Ceding Aksai Chin not an option for India


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
Read it again !! Idiot...
Since you are not so smart, I offer a hint to you.

President Truman's relief of General Douglas MacArthur - Wikipedia ...
In fact, Chinese troops had already begun crossing the Yalu into North Korea, and by ... While Truman publicly denied that he was considering the use of nuclear ... Clement Attlee, was particularly disturbed by Truman's gaffe about nuclear ...


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Since you are not so smart, I offer a hint to you.

President Truman's relief of General Douglas MacArthur - Wikipedia ...
In fact, Chinese troops had already begun crossing the Yalu into North Korea, and by ... While Truman publicly denied that he was considering the use of nuclear ... Clement Attlee, was particularly disturbed by Truman's gaffe about nuclear ...
You are proving why I called you Idiot...


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Your are trolling , did you?
Hey Commie slave, the universal truth about retards & imbeciles like you is:

One does not have to argue with idiots like you because you drag everyone down to your level and then beat them with experience (in idiocy/stupidity)

In the same vein, you have been trying to systemically degrade the level/quality of discussion on this forum to your filthy standards. Linguistically challenged autistic like you could do so on this forum & continue to survive, thanks to Indian magnanimity & second, because your serve some pervert form of entertainment to us.

Ever cared to read what you wrote, your debased level of communication, your evasive attitude whenever confronted with facts & "Opium-war era" :rofl: reprehensibly servile attitude. It reeks of nothing but bottled up frustration in being unable to do anything about your planned imaginary retribution against you colonial masters & overlords from the world over..........

Don't expect people here to keep arguing with nincompoops like you because we know better than that & we have meaningful stuff to do rather just serving as retarded Commie mouthpiece. Moreover, "They say even death can't cure an idiot". Not your fault if you & your people are born that way.

Anyway, come prepared with some quality & merit in your arguments when dealing with us. Lessen you cowardice a bit & dare to answer when confronted with truth rather than side-stepping & evading. Better luck next time kid...:thumb:


Homo Communis Indus
Senior Member
Dec 25, 2012
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To all Indian Keyboard Warriors:

I agree with @pmaitra

What is the use of forum warfare when India's political/social/economical foundation is hollow?

Vote to change the leadership. If the next leadership cannot deliver, then vote and kick them out as well. Let not political complacency set in.

Do your own bit to weed out grassroot corruption. If you have ever payed Rs. 100 to a cop to avoid getting a challan or paid Rs. 100 to MVD peon to bump up your DL application or paid something under the table to get a file cleared or your kid admitted to school... then you are not a nationalist and you deserve the government you have.

Otherwise you are just wasting precious bandwidth.

What is the use of taking out your frustrations on another country when our own country is responsible for our plight?

You call Pakis as slave of arabia or chinese as slave of communists... what are we? slaves of corruption? slaves of appeasement? slaves of the political elite? slaves of smug complacency?
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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
In our capacity, we are doing our bit & would continue to do so. But, we don't have to wait till India become "Ram-rajya" & till then, be on the receiving end of hollow sermons, insane brickbats & self-aggrandizement from our rivals who specialize in double-standards & treachery. Every self-respecting human being has the right to command respect & is equally responsible for not willfully offending other's pride.

Some people who are over-awed by brazen Chinese display of irreverence to civilized behavior need to be reminded that no country is holy grail of perfection. Neither China nor India or US or North European welfare states, for that matter. We all have some +ve & -ve's. But you gotta respect others, no matter what. We got to understand & learn from each other. Those who think otherwise have it coming from us :namaste:

Incessant self-denigration, borne out of congenital slave mentality had not done us any good ever. Have confidence in your ability & understand that no matter what, India has to be respected & respected today; for there is no tomorrow.

What you said is like let' s wait till 2050 when India becomes self-sufficient in defence production & we have younger population on our side, only then we can think of taking on China & till then, we deserve all the kicks & brickbats coming our away from our neighbors.

No Sir, I beg to to differ. Respect has to be earned & commanded. Servility in face of aggression is the hallmark of slavery, like a docile wife receiving beating from drunk husband while pondering its all her fault. After all, she is not so perfect. No sir, that does not cut it anymore.

Anyway, lets agree to disagree. :thumb:

To all Indian Keyboard Warriors:

I agree with @pmaitra

What is the use of forum warfare when India's political/social/economical foundation is hollow?

Vote to change the leadership. If the next leadership cannot deliver, then vote and kick them out as well. Let not political complacency set in.

Do your own bit to weed out grassroot corruption. If you have ever payed Rs. 100 to a cop to avoid getting a challan or paid Rs. 100 to MVD peon to bump up your DL application or paid something under the table to get a file cleared or your kid admitted to school... then you are not a nationalist and you deserve the government you have.

Otherwise you are just wasting precious bandwidth.

What is the use of taking out your frustrations on another country when our own country is responsible for our plight?

You call Pakis as slave of arabia or chinese as slave of communists... what are we? slaves of corruption? slaves of appeasement? slaves of the political elite? slaves of smug complacency?
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Senior Member
Nov 20, 2011
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To all Indian Keyboard Warriors:

I agree with @pmaitra

What is the use of forum warfare when India's political/social/economical foundation is hollow?

Vote to change the leadership. If the next leadership cannot deliver, then vote and kick them out as well. Let not political complacency set in.

Do your own bit to weed out grassroot corruption. If you have ever payed Rs. 100 to a cop to avoid getting a challan or paid Rs. 100 to MVD peon to bump up your DL application or paid something under the table to get a file cleared or your kid admitted to school... then you are not a nationalist and you deserve the government you have.

Otherwise you are just wasting precious bandwidth.

What is the use of taking out your frustrations on another country when our own country is responsible for our plight?

You call Pakis as slave of arabia or chinese as slave of communists... what are we? slaves of corruption? slaves of appeasement? slaves of the political elite? slaves of smug complacency?
Voting alone will not solve every issue. A nationalist defends the country by any means. Forum warfare is a bloodless battle. In the digital age, it is necessary to maintain superiority over information to be relavant. Any country will have to take a multi-pronged strategy to keep it in the game. Online battlefield is one of the legs. So it can't be helped.

Most of the corruption is not because people wants it.. It's because they were asked of it. Most of them don't have an option but to pay up to keep themselves standing on their legs. Instead of trying to fight each one individually, it's better to fight to get the policies changed to ease out the difficult processes. Corruption will go away by itself slowly if properly done.

Yes.. we are slaves of corruption..slaves of appeasement.. slaves of pacifistic politicians.. so what if the enemies point it out?? Atleast when we know it and accept it.. we will know what to do to rectify it. Unlike our neighbours, we are not fooling ourselves.. Knowing that a problem exists is half problem solved.
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Senior Member
Nov 20, 2011
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If India is backing rebels in Tibet and Xinjiang, then there is no point in being subtle any longer.
Your comprehension is a little poor my friend. India can back rebels in Tibet and East Turkeministan. But it doesn't mean India is already doing it. And anyway it doesn't make any difference for us whether u harm us subtly or in not so subtle way.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
What you said is like let' s wait till 2050 when India becomes self-sufficient in defence production & we have younger population on our side, only then we can think of taking on China
Yes, that is what I did say.

& till then, we deserve all the kicks & brickbats coming our away from our neighbors.
No, that is what I did not say.

No Sir, I beg to to differ.
You beg to differ with what exactly?

Respect has to be earned & commanded.
Yes, agreed, and is, according to you, abusing each other and being keyboard warriors a way to earn respect?

Servility in face of aggression is the hallmark of slavery, like a docile wife receiving beating from drunk husband while pondering its all her fault. After all, she is not so perfect. No sir, that does not cut it anymore.
Yes, a wife gets beaten up by the husband and she screams and gives moral sermon to the husband; and we Indians have been doing that for ages, with an exceptional break in 1972.

Anyway, lets agree to disagree. :thumb:
You are disagreeing with what you imagined that I had said; you are not really disagreeing with what I had actually said.

If India is backing rebels in Tibet and Xinjiang, then there is no point in being subtle any longer.
India doesn't need to arm the Uighur separatists in East Turkestan. Pakistan and elements within Pakistan are already doing a fine job of it.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
What you said is like let' s wait till 2050 when India becomes self-sufficient in defence production & we have younger population on our side, only then we can think of taking on China & till then, we deserve all the kicks & brickbats coming our away from our neighbors.
Yes, that is what I did say.
Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Only 1 question. Do you really believe in what you have replied above (bold-ed part) ?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Only 1 question. Do you really believe in what you have replied above (bold-ed part) ?
It was you who replied to my post, but I know you did not understand it. What I said thereafter (in response to your response) is a clarification.

Here is the post you replied to. Please read it again: http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/...aksai-chin-not-option-india-9.html#post736432

Please show me where in that post I said "we deserve all the kicks & brickbats coming our away from our neighbors," as you accuse me.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Great..then our opinions converge, even if tangentially, on the "kicks & brickbats" part :p

It was you who replied to my post, but I know you did not understand it. What I said thereafter (in response to your response) is a clarification.

Here is the post you replied to. Please read it again: http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/...aksai-chin-not-option-india-9.html#post736432

Please show me where in that post I said "we deserve all the kicks & brickbats coming our away from our neighbors," as you accuse me.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Great..then our opinions converge, even if tangentially, on the "kicks & brickbats" part :p
Let me offer another clarification.

My point is simple - we are not going to win back Aksai Chin by fighting over the internet. We need a military campaign. For that, we need to prepare, and it will take a couple of decades of preparation, coupled with economic development.

The question is what to do in the intervening period. No, we won't have to accept any "kicks & brickbats," but keep diplomacy going, along with trade.

It is not so easy for PRC to kick India. If India can breach the defenses of East Turkestan and arm the rebels there, other countries, including CIA, will jump in to help arm them. PRC will lose a massive chunk of their territory, and PRC knows that. That is why they want to hang on to that road they built in Indian territory, and that is why they are so nervous and intent on getting India to agree to the current LAC as the border. Why are they so nervous? I think we know it.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Internet warfare has its own nuisance value, as "aerokan" has succinctly explained above :cool2:

That apart, we are not obliged to take bullcrap from trollers like: t_co & CCTV here, especially self-flagellation & self-deprecatory attitude in presence of outsiders is just not warranted. The least we can do on this forum is educate & enlighten our Chinese friends, as we have been doing pretty well so far :namaste:

They are just getting a taste of their medicine here, nothing more or less. That's the least we can do to them on this forum. Not that it affects ground realities in any manner but are we not "already" cognizant of this fact..?

Regarding, action on the ground: yes, we do owe our own bit for the nation & more. So, lets continue to focus on the "execute" part, while spreading awareness simultaneously, though all possible channels including Social Media. :lol:

You see, I am an avid believer of old school "Information Warfare". All Hail Kautilya :hail:


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
Let me offer another clarification.

My point is simple - we are not going to win back Aksai Chin by fighting over the internet. We need a military campaign. For that, we need to prepare, and it will take a couple of decades of preparation, coupled with economic development.

The question is what to do in the intervening period. No, we won't have to accept any "kicks & brickbats," but keep diplomacy going, along with trade.

It is not so easy for PRC to kick India. If India can breach the defenses of East Turkestan and arm the rebels there, other countries, including CIA, will jump in to help arm them. PRC will lose a massive chunk of their territory, and PRC knows that. That is why they want to hang on to that road they built in Indian territory, and that is why they are so nervous and intent on getting India to agree to the current LAC as the border. Why are they so nervous? I think we know it.
Well, if India intend to be a problem in China's way. Do you think a quick destroy of India is the best choice for China?

Again, your govt. knows more things than you, and do things smarter.


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
Internet warfare has its own nuisance value, as "aerokan" has succinctly explained above :cool2:

That apart, we are not obliged to take bullcrap from trollers like: t_co & CCTV here, especially self-flagellation & self-deprecatory attitude in presence of outsiders is just not warranted. The least we can do on this forum is educate & enlighten our Chinese friends, as we have been doing pretty well so far :namaste:

They are just getting a taste of their medicine here, nothing more or less. That's the least we can do to them on this forum. Not that it affects ground realities in any manner but are we not "already" cognizant of this fact..?

Regarding, action on the ground: yes, we do owe our own bit for the nation & more. So, lets continue to focus on the "execute" part, while spreading awareness simultaneously, though all possible channels including Social Media. :lol:

You see, I am an avid believer of old school "Information Warfare". All Hail Kautilya :hail:
Well , plz point out the Bullcap you just mentioned.


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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If India doesn't have nukes then why the heck in the world did China say that India is hiding the real range of AGNI 5 and also why did they feel that AGNI 5 is a threat to china?
The chinese members here are acting like cowards and are also changing their statements........


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