Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Some reports coming in:
'White Widow' terrorist shot dead in Ukraine
So seems like Ukr will employ all kinds of people from ISIS terrorists to neo-Nazis to mercenaries to Blackwater like outfits.
Also the SBU (Ukarine's special services) has put a $ 1 million bounty on the guy who killed the international terrorist.
SBU will not let the death of its terrorists friends go in vain. :thumb:
Source: Wanted British 'White Widow' terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite 'shot dead by Russian sniper in Ukraine' - Mirror Online

A British woman terrorist suspect dubbed the 'White Widow' has been killed in Ukraine, it was claimed on Wednesday.
Samantha Lewthwaite, 30, was gunned down by a Russian sniper two weeks ago, alleged Regnum news agency in Moscow.
One of Britain's most wanted people, she was reported last month as fighting for the Islamic State's terrorists in Syria.
The extraordinary Russian claim could not be verified last night.
'One of the world's most wanted terrorists Samantha Lewthwaite who fought as part of a Ukrainian battalion has been killed by a volunteer sniper,' said the news agency report.
'According to our information, the White Widow fought on the side of Ukrainian volunteer battalion Aidar as a sniper.
She was killed by 'a volunteer sniper who came to fight at the Lugansk front from Russia'.
The report continued: 'The Russian sniper who killed the British terrorist now has a price of nearly one million dollars on his head from Ukrainian special services.'


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Russian news: Kiev's Far-Right Fighters Spread Chaos at Home - Russia Insider
Kiev's Far-Right Fighters Spread Chaos at Home

The relationship between the authorities and volunteer battalions is gradually deteriorating. Not too long ago the Governor of Donetsk region Kikhtenko talked about "out of control battalions", and recently Kiev Prosecutor Sergey Yuldashev made some harsh statements. He warned of a threat of armed revolution from armed to the teeth volunteers returning from the zone of the ATO to the capital and major cities.

"Let's face it: there are heroes and patriots, and then there are home front marauders in camouflage," - posted Yuldashev on the website of the Prosecutor's office. "No one was given carte blanche for chaos. Any person coming back from the zone of the ATO with weapons - is a criminal. We need to stop makhnovshina on the streets of Kiev and create a unified center for the protection of law and order".

Next, the prosecutor cited the statistics: the number of criminal cases for illegal arms trafficking increased 2.5 times, and only in Kiev since the beginning of the year there were 30 "aggravated and extremely aggravated" murders with participation of ex-combatants.

The list of complaints about the battalions is long. It is interference in the electoral process ("Donbass-1" interfered with the counting of votes in electoral district No. 59 in Bolshaja Novoselovka, Donetsk region, even pulled anti-aircraft guns and mortars up to the building, where the Election Commission was meeting), and questionable activity - on Sunday five Aidar fighters arrived at Zaporizhia Aluminum Factory, ostensibly to prevent a theft of property, and started an altercation with regular police.

Accusations of extortion are most frequent. From the latest: yesterday the office of 'Mariupolteploseti' was visited by soldiers of Azov, ostensibly to escort a new head, who was driven out of the enterprise by the employees. A couple days ago, armed men, who introduced themselves as fighters from Aidar, broke into a building with a helipad on Park street in Kiev. The visit was motivated by a desire to return the property to the state.

The commander of Donbass, Semen Semenchenko had to answer to the complaints of Facebook followers, outraged by parking habits of the "new majors" on jeeps with licence plates 'Donbass', 'Azov' and 'Aidar' in front of National Guard building in Kiev. "Plates, used in the ATO, have to be removed. All fighters must be on a military base or rehabilitation. Those who are done with service should take their badges off. We will catch and remove plates and badges," - replied the commander of Donbass on Facebook.

<--pagebreak-->The status of the battalions is a constant irritant for President's administration. Poroshenko's position is to merge territorial battalions with units of the Defense Ministry. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov doesn't agree with it. He wants to repurpose them to work locally. Advisor to the Interior Minister Anton Geraschenko believes that complaining about battalions is ungrateful: if not for them, according to Gerashchenko, the front line would run through Dnieper river.

"On many cases to which you refer, there is no confirmed data. I don't think it's a problem: it is not known for sure, who did the extortion - "unidentified persons" or members of the battalions. There are a lot of nuances, mutual accusations, false or misleading information in social networks".

SBU doesn't see a problem. "There are no visible threats from volunteer battalions, they are controlled by decent people," - said the advisor to Valentin Nalyvaychenko, diplomat Markiyan Lubkivsky. - "A key issue is cooperation: no need to rush to blame. Throwing accusations today is helping the enemy."

Meanwhile, according to newspaper "Zerkalo Nedeli", because of different attitudes about the role of volunteers, the President and Foreign Minister even started to argue in public at the last meeting of the Council of National Security and Defence. However, according to our source in the Administration of the President, that did not happen: "The President and the Minister did not argue. His position is known. We are of a poor opinion about the battalions. They are constantly trying to 'earn' extra money - Aidar 'worked' for money at all the districts in Donbass during the elections.

"We can explain each case: in the case of the helipad we helped return to the state a family property of Yanukovych," - says Sergey Melnichuk, commander of Aidar. - "Visit to Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Factory was also to prevent a theft. We are just highlighting, protecting properties which are up for grabs. We don't stay there. Unlike some other battalions which ask $120,000 for security functions".

At the same time, unofficially, people close to Aidar recognize that the problem exists. "The battalion was divided into several groups", - said the source. "At the head of the first was the battalion commander Sergey Melnichuk (the future Deputy from the Radical Party of Lyashko), the second - 'Daddy' (chief of staff of the battalion -Valentine Likholit). There is another group. Some of the fighters went to Kiev to expropriate some businesses. Some are "fighting" for the harvest in Cherkassy region. What is most amazing is how they manage to take the weapons out from the area of ATO surrounded by checkpoints. To cross it over unnoticed is impossible. We are fighting with this, but there is not enough resources for all. In Kiev we can control it, but what is happening in the country, no one knows".

Igor Mosiychuk, the former deputy commander of Azov, says that there is a tendency for guys just to leave the front. "About twenty percent had moved on," - said Mosiychuk to Vesti.

The issue of weapons is interpreted differently in various battalions. They believe that their rights are granted by Police Law. "The Statute says we should have weapons (small arms. - Ed.), we are the policemen. Fighters are classified as special purpose police, spetsnaz. And the status is even higher than Berkut, because of the function of anti-terrorism", - said battalion commander of Kharkov's "Slobozhanshchyna" Andrey Yangolenko - "If, say, the guys go on patrol, in the car - the driver and a senior get pistols, the third soldier holds a machine gun".

However, lawyers are urged not to treat the battalions as part of the Ministry of Interior or Ministry of Defense: they only fight in the area of the ATO. "Soldiers of the volunteer battalions can't leave their posts or take weapons without an order from the commanders. Moreover, they are forbidden to go with this weapon into any city that does not belong to the area of the ATO" - told Vesti a lawyer and human rights activist Eduard Bagirov - "Exception - guarding of detainees at the written request of the Prosecutor or representatives of SBU/MIA".

If they do this on the home front, then imagine what they do in Donbass?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014

The Right Sector militants are being withdrawn from the airport, following the losses that they suffered. The questions of fighting for the new terminal and the tower will be solved by the AFU units, like before. Over the last 2 days the intensity of the junta artillery work on the airport reduced, the impact of the pressure on Avdeyevka shows. The current activation of the military action in the area of the village of Peski and Avdeyevka suggests that the crucial nerve of the battle for the Donetsk airport is moved to the neighboring settlements from which the airport and the neighboring residential blocks of Donetsk are subjected to fire activity.

2. The junta activated counter-insurgency measures in the area of Artyomovsk, Kramatorsk, and Druzhkovka. Active work is carried out in these cities on revealing the potential supporters of the DPR. The enemy tries to suppress the local underground, which contacts the NAF SRG that conduct guerrilla activity in the rear strip. Drones are actively used to control the locality, a network of informants is deployed in the cities, social networks are actively monitored with the goal of discovering the traces of individuals with links to the underground. The activity in Artyomovsk has to do with the fact that one of the main supply lines of the junta military group near Donetsk passes through Artyomovsk. Effectively all vehicles that could be repaired were already moved from the tank depot in Artyomovsk to the Kharkov Malyshev tank factory. By the way, the shipments of spare parts to Kharkov from the Yaroslavl factory owned by Deripaska didn't save his Zaporozhye aluminum complex, which was taken away from him. So to speak, as a revenge for the property of Kolomoisky and Tarhuta, which was confiscated in Crimea.

3. The tanks from the cancelled contract of Ukraine and Congo are supposed to reinforce the mechanized detachments of the junta on the LPR territory, which includes those units that suffered loss of armor during the fighting for the numbered checkpoints. These machines will be designated to plug the holes in the acting detachments of the AFU. Also, it cannot be ruled out that they will be sent to arm the Naziguard units and punitive battalions, which are supposed to be merged into mechanized brigades. Because the rates of restoring the damaged and reserve materiel are still insufficient, the junta is forced to rake out the tanks from foreign contracts to the front without paying attention to their dubious combat readiness. The goals are quite understandable: to increase the level of armored vehicles supply in the first line units to 80-90 percent. Meanwhile, it is quite clear that from the point of view of quality, after the major losses of the most modern tanks in the fighting of July-September, they are forced to replace them with tanks of clearly much lower quality. Also, on the topic of contracts: attempts to use the shipment of Mi-24 attack helicopters from the contract with Mongolia currently run into the lack of spare parts, which were purchased in Russia before the war. Apparently, the junta failed to obtain the necessary spare parts and the process got stuck.

4. In the area of Debalcevo the junta mostly completed building a system of defense that consists of a peculiar network of company strongpoints that rely on the actions of mobile artillery groups and on the mobile reserve in the depth of the formation. The most robust defense is built in the area of Svetlodarsk, which is located in the bottleneck of the Debalcevo protrusion and without capturing which it is not possible to speak about any Debalcevo encirclement. The positions of the junta in the area of Uglegorsk are much weaker and, given a sufficient push, the city might well be captured. The ongoing fighting in the villages to the east of Debalcevo comprise a struggle for the forward zone of defense and don't promise any significant results. A strictly positional war is going on here. Overall, this is convenient for the junta, which is of course more concerned with the concentration of the NAF forces in the Gorlovka protrusion and in the zone of Mozgovoy's responsibility. Thus, the mechanized reserve of the junta currently stands not near Debalcevo (from where it could carry out dissecting strikes into the depth of the DPR, repeating the attempts to split the two republics as they tried to do it under Shakhtyorsk and Krasnyi Luch), but near Svetlodarsk, acting as an insurance of sorts in the case of a decisive NAF offensive.

5. The NAF offensive in the area of Schastye is developing quite slowly, again. Despite the triumphant communiques, Schastye wasn't fully encircled, the roadway Schastye-Novoaidar wasn't completely hijacked. In Schastye the enemy dug in quite seriously and clearly plans to hold the defense here at least until the Spring. Heavy BTGs still stand in the depth of the enemy formation as a reserve for the case of the breakthrough by the NAF or Voentorg. It must be noted that the enemy military in the LPR are supplied residually (the main flows are directed to Mariupol and near Donetsk). Because the junta gave up on the idea of the offensive on Lugansk, the forces on the front from Starobelsk to Stanitsa Luganskaya are simply required to hold a positional front line.

6. Regarding the killing of the "White Widow", who was supposedly located in the disposition of the punitive battalion "Aidar" under Debalcevo, by an unknown – but very accurate – sniper: there is no 100% confirmation of this yet, but if her death will be authentically confirmed, then I believe that it is unlikely that we can say that her death was accidental and an unknown sniper of the LPR killed such a high-value target as Samantha Lewthwaite. It is more likely that there was a special force operation that detected her presence in the Donbass territory and led a special sniper group within the striking distance, which liquidated the terrorist. It cannot be ruled out that several countries were interested in this. However, absent a reliable confirmation of Lewthwaite's death, all of this is just guess-work. (in Russian) – the online-broadcast of the military action in Donbass for 11/13 on the "Voice of Sevastopol" (in Russian) – the summary of the military events in Novorossia for 11/12 (in Russian) – the video-summary from "Cassad-TV" for November 11-12 (in Russian) – the video-summary for 11/12 from "Batman" (in Russian) – "Givi", the commander of "Somalia" battalion became a lieutenant colonel.

Original article: Colonel Cassad - Коротко о важном


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Briefly on the topic of the airport, because today they reported that they captured it, yet again.

In essence, little changed there: the old terminal was shown with the DPR flag a few days ago, the area of the new terminal was hit by the artillery. And the tales of "cyborgs" in the Ukrainian propaganda got a bit less psychotic. Apparently, with the help of the arriving reserves, the AFU again sent the junta forces into the underground facilities that lead from the air defense unit to the airport. Meanwhile, the pressure on Avdeyevka and shelling the junta positions under Peski are supposed to weaken the shelling of the NAF positions in the airport.

In this regard, if the NAF attempts of cutting the supply lines to Avdeyevka will end up successful and the artillery fire from there and from the side of Peski will weaken, then a more robust control over the semi-destroyed facilities of the Donetsk airport can be established and a sweep of underground communications can be started. For now it is not possible to speak of a complete encirclement of Avdeyevka, but there is certain progress in this direction. Some approaches to Avdeyevka are hit by the NAF artillery, which led to recent gung-ho reports of Avdeyevka supposedly being encircled and its sweep ongoing. Actually, the junta still holds it quite firmly, but the NAF pressure already starts to inflict certain losses on supplies. There are also losses from the NAF artillery fire.

Actually, the conclusion here is straightforward: without capturing Avdeyevka or Peski it is impossible to speak about full control over the airport. So, I would refrain from triumphant communiques for now and would wait for the results of the actions of our forces in the area of Avdeyevka.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
In Finland a lot of Ukrainians work in the agricultural industry, nothing bad to say about them nice people.

Has the civilization left Greece together with money? If you call all the Ukrainian girls prostitutes?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Has the civilization left Greece together with money? If you call all the Ukrainian girls prostitutes?
We should not generalize any country's women like this.
Hope Ukrainian men learn to treat their women with respect and take responsibility for family.


Jun 14, 2012
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We should not generalize any country's women like this.
Hope Ukrainian men learn to treat their women with respect and take responsibility for family.
Not all 20 million women - prostitutes. This is a very small percentage. However, it creates a wrong impression. If my wife would call abroad whore - I his Adam's Apple going to throw up. No matter who it is: an ordinary man or a policeman.

Also DNR. Their only supports 30% of the population of Donbass. However, they created the illusion.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Hug to Russian maybe in order or not in order.

But check this out

all you have to do is disprove what the author of the article has said and we will agree with your contentions.
It would be interesting to know, what Russia has to back up these new confrontation with west. It cannot win military or economic war? Now it is alienating herself from Europe and US. China will use Russia's dire situation to its benefit, not be "an ally". Who will be a friend of Russia in Europe when this crisis is over? This is one crazy conflict, actually I can think only one other European leader who was ready to gamble like Putin is gambling...
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
At least we know why @jouni supports Ukraine - for cheap labour.
The best course for Ukraine is to merge with Russia which will raise the standard of living in Ukraine by focussing Russia's money on welfare rather than defense.
Kiev is the biggest problem in creation of post-Soviet security structure.
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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Not all 20 million women - prostitutes. This is a very small percentage. However, it creates a wrong impression. If my wife would call abroad whore - I his Adam's Apple going to throw up. No matter who it is: an ordinary man or a policeman.

Also DNR. Their only supports 30% of the population of Donbass. However, they created the illusion.
Beautiful girl, congrats!


Jun 14, 2012
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same in UK, but with most post soviet countries girls have same reputation
There are statistics, how many prostitutes from the CIS work in the UK? I think it's a small percentage. Made mountains out of molehills.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
At least we know why @jouni supports Ukraine - for cheap labour.
The best course for Ukraine is to merge with Russia which will raise the standard of living in Ukraine by focussing Russia's money on welfare rather than defense.
Kiev is the biggest problem in creation of post-Soviet security structure.
For your knowledge, our labour laws means you have to pay the same salary for the same work. No matter if its Finnish, Ukrainian or even Indian.
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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Video of the Cossacks. "The special operation to suppress the checkpoint number 29: work" grads "AGSy and Cossack intelligence. Soldiers Army began a large-scale security operation LC to suppress the occupation forces checkpoint number 29 on the highway Bahmutka. In the village of Donetsk division "Babai" took height.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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"Defeated Ukrainian punitive position under the sand. Even deep caponiers not save punitive technique of jewelry work artillery brigade" Kalmius. "

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