China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
This is China. It takes a very wealthy population to support a cruiseliner like this.

It takes a very wealthy country to build a cruiseliner like this :)

Can your nation afford one? In 2024, the maiden voyage of Adora Magic City will be a massive event in China :)



Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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That cartographic mistake of China by publishing a map with a hell of a lot of other nations territory as their own may in fact be directed towards on their own unhappy population base. There is a huge outcry about demolished real estate and faltering economy, young people unemployed etc., in China. It may also be that by starting a fight with other nations, the Chinese President Xi may be diverting people’s attention towards nationalistic causes and this may be his master stroke, that is to start a fight with other nations and get people thinking about China as a nation instead of worrying about the economy.

Xi like Mao knows well that how to loose friends and make enemies of neighbours. In 1955 Mao Tse Tung published a similar map and began occupying other nations territory. He fought a war with Soviet Union, India, Vietnam and almost invaded Formosa (now Taiwan). Mao at that time was diverting attention from failed communes and hunger when 12 million people died of hunger.



Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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This is China. It takes a very wealthy population to support a cruiseliner like this.

It takes a very wealthy country to build a cruiseliner like this :)

Can your nation afford one? In 2024, the maiden voyage of Adora Magic City will be a massive event in China :)

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A few weeks back you were insisting China's part of the global South which means its a POOR DEVELOPING country.

Now you're claiming China's a wealthy nation coz only wealthy nations can afford to build operate & afford such cruise liners. So which statement of yours should we believe ?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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That's pretty decent occupancy rate for a poor, third world country like India.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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I don't understand why these two chinese guys here keep posting the EV figures every time. It's repetitive and gives the feeling that there's nothing else to show off.

If you want to build credibility, answer the hard questions.

For instance, why did CCP stop publishing unemployment data? What's actually going on with the real estate market? What's the case with Jack Ma now? What are the returns on BRI, the successes and the failures?

The HSR Chinese are proud of has a tremendous debt which seems to be increasing, how does your government justify that debt. Was there a real necessity to build a HSR from city a to cityb — enough economic incentives? If yes, any reports to justify that? If no, then that's a bad debt to take on. You're building trains when they aren't necessary. How many HSR are good and how many were unnecessary?

A while ago, one of you justified ghost cities by saying they do get a few years after construction because... . China is at an inflection point with its population. The numbers have began to actually fall, even with official numbers. So, does building more ghost cities make sense given there isn't a flood of jobs for another massive urbanization and the existing houses would probably be sufficient for a declining population?

Replying every post with EV sales and EV only doesn't really push any conversation—if you're looking to have one. If you're willing to push a narrative that China is a utopia that can do no wrong, continue what you're doing.

Another point, I don't know why you're skirting around this when this is literally an economic thread. Chinese exports have declined YOY. There are a lot of reasons, but they did decline. No long posts on that by you two guys.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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So Chinese brands make up 54.4% of car sales with EV's forming the bulk of sales. Hmm yea we get it


Has the CCP stopped subsidizing EV's in China or is the Govt. still at it?


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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There are things that if you would have if you actually have the money like aircraft engines needed for national security:

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These things are not a matter of choice but the availability of resource.
I wrote to ask you before how many turbo fans , civil airliners , Fighter Aircraft projects could China afford when it was a 4 trillion USD GDP assuming China had all the know how thanks to MSS which had a high budget ? I'm still waiting for answers.

India does not have a single aircraft engine that is able power an production aircraft because it could afford only one project and that project failed.
That "failed " Turbo Fan minus the After Burner is now being trialled to go into our sub sonic UCAV - Ghatak .

Eventually plans are to revive the Kaveri TF Project to achieve the desired thrust ratings it was meant to achieve which we shallb, once it has been certified for use in the Ghatak.

How many indigenous Turbo Fans were flying in your "indigenous" Fighter Aircraft when you were a 4 trillion USD GDP ?

China has many. That alone shows us the reality of the difference in economic ability.
China has many such programs all derived from the AL-31 project today which in the IAF's PoV is a sub standard TF. So good luck to you & PLAAF .

HSR, 5G, EVs, automation and robotics,
HSR is being deployed on a feasibility basis. Unlike the CCP we aren't running a con game of gaming our GDP growth rates.
5G is being deployed mostly with our own hardware & software with zero Chinese involvement . We're already deciding protocols for the 6th Gen for which the amount of indigenization in the hardware components will be significantly higher than it is for the 5th Gen .
You'd see a lot of Indian EVs OEM running on Indian mfgd EV battery systems developed indigenously by the end of this decade. As far as robotics go , you definitely need it given the state of your TFR. There's absolutely nothing in that list above which is INNOVATIVE. That's the reason why we'd catch up with you .

2K handbags, meat, beer, AC consumption, etc. are all there as evidence of huge disparities between the two economies but Indians like to say those are just preferences.
2K handbags are what western slaves prefer just as those western slaves prefer adopting western names , lifestyle , attire , wedding attire etc .
Meat , beer etc are individual preferences. What next ? You'd put up a list saying Chinese love dog meat , bat meat , dead human foetus soup showing how consumption of such meat is zero in India ?

AC consumption ? It must be barely 3 decades you've started manufacturing ACs & look at your arrogance !! I'm betting you peasants didn't even know what's an AC or it's spelling 4 decades ago.

In aircraft engines, I doubt Indians really prefer to have no working engine. It is just the reality of a much smaller economy.
*Yawn *


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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The Sioux and Commanche were quite content with their spears and arrows. White man said they were "noble" for fighting without guns and they were annnihilated and their land taken away from them :)

But if they had the money, they would definitely bought Winchesters like at Little Big Horn where they crushed the US 7th Cavalry for a singular victory.
Forget the Sioux & Commanches , China was a mighty empire under the Qing . How did the mighty Manchu empire fold up against the British & the many Gwailou you've faced then ?

You are coping very very hard. You do not have an engine because you cannot afford the number of projects to guarantee success. Your LCA is another example. Only one lightweight fighter over many decades during which the J-10 to J-20 to Y-20 came out.
No , you seem to be coping very hard unable to understand why China's "spectacular achievements" all thanks to a good copying infrastructure is not finding any appreciation out here.

How many of those J-10s , J-11s , J-16 & J-20s have you exported ? Even France which is 6th in terms of GDP nominal has over 200 + Rafales as exports. How come your Fighter Aircrafts are never evaluated in competitions & leave aside 3 rd world but essentially 4th world countries with absolutely nothing to spend opt for your FAs like Nigeria Myanmar etc ? If you've reached such great heights as far as technological prowess goes why aren't you sending your Fighter Aircrafts to competitions to be evaluated .

China hadn't fought a war in 40 years, the engines (and aircraft and ships) are just a byproduct of a massive economy :)
That the last war you fought was against tiny Vietnam where you were humiliated is a good indication of what the future holds for you , irrespective of whatever derivative junk you've managed to reverse engineer . 🙂


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
I wrote to ask you before how many turbo fans , civil airliners , Fighter Aircraft projects could China afford when it was a 4 trillion USD GDP assuming China had all the know how thanks to MSS which had a high budget ?
That is exactly it :) I put forth the turbofan example as a measure of the difference between the economies when Indian posters make their sour grapes claim of China faking/collapsing.

Well, the actual things that China can produce and consume (like turbofan projects) are many many times that of India. Far more than just a ratio of 5 to 1 in most cases ;)

These are China current projects in aero-turbofans and unlike ACs ("Indians can live with heat") these are things intrinsic to national security. If you can afford it, you will have it:

EngineLatest VariantTop Thrust
(all variants)
WS-10WS-10C155 kNProduction: J-10C, J-11BG, J-15, J-20A
WS-13WS-13E100 kNProduction Line ready:
JF-17 test, FC-31 prototype,J-35 prototype
WS-15--180 kNJ-20 test
WS-19--110 kNIl-76 flight testbed
WS-11--17 kNProduction: JL-11 (K-8 variant)
WS-17--49 kNL-15 test
WS-18--120 kNProduction: Y-20, H-6 variants
WS-20--160 kNProduction: Y-20B
CJ1000--196 kNIl-76 flight testbed
CJ2000--340 kNcore successfully ignited

India: Kaveri

You can see the disparity clearly between the economies :)


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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That is exactly it :) I put forth the turbofan example as a measure of the difference between the economies when Indian posters make their sour grapes claim of China faking/collapsing.

Well, the actual things that China can produce and consume (like turbofan projects) are many many times that of India. Far more than just a ratio of 5 to 1 in most cases ;)

These are China current projects in aero-turbofans and unlike ACs ("Indians can live with heat") these are things intrinsic to national security. If you can afford it, you will have it:

EngineLatest VariantTop Thrust
(all variants)
WS-10WS-10C155 kNProduction: J-10C, J-11BG, J-15, J-20A
WS-13WS-13E100 kNProduction Line ready:
JF-17 test, FC-31 prototype,J-35 prototype
WS-15--180 kNJ-20 test
WS-19--110 kNIl-76 flight testbed
WS-11--17 kNProduction: JL-11 (K-8 variant)
WS-17--49 kNL-15 test
WS-18--120 kNProduction: Y-20, H-6 variants
WS-20--160 kNProduction: Y-20B
CJ1000--196 kNIl-76 flight testbed
CJ2000--340 kNcore successfully ignited

India: Kaveri

You can see the disparity clearly between the economies :)
Are you a complete idiot ? Or are you another example of Chinese AI much like Baidu translate ? I asked you repeatedly how many Turbo Fans did China develop when you were a 4 trillion USD economy ? Didn't you understand it or don't you want to understand it ? Going by your own logic since China when it was a 4 trillion USD GDP didn't have any indigenous TFs , your national security was compromised too wasn't it ?

As far as ACs go it's a 20 th century invention ? Didn't humans survive all this while without air conditioning ? Or are the Chinese a more fragile species than others who just can't do without air conditioning ? What else can't you do without ? Bat meat , dead human foetus , live rats to be consumed , urine soaked eggs , dog meat ?🙂


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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That is exactly it :) I put forth the turbofan example as a measure of the difference between the economies when Indian posters make their sour grapes claim of China faking/collapsing.

Well, the actual things that China can produce and consume (like turbofan projects) are many many times that of India. Far more than just a ratio of 5 to 1 in most cases ;)

These are China current projects in aero-turbofans and unlike ACs ("Indians can live with heat") these are things intrinsic to national security. If you can afford it, you will have it:

EngineLatest VariantTop Thrust
(all variants)
WS-10WS-10C155 kNProduction: J-10C, J-11BG, J-15, J-20A
WS-13WS-13E100 kNProduction Line ready:
JF-17 test, FC-31 prototype,J-35 prototype
WS-15--180 kNJ-20 test
WS-19--110 kNIl-76 flight testbed
WS-11--17 kNProduction: JL-11 (K-8 variant)
WS-17--49 kNL-15 test
WS-18--120 kNProduction: Y-20, H-6 variants
WS-20--160 kNProduction: Y-20B
CJ1000--196 kNIl-76 flight testbed
CJ2000--340 kNcore successfully ignited

India: Kaveri

You can see the disparity clearly between the economies :)
AL-31 & Co.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Are you a complete idiot ? Or are you another example of Chinese AI much like Baidu translate ? I asked you repeatedly how many Turbo Fans did China develop when you were a 4 trillion USD economy ? Didn't you understand it or don't you want to understand it ? Going by your own logic since China when it was a 4 trillion USD GDP didn't have any indigenous TFs , your national security was compromised too wasn't it ?

As far as ACs go it's a 20 th century invention ? Didn't humans survive all this while without air conditioning ? Or are the Chinese a more fragile species than others who just can't do without air conditioning ? What else can't you do without ? Bat meat , dead human foetus , live rats to be consumed , urine soaked eggs , dog meat ?
I spoke about lack of objectivity & comprehension earlier among the Chinese posters.

They are in all likelihood, bots.

Their AI-ML engine should be scrapped like most things Chinese and probably be replaced with GPT-4 or above.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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I spoke about lack of objectivity & comprehension earlier among the Chinese posters.

They are in all likelihood, bots.

Their AI-ML engine should be scrapped like most things Chinese and probably be replaced with GPT-4 or above.
If this is the quality of output of Chinese bots God help those who fall for their " our AI world class like our EV " spiel except for one < 82 IQ retard amongst us . To think poor chap isn't receiving even a single renmenbi for all his efforts.

Sigh ! Such are life's tragedies. Bin maange moti mile se , maange mile na bheekh .


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Good job! Basically between less than a fifth or a quarter of what China had in 2021 :)

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LOl, no one needs that kinda speed to watch cat videos paying top dime, it needs to be economical and India achieved that with decent levels of speed and has the best plans for the buck. China is a pain for expats where none of the stuff is allowed with their firewalls and not being monitored. I have been to Dubai and my experience is not even close to those speeds in some of these countries that are smaller than the size of my jizz.....Vietnam also had very economical and practical plans btw but coverage is spotty depending on where you are in there. No one needs to get double or triple penetrated to use decent speeds. India's competetion generally works in the market.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Are you a complete idiot ? Or are you another example of Chinese AI much like Baidu translate ? I asked you repeatedly how many Turbo Fans did China develop when you were a 4 trillion USD economy ? Didn't you understand it or don't you want to understand it ? Going by your own logic since China when it was a 4 trillion USD GDP didn't have any indigenous TFs , your national security was compromised too wasn't it ?

As far as ACs go it's a 20 th century invention ? Didn't humans survive all this while without air conditioning ?
China's security was compromised when it was poorer. All nations will conduct things to protect itself when they can afford it. Turbofans are critical to national security so they will have them if they can afford them. China can afford many, some failed but other succeeded. India can afford one -- and that failed.

This flies on Chinese engines:

So does this:

And this:

India does not have any aircraft that flies on Indian engines.

China had little AC before its rise. That changed greatly since 2000 because human conditions get better and you no longer need to suffer just to live :)

It is a matter of the economy.
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Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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This is China. It takes a very wealthy population to support a cruiseliner like this.

It takes a very wealthy country to build a cruiseliner like this :)

Can your nation afford one? In 2024, the maiden voyage of Adora Magic City will be a massive event in China :)

View attachment 220858

View attachment 220857
An effective dual use ship (British used two much smaller ocean liner ships to carry soldiers to repluse the Italian Agrentinian invasion of the Falklands). A fleet of 10 could perhaps move 65000 infantry to Australia, the Philippines or Indonesia in a few days. Your car transports can move the IFVs/LAVs.

They are in all likelihood, bots.
If they are bots then they are bots the puppet masters or banksters have chosen to support, empower and enrich.

anybody notice how the British built infrastructure in India, allowed immigration, allowed Indians to own things, treated Indians as citizens, moved Indians to other nations, gave them jobs, allowed them to be rich outside India and now the UK is a sh*t hole place with almost nothing left?
UK already made sh*t. Russia, France, USA, Canada rapidly going to sh*t.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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China's security was compromised when it was poorer. All nations will conduct things to protect itself when they can afford it. Turbofans are critical to national security so they will have them if they can afford them. China can afford many, some failed but other succeeded. India can afford one -- and that failed.

This flies on Chinese engines:
View attachment 220875

So does this:
View attachment 220876

And this:
View attachment 220877

India does not have any aircraft that flies on Indian engines.

It is a matter of the economy.
So you mean to say China was facing threats when you were a 4 trillion USD GDP which was 15 years ago ? Pray do tell who was threatening the CCP ? The world's history narrates that all the wars China's involved in since the CCP came to power after the civil war there were all begun by China , be it the Korean War , the Sino Indian war , the war against Russia , the Vietnam war , etc. What does the CCP history for it's slaves tell ? That CCP was the defendant & all wars of aggression were external. Do inform us.

Further more thank you for being so worried about our security. We know how to cater to our security. Regarding your turbo fans , this is what your as close as lips to teeth iron brother with whom your relationship is higher than the mountains , deeper than the oceans , sweeter than honey , lighter than nitrogen , more stench than a sewer , had to say -

Pakistan will not replace the JF-17’s Russian-made Klimov/Sarkisov RD-93 power plant with a new Chinese engine in the foreseeable future despite Chinese reports to the contrary, IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly reveals. the,IHS Jane's Defense Weekly reveals.

Now we've been operating the RD-93 TF on board our MiG-29. It's very problematic to say the least . However it's still better than the RD-33 which was its predecessor. Now in spite of being a problematic TF if the Paxtanis prefer the RD-93 to your junk TFs , what does it say of the quality of your TFs ?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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An effective dual use ship (British used two much smaller ocean liner ships to carry soldiers to repluse the Italian Agrentinian invasion of the Falklands). A fleet of 10 could perhaps move 65000 infantry to Australia, the Philippines or Indonesia in a few days. Your car transports can move the IFVs/LAVs.

If they are bots then they are bots the puppet masters or banksters have chosen to support, empower and enrich.

anybody notice how the British built infrastructure in India, allowed immigration, allowed Indians to own things, treated Indians as citizens, moved Indians to other nations, gave them jobs, allowed them to be rich outside India and now the UK is a sh*t hole place with almost nothing left?
UK already made sh*t. Russia, France, USA, Canada rapidly going to sh*t.
Get well soon.

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