Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Whoever shot the Boeing down are nothing but criminals and murderers.
Please watch the video I posted. You do not have to know the language. Just watch this man. Poroshenko is the criminal appointed by CIA that gave the orders to shoot down MH17. This plane was diverted on purpose, its elevation was lowered on purpose, and then it was shot down over the conflict zone.

The Malaysians have no clue what happened.

The blood cult that runs Anglo-American empire calls these events "blood-sacrifice" needed to save the empire.
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Apr 13, 2013
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Cluster Munition Use in Southeast Ukraine Must Be Investigated: Ombudsman
The Russian Foreign Ministry human rights ombudsman urges the world to investigate the usage of prohibited weaponry in southeastern Ukraine.

MOSCOW, November 18 (Sputnik) – The international community should investigate the use of incendiary devices, cluster and white phosphorus munitions in highly populated regions in southeastern Ukraine, Konstantin Dolgov, human rights ombudsman at Russia's Foreign Ministry, said Tuesday in a Twitter post.

"International community has to insist on investigation of usage of incendiary devices, cluster and white phosphorus munitions in densely populated regions of the southeast [of Ukraine]," the post from Dolgov said.

The ombudsman stressed that the new Human Rights Watch (HRW) report confirmed that in August and October incendiary rockets were used in the city of Ilovaisk and in the southeastern village of Luhanskoye.

The Russian Investigative Committee is continuing to investigate crimes on the use of forbidden methods and means of war in Ukraine, he added.

On November 10 HRW reported the use of incendiary munitions in Ukraine, but the watchdog did not specify which side used the weapons in the conflict. On October 20, the organization published another report on the widespread use of cluster munitions in early October by government-backed forces in Donetsk.

The organization noted that the use of cluster munitions in populated areas violated the laws of war and might amount to war crimes due to the indiscriminate nature of such weapons.

Cluster Munition Use in Southeast Ukraine Must Be Investigated: Ombudsman / Sputnik international

Human Rights Watch reported about use of cluster munition rockets during official ceasefire in Donetsk.

GENEVA, November 12 (RIA Novosti) – Cluster munition rockets were fired at the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk during an official ceasefire in early October from positions held by the Kiev government forces, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report presented Wednesday.

"The evidence overwhelmingly indicates that these rockets were fired from the government-held positions," the international rights organization said.

"All the cluster munition attacks in Donetsk took place within one kilometer of a government institution apparently held by rebel forces, which might have been the target," the report read.

At least five Uragan cluster munition rockets hit central Donetsk on October 2 and 5, according to the HRW report.

The document indicated that the location of submunition impact craters in the city made it "unlikely" that the rockets came from the east, north or west, the areas said to be controlled by militias. "There is only one direction consistent with all the impact craters, and therefore points to use by Ukrainian forces," the report stated.

According to the paper, a New York Times journalist investigating the sites photographed submunitions and numerous rocket remnants, including fragments of 9N210 submunitions.

During one of these attacks, a 38-year-old Swiss Red Cross worker was killed. His body was found between two craters, which "appeared consistent with cluster munition explosions," HRW said.

The report cited witnesses saying rockets were fired at Donetsk from the southwest. HRW added that from their different vantage points local residents appeared to describe the same launching spot inside an area under the control of Ukrainian government forces.

According to the report, a HRW team visited the village of Novomykhailivka, southwest of Donetsk, and found the remnants of three Uragan cluster munition rockets and one Smerch rocket that had apparently malfunctioned shortly after launch.

"The presence of these misfired cluster munition rockets clearly establishes the flight path of the attack, confirming that the rockets were fired from a government-held area south of Novomykhailivka," the document asserted.

The HRW report condemned "the indiscriminate, and unlawful, nature of the use of cluster munitions in populated areas", saying that ceasefire violations by one party did not excuse violations by the other party.

Cluster munitions contain dozens or hundreds of submunitions. After the launch of a cluster bomb a container opens up and disperses submunitions, making them spread over a wide area endangering anyone in the vicinity. So far, 114 countries have joined a treaty, banning cluster munitions. Ukraine is not a party to the treaty.

A ceasefire is officially still in place between pro-Kiev forces and local militias in eastern Ukraine, though the sides have repeatedly accused each other of breaching the truce.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
The Nazi plan for Novorussia: children bombed into basements and total war
You probably have not heard about that, but the Junta in Kiev has officially declared that it plans to suspend the European Convention on Human Rights in Novorussia. Of course, considering that Poroshenko has also declared that he is ready for 'total war' with Russia, this is hardly surprising, and it's not like the Ukrainian death squads have ever let any kind of human rights stand in the way of their atrocities against the civilian population of the Donbass. As for Poroshenko, he appears to be practicing for the upcoming 'total war' against Russia by waging a 'total war' against his own people. Here is, in his own words, how he plans to win the war against "these people":
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Cluster Munition Use in Southeast Ukraine Must Be Investigated: Ombudsman
The Russian Foreign Ministry human rights ombudsman urges the world to investigate the usage of prohibited weaponry in southeastern Ukraine.

MOSCOW, November 18 (Sputnik) – The international community should investigate the use of incendiary devices, cluster and white phosphorus munitions in highly populated regions in southeastern Ukraine, Konstantin Dolgov, human rights ombudsman at Russia's Foreign Ministry, said Tuesday in a Twitter post.

"International community has to insist on investigation of usage of incendiary devices, cluster and white phosphorus munitions in densely populated regions of the southeast [of Ukraine]," the post from Dolgov said.

The ombudsman stressed that the new Human Rights Watch (HRW) report confirmed that in August and October incendiary rockets were used in the city of Ilovaisk and in the southeastern village of Luhanskoye.

The Russian Investigative Committee is continuing to investigate crimes on the use of forbidden methods and means of war in Ukraine, he added.

On November 10 HRW reported the use of incendiary munitions in Ukraine, but the watchdog did not specify which side used the weapons in the conflict. On October 20, the organization published another report on the widespread use of cluster munitions in early October by government-backed forces in Donetsk.

The organization noted that the use of cluster munitions in populated areas violated the laws of war and might amount to war crimes due to the indiscriminate nature of such weapons.

Cluster Munition Use in Southeast Ukraine Must Be Investigated: Ombudsman / Sputnik international

Human Rights Watch reported about use of cluster munition rockets during official ceasefire in Donetsk.

GENEVA, November 12 (RIA Novosti) – Cluster munition rockets were fired at the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk during an official ceasefire in early October from positions held by the Kiev government forces, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report presented Wednesday.

"The evidence overwhelmingly indicates that these rockets were fired from the government-held positions," the international rights organization said.

"All the cluster munition attacks in Donetsk took place within one kilometer of a government institution apparently held by rebel forces, which might have been the target," the report read.

At least five Uragan cluster munition rockets hit central Donetsk on October 2 and 5, according to the HRW report.

The document indicated that the location of submunition impact craters in the city made it "unlikely" that the rockets came from the east, north or west, the areas said to be controlled by militias. "There is only one direction consistent with all the impact craters, and therefore points to use by Ukrainian forces," the report stated.

According to the paper, a New York Times journalist investigating the sites photographed submunitions and numerous rocket remnants, including fragments of 9N210 submunitions.

During one of these attacks, a 38-year-old Swiss Red Cross worker was killed. His body was found between two craters, which "appeared consistent with cluster munition explosions," HRW said.

The report cited witnesses saying rockets were fired at Donetsk from the southwest. HRW added that from their different vantage points local residents appeared to describe the same launching spot inside an area under the control of Ukrainian government forces.

According to the report, a HRW team visited the village of Novomykhailivka, southwest of Donetsk, and found the remnants of three Uragan cluster munition rockets and one Smerch rocket that had apparently malfunctioned shortly after launch.

"The presence of these misfired cluster munition rockets clearly establishes the flight path of the attack, confirming that the rockets were fired from a government-held area south of Novomykhailivka," the document asserted.

The HRW report condemned "the indiscriminate, and unlawful, nature of the use of cluster munitions in populated areas", saying that ceasefire violations by one party did not excuse violations by the other party.

Cluster munitions contain dozens or hundreds of submunitions. After the launch of a cluster bomb a container opens up and disperses submunitions, making them spread over a wide area endangering anyone in the vicinity. So far, 114 countries have joined a treaty, banning cluster munitions. Ukraine is not a party to the treaty.

A ceasefire is officially still in place between pro-Kiev forces and local militias in eastern Ukraine, though the sides have repeatedly accused each other of breaching the truce.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Goldman Sachs Model Shows Europe Already in Recession
Russian news: Goldman Sachs Model Shows Europe Already in Recession - Russia Insider

The European Commission slashed Eurozone GDP estimates yet again.

Revision Summary
The EC revised Ireland, Malta, and Slovenia up.
Greece and Netherlands were flat.
The EC revised every other country lower from forecasts made in May of 2014.
Notably, the EC cut the Germany forecast from 2% to 1.1% now. France went from 1.5% to 0.7%.
Still Too Optimistic
The revised forecast still seems very rosy.
Unless one uses the strict definition of two consecutive quarters of declining growth, Europe is arguably in recession right now. Greece, Spain, and Italy are actually in economic depressions.

Greece GDP may be positive ( no is not..:rolleyes:) , but from a crushingly low level and Greek unemployment remains over 26 percent. Youth unemployment is over 50%. It's tough to view the state of affairs as anything other than an economic depression with unemployment rates that high.

France is at best treading water, and Germany has slowed markedly. Absurd sanctions on Russia hurt the entire Eurozone, and the slowdown in China is icing on the cake.

Goldman's Model Shows Recession

As I was pondering the ridiculousness of those European Commission forecasts, Zerohedge reported Europe In Triple-Dip Recession, Goldman's Internal Model Finds.

Goldman's model is called "Retina". Text snip below is from Goldman, as reported by ZeroHedge. No link available.
Since our previous update in mid-October, RETINA's median estimate of Q3 GDP growth has moved deeper into negative territory, driven largely by a disappointing print for area-wide industrial production in August. The downside risks to our +0.1%qoq [quarter over quarter] judgemental forecast for Q3 GDP now look skewed to such an extent that our point estimate no longer falls within a 50% confidence interval around RETINA's median reading.

RETINA Sees Negative GDP Growth
From mid-September to mid-October, RETINA's median estimate for third-quarter GDP growth (the red line in Chart 1) fell from around +0.3%qoq to just short of -0.2%qoq. Following a disappointing contraction in area-wide August IP [Industrial Production] on 14 October, RETINA's median estimate fell a further 10bp -- yet deeper into negative territory. Having stabilised at around -0.3%qoq in the past fortnight, RETINA's median estimate is now some 40bp weaker than our current judgemental forecast for Q3 GDP growth.

This is yet more pessimistic than the latest available poll among other private-sector economists (collated on 8 September), which envisaged Q3 growth of around +0.35%qoq. Retina Summation

Retina vs. Eurostat Summation

Eurostat's Eurozone Q3 GDP Estimate: 0.9%
Goldman's Initial "Judgemental" Forecast: 0.4%
Goldman's Revised "Judgemental" Forecast: 0.1%
Goldman's "Retina" Forecast: -0.3%
It's High Time Russia Got Rid of its Oligarchs
In 2014, the Western offensive to isolate, encircle and eventually undermine any possibility of an independent Russian state went into high gear.

The US financed a civil-military coup ousting the elected regime of President Viktor Yanukovytch, who had opposed EU annexation and NATO affiliation. Washington imposed a puppet regime deeply hostile to Russia and ethnic Russian-Ukrainian citizens in the southeast and Crimea.

Russian opposition to the coup and support for pro-democracy federalists in the south-east and Crimea served as a pretext for Western sanctions in an effort to undermine Russia's oil, banking and manufacturing sectors and to cripple its economy.

Imperial strategists in Washington and Brussels broke all previous agreements with the Putin Administration and tried to turn Putin's oligarch allies against the Russian president by threatening their holdings in the West (especially laundered bank accounts and properties).

Russian state oil companies, engaged in joint ventures with Chevron, Exxon, and Total, were suddenly cut off from Western capital markets.

The cumulative impact of this decade-long Western offensive culminating in the current wave of severe sanctions was to provoke a recession in Russia, to undermine the currency (the ruble declined 23% in 2014), drive up the cost of imports and hurt local consumers.

Russian industries, dependent on foreign equipment and parts, as well as oil companies dependent on imported technology for exploiting the Arctic reserves were made to feel the pain of 'Putin's intransigence'.

Despite the short-term successes of the US-EU war against the Russian economy, the Putin Administration has remained extremely popular among the Russian electorate, with approval ratings exceeding 80%. This has relegated Putin's pro-Western opposition to the dust bin of history.

Nevertheless the Western sanctions policy and the aggressive political – NATO military encirclement of Russia, has exposed the vulnerabilities of Moscow.

Russian Vulnerabilities: The Limits of Putin's Restoration of Russian Sovereignty

In the aftermath of the Western and Russian oligarch's pillage of the Russian economy and the savage degradation of Russian society, President Putin pursued a complex strategy.

First, he sought to differentiate between 'political' and 'economic' oligarchs: the latter included oligarchs willing to co-operate with the government in rebuilding the economy and willing to confine their activity to the generous guidelines set forth by President Putin.

They retained enormous economic power and profits, but not political power. In exchange, Putin allowed the 'economic' oligarchs to maintain their dubiously-acquired business empires.

In contrast, those oligarchs who sought political power and financed Yeltsin-era politicians were targeted – some were stripped of their fortunes and others were prosecuted for crimes, ranging from money laundering, tax evasion, swindles and illegal transfer of funds overseas up to financing the murder of their rivals.

The second focus of President Putin's early political strategy was to deepen Russian cooperation with Western states and economies but on the basis of reciprocal market exchanges rather than one-sided, Western appropriation of Russian resources prevalent under Yeltsin.

Putin sought to secure greater political-military integration with the US and EU to ensure Russian borders and spheres of influence. To that end, President Putin opened Russian military bases and supply lines for the US-EU military forces engaged in the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and he did not oppose the EU-US sanctions against Iran.

Putin acquiesced to the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, despite Russia's long standing economic ties with Baghdad. He joined the five powers 'overseeing" the Palestine – Israeli 'peace' talks and went along with Washington's one-sided support of Israel. He even gave the 'green light' to the NATO bombing of Libya, naively assuming it would be a limited affair – a 'humanitarian' intervention.

As a result of Putin's political and diplomatic collusion with the Washington-NATO military expansion, Russian trade, investment and finance with the West prospered. Russian firms raised loans in Western capital markets; foreign investors flocked to the Russian stock market and multi-nationals formed joint ventures.

Major oil and gas ventures flourished. The Russian economy recovered the living standards of the Soviet era; consumer spending boomed; unemployment fell from double to single digit; salaries and back wages were paid and research centers, universities, schools and cultural institutions began to recover.

The third component of Putin's strategy was the state recovery (re-nationalization) of the strategic oil and gas sector. By outright purchase and buy-outs, through financial audits and the confiscation of the assets of gangster oligarchs, the Russian state takeover of oil and gas was successful.
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Nov 17, 2014
The Nazi plan for Novorussia: children bombed into basements and total war
You probably have not heard about that, but the Junta in Kiev has officially declared that it plans to suspend the European Convention on Human Rights in Novorussia. Of course, considering that Poroshenko has also declared that he is ready for 'total war' with Russia, this is hardly surprising, and it's not like the Ukrainian death squads have ever let any kind of human rights stand in the way of their atrocities against the civilian population of the Donbass. As for Poroshenko, he appears to be practicing for the upcoming 'total war' against Russia by waging a 'total war' against his own people. Here is, in his own words, how he plans to win the war against "these people":
Tomorrow,p0rkishenko will say that the people of the Donbass is behind him and his ss army .....

2 BM27 destroyed by the rebels.
Now,the ss "soldiers" won't shell civilian areas.

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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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The "GRAD" missiles, tank and infantry fighting vehicle of the Ukrainian army have been destroyed by the armed forces of Novorossiya.



Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Ukraine will lose the war despite American and European support. Now NovoRussia is a reality. Kiev has withdrawn State services from rebel areas. This is actually a very big win for NovoRussia.

Russia faces "ISOLATION" from Europe, not from the world. Russia has ENOUGH friends. Russia does not need to worry. If Russia stays the course, Russia will win. Russia has to kick out West leaning oligarchs, nationalize its banks and strengthen its military.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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A small group of masked thugs attacked a former local government official Irina Komissar in Zaporozhye. This violent act is called "populous lustration", when the officials are supposedly made responsible for their wrongdoings.

It is difficult to say how bad Irina Komissar's work in the local government was, but the actual scenario of the "lustration", when several masked man attack and abuse a defensless woman both verbally and physically, very much describes the state of the Ukrainian society today - rocket-fast degradation to the state of a third world country at its worst.

Below is the full "dialog", or rather list of phrases shouted by the masked "representatives of the Ukrainian people", which in itself gives a very good picture of the modern Ukrainian democracy:
- Hello!
- How are you, Anisimov's whore?
- What're you gonna say, woman?
- Are you ready?
- Get out of here, get out of Zaporozhye
- Get out of Zaporozhye, Anisimov's whore!
- The gang must be out!
- The gang must be out!
- ----ing Anisimov's whore!
- Glory to Ukraine!
- Get the ---- out of Zaporozhye, ----ing bitch!

Source of video:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
The Wall Street Journal Wants the US to Go To War in Ukraine
  • WSJ insists Putin never backs down, but wants Obama to "stop" him
  • Since that can not be done short of a US-Russia war, is that what it wants?
  • The WSJ is a neo-con war-monger, pushing the US into endless wars all over the world


Pat Buchanan, previously a US Presidential candidate is a leading voice of American Conservatism.

This is an excerpt of an article that appeared on his website on Tuesday.

"How do you like the Journal's war?"

So boasted the headline of William Randolph Hearst's New York flagship that week in 1898 that the United States declared war on Spain.

While Hearst's Journal, in a circulation battle with Joe Pulitzer's World, was a warmongering sheet, it did not start the war.

Yet the headline comes to mind reading the Wall Street Journal, whose editorial pages seem to have concluded that on Nov. 4 America voted for new wars in the Middle East, and beyond.

On Nov. 15, its lead editorial declared that the great "question before President Obama and Europe is how to stop the Napoleon of the Kremlin."

Putin is Napoleon? Has the Journal lost it?

Vladimir Putin is 62. By age 40, Napoleon's empire encompassed nearly all of Europe. France had swallowed Belgium, Holland, parts of Germany and the Italian coast to Rome. The Emperor had alliances with Austria, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and a truncated Prussia. Virtually all the resources, industries and populations of Continental Europe were at the service of the French Empire.

Putin has reacquired Crimea, which belonged to Russia before the United States was a nation, and is about the size of Vermont.

Napoleon made it to Moscow. Does the Journal think Putin will make it to Paris, as Czar Alexander I did, or to Berlin, as Stalin did?

The Journal hails the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 18-0 vote to arm the Ukrainians, and urges Congress to do the same.

And what would be the result of U.S. heavy weapons arriving in Kiev?

Would Putin recoil in shock and awe and scurry out of Crimea?

Probably not, as the Journal itself concedes, "In 15 years running Russia, Mr. Putin has never stood down."

And if Putin, seeing U.S. weapons arriving in Kiev, sent in the Russian army to annex Luhansk and Donetsk, took Mariupol on the Black Sea coast, established a land bridge to Crimea, and then offered to negotiate, what would Kiev do?

Even with U.S. weapons Ukraine cannot defeat Russia.

What would we do? Accept defeat? Send U.S. advisers or troops into Ukraine? Launch strikes on Russian forces? Blockade Crimea? Are we really prepared for war with Russia, over Donetsk?

Since Nov. 4, the Journal and its neocon allies have been cawing for U.S. troops to fight ISIL in Iraq and Syria, for U.S. air strikes on Assad's regime, for bombing Iran, and for arming Ukraine to fight the Russians in a war that Kiev would surely lose.

Was this what America voted for on Nov. 4?

Is this what the Grand Old Party has on offer – endless war?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Putin's Sunday Interview on German TV (Dubbed + Transcript)

  • In the last decade US has grown its network of military bases close to Russia and expanded NATO.
  • Even when Russia had grounded its bomber aircraft, the US continued to fly nuclear-capable bombers in the vicinity of Russian borders.
  • Due to existing deals, the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement would have enabled EU goods to enter Russia tariff-free.
  • Germany, France and Poland did not stick by the February 21st Agreement they had imposed on Yanukovich.
  • Crimea follows the precedent of Kosovo.
  • Ukraine has a future as a large, European country, but for that all its inhabitants must feel at home within its borders.
  • Russia does not want special responsibility for Ukraine. Ukraine is independent, free and sovereign.
  • Concern that Ukraine tolerates people fighting under SS emblems, fear of possible ethnic cleansing.
  • The fundamental cause of conflict in Ukraine is that in the wake of the coup the new central authorities in Kiev sent the army against people who did not recognize them instead of attempting dialog.
  • A negotiated way out of the deadlock in East Ukraine is still possible.
  • Sanctions have been harmful for Russia and everyone else, but there were some positives as well and the Russian economy has grown regardless.
  • "Today there is fighting in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian central authorities have sent the armed forces there and they even use ballistic missiles. Does anybody speak about it? Not a single word. ... This points to the fact, that you want the Ukrainian central authorities to annihilate everyone there... we won't let it happen.
  • "Russian banks have currently extended a $25 billion loan to the Ukrainian economy. If our European and American partners want to help Ukraine, how can they undermine the financial base limiting our financial institutions' access to world capital markets? Do they want to bankrupt our banks? In that case they will bankrupt Ukraine."
  • Russia will not call in loans, wants Ukraine to get on its feet.
  • Germany ostensibly wants the conflict in Ukraine to be solved, but has been reluctant to influence its clients in Kiev to this end.
  • "We are told again and again: pro-Russian separatists must do this and this, you must influence them in this way, you must act in that way. I have always asked them: "What have you done to influence your clients in Kiev?"
  • Russia and Germany have established a great friendship in the last 10-15 years that it would be a shame to lose.

Full article: Russian news: Putin's Recent Interview on German TV (Dubbed + Transcript) - Russia Insider

Listen to the first couple of minutes, and apparently, Putin predicted the events of 2014 in 2001!


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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The Wall Street Journal Wants the US to Go To War in Ukraine
  • WSJ insists Putin never backs down, but wants Obama to "stop" him
  • Since that can not be done short of a US-Russia war, is that what it wants?
  • The WSJ is a neo-con war-monger, pushing the US into endless wars all over the world


Pat Buchanan, previously a US Presidential candidate is a leading voice of American Conservatism.

This is an excerpt of an article that appeared on his website on Tuesday.

That's cowboy idea from WSJ. But NATO does need to help Ukraine military get back on its feet at least to be able to defend its territorial integrity.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia Shorts the Dollar, Bets on Gold

  • Economists close to Putin believe the dollar is ultimately doomed.
  • In the past three months Russia has bought far more gold than any other central bank.
  • Sanctions have stalled Russia gold exports enabling the central bank to add to its reserves on the cheap.


Leonid Bershidsky (Bloomberg) [Bloomberg? That is a welcome surprise.]

This article originally appeared at Bloomberg.

Yes, I think i'll have this one.

Switzerland is preparing to hold a referendum on whether to keep 20 percent of its international reserves in gold.

Meanwhile, Russia, which would never ask its citizens to weigh in on such matters, is increasing its gold holdings. It accounted for 59 percent of net gold purchases by central banks in the third quarter of 2014, according to the World Gold Council.

Russia has been increasing its stockpile since the global financial crisis, and the more recent Western sanctions -- which the European Union said today might be strengthened -- have only confirmed to Russian policy makers that they're doing the right thing.

Central banks have been net buyers of gold since 2010

World Gold Council

Emerging economies drove the change: The 2008 financial crisis and Europe's debt woes undermined faith in reserve currencies such as the dollar and the euro.

Economists who are close to the Kremlin, and far removed from the global academic mainstream, have been telling President Vladimir Putin that the dollar was doomed because the Federal Reserve was printing too much money and that Russia needed to reduce its dependence on the shaky Western financial system.

Those ideas may be convincing; they echo the reasoning of the Swiss populists who initiated the gold referendum.

After the annexation of Crimea in March, Putin's economic adviser Sergei Glazyev made "financial sovereignty" a hot subject for the country's paranoid security elite. In an interview in May, Glazyev said:

Of course, all the freely convertible currencies are today under American control: The euro through NATO mechanisms, the pound through the U.S. alliance with Great Britain, the yen through Japan's political dependence from the U.S.

Nevertheless, assets in our trade partners' currencies are, to a certain extent, a replacement [for keeping international reserves in U.S. Treasuries]. So are precious metals. I believe that in a situation of growing military and political confrontation the gold price will go up again.

And let's not forget that Americans' refusal to honor their debts will undermine trust ion the dollar not just in this country but in others. It will be a step toward the end of the American financial empire.

It will give us a chance to be among the first to suggest a new configuration for the world financial system, in which the role of national currencies would be significantly higher.

Glazyev's forecast was wrong: Russia's newly confrontational relationship with the West didn't cause the price of gold to recover. The spot price is down 16 percent from this year's high, reached March 14, even though Russia's purchases have increased.

After buying just 6 metric tons of the metal in the first quarter, it acquired 109 tons in the next six months, more than in each of the previous two full years, according to the World Gold Council.

Russia's gold stockpile is now bigger than China's, and fifth in the world after those of the U.S., Germany, France and Italy.

In dollar terms, gold made up 10.5 percent of the country's international reserves on Nov. 1, up from 8.4 percent a year earlier. That figure also reflects the fall in the ruble's value, as well as the decline in currency reserves caused by the central bank's efforts to fund Russian borrowers that can't refinance foreign debts because of the sanctions.

Nonetheless, the central bank's data, which value the country's stock of gold at $45.3 billion, don't appear to accurately reflect the purchases reported by the World Gold Council.

Between April and September, the dollar value of Russia's gold reserves only increased by $1.6 billion, though the additional 109 tons of the metal acquired in the second and third quarters had a value of $4.2 billion on Oct. 1. The price drop in that period doesn't explain the discrepancy.

In other words, Russian statistics appear to underestimate the value of the country's gold, even as the metal accounts for a growing share of its international reserves.

The central bank buys gold for rubles from local producers who before the sanctions sold much of their output to Russian banks, which exported it.

Since the imposition of the sanctions, exports from Russia's state-owned banks have stalled, even though gold isn't covered by the restrictions.

The decline in foreign demand has allowed the central bank to replenish its reserves at lower cost.

The growth of Russia's gold reserves is evidence of both the leadership's paranoia about the West and the country's resilience. Few other nations are able to extract relatively liquid foreign reserves from the ground.

If the Swiss vote to increase their country's gold reserves above 20 percent, the Swiss National Bank will be forced to make huge purchases in the market, driving up the value of the Russian stockpile.

The Swiss People's Party, if it succeeds, will have helped Russia weather the sanctions and the recent decline in the price of oil.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
The Economist on Ukraine

Even though Ukraine's debt burden has soared from 40% of GDP in 2013 to perhaps 70% now, both the government and the IMF still claim that it can meet its debt payments. This is implausible.

Thanks to artificially low prices, the deficit of Naftogaz, the state gas company, is over 4% of GDP and energy efficiency is one-third of the EU average.

The decline in GDP is twice as big as the IMF forecast in April.

The hryvnia, which hit a new nadir of 16 to the dollar this week, has lost half its value this year.

The collapse of Ukraine's economy: Don't chicken out of Kiev | The Economist
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