of a molehill just to push your dumb narrative or you are proclaiming our men in uniform to be a bunch of pussies - now take your pick. I don't know which is worse.

Which are still merginally better than those used by the Arjun!!

Not really. Russians have got better rounds for their T-90As, which has got the same gun and autoloaders as our T-90S. Well, with the T-90S, you will at least have the possibility of importing better rounds but the same can not be said for Arjuns though. So I don't see how it's a disadvantage for the T-90s.

I can walk faster in fact, it's just 4 km/hr which is abysmal. And that's pretty much the only parameter where Arjun comfortably beats out the T-90S, as I've been saying.

No, you fucking retard!! It's your beloved Arjun that has the worse side protection of the two!! Here, take a looksy -

As you can see, the base composite armor provides a uniform level of protection from the frontal 60-degree arc (which is the norm for NATO MBTs as well except for Abrams), which means the crew compartment is completely covered from the frontal arc. They achieve it by designing the turret in such a way that would hide the weak sides and rear behind the front armor panels.

NATO achieved the same goal by adding more armor on the turret sides as can be seen here in this diagram -
1. Leclerc

2. Abrams -

3. Leopard 2 -

Unfortunately, Arjun follows neither of these two design philosophies as the developers had royally screwed up during its basic design phase.

It'd seem that the devs had decided to copy the design of Leopard2A4 but due to a complete lack of understanding of basic armor design, they completely fucked it up at multiple levels.

First, they forgot to add the the side armor panels on the turret as can be seen here -

As can be seen here, the crew compartment is basically exposed from the side.

And secondly, they forgot to leave any room for composite armor behind the gunner's sight unlike what can be seen in the Leopard2A4 turret photograph above.

It ain't something that can not be done with T-90S in rather short order if the need arises. And by the way, what of your Arjun?? Those things do not have side ERA panels either, so again, I don't see how it's loss for T-90.

Neither have the Abrams or leopards or Leclercs or the Arjun MkIs for that matter. And again, these are just plug-and-play systems, that were bought off the shelf and can be mounted on the T-90S if the Army deems them necessary. So get off your high horse already, kiddo, you are in over your head here.

I never claimed that you fucking retard!! Read before you type and post your reply!! I said they had basically the same FCS as the Arjun, developed by BEL!!
You could have saved yourself this embarrassment if you only could look at things with a dispassionate, unbiased rational mindset. But no, why would you?? Instead, you would start wailing and frothing your mouth like a retarded teenager just because someone dared to 'insult' your waifu Arjun-chan.

And again, where did I claim otherwise?? Did I not repeatedly mention Arjun's superiority in terms of mobility performance?? Dude, you are even a bigger retard than that other guy!! It's quite an achievement, really.

It's not about low profile or lack of APS, but rather those huge gaping weak spots in its armor coverage that renders it unfit for service.

View attachment 179634
The whole sections within the redlines are devoid of composite armor.
Now compare this to the T-90S -
View attachment 179639

Yeah, it's not even a contest.

Yep, totally. Arjun is an even worse piece of junk as compared to T-90s by most of the parameters.

And who gives a fuck where those subsystems come from as long as we have them?? And why does it suddenly become so big of an issue for you when the vast majority of the subsystems of your Arjun is imported as well?? Hypocrisy much??
Anyway, my point is, everything being equal, T-90S will kick Arjun's ass any day of the week.

That's high and mighty coming from you whose only contribution so far has been making random sweeping statements. Do you even know the meaning of being objective?? I doubt that.

Not if it happens to a literal abomination on tracks, it won't!!

Compared to Arjuns, it sure does.


View attachment 179637
Ok bro, you do you, t90 supremacy goes boooom :scared2: , now stop fidgeting and behave like a human
I accept that T90 is the umda machine here, all hail to T90

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
That 530mm DoP won't defeat frontal of a T-90S or a Chinese Type-99. To say nothing about the Western behemoths. I do agree about the autoloader limitations being a b!tch, but DRDO FSAPDS round for Arjun is not much better.

SAMHO CLGM is also good, but only against tanks without Active Protection. Against tanks with active protection, APFSDS is your only bet.
The 120mm APFSDS Mk2 round for the MBT Arjun has a DoP of 600mm RHA at 2km, which is quite a bit better than the 125mm round for the T-90, this was posted on BRF.
Also a 800mm DoP round was in development, don't know what happened about it, we might see it with the Arjun Mk1A.

Won't discount SAMHO CLGM so easily, it is top attack capable like other DRDO atgms, which APS have a hard time dealing with.


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Feb 17, 2019
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The 120mm APFSDS Mk2 round for the MBT Arjun has a DoP of 600mm RHA at 2km, which is quite a bit better than the 125mm round for the T-90, this was posted on BRF.
Also a 800mm DoP round was in development, don't know what happened about it, we might see it with the Arjun Mk1A.

Won't discount SAMHO CLGM so easily, it is top attack capable like other DRDO atgms, which APS have a hard time dealing with.
I am not sure about 600mm RHA for the current mk2 shot. I remember someone posted a infographic on drdo apfsds twitter showing timeline for dop achievement and the present showed some 530mm with roadmap to 600mm and 700mm+. Both 530mm and 600mm dop were shown as mk2 in that, don't know why, maybe the target dop was 600mm so maybe a mk2a shot or as you said a dop of 530mm was observed and the upper limit is not known in public forums.

Okabe Rintarou

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Apr 23, 2018
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I am not sure about 600mm RHA for the current mk2 shot. I remember someone posted a infographic on drdo apfsds twitter showing timeline for dop achievement and the present showed some 530mm with roadmap to 600mm and 700mm+. Both 530mm and 600mm dop were shown as mk2 in that, don't know why, maybe the target dop was 600mm so maybe a mk2a shot or as you said a dop of 530mm was observed and the upper limit is not known in public forums.
No. There was a separate poster showing DoP of Arjun round as 600mm. Arjun APFSDS is different because its one-piece, unlike the two-piece T-90 DRDO Mk2. The confusion arises because they are both named DRDO FSAPDS Mk2.
But that is the only poster ever to have stated Arjun APFSDS as 600mm capable.

Okabe Rintarou

New Member
Apr 23, 2018
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I am not sure about 600mm RHA for the current mk2 shot. I remember someone posted a infographic on drdo apfsds twitter showing timeline for dop achievement and the present showed some 530mm with roadmap to 600mm and 700mm+. Both 530mm and 600mm dop were shown as mk2 in that, don't know why, maybe the target dop was 600mm so maybe a mk2a shot or as you said a dop of 530mm was observed and the upper limit is not known in public forums.
No. There was a separate poster showing DoP of Arjun round as 600mm. Arjun APFSDS is different because its one-piece, unlike the two-piece T-90 DRDO Mk2. The confusion arises because they are both named DRDO FSAPDS Mk2.
But that is the only poster ever to have stated Arjun APFSDS as 600mm capable.


The edited poster (you can see the "6" in 600 is photoshopped in bottom left poster):-

Original poster (its 300mm not 600 mm):-


@Aniruddha Mulay you got another source for that 600mm figure? Because I only remember seeing that figure on this one poster.

So in reality, APFSDS of Arjun can only do 300mm. Pathetic, really. But given that the l:d ratio of the penetrator is 17:1 compared to 20:1 of the DRDO Mk2 round of T-90/T-72, it makes sense.
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 17, 2019
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No. There was a separate poster showing DoP of Arjun round as 600mm. Arjun APFSDS is different because its one-piece, unlike the two-piece T-90 DRDO Mk2. The confusion arises because they are both named DRDO FSAPDS Mk2.
But that is the only poster ever to have stated Arjun APFSDS as 600mm capable.


The edited poster (you can see the "6" in 600 is photoshopped in:-

Original poster (its 300mm not 600 mm):-

View attachment 179689

@Aniruddha Mulay you got another source for that 600mm figure? Because I only remember seeing that figure on this one poster.
Lol, you didn't knew about that photoshopped pic, someone shoot that guy who did that, that's why I said 600mm dop doubt

Okabe Rintarou

New Member
Apr 23, 2018
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Lol, you didn't knew about that photoshopped pic, someone shoot that guy who did that, that's why I said 600mm dop doubt
Saw this thing years ago and I remember thinking about how its possible but then I gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking there is no autoloader limitation in Arjun and since the round is integral, maybe its got a longer penetrator that can explain why its 600mm.

But its 300mm :doh:


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Feb 17, 2019
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No. There was a separate poster showing DoP of Arjun round as 600mm. Arjun APFSDS is different because its one-piece, unlike the two-piece T-90 DRDO Mk2. The confusion arises because they are both named DRDO FSAPDS Mk2.
But that is the only poster ever to have stated Arjun APFSDS as 600mm capable.


The edited poster (you can see the "6" in 600 is photoshopped in:-

Original poster (its 300mm not 600 mm):-

View attachment 179689

@Aniruddha Mulay you got another source for that 600mm figure? Because I only remember seeing that figure on this one poster.

So in reality, APFSDS of Arjun can only do 300mm. Pathetic, really. But given that the l:d ratio of the penetrator is 17:1 compared to 20:1 of the DRDO Mk2 round of T-90/T-72, it makes sense.
300mm figure is there bcoz that's the mk1 shot and it was more or less derived from drdos previous work on apfsds for 105mm rifles gun. That's why such poorly optimal stupidity exists. Though can confirm that mk2 shot is 530mm dop atleast. In the near future time we should be seeing atleast 600mm+ dop rounds for Arjun mk1a


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Sep 13, 2010
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Dude, stop spewing nonsense about stuff you do not have an iota of understanding of!! Arjun was rejected because it IS a veritable piece of shit, totally unfit for any kind of frontline use!!
The Arjun has better firepower, better mobility, lower ground pressure (despite weighing more), better protection, better BMS, better sensors etc etc

but keep telling me how the T-90 that’ll literally cook itself to death if hit even with an RPG or grenade in the wrong spot is superior

The T90 is just an upgraded T72 which itself is just an upgraded 1964 so well done, you’re defending this junk that’s basically 1950s tech with some tweaks here and there.

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
No. There was a separate poster showing DoP of Arjun round as 600mm. Arjun APFSDS is different because its one-piece, unlike the two-piece T-90 DRDO Mk2. The confusion arises because they are both named DRDO FSAPDS Mk2.
But that is the only poster ever to have stated Arjun APFSDS as 600mm capable.


The edited poster (you can see the "6" in 600 is photoshopped in bottom left poster):-

Original poster (its 300mm not 600 mm):-

View attachment 179689

@Aniruddha Mulay you got another source for that 600mm figure? Because I only remember seeing that figure on this one poster.

So in reality, APFSDS of Arjun can only do 300mm. Pathetic, really. But given that the l:d ratio of the penetrator is 17:1 compared to 20:1 of the DRDO Mk2 round of T-90/T-72, it makes sense.
The round in the poster that you are referring to is the 120mm APFSDS Mk1 round which has long been retired.
IA uses the 120mm APFSDS Mk2 round, sadly there is no a poster picture as such, this 600mm RHA figure has been quoted by BRF, Trishul trident, etc.
The below picture is of the 120mm APFSDS Mk2 round:

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019

Arjun Mk1A

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Mar 6, 2022
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This is the backbone of your IBGs, enjoy

I am not supporting the Russian folks. But I believe the usage of autoloader back at that time is useful for the Russians/Soviets since it requires a less man since HR is a problem in SU/Russia. Combine with Soviet engineering of building in a relatively simple fashion rather than a complex design they decided to use this design present in current T- series. But with the advancement of ATGM's this is becoming a bane for the tanks.
This is also well understood by Russians and they tried to modernize it via T-14 family of combat systems which is clearly trying to sort the issues of older T series tanks and BMP IFV's. But lack of fund forced them to fight with T-90, T-72 and BMP.

But at present we can hold Pak formation but against China it will a nightmare since their new Tanks have some edge against us.

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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I am not supporting the Russian folks. But I believe the usage of autoloader back at that time is useful for the Russians/Soviets since it requires a less man since HR is a problem in SU/Russia. Combine with Soviet engineering of building in a relatively simple fashion rather than a complex design they decided to use this design present in current T- series. But with the advancement of ATGM's this is becoming a bane for the tanks.
This is also well understood by Russians and they tried to modernize it via T-14 family of combat systems which is clearly trying to sort the issues of older T series tanks and BMP IFV's. But lack of fund forced them to fight with T-90, T-72 and BMP.

But at present we can hold Pak formation but against China it will a nightmare since their new Tanks have some edge against us.
You are not supposed to support t series tanks .
Atleast justify the name of yours, duh
Thats why you are not inducted and are the least favorite son of IA

Fulcrum 007

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Feb 27, 2022
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I am not sure about 600mm RHA for the current mk2 shot. I remember someone posted a infographic on drdo apfsds twitter showing timeline for dop achievement and the present showed some 530mm with roadmap to 600mm and 700mm+. Both 530mm and 600mm dop were shown as mk2 in that, don't know why, maybe the target dop was 600mm so maybe a mk2a shot or as you said a dop of 530mm was observed and the upper limit is not known in public forums.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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My T series brothers are famous folks in army circles. Everyone likes them also very close to Principal who lives in Chandigarh. :troll:
The Chandigarh principle is retired now .
Damn it, you have such a big gun and you shoot hard penetrators still indian army is not satisfied , unless they handle the Russian gun

