China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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An effective dual use ship (British used two much smaller ocean liner ships to carry soldiers to repluse the Italian Agrentinian invasion of the Falklands). A fleet of 10 could perhaps move 65000 infantry to Australia, the Philippines or Indonesia in a few days. Your car transports can move the IFVs/LAVs.
And the US would be scratching their arses wouldn't they while the Chinese are upto all those activities you've listed .

If they are bots then they are bots the puppet masters or banksters have chosen to support, empower and enrich.
Yup. Those "banksters" or puppet masters must be controlled by the AI China's developed. Really glowing example.

anybody notice how the British built infrastructure in India, allowed immigration, allowed Indians to own things, treated Indians as citizens, moved Indians to other nations, gave them jobs, allowed them to be rich outside India and now the UK is a sh*t hole place with almost nothing left?
UK already made sh*t. Russia, France, USA, Canada rapidly going to sh*t.
If I'm not mistaken there are close to 2 million Chinese in the UK. And Chinese have been present in the US since the 1850s when all those rail roads to the west coast were being built. Besides most of your CCP & PLA top brass downwards have their kith & kin in the west including great helmsman 2.0 .

Perhaps you didn't see all those videos & pictures Indian posters shared about Chinese sh!tting on streets in the west at the drop of the hat so much so that Sweden had to post signboards declaring certain areas as no public sh!tting zones.

Chang here would like to review those pictures . @FalconSlayers

How much has Chinese contribution been to reduce the west to a sh!thole?

P.S - how many pints of extra sugary maple syrup down , chang ?


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
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China's security was compromised when it was poorer. All nations will conduct things to protect itself when they can afford it. Turbofans are critical to national security so they will have them if they can afford them. China can afford many, some failed but other succeeded. India can afford one -- and that failed.

This flies on Chinese engines:
View attachment 220875

So does this:
View attachment 220876

And this:
View attachment 220877

India does not have any aircraft that flies on Indian engines.

China had little AC before its rise. That changed greatly since 2000 because human conditions get better and you no longer need to suffer just to live :)

It is a matter of the economy.
These are stolen tech. Chinks have no industrial and intellectual capacity to design and build jet engines on it's own. Chinks are good at Stealing and copying though.
China had nothing before 2000. You should be thankful to US and the west that offered you contract manufacturing. This is the reason that your human conditions improved financially (Not anymore at present) and CCP directed all Chink Thieves to settle abroad and steal.
Now Chinks are suffering financially as usual because of CCP's blunders and mismanagement.

Again, please go to Pakistani, Burmese, Noko Forums. You will find your Target audience there.


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2022
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China's security was compromised when it was poorer. All nations will conduct things to protect itself when they can afford it. Turbofans are critical to national security so they will have them if they can afford them. China can afford many, some failed but other succeeded. India can afford one -- and that failed.
I have been explaining the gap of 15 years for a while now. India can afford many Turbofan engine programs in 2035,some will fail but others will succeed.

India does not have any aircraft that flies on Indian engines.

China had little AC before its rise. That changed greatly since 2000 because human conditions get better and you no longer need to suffer just to live :)

It is a matter of the economy.
India will have all its aircrafts that fly on Indian engines, come 2035. I agree ONLY with the last statement you made..."It is a matter of the economy".

So have patience and wait for 2030s decade and India will match all your expectations and aspirations for us :) If you have more patience and wait longer it may surpass China in many fields. In space i can already see indications where India landed on South pole before anyone did. All other nations have been conducting landings at barren and well trodden lunar equatorial regions because that's easy. India does things only if it thinks "That Matters" from the Science point of view...not to to boast, brag or show off. So when it saw the opportunity of unexplored south pole it tried an impact probe in 2008 which for the first time concluded the presence of water. It chose the south pole for landing in spite of challenging region because it sees the value it can add to the rest of world by doing so. So for India always "Demand" drives the "Supply"...not vice versa. So if you are expecting Ghost cities or 8 lane express ways with no traffic and high speed trains which become a big loss making entity, i'm sorry it won't happen.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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An effective dual use ship (British used two much smaller ocean liner ships to carry soldiers to repluse the Italian Agrentinian invasion of the Falklands). A fleet of 10 could perhaps move 65000 infantry to Australia, the Philippines or Indonesia in a few days. Your car transports can move the IFVs/LAVs.

If they are bots then they are bots the puppet masters or banksters have chosen to support, empower and enrich.

anybody notice how the British built infrastructure in India, allowed immigration, allowed Indians to own things, treated Indians as citizens, moved Indians to other nations, gave them jobs, allowed them to be rich outside India and now the UK is a sh*t hole place with almost nothing left?
UK already made sh*t. Russia, France, USA, Canada rapidly going to sh*t.

“We (the British) have given India not only internal peace and security of life and property, but we have profoundly modified the most prominent characteristics of the country….” This is what The Sphere, a British weekly on December 2, 1911, said as it pompously praised The Crown for gifting India the railways, irrigation and the English language. In the many decades since then, the view that the British built railways that benefited Indians has been thoroughly rubbished and has been called out for what it was: yet another tool for the British to bleed India of its resources to serve its own needs.

Extractive infrastructure
Building railways in India would be beneficial “to the commerce, government and military control of the country”, Governor General Lord Hardinge had said in 1843. The fact that it was not Indians that urged the rapid construction of railways in the country, but the Chambers of Commerce of Manchester and Glasgow, and the European Chambers of Commerce at Calcutta and Bombay, underlines why the British built railways in India — to make exploitation of raw material more efficient.

It was the British private enterprise that first built the Indian railways in the 1840s and controlled them, initially totally and later in part, until 1947 when the government took complete control. Their motive was straightforward – import agricultural raw materials from India and export the cheaply manufactured products from Europe to India. But to build a robust railway network in a ‘backward’ country that was deeply segregated, British businessmen sought guarantees from the State of India, run by The Crown, and those guarantees were funded by the Indian taxpayers. Under this widely criticised ‘guarantee system’, the private companies were promised an income, irrespective of a profit or a loss, paid for by the taxpayers of India. While Europeans and European countries gained the most from trade in India, it was the Indians who had to bear the burden of losses entirely.
Buried under the burden of heavy debt incurred due to the construction of freight railway lines, the Crown took greater control starting in 1880, paving the way for public-private ownership, note economists Dan Bogart and Latika Chaudhary in their research on colonial railways. Furthermore, only British companies were given contracts linked to Indian railways, depriving Indian enterprises of market participation.

Colonial commerce, disadvantage Bharat
The Crown’s Britain-first approach to railways ensured that the priorities of the Indians took a backseat. The emergence of a railway network opened India to the global market, leading to an increase in the export of raw materials and foodstuffs, including commodities like grain, oilseeds, pulses, cotton, tea, and jute. However, India’s artisans famed for their expertise in indigenous arts & crafts for centuries, gradually disappeared as cheap manufactured articles flooded in.

Renowned for its textiles expertise, India produced about 25 per cent of world industrial output in 1750, which eventually fell to 2 per cent by 1900, “The new world which thus burst forth upon India found the people quite unprepared for it and the Government (Britishers) did not think it its duty to train Indians for modern industry and commerce,” wrote Rai Saheb Chandrika Prasada Tiwari in his book 'The Indian Railways: Historical, Economical and Administrative Aspects' in 1921. Not only was the humble Indian artisan stripped of livelihood, but so was the nation’s unprepared populace, who were caught by surprise. Millions were reduced to penury.
It was thought that at least the farmers would gain as a result of the increased export of agricultural produce aided by railways. However, the reality was different. Historians note that Indian farmers ended up buying their own produce at a higher rate as most of the profits made from the export trade went to traders, most of whom were not Indians.

Crucial for India, but not for Indians
It is undisputed that under The Raj, India’s logistical landscape transformed from one characterised by many segmented markets with high transportation costs, to one with local centres linked by railways to one another and the world. Historians note that by 1919, the Indian railway’s revenues represented 3.2 per cent of national income, which gradually rose to 4.9 per cent by 1939.

Furthermore, the higher pricing meant that the average Indian peasant could not reap the benefits of rail travel. Experts say high tariffs showed there was a divergence between the railroad charges and the economic conditions of the people. There was a need to lower charges all the more in a country like India, where the masses were poor and the margin of funding was small.
In theory, a revolutionary transportation option like railways should ideally improve the standard of living of the populace. But European priorities meant Indians couldn’t reap the rewards. Dan Bogart, Latika Chaudhary and Alfonso Herranz-Loncán have noted that at the height of the ‘railway era’, India fell behind other economies. While Latin American countries like Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay , which were not ruled by colonial powers, saw their average per-capital income rise 110 per cent between 1870 and 1910, India’s rose by a measly 31 per cent.

Truth laid bare
In a 2019 YouGov survey in the UK, nearly 32 per cent of respondents thought that they should be proud of the British Empire and a similar number of respondents felt that colonised countries were left better off by the British.

The Sphere, in its 1911 article, wrote, "We have faithfully adhered to John Stuart Mill's conception of our rule in India as not only one of the purest in intention, but also one of the most beneficent acts ever known among mankind."
But the colonial railways, far from being a boon bestowed on Indians by the British, itself is a glaring example of the systematic loot and exploitation by the British. It also belies the naive belief that India wouldn't have got modern infrastructure such as the railways so early if not for the British.
The railway workshops in Jamalpur in Bengal and Ajmer in Rajputana were established in 1862 to maintain the trains. The British were surprised when their Indian mechanics became so adept that in 1878 they started designing and building their own locomotives, mentions Congress leader Shashi Tharoor in his book 'Inglorious Empire'.

"Their success increasingly alarmed the British, since the Indian locomotives were just as good, and a great deal cheaper, than the British-made ones. In 1912, therefore, the British passed an act of parliament explicitly making it impossible for Indian workshops to design and manufacture locomotives. Between 1854 and 1947, India imported around 14,400 locomotives from England, and another 3,000 from Canada, the US and Germany, but made none in India after 1912. After independence, 35 years later, the old technical knowledge was so completely lost to India that the Indian Railways had to go cap-in-hand to the British to guide them on setting up a locomotive factory in India again," writes Tharoor.
Fundamentally speaking, certain parts of a society are bound to benefit from an economic policy to a certain extent, whatever its final outcome. But that alone may not paint the entire picture. The apologists for the British Raj base their arguments on such benefits to negate the overall reality.


Cope bitch. More to come.



Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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China's security was compromised when it was poorer. All nations will conduct things to protect itself when they can afford it. Turbofans are critical to national security so they will have them if they can afford them. China can afford many, some failed but other succeeded. India can afford one -- and that failed.

This flies on Chinese engines:
View attachment 220875

So does this:
View attachment 220876

And this:
View attachment 220877

India does not have any aircraft that flies on Indian engines.

China had little AC before its rise. That changed greatly since 2000 because human conditions get better and you no longer need to suffer just to live :)

It is a matter of the economy.
We always know that DRAM and HD facotories were very easy to catch fire yrs ago, every time after that, the prices were up 20% to 30%.

Do you know whom are the good fire fighters for them?

CXMT, who makes DRAM chips and YMTC, who makes SSD chips.

1TB SSD only $USD50.


16GB DRAM only $USD28.


Plus, these two companies hired 20,000 high paid employees and partly cased the sumsamg biggest loss this fisical yr.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Why China is losing the tech battle? Well written article for once with good depth.

In other words when it comes to innovation instead of copying China struggles & mostly fails with you guys coping out here posting the same bilge innumerable times viz : "indigenous" Turbofans , "indigenous" civilian airliners , "indigenous" "5th Gen " Fighter Aircraft , "indigenous" cruise ships , "indigenous" EV ," indigenous" battery systems, "indigenous" solar panels , "indigenous" HSR , etc with "indigenous" being the polite term for copying / reverse engineering courtesy efforts of national heroes like Xu Yanjun & countless other spooks who will remain unsung & anonymous but whose vital contributions got you so far in the first place.

@rockdog ; @SexyChineseLady


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
In other words when it comes to innovation instead of copying China struggles & mostly fails with you guys coping out here posting the same bilge innumerable times viz : "indigenous" Turbofans , "indigenous" civilian airliners , "indigenous" "5th Gen " Fighter Aircraft , "indigenous" cruise ships , "indigenous" EV ," indigenous" battery systems, "indigenous" solar panels , "indigenous" HSR , etc with "indigenous" being the polite term for copying / reverse engineering courtesy efforts of national heroes like Xu Yanjun & countless other spooks who will remain unsung & anonymous but whose vital contributions got you so far in the first place.

@rockdog ; @SexyChineseLady
"indigenous" Turbofans
These are the ones in production! WS-10, WS-13, WS-15, WS-18, WS-20, WS-21 are built in the thousands in recent years!

"indigenous" civilian airliners
Over 100 ARJ-21 and two C919 delivered!

"indigenous" "5th Gen " Fighter Aircraft
At least 250 J-20s plus three FC-31 prototype and three J-35 prototypes delivered!

"indigenous" cruise ships
135K tons Adora Magic City launched! Her 145K tons sister H1509 is in construction!

"indigenous" EV
BYD is the largest EV producer in the world with many other Chinese companies -- Nio, Li Autos, etc. -- in the vanguard!

" indigenous" battery systems
CATL (and BYD) are the dominant energy storage companies in the world today!

"indigenous" solar panels
Ninety percent of solar panels sold in the world are made from Chinese parts! China controls the entire process and supply chain!

"indigenous" HSR
90% of the world HSR network resides in China!

You cannot "copy" industries like aircraft turbofans, stealth fighters, airliners, solar power, batteries, EVs and HSRs. You need an industrial complex :)

There is no big copier you can put a turbofan on and you can print it out the other end ;)

This is why you people do not have a working turbofan engine. You do not have the industrial complex.

As far as innovation is concerned, China of course is among the global leaders!


Global Innovation Index’s Global Science & Technology Clusters: East Asia Dominates Top Ranking

Geneva, September 14, 2022

Four of the world’s five biggest science and technology clusters are located in East Asia – one in Japan, two in China, one in Republic of Korea and the fifth in the United States – according to an early release from the 2022 edition of WIPO’s Global Innovation Index (GII).

Tokyo-Yokohama is the biggest cluster, followed by the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou (China and Hong Kong, China), Beijing (China), Seoul (Republic of Korea) and San Jose-San Francisco (United States) clusters.

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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These are the ones in production! WS-10, WS-13, WS-15, WS-18, WS-20, WS-21 are built in the thousands in recent years!

Over 100 ARJ-21 and two C919 delivered!

At least 250 J-20s plus three FC-31 prototype and three J-35 prototypes delivered!

135K tons Adora Magic City launched! Her 145K tons sister H1509 is in construction!

BYD is the largest EV producer in the world with many other Chinese companies -- Nio, Li Autos, etc. -- in the vanguard!

CATL (and BYD) are the dominant energy storage companies in the world today!

Ninety percent of solar panels sold in the world are made from Chinese parts! China controls the entire process and supply chain!

90% of the world HSR network resides in China!
View attachment 220964

You cannot "copy" industries like aircraft turbofans, stealth fighters, airliners, solar power, batteries, EVs and HSRs. You need an industrial complex :)

There is no big copier you can put a turbofan on and you can print it out the other end ;)

This is why you people do not have a working turbofan engine. You do not have the industrial complex.

As far as innovation is concerned, China of course is among the global leaders!

View attachment 220967

Global Innovation Index’s Global Science & Technology Clusters: East Asia Dominates Top Ranking

Geneva, September 14, 2022

Four of the world’s five biggest science and technology clusters are located in East Asia – one in Japan, two in China, one in Republic of Korea and the fifth in the United States – according to an early release from the 2022 edition of WIPO’s Global Innovation Index (GII).

Tokyo-Yokohama is the biggest cluster, followed by the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou (China and Hong Kong, China), Beijing (China), Seoul (Republic of Korea) and San Jose-San Francisco (United States) clusters.
if u believing this map,,, than u should also believe akasai chin nd arunachal pradesh shown in india. 🤭😜😝


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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"Their success increasingly alarmed the British, since the Indian locomotives were just as good, and a great deal cheaper, than the British-made ones
Cope bitch. More to come.
Cope about factory work? It is India's enemy China and the Chinese who have the factories. They are the people slaving away to build and ship the goods the greedy world wants. Compare container shipments from ports. That shows us who have things to ship and sell.

Yes, everyone knows that the Germanic nomadic cow herders who migrated to Europe during Roman times, are not the best workers. Nomads prefer to wander around and fight. West had to cope so that is what they were allowed to do. Americas, Africa, Asia...attacked and wealth taken.

Copenhagen of the Netherlands......Cope and nega of the nether land regions. See? even the name says that people in the West have been coping with foreigners, barbarians and nomads for a very long time.

Now that Indians have revealed to everyone how rich Indians are maybe the Dutch can change the name of Copenhagen to Noneedtocope.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
if u believing this map,,, than u should also believe akasai chin nd arunachal pradesh shown in india. 🤭😜😝
😁 China has five of the top 10 engineering schools in the world -- including the #1 Tsinghua!

Our Han compatriots on Singapore has two. (Stanford is from Chinese-American heavy San Francisco Bay area.)




Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
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😁 China has five of the top 10 engineering schools in the world -- including the #1 Tsinghua!

Our Han compatriots on Singapore has two. (Stanford is from Chinese-American heavy San Francisco Bay area.)

View attachment 220968
View attachment 220969
These Engineering schools teaches their students how to steal research papers and sends them to foreign land. The thieves return back to China and publish the papers under Chink names. This should not be a matter of pride for the Chinks. Rank aquired after forgery and fakery.

Remember, all achievement by Chinks will be termed as stolen work. This is the biggest achievement of the Chinks.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
These Engineering schools teaches their students how to steal research papers and sends them to foreign land. The thieves return back to China and publish the papers under Chink names. This should not be a matter of pride for the Chinks. Rank aquired after forgery and fakery.

Remember, all achievement by Chinks will be termed as stolen work. This is the biggest achievement of the Chinks.
Racial slurs don't really support your position much! It just smacks of envy and sour grapes!

See this? That is internet speed underground on a metro in a regular Chinese city, Tianjin! With this you can game with players sitting at home on broadband in the West because there is no latency. Imagine what this can do for logistics, communication and manufacturing in the real world!

See this? This a large Chinese military transport converted into a Fly Testbed testing a civilian turbofan! Very few countries can build large military transports, fewer still have flying testbeds (I know India needs to send the Kaveri to Russia every time it needs to be flight tested) and less than that have ever attempted a large commercial jet engine!


And China is still a developing Global South nation with many years of growth!!!


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Just watched the film `Oppenheimer`, good film.

I just noticed that Yang Chen Ning knew all of them. He was the colleagues or teacher/students with them.

He worked with Einstein, student of
Oppenheimer and even interrogated Heisenberger druing war time. What a legend!

He is still alive, and my friend listened his class in Tsinghua university, 10 yrs ago he changed citizen from R.o.China to P.RChina i think. Now.he is 101 yrs!


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
View attachment 220977
HELLO CHINKS! On my Lava Agni 2 phone near Indo-Tibet Border. More than enough to serve my purpose. I will post the readings once i visit Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Pork border.
Good for you, Mr. Angry and Jealous Indian Person.

Sounds very fake for you to suddenly transport yourself to the desolate Indo-Tibetan Border:eek1: But okay!

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