Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
I don't think that the detailed reporting of Reuters on the interview could have been fabricated, I mean the article contained plenty of lengthy statements like:

It will be interesting how Reuters will survive as a source of news (that other media company buys from) if ever their handling of this interview is bungled by faulty or deliberate slanting of translation. I'm sure AP and Agence France Presse even non-Western media like Al Jazeera are just waiting to pounce on their rival's mistake.

But if you tell me that the denials is coming from Russian media, then forget it.
Ohhooo...with you nothing can go wrong !! Nothing can be fabricated from the Western Media. Why, you are yourself a mouthpiece of the Western Media, so how can you say anything wrong ?


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
Why am I supposed to wait for years to point a finger at anyone? I do have a mind to make a decision on what version to believe at? Obviously you believe the version of Russia that it was the Ukrainian government that shoot down MH17 for a media stunt to put blame on Russia.

Don't demean the memories of my dead countrymen in MH17 by trivializing their deaths with knee jerk association with America. The murder of MH17 is not about America.
Well, conspiracy theories have it that even the MH-370 was downed by a stray missile from one of US AEGIS systems. One of the reasons why it suddenly blacked out.(I am not claiming anything).

Another claim by your favourite media:
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Regular Member
Mar 15, 2011
Yes, many posters would be pro Russian.

There are good reasons for that too.

The US (note not the West though) tends to bulldoze their point of view and actions as the sole view or actions that is legitimate. One is well aware that the US is no Saint and has done enough through their various agencies to destabilise the world and carry out regime changes unilaterally. And yet, they pose it is all for Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights and all that, which is actually bogus and whole lot of hot air.

Unlike US, Russia and China do not make a song and a dance over how they are God's gift to Humanity.

Therefore, even if one is piqued with them, both Russia and China are taken for what they are worth - that they are no God;s gift to Humanity and have human foibles and feet of clay.

Soros is a front for the US covert activities. He has funded many a colour revolution in Eastern Europe and that is a well known fact. So has USAID, National Endowment for Democracy. Even Ford Foundation has been complicit in CIA operations.

Dennis Kucinich, the six term Ohio Congressman and once a Presidential Candidate has come out against the US involvement in Ukraine.

Read my reply to him.

And listen to Dennis Kucinich.

I go by all views that are available and not go by predetermined dogmas.
I disagree with your views on the USA, Russia and China. Think I'll just leave it there.

As, I was saying I'm aware of who Soros is. Would not be surprised if he's, some how, involved in the situation in the Ukraine and would be surprised if the CIA weren't. But as I was saying before, that's what foreign policy entails.

I actually wont listen to Kucinich. As a person, I don't mind the guy and have no opinion of American domestic politics/ politicians. But, if you want to refer to him as a Presidential Candidate, I think it's fair for me to point that he was no where near being selected. Kucinich has also claimed to have seen a UFO as was supported by Sean Penn. While he's retired and can say whatever he wants now, I don't consider him important enough to pay attention to.

Ukraine is too small to be one. Moreover, even in Russia too few people to create a closed production cycle. The unions of the countries is necessary for Europe began to create the European Union.
How has the Eurasian Union and Russia joining the WTO effected the Russian economy? A short(-ish) answer please.

If you already know that the rebels might have mistakenly shot the plane, then why do you keep blabbering from the start that Putin must be hanged for this?. Just like US supports the murderous regime with contractors from Blackwater and strategists from CIA, Russia supports the rebels which has the majority Russian speaking population.

Call it a conspiracy theory
Putin is the boss. When the organisation fails, the boss gets sacked. As to your ideas...

I don't understand how the neutrality of the Indian Govt can be construed as Pro-West ? Some f_ _ _ked up ideology !!
I also don't understand that. Also. I don't understand why you are construing that is what I said, as it clearly wasn't. Strongly suspect you just wanted to swear at me. Have fun with that.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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July 23 Reuters published an interview with Ukraine rebel commander Khodakovsky where he acknowledges rebels having BUK missiles. Or does he?

I just gone through the video you posted. I cannot understand why you would say that Reuters is busted? Nothing in the video debunked specific quotes made by Reuters from the interview. Instead there's only a general claim at the end that Reuters misconstrued the statements of Khodakovsky when in fact he was only posing rhetorical questions against the Ukrainian government. But was he?

What the poster of the video left out was that the statements of Khodakovsky to Reuters was not only on his rhetorical question as to why Ukraine did not try to stop the rebels from using the Buk when they (Ukrainian government) already knew its presence.

He also made this startling and actually very damaging if true allegations that tellingly were not rebutted by the maker of the video:

"I knew that a BUK came from Luhansk. At the time I was told that a BUK from Luhansk was coming under the flag of the LNR," he said, referring to the Luhansk People's Republic, the main rebel group operating in Luhansk, one of two rebel provinces along with Donetsk, the province where the crash took place.
"That BUK I know about. I heard about it. I think they sent it back. Because I found out about it at exactly the moment that I found out that this tragedy had taken place. They probably sent it back in order to remove proof of its presence," Khodakovsky told Reuters on Tuesday.
So where in the video is Reuters busted? Anyway, if there is ever serious misrepresentation or slanting by Reuters it will come out into the open as its competition will pounce on it.
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Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
I also don't understand that. Also. I don't understand why you are construing that is what I said, as it clearly wasn't. Strongly suspect you just wanted to swear at me. Have fun with that.
Without smoke there is never a fire. If that is not what you meant, take a chill pill. It is intended for those who meant it.


Regular Member
Jul 23, 2014
How has the Eurasian Union and Russia joining the WTO effected the Russian economy? A short(-ish) answer please.
The WTO came a few years ago. Many conditions yet-that is not yet in force. Already there are problems - for example, the impact of restrictions on the support of agriculture.

Because I am a supporter of the translation of the base of the economy on a scheduled basis, and do not support the European system of ownership of knowledge and technology (realm of ideas can not be owned by a private person, this is artificial restriction), I stand and I will act for failure to comply with WTO agreements.

The Eurasian Union is only beginning to emerge. About the global effects it is too early to say. In particulars can you give an example of a company with which we cooperate - Russian-Kazakh company, produced in control vehicles systems based on GLONASS without problems apply in Russia, and Kazakhstan having had a unified system of certification.
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Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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If you already know that the rebels might have mistakenly shot the plane, then why do you keep blabbering from the start that Putin must be hanged for this?. Just like US supports the murderous regime with contractors from Blackwater and strategists from CIA, Russia supports the rebels which has the majority Russian speaking population.

Call it a conspiracy theory, but here is my moderate theory (since I don't have all the data.. call the americans, will ya? ). US/Ukraine has solid evidence of Russian Buk missiles being transported and rebels possessing it (US ofcourse has the data from the dedicated satellite which monitors the SAM launches in the region. Now they observed a pattern of flights getting downed. Now they drew up a plan to pin the blame on Russia and the rebels and turn the losing game swiftly into a position of advantage to Ukraine. How do they turn the international opinion against Rebels without dirtying their hands? Now the strategists pulled out how the air traffic is passing every day and got a master plan.

First they deployed all the Buk SAM's at multiple points near the rebel region and make sure they monitored it from the radars. That's why there was an increasing concentration of Ukrainian Buk's which are active even though there is no rebel airforce to counter. They calculated all the possible paths and the reaction time once the Buk's get fired. They sent a AN-26 transport and the rebels shot it down. And now the rebels are boasting about it in twitter. The real mission started immediately after the AN-26 was shot down. The first possible victim was identified (target MH-17 flying towards the rebel airspace). They made sure that there are atleast a couple of civilian aircrafts passing near behind MH-17 just in case. Now they were tracking the flight and the Su-25's were timed to be there by the MH-17 at the same time when MH-17 will be in the range of Buk's. They sent 2 Su-25's just to make sure they grab the attention of rebels. They were nearby MH-17 and the moment they detected a launch towards them, they crossed off MH-17 to the other side and that's why you see MH-17 veering of the path. The Buk hit your plane. Since higher ups in Ukraine knew about this, the military is there ready at the Kiev ATC just in case. The moment the Spanish ATC guy in Kiev put it on twitter that Su-25's are there escorting Su-25, they were evacuated within minutes and the twitter account deleted. Objective achieved. Now Russia can't accept that their Buk's were there with the rebels (the article related to Reuters that you are blabbering about). US immediately proclaimed the proofs were there and Russia is guilty of it. Ukraine got justification to massacre the civilians in the rebel areas. Now since the world is so much prejudiced against any information from Russia (count yourself and Akim and few others here), it is very easy to manipulate the media which is already in western control. Russia can't prove anything without putting itself in the mix. A catch 22 there.

That's a brief of it. All the required details to support this theory are there in this thread. I just connected the dots. Whether it's true or not, that's something i can't tell. But certainly i can tell that the motive is good enough for Ukraine to plot a mudsling operation like this. Rebels and MH17 possible victims. And all of this is prequel to the coming war which in no uncertain terms is going to happen and the change in the world's power equations.
A great fairy tale. I love reading them. The rebel leader has himself admitted his fault. Even in Telegraph, which I read, the blame has been put on Putin and Russia. Now will you say that even Indian media is biased?

As for the coming war I do not think none of that will ever happen. Putin has already backed down after the sanctions. He and his Russia cannot survive without money.
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Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
I don't get you. Do you mean to say that there is no civil war in Ukraine or something else ??

I clearly said, the CIVIL WAR, NO! This is all an illusion, created by Russia, according to the old scheme. At the beginning of this conflict, indeed, was a big support of separatism in the South-East. The people were in despair, Yanukovych had betrayed us, people didn't know what to expect from the new government Feared that came to power nationalists. They are afraid that their principles are violated. Nationalists began to struggle with the Soviet monuments, symbols, names. The police was demoralized. In this time of troubles, Russia annexed the Crimea and tried to create a quasi-state. However, over time it became all get better and people saw that the nationalists in power miser, nobody encroaches on their language and culture.

Mariupol. The largest Ukrainian flag.


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2011
The WTO came a few years ago. Many conditions yet-that is not yet in force. Already there are problems - for example, the impact of restrictions on the support of agriculture.

Because I am a supporter of the translation of the base of the economy on a scheduled basis, and do not support the European system of ownership of knowledge and technology (realm of ideas can not be owned by a private person, this is artificial restriction), I stand and I will act for failure to comply with WTO agreements.

The Eurasian Union is only beginning to emerge. About the global effects it is too early to say. In particulars can you give an example of a company with which we cooperate - Russian-Kazakh company, produced in control vehicles systems based on GLONASS without problems apply in Russia, and Kazakhstan having had a unified system of certification.
Agriculture is always a problem for international trade agreements. Intellectual property rights are taken extremely seriously, so sounds like that will be problem too. I'd presumed the bigger problems, for Russia, would have been state subsidies to industry eg. Russian defence and automotive companies...

While trade with the EU has been extremely beneficial to Russia, it places Russia in an awkward strategic position. Hypothetically, if the EU stops buying Russian oil and gas (they wont) your country's economy would collapse and if they froze all the assets of Russians in the EU (they wont) alot of "very important" Russians would be very, very annoyed.

This (almost definitely) wont be happening as Russian oil and money is too important to the EU. But, it's not the ideal position for Russia to be in and greater co-operation with organisations like the WTO, and potentially the Eurasian Union, could lead to Russia getting more business partners outside the EU.

RAAF transporting corpses to the Netherlands.

The hearses of the victims leaving the airport. Only the first batch of dead were transported today. There are still more in the mortuary in the Ukraine and not all the bodies have been recovered from the scene as yet. None of the dead have, yet, been identified

Know I where @Hello10 has got to and the reason why he hasn't been psoting for a while.

From the article;

"Strelkov" once ordered his subordinate Cossacks to dress less provocatively in order to avoid provoking sexual desire among gay Caucasians.

But now that Strelkov is suspected of international terrorism, Putin will not need him much longer. Probably in the coming days, Vladimir Putin will do everything possible to get rid of an ally who has become a deadly danger, whose war games now force Putin to make midnight phone calls to Western leaders and to publically justify himself in a way unheard of in Putin's Russia.​
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Regular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Igor Strelkov: Russian War Reenactor Fights Real War in Ukraine | New Republic

"But now that Strelkov is suspected of international terrorism, Putin will not need him much longer. Probably in the coming days, Vladimir Putin will do everything possible to get rid of an ally who has become a deadly danger, whose war games now force Putin to make midnight phone calls to Western leaders and to publically justify himself in a way unheard of in Putin's Russia. "

Transnational and Russian forces promoted Strelkova lost. The game has received publicity. With approximately 9-10 July, if I'm not mistaken, Strelkov under control. "Network" and a number of politicians have discredited themselves by making dry shot. Long-term practices for the control of public opinion, tens of billions of dollars invested in the game on the verge of losing.

Those who used the Novorossia for its own purposes and almost brought her to the victim needs to calm down.
The Ukrainian side has committed many crimes because of this Russian civil society to help the militia of Donbass, even after removal of psevdorussian provocateurs.
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Regular Member
Jul 23, 2014
You take her and seek. I'm not going to prove. You're a pawn.
You do not have these sources, you gave false information.

Your Moscow bots occupied all Eastern-ukrainian site! Want, look at that shit himself.
I don't know sit whether Moscow bots on the Ukrainian site, but Kievs bots and bot from the Baltic information center of NATO, on the Russian sites sit accurately.
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Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
You do not have these sources, you gave false information.

I don't know sit whether Moscow bots on the Ukrainian site, but Kievs bots and bot from the Baltic information center of NATO, on the Russian sites sit accurately.
Донецк Форум. Донецкий форум.
I have seen it before and did not remember. In our country there is a war, and you dig into the details. Psychology shopkeeper. Me there is no difference. From what I can convince one, ten, million people - the war will not end. You do not Putler.
Have you ever deign to look at the Donetsk sites that I have already given? Where militants called militants and not a militia. In Donetsk, have there was one free source of information - the Internet. Ukrainian TV channels disabled, radio banned, Newspapers have been closed or are under heavy censorship. Local TV channels are captured But DNR (Donetsk Narcomaniac Republic) had his own police (полицаи), which today robbed the supermarket.

Question. Have you ever been to Ukraine?
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