The drawing below is a much better representation of Arjun turret and it shows the LOS behind the main sight clearly.
The yellow rectangle is the main sight cutaway measuring 700 mm on scale. And the distance between the end of the inlaid photo and the back edge of the main sight cutaway is the armor thickness behind main sight. It is around 800 mm approx.
Note the vision blocks above the Tc's head in the in laid photo clearly matches the edge of the crew hole in the line drawing with scale and dimensions.
The rough draw may not be upto scale, it is a rough and ready alteration of what militarista posted to communicate my point of view.
1. A ----------the distance between gun mantlet plate front tip and the back edge of the main sight cutaway= 700mm according to your previous posts.
2. B ----------- The distance between the back edge of the main sight cutaway and the opening for roof top vision block inside Arjun turret (the back edge of the main gunner's sight block is in vertical line with roof top vision block opening inside Arjun turret) = 800 mm(LOS for composite armor)
3. C ---------- the distance between the back edge of the main gunner's sight block and the gunner's seat back head rest=500 mm.
4. D ------------the distance between the gunner's seat back head rest and the vertical standing crew hatch cover in the line drawing posted below = 500mm. gunner's seat back head rest is in vertical straight line with the front arc edge of the round crew hole.
So A + B + C + D = 700 + 800 + 500 + 500 = 2500 mm.
1.The red rectangle marked measurement A starts at the gun mantlet plate tip and ends at the main sight cutaway back side edge.
2. The blue rectangle signifying B starts at the where A ends and stops at back edge of the gunner's main sight bloc back edge.
3. The yellow rectangle C starts at the point where B ends and stops at the back side of the gunner's seat headrest's back edge.
4.The green rectangle D starts at where C ends and stops at the swivel or the base of the vertical standing crew hatch cover base in the only line drawing dimensions posted in this post above.
1. the length of A-------The red rectangle's length is 700 mm.
2.The length of B-------The red rectangle's length is 800 mm.
3.The length of C-------The red rectangle's length is 500 mm.
4.The length of D-------The red rectangle's length is 500 mm.
A + B + C + D =2500 mm.
The end of the green rectangle D is exactly at 2500 mm from the front tip of the gun mantle plate according to the drawing with dimensions from where you supposedly took you measurements for your 3D model.
The following photo validates my measurement of the length of the green (D) and yellow(C) rectangle.
1.The Tc seat edge the ending point of the yellow rectangle is situated at 2500 mm behind the gun mantle plate tip according to the line drawing with scale measurements.
2.The gunner's seat , the ending point of the yellow rectangle is locate at at 2000 mm from gun mantle plate tip according to the line drawing with scale measurements.
3.Since the Tc himself has just 500 mm seat breadth the gunner too will have the same 500 mm. So the ending point of the blue rectangle is at 1500 mm from gun mantle plate tip according to the line drawing with scale measurements.
And the photo above is a clear proof that the roof top vision block brings light into the Arjun turret in a slanting rectangular channel at the point of the end of the blue rectangle i.e a point in vertical line with the back side of the gunner's main vision block with binocular like eye pieces.
4.Also since the main sight cutaway stops at 700 mm from the gun mantle plate tip ,
according to the line drawing with scale measurements the ending point of the red rectangle , is locates at 700 from the gun mantle plate tip according to the line drawing with scale measurements.
So 1500 mm- 700 mm =800 mm is the LOS armor thickness behind the main sight without any doubt.
And the roof top vision block brings light to the gunner's main vision block through a slating rectangular channel.
If the main sight is pushed up like the latest model LEOs the Arjun can have 300 mm more LOS behind the main sight than any LEO model, because it's turret is longer and lower than LEO.
So any 380 mm LOS or 300 mm LOS behind the main sight is pointless according to the photo proofs
So all the four consistent continuous measurement marking arrow lines will give you undeniable evidence of very strong protection behind Arjun main sight back side contrary to your views based on faulty 3 D model is my opinion based on the line drawing and the photographs in this page,
But I have never seen the Arjun tank . So I don't claim it is the concrete truth from my first hand experience of arjun. but the measurement leaves no doubt , especially Arjun turret is not only shorter and wider , but longer than Leo- 2 as well. it is this small crucial detail you omit.